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Page 9

by Moira McTark

  “Tell me more,” he growled in her ear, pulling her up his cock in one long motion and then easing her back down, making her quiver as he moved her to where her clit rubbed against his groin and his cock filled her completely.

  “Have I ever mentioned how exciting I find a really crowded train ride?”

  He pulsed inside of her. “No, tell me.”

  He lifted her up and down, slow and hard, as she held her knees up against the side of his slick body, completely supported by his strong hands. “The people pushing in on you from all sides, it’s such anonymous intimacy. So many bodies, safely in such close proximity. It’s almost private within the press of a crowd. You could do almost anything and, with everyone squeezed so close together, no one would even know. You could wrap me inside your jacket with you, lift my skirt, unzip your pants, find me ready for you. Just the vibration of the train and the jostling bodies all around us.”

  He groaned, moving her up and down over him faster. “I’m going to sell my car.”

  She would have laughed except that she was coming hard as he rammed her down over him, again and again, the water beating against her back, her nipples dragging against his chest, the sound of their bodies smacking together, and all she could do was dig her fingers into his shoulders and scream as the pleasure exploded within her. He stayed buried within her until the last wave passed and then carefully set her down. She could see he was still rock hard and covered with her cream and it started a new and immediate response within her.

  She traced her finger along his shaft, shielding him from the spray with her body and dipped to her knees to drop kisses over the source of her satisfaction. She ran her tongue over the edge of the head, tasting the tang of her cum. His cock rose, begging for more. She wanted more, too. She wanted him to fill her in every way possible. She wanted to taste him, to suck him, feel him deep in her mouth and deep within her core. Swirling her tongue around the head she caressed his balls, bunched tight against him, and then took the length of him into her mouth, opening as wide as possible to accommodate his tremendous size. She pressed over him, deep, until he was nestled into the back of her throat and she thought she might come again on the spot, it aroused her so much.

  Applying a light suction, she moved back, letting her tongue run against him, lapping up the sweet taste of her on his skin. And then sucking harder, she took him in deep again. He groaned and tensed as she buried him, rubbing his balls with light strokes and then pulling back and beginning a quick rhythm of heavy suction. She knew he was close. Moving one hand down between her legs, as she gripped the base of his cock with the other, she slid two fingers around between her plumped slick lips, rapidly circling her clit. She sucked, wanting him to fuck her mouth the way he’d fucked every other part of her so thoroughly, furiously stroking his shaft in time with the strokes against her clit. His body tensed harder as he pumped into her mouth, again and again, until he bucked, tight juts of his hips over and again, his deep voice echoing through the bathroom as he roared, his seed spilling into her mouth and throat, thrusting into her again, her own hips bucking involuntarily as she came against her hand. She continued to suckle him, moving her lips up further to the base of his shaft, not wanting to relinquish her hold on him.

  His hands moved over her hair and face, stroking the rivulets of water from her brow. Amber released him, and let him pull her to her feet. He looked into her eyes and whispered, “I love you. I’m going to prove to you that I can be as good as your fantasy.”

  She blinked back tears and pulled his head so their mouths were but an inch apart. “You are my fantasy. I’ve always loved you.”


  A month later, Brian was living in Amber’s apartment. They spent their time cooking together, making love, watching old movies and talking late into the night.

  Amber’s work problems disappeared with the discovery that Eric was sabotaging her projects in an effort to advance his own career and hold her back. He’d wanted to get her fired in the hopes she would turn to him during her time of need. Only his plan backfired—Eric was out of a job and Amber was offered his position in the New York office.

  Now, Brian searched her face for any sign of regret. “You told them you didn’t want the promotion? Are you sure?” He knew how much her career meant to her.

  “It was the easiest decision of my life. Sure, it was a thrill to be offered the New York office, but I get bigger thrills in bed with you every night,” she said with a mischievous grin. It was the truth, after finally finding love she hadn’t hesitated one second to pass on the offer. “I never want to say goodbye to you. No job is that important. I love you.”

