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The Diaries of Syra Bond

Page 2

by Syra Bond

  I wanted to tell him he was right, but I could not speak.

  ‘Would you like me to help you?’ he asked gently. ‘Would you like me to expose you to your own fears, to allow you to feel the excitement of danger as it seeks out your ecstasy? Would you like me to immunise you from your physical limits and release in you all the sensuality the world has to offer?’

  It was as though he knew my thoughts, as though he tapped into the roots of my deepest, darkest desires. It was as though he knew me completely, as though in those few minutes he studied me like a scientist does an insect under a magnifying glass and knew every part of me. ‘Yes,’ I answered weakly, foolishly, fatally.

  ‘But you must be sure, dear Syra. You must choose whether to come with me or to stay here. My experiment will not work unless you are a volunteer. If you want to be safe you may get up and leave now, but if you want to explore yourself to the limit, if you want to test your desires against your fears, then you must come with me.’

  I looked at him uncertainly.

  ‘I could put it like this, my pet. Do you want to be safe or do you want to be bad?’

  I knew what I should have done, but I no longer really had a choice. There was something about the way he said bad that sounded infinitely better than safe, as though bad could fill my life completely whereas safe meant nothing. I could see he knew what I was thinking. I wanted to say the word just to feel the jolt of fear as it issued from my lips. ‘Bad,’ I said, ‘I want to be bad.’

  He sat back in his chair, smiling. ‘Oh Syra, do you think I am taken in by your simplicity. You really are too obvious. It is almost ridiculous.’ He leaned forward again as I felt the pet’s toes clawing against the fabric of my panties. ‘Syra, my dear, you will have to be more convincing than that. Just saying it is not enough. You have to prove it, and when I am sure you really mean it, then I might take you seriously. When you have shown me you are sincere and you are truly ready to discover yourself, I will give you the chance to search out your limits. You will then be at the point of no return, incapable of finding your way back. Now tell me again, Syra, and this time convince me, do you really want to find out what being truly bad is?’

  The pet’s toes prized at the edges of my panties. I felt the sharpness of her nails scratching the thin material, and then one of them grazed the soft flesh of my pussy. For a moment I wanted to pull back, but instead I opened my legs slightly and pushed my hips towards her probing toes. The edge of the thin material of my panties cut into my throbbing cunt and parted my outer labia. Her toe followed, slipping between my sex lips, and I slumped even lower in my chair. ‘Yes!’ I gasped. ‘Yes, I want to find out what being truly bad is.’

  He pursed his lips and nodded slowly.

  I stared at him blankly, not daring to let him see that as the pet’s nail scraped across the tip of my clitoris an orgasm began brewing deep within me.

  The waiter returned abruptly with two policemen. He pointed, and the officers marched towards us purposefully.

  My beautiful new friend smiled at them and got up casually. ‘We were just leaving,’ he said.

  The pet eased her foot back, slipped her shoes on and followed him up.

  I struggled to pull the gusset of my panties from between my wet labia, and rose awkwardly.

  The two policemen watched Eve intently as she strutted ahead of me, the motion of her tight buttocks urging her short black skirt higher up her thighs. Every seven steps - I counted them - she had to pull it down again with a deft, almost unconscious gesture, pinching the elasticised material between her thumbs and forefingers and smoothing it back down over her hips. I was irritated by her arrogance and her poise, but at the same time I wished she would be distracted by something and forget the routine so I could see higher up between her thighs.

  I did not know where we were going, where my captor was leading me, all I knew was that I had to follow him.

  I must stop writing now. I can hear him turning the key in the lock. He has told me that whenever he comes into the room I must leave what I am writing on the table and sit in the corner until he has read it. I can hardly bear to move with my ankles bound so tightly, so I will have to pull myself across the floor with my hands. I hope I can reach the corner before he comes in or I will be beaten before he even reads my work.

  Chapter 2

  He was here for what felt like ages as I sat silently with my back straight while he perused what I had written. My heart beat hard and fast as he turned the pages, but I kept perfectly still. I have been well trained. He took a red pen and crossed out the word cunt. Then he motioned for me to get down in front of him on all fours. I crawled over as well as I could with my ankles bound, and waited with my buttocks thrust up as high as possible, arching my back. I am sure he knew it was not a punishment to beat me - especially not like this with his hand - but he wanted to show me I had done wrong.

  I knelt on my hands and knees as he spanked me hard across my naked, upturned buttocks. Each time the flat of his hand came down and the stinging heat of the contact burned my skin, I tightened my cheeks a little more, bringing them together so the insides of my thighs touched and the folds of flesh on each side of my pussy squeezed together. But it was not to withstand the pain that I clenched my bottom, it was to try and contain the joy the spanking gave me, to try and hold back the ecstasy threatening to overtake me. With each hard smack I was driven ever closer to an orgasm that would, when finally released, utterly consume and throw me into a shuddering delirium.

  When he finished punishing me I dropped to the floor, exhausted. My pussy was juicing helplessly and I spread my hand across my warm sex to feel the throbbing of my orgasm as it overwhelmed me for a small eternity. I pushed a finger between the fleshy folds of my labia and let the silky wetness run down it onto the base of my hand. I bit my lip as the last jerking pulse faded, and I prayed he would come back soon and punish me again.

  For the first time in ages, I slept well. I told myself I had a good night, because of course I do not know what time of day it is. The only night I know is when the candle goes out, and morning comes when he relights it or brings me a fresh one.

  We walked for a long time on that hot, bright day on the Costa del Sol. I shielded my eyes and saw the pet strutting ahead me, her head held high, her large black sunglasses covering half her face, her long black hair streaming behind her like a horse’s tail. I counted her steps, five, six, seven, and thought of nothing else. It was as though my whole life was boiled down to her exquisite skirt pulling routine.

  We stopped walking on the sandy edge of a small cove. A low harbour wall jutted out into the sea and several small boats bobbed lazily at their moorings. The pet leaned back against a low, whitewashed wall, pulled down her skirt one last time, and began inspecting her fingernails.

  I looked at him, the man who had led us here. He was staring out at the sea. It was so hot the clear blue water was set on fire by the burning bronze sun. It was as if the world was melting and he was looking serenely out at its demise. His black hair hung straight around his face and he opened his mouth slightly to run his tongue along his dry lips. I felt jealous of that slowly moving tongue; I wanted to use my own to wet his lips, and then I wanted to lie down before him and let him lick my pussy. I wanted to feel the tip of his tongue working its way between the lips of my labia, prising them apart and exposing their inner softness, folding them back as they continued to swell. I wanted him to curl the tip of his tongue around my clitoris, teasing it and drawing it out of its sheath, bringing it out into the open...

  He turned and looked at Eve. I realised then I did not know his name, and for a moment I thought of asking him, but it seemed ridiculous, intrusive, too daring.

  He looked at me. ‘My name is Galen,’ he said, as though reading my mind.

  I nodded.

  He moved towards me and I felt engulfed by the da
rkness of his haloed shadow. ‘It’s very hot, Syra,’ he stated the obvious. ‘Do you feel like taking off your clothes?’

  The pet made a quick, bored sighing noise as though she was witnessing something she had seen many times before.

  ‘Is that what people do here?’ I asked stupidly.

  ‘Does it matter what people do here?’ he retorted mildly.

  I shrugged.

  ‘What do you want to do, Syra? That is the real question. What do you want? Or are you too full of fears to even think about it?’

  I felt reprimanded by his mocking tone and exposed by it, as though he could see behind my eyes to my soul. I looked at the pet, but all her attention was still on her fingernails. ‘Maybe,’ I retorted defensively. ‘Yes, maybe.’

  He laughed again, but this time his tone was gentler when he spoke. ‘Oh Syra, you have a long way to go before you even know what being truly bad is.’

  I was stung by his comment, and believing he was about to abandon me as hopeless, my stomach clenched anxiously. ‘If I want to take my clothes off, then I will,’ I said quickly. ‘I’ll do anything I want to do.’

  ‘But you may not want to do anything, and so you would do nothing,’ he countered. ‘You cannot be the measure of your desires, my pet. Your desires may not be worth reaching for.’

  ‘Well, we shall see,’ I said petulantly as I undid the top button of my red dress and kicked off both my sandals. The sand was surprisingly hot, and I screwed up my toes to try and protect the soles of my feet.

  Galen laughed yet again and turned back towards the sea.

  I undid the next button, but I felt spurned. My efforts seemed pointless without him observing me, so I loosened my grip on the third button as I was filled with despondency.

  He spun around and stared at me.

  Like a machine switched on again, I began undoing my buttons. The last one came free and I parted the front of my dress so my cleavage was fully visible.

  ‘Eve,’ he said abruptly, ‘show my new little pet how to respond properly.’

  The pet looked up and smiled. She walked over to stand in front of him, and then pulled her skirt down so the hem was at the proper place halfway down her slender thighs. ‘What do you want me to do, Galen?’ she enquired.

  ‘Strip,’ he replied curtly.

  She crossed her hands, grabbed the bottom edge of her thin white shirt, and pulled it up over her head. She lifted it high and her well-formed breasts rose tautly, their rounded sides curving beautifully against her chest, complementing the sculpted hollows of her closely shaved armpits and leading delectably to her hard pink nipples. She closed her eyes for a moment as she looked up into the sun through her black sunglasses and dropped her shirt to the sand. Then she gripped the waist of her tight skirt and began pushing it down, slowly. The waistband stretched as it moved away from her slim waist and followed the shape of her hips. She did not wriggle, but expanded the material to its limit against her buttocks as she forced it down over her thighs. When she let it go it fell around her ankles and she stepped out of it, kicking her sandals off at the same time. She stood in the bright light with a black thong pulled up tightly against her fleshy pudenda, the sun’s rays reflecting on the black panes of her sunglasses. She ran the underside of one of her thumbs against the thin waistband of the thong, pulled it away from her skin, and holding the thin triangle of material at its front, drew it down to just above her knees. Then she simply stood there for a moment as though arrested by the fact of her own nakedness, as if exposing her carefully trimmed black pubic hair was simply too tantalising, too exciting to bear, then she bent her knees inward, and letting go of the thong, let it fall to the sand. Now she stood completely naked staring out at the blinding sea. ‘Galen?’ she asked, sounding strangely lost.