  Turning away, Brian walked over to his briefcase. “I love you, too. And it means more than you can imagine to know where I stand in your heart. But…is it too late to change your mind about the job?”

  Amber stood stiff, shocked that Brian would even want her to consider a move away from him. Was she wrong?

  He turned around to face her, holding his arms behind his back and a shaky smile on his lips. “Pick a hand.”

  “Games? What is this?”

  “Just pick, please.”

  Amber arched one eyebrow skeptically and reached out to touch his right arm.

  “Good pick.” He pulled his hand out and handed her the single leaf of paper he held in it.

  She scanned down the page, both eyes going wide. “A job offer for New York? When did you get this?”

  Brian grinned. “Today. About two minutes before I graciously turned them down. Maybe we’ll talk to them tomorrow about reconsidering?”

  Her heart skipped several beats and she threw her arms around his neck. “Brian—”

  “Hold on now. Don’t you want to see what’s in my other hand?”

  She hadn’t even realized it was still tucked behind his back. “Okay…” she said, slowly stepping back and tapped his left arm.

  Brian pulled his hand from behind his back and extended it out to her, palm cradling a black velvet box. He sank to one knee and opened the box, revealing a brilliant square cut diamond ring. “Marry me, Amber. I love you. Make my fantasy come true.”

  Her heart ceased to beat and time stood still. Dragging the air into her lungs, she reached one shaking hand out to take the ring. “Yes. Yes! Brian, God, yes! I’ll marry you.”

  He slid the ring over her slender finger, a perfect fit. She crushed her mouth against his, kissing him frantically. Unable to get enough. She was consumed by their love.

  About the Author

  To learn more about Moira McTark, please visit or send an email to Moira at

  An invitation too hot to pass up.

  Bound for the Holidays

  © 2006 Mackenzie McKade

  Angela Clarke finds herself bound for the holidays, literally. Not by one, but two gorgeous men—a powerful executive and one sexy cowboy.

  Angie expected to spend Christmas alone, not in the arms of her new boss after the office party. Their attraction is hot enough to melt ice, and his wicked promises alluring. What he’s offering she has only fantasized about.

  To her surprise, the night not only involves silk scarves and a set of handcuffs, but one tall dark cowboy.

  Ryan Tyler has never thought twice about sharing his women with his best friend—until Ryan touches Angie. She stirs something deep inside him. But it’s too late to stop the decadent night from unfolding. What starts as hot sex with a warm, willing woman turns into something more. After tonight, Ryan knows he’ll never be satisfied with just one taste.

  Could his fantasy lead to something lasting, or will it only be one night of pleasure?

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Bound for the Holidays:

  The lights were dim as Angie entered Ryan’s bedroom. His masculine scent and the woodsy cologne he used were prevalent in the air. The furniture was southwest style. His king-size bed was yellow pine with large bedposts. The smell of sulfur rose briefly as
Ryan lit tea-lights along the mantelpiece, and Wade started a fire in the flagstone fireplace.

  The mood was soft, sexy, and Angie couldn’t wait to be touched by these two strong men. She drew her attention back to the bed and a wave of excitement dampened her panties. That was when she heard soft music begin to play in the background.

  These men knew what enhanced a women’s sexuality. Tonight her fantasy would come true.

  But what about tomorrow? The little voice in her head rose, but she vanquished it. She wouldn’t look any further than tonight.

  Angie startled when she felt Ryan’s palms on her shoulder. He leaned in close, his breath a warm whisper across her skin. “Lay down on the bed.”

  The clicking of her heels against the marble floor made her tense. It was really going to happen. The man who had wreaked havoc with her hormones would be hers tonight. Add to that a sexy cowboy and Angie couldn’t ask for more.

  Clad in only her bra, thong, garter belt, silk stockings and heels, she slinked across his dark brown velour comforter. It was soft across her skin as she lay upon her back.