  He did not need a fully formed question from her; he could see the craving in her eyes even through the dark shades protecting them. ‘Bend over, my pet,’ he instructed her. ‘Stretch your arms out and place your hands against the wall and remain still. I want Syra to watch how you obey. It will be her first lesson.’ He turned back towards me. ‘Come closer, Syra, my pet. I want you to see what it is to be bad.’

  I went and stood near to him, trembling.

  Eve leaned forward, bending at the waist as she stretched her arms out and placed her hands against the white stone wall. Her shoulders were strong, the muscles and tendons running across them well defined. Her back was slim and elegant, lightly tanned and narrowing deliciously into her waist. Fresh red stripes ran at an angle from the top of her right arm to below her left shoulder blade. Bent forward, her buttocks were even tighter and their firm curves were accentuated by the slight strain of her position. Several more red lines ran across her bottom cheeks. She placed her legs slightly apart and I glimpsed in the darkness at the tops of her thighs a fine wisp of pubic hair.

  I stood by Galen but could not take my eyes off Eve. She remained perfectly still; I could hardly see her breathing. It was as though she was in a trance, unable to move and strangely immune from the forces controlling the physical world. I watched a tiny bead of perspiration form between her shoulder blades and run slowly down the perfect indentation in the centre of her back. For a moment I worried Galen would see it and disapprove as it flowed like a tear between her buttocks. Still she did not move, and another tear of perspiration formed on her back and began its journey down over the thin red stripes left behind by her last punishment.

  ‘Galen,’ I said, ‘I don’t like this. Can we go now, I...’

  He put a finger to his lips and silenced me. ‘Quiet, my pet, there is someone coming. Don’t you want to learn? Have you forgotten so soon that this is a lesson? Surely you do not want to run away even before the instruction begins?’

  I looked back at the pet as a man stepped around the corner of the wall. He was dark and swarthy, with an unshaven face and dirty clothes. He stopped when he saw Eve stretched motionless before the wall.

  ‘Do you like what you see?’ Galen asked him.

  The man seemed unsure of what to do or say, but finally he nodded slowly. ‘Si, senor.’

  ‘Would you like to fuck her?’

  The stranger looked surprised. He glanced at me, nodding, and I flushed red with embarrassment. ‘Si, senor, I would like to fuck her.’

  ‘Good, but do not expect her to move. I have decided she will remain still. Do you understand?’

  The man eagerly nodded again.

  ‘And I want my new pet, Syra, to watch. I want her to know what being truly bad is.’

  The stranger sniggered and stood directly behind Eve. He ran a large, rough hand across the red strips marking her shoulders as if expecting her to respond to his touch, but she remained absolutely still. He glanced back at me again, and smiled lasciviously as he ran his finger down the shallow valley of her back. The drop of perspiration making its way down towards her buttocks absorbed the dirt from his fingertip and left an oily smear down her spine that glistened in the hot sun.

  I could hardly bear to watch, but somehow I could not stop myself. I looked around, wondering if there was anyone else who could see. Some young men were playing with a ball near the edge of the sea. One of them turned around and waved at me when he noticed me looking at him, but I dropped my head shyly and ignored him.

  The swarthy man pulled up tightly behind Eve and quickly undid the front of his trousers. He took out his swelling cock and pressed its thick tip between her bottom cheeks. I waited for her to move, but she did not. She was doing exactly as she had been ordered to do and remaining utterly motionless. Galen smiled at me, but I could not smile back. I was too nervous and too excited. I watched as the man bent his legs slightly and levelled his now fully erect penis at the base of Eve’s buttocks, circling slowly until he found the soft entrance to her vagina. Then he straightened his legs and pushed his cock up ins
ide her until I could no longer see any of it. At first he held her around the waist, but as he began thrusting he grabbed her by the hips to brace himself. He left oily smears on her skin where he gripped her, and as his dark face reddened, he bent his legs at the knees again and moved his hips back and forth frantically. He reached around and grabbed her breasts, squeezing them roughly and pinching her nipples fiercely between his fingertips, but even though she must have been in pain, she still did not move a muscle. He bent his head to bite her shoulder and drove violently into her, groaning and gripping her hair like a horse’s mane as he climaxed deep inside her, riding her fiercely while she showed no more feeling than a beautiful statue.

  After his orgasm ebbed, the man pulled out of Eve and stood for a moment with semen glistening on the tip of his penis. Then, as if suddenly reminded of something vital, he hurriedly zipped up his trousers.

  Galen smiled at him and tossed some pesetas onto the ground.

  The stranger bent over to pick them up, and without a second glance at Eve, scurried off.

  Galen put the palms of his hands on my cheeks and turned my face towards the young men still playing on the beach. ‘Would you like me to invite them up as well, Syra?’ he asked me quietly.


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