  “Fucking hot,” Wade growled his approval.

  Ryan remained quiet. Flickering shadows danced across his face, giving him a mysterious quality.

  Both men began to take their shirts off at the same time. Angie’s pulse leaped. They were amazing. Where Wade was hard muscle, obviously built from physical labor, Ryan was sculpted by hours in the gym. She couldn’t wait to thread her fingers through the light covering of hair on their chests. Kiss where the hair swirled around their belly buttons, and then move down further with her tongue and mouth to taste them.

  Wade started to take off his cowboy hat, but Angie said, “No. Keep it on.”

  His chuckle was deep and sexy. “You want a cowboy, darlin’?”

  “Oh yeah. I want both of you.”

  Wade reached in his duffle bag and extracted a piece of rope and a small remnant of material that look like velvet.

  “Lock your fingers together and raise your arms above your head,” Ryan directed.

  When her fingers folded together, her heart crashed against her chest. She was really going through with this?

  Wade wrapped the soft velvet around her wrists before he looped the rope over it and fastened it to the headboard of the bed. She felt the strain of the muscles in her arms. A quiver slithered up her backbone releasing a flood of moisture between her thighs. Her breasts felt heavy, aching to be touched.

  The bed moaned beneath their weight as both men sat on the edge, one on each side of the bed, and began to remove their shoes and socks.

  What they did next, she didn’t expect.

  Each man cradled one of her feet, slipping off her heels, which they tossed over their shoulders. The shoes made a thud when they hit the floor. Their warm hands cupped her feet, taking away the chill. As if they had done this a million times, in unison they smoothed their palms over each foot from the toes up around her ankles and then back. Carefully, they stretched each joint, sliding them from base to tip between their thumb and index finger. Their touch through her silky stockings was wicked. When they pressed gently all over the soles of her feet she moaned softly. With feathered strokes they drew their fingers over her feet toward her toes then back up to focus on her ankles and calves.

  She felt like a decadent piece of chocolate beneath the sun, slowly melting into their touch. Every muscle relaxed beneath their ministrations.

  Each garter made a snapping sound as they disengaged them from her stockings. Then smoothly the two men drew her hose down her thighs, until the silky material slipped from her feet. Without a word, they used her stockings to secure each of her ankles to a bedpost at the foot of the bed. Spread eagle, her arousal flushed across her body as two sets of male eyes scanned her splayed body.

  Desire flared in Ryan’s eyes. “Looks like we have a problem.”

  With a knuckle, Wade inched his Stetson higher. His eyes reflected the same heat of passion. “What’s that, partner?”

  “Our woman still has her thong on, and with her legs tied we can’t remove it.”

  Wade dug in his pants pocket and extracted a folding knife. It made a sharp click as he opened it. “Looks like we’ll have to cut it off.”

  Angie’s breathing elevated. The way they looked at her and the smooth cadence of their voices made her pussy clench. They were unbelievably sexy. She squirmed, pulling against her restraints. She needed to be fucked now.

  The scent of sandalwood filled her nostrils as Wade drew closer. His fingers dipped beneath one side of her thong. The material snapped, giving way to the sharp blade that slid across the material. He did the same thing to the other side, then peeled her thong from her heated body. Cool air touched her moist center.

  Wade placed the knife next to her garter belt when Ryan spoke. “Leave it. I like how it frames that beautiful patch of hair between her thighs.” Leaning forward, he placed a kiss upon her mound.

  “Would you like to see what this lacy bra is hiding?” Wade asked Ryan as he slipped his knife back into his jeans.

  “Oh yeah. Take it off.”

  The Volk want to eliminate her, the medved desire her, but only Zoya can decide her own fate…

  The Lure of Passion

  © 2006 Eryn Blackwell

  Zoya is Rusalki, a powerful Russian forest sprite, whose heart navigates her destiny. Luka, a medved shifter, knows she’s his mate, the problem lies in convincing her of that before the Volk attack.

  The passion and desire between Luka and Zoya is unmatched, but will they bond before their sworn enemy, the Volk, take away a secure future for both of them?

  Enjoy the following excerpt for The Lure of Passion:

  The forest was growing dark. The trees, littered the ground with dying foliage. The days, this time of year, were shorter and colder.

  He looked down at the tracks as his great horse stomped again.

  Luka stroked the beast’s neck and breathed deep. A noise drew his attention, and he climbed from the horse, black as the shadows and mean as an adder. “Dvori, stay,” he told the animal.

  He followed the faint tracks in the ground, barely moving away as one of the tree limbs swung towards him.

  There was not a breeze to have born the limb’s movement.

  He paused and waited. The forest was silent; a storm was moving in and he knew it would not be long before the cold of winter beckoned at their door. This time, he stilled himself, let his medved, his inner self, tease the air around him. His heart was still beating too quickly—out of anger and a good dose of fear.

  Fear was something he rarely dealt with, but his fear for Zoya wouldn’t abate.

  Damned foolish woman, she knew, knew the Volk were after her and would stop at nothing until they had her in their clutches.

  The pulse pounded in his skull. He took another deep breath and tried to calm his senses.

  The forest settled.

  The noise drew his attention again, almost like laughter, but not. Singing. It was singing.

  Carefully, he tracked the sound. He closed his eyes and listened, allowed his instincts to take over and follow the faint sounds that broke through the trees. The farther he scouted, the quicker he moved through the brush, along the paths and over fallen logs.

  Then he saw her.

  Luka froze and breathed deep, shaking his head and shoving the lingering fear for her down deep.

  A slight dance of notes on the air, whether from her or the air itself, he couldn’t tell and didn’t care.

  Fates, she stole his sanity.

  No wonder legend told of the Rusalki, beautiful women, luring young human men to their doom.

  She was of the powerful Rusalki women, forest dwellers.

  She stood in a pool of water no deeper than her calves. Her rubakha was already drenched and molding her body as he wanted to.

  Zoya would damn well lure any man—not that he’d allow it.

  He watched from the shade of the
trees. Idiot. Plain and simple. What the hell was she doing out here alone? Already he’d seen where the Volk had tracked her to the edge of the forest.

  No one had noticed she’d been missing all damn day. When some observant soul had finally noticed his betrothed had not been seen in hours and verified she was no longer within the fortress walls, it had taken another two hours to locate him and give him the news.

  His betrothed had disappeared yet again.

  He’d picked up her scent quickly and followed her, always behind, always in the shadows, never wanting her to know.

  He took another deep breath, hoping to calm his still racing heart. She smelled of rain, of the mountains, of the forest itself. His cock had hardened the first time he’d caught the scent of her, weeks ago. Now, that he knew of her will, of her spirit, he couldn’t decide if he wanted to sink balls deep into her or run in the other direction.

  Actually, he had little choice in the matter. She was his.

  “She’s an enticing little piece isn’t she?” a deep voice growled beside him.

  Luka didn’t turn at the sound of his second-in-command. Instead he watched as Zoya cupped the water in her hands and let it cascade down her body.

  “Damn, Luka.”

  The tone had Luka slowly turning to stare at the man standing just behind him. “Did you need something?”

  Boris dropped his gaze to the ground. “I apologize, my lord, but your bride is a very beautiful woman.”

  Luka didn’t answer, instead he sighed and waited.

  “We can’t leave you unprotected in the woods.” Boris finally looked at him with hard, determined eyes.

  “Fine. Go wait over there while I fetch my beautiful bride-to-be.”

  The dark chuckle danced between them. Boris slapped him on the shoulder. “Look at it this way, you’ll likely never be bored, and she’s special enough to free you, my lord.”

  Luka ignored the remark and shoved the branch out of the way, stepping from the shadows.


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