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Our Undead

Page 21

by Theo Vigo

  Gwen: But three crates?! Is that even enough for them? Wouldn't it have made more sense to put out a separate order for your weapons? The lab will be lucky if we can stretch these materials out for even a week. As a matter of fact, I'm putting in another order for more supplies right now. Have them sent here as soon as possible.

  The elevator stops descending, and its large doors slide dramatically open to a massive rectangular room with an extraordinarily high ceiling. Many people in uniform are walking among mountains of crates, just like the ones that had just been delivered. A bunch of white carts, that look much like high-tech golf carts, are buzzing around in their designated lanes, a well as some trucks with the same crates driving around and into tunnels on their way to deliver goods to different parts of the compound. From the main area in which they stand, more workers can be seen walking around on three higher levels. The elevator they are about to exit is one of three that line up beside each other. They take up a large portion of one length of the room. When the door opens, soldiers and vehicles are waiting for them. Feleider walks out first.

  Feleider: That won't be necessary, Gwen. Doctor Alyster will make it work. After all, the man is a genius… Ms. Blaze will help you here. Holden, you come with me. Gentlemen!

  General Feleider waves the awaiting soldiers in to help the ladies with the crates that sit in the elevator. They snap into action and run over to packages as the large bodied Holden walks past them, following behind the General. The men board a two man cart; the General's specially issued cart, and take off down one of the many tunnels.


  She calls out to Feleider, but he either ignores her or does not hear her.

  Gwen: Ugh! All right…

  Gwen huffs in exasperation then begins telling the soldiers where each crate needs to be delivered. Erika Blaze watches her teammate drive off with the General down a brightly lit passage. This whole situation reminds her of a past mission she and her team had been on, where the boys hadn't listened to her when she told them they had to stick together. She wound up having to save them all with her special skills, but she doesn't know how well this place can take an explosion. Still, her acute senses are telling her something isn't right, perhaps because this time around, the team's separation wasn't caused by the men's immaturity.


  Holden sits in the passenger seat of the General's cart. He still hasn't said a word since the introductions. The cart drives at full speed down one pathway, then takes a hard left down another.

  Feleider: Plans have been pushed ahead. The doctor, Alyster, now has seven days to have the parasite ready in time for the launch of The Conditioning. The most important thing to do now is make sure that he remains undisturbed. Especially by that nosey woman you just had the pleasure of meeting. Keep her away from our good doctor. The same goes for that teammate of yours, Sharp. I'm well aware of his reputation for being a vigilante of sorts, but I'm sure you can handle him.

  Holden: He won't be a problem.

  Feleider: Good.

  The cart comes to an abrupt stop. Feleider gets off and walks over to the door on Holden's side. Holden follows.

  Feleider: You'll be familiar with this area soon enough.

  The General punches in a security code, and the door slides open in high-tech laboratory fashion. The General enters first with Holden right behind, and the door slides shut when they have both fully inside. The room is darker than the rest of the Sector and not at all as futuristic looking. Most of the lights are off, and as the General leads Holden through a jungle of medical equipment and cluttered bookshelves, a glow can been seen illuminating in a back corner of the lab. They head in its direction.

  Feleider: The good doctor is as brilliant as he is eccentric. He should keep you entertained. Doctor Alyster! I've brought you a guest!

  In passing the last of the bookshelves, the doctor is revealed to Holden. He is an old man, truly old, standing at a high desk looking into a microscope. Holden assumes in his mind that the man is in his late seventies if not already well into his eighties. His hair is grey and thinning, and Holden sees a thick pair of glasses lodged upon his big nose and missing teeth when the good doctor turns around to greet them. Like the professor Holden had met earlier, this doctor also wears a long white lab coat.

  Dr. Alyster: Feleidah! Vhat is zhis guest? Zhis visitah? I ham beezee! (coughs)

  Feleider: This is Unit Holden, doctor. He was sent here with the Mav-Elite, a team of super soldiers. He knows everything and has come to assist you and I in making sure The Conditioning runs on schedule. (sighs) This should be old news to you Doctor Alyster.

  Dr. Alyster: Aaaaah yezz! It is! It is old news! Gud! Gud zhen! Cahm hin! Cahm hin!

  Feleider: Uh, you know I would love to stay and chat, doctor, but I've got other matters to attend to. I'll leave you two to get acquainted. Holden.

  Holden and General Feleider salute each other, and Doctor Alyster turns back to his work as the General walks out of the hidden lab. Holden stands where the General left him, watching the doctor fiddle with his microscope and write his findings on a pad. The doctor addresses him without looking.

  Dr. Alyster: You're a big fella. Vouldn't you be happier out zhere fighting zombeez an shooting your big guns?

  Holden: Yes, I would.

  Dr. Alyster: So vhy not just leave zhen? You're a beeg boy.

  Holden: My orders require that I stay and assist you.

  Dr. Alyster: Ah yez, your orders behind your orders, ah? Azzist an old man in his dark laboratory? Hah! Zhat's a sad life for a… supah soljah. Vell, you might az vell learn a sing or two. Cahm!

  Holden walks casually up to the strange little man.

  Dr. Alyster: Cahm hon. Cahm hon. You’re stolz has maide you slow.

  Holden stops at the doctor's side while the funny old man scribbles on his note pad.

  Holden: What is all this?

  Dr. Alyster: Zhis! (coughs) Hah! Zhis is zhe futchar, meine boy.

  Holden: E-TE12.

  Dr. Alyster: Ah! Zhat dry name. "Eternity". Zhis is zhe parasite's troo name.

  Still looking down at his note pad, the good doctor scruffs his already messy grey hair with his pen hand. His thoughts come back to him, and he continues writing again.

  Holden: Eternity; as in live forever?

  Dr. Alyster: Precisely, Holden, mien boy! Soljiahs zhat leev foreva.

  Holden had been aware of the plans that were to transpire, but he hadn't heard anything about soldiers living forever. As far as he knew, The Sir, the dark voice in touch with Feleider, cut a deal with the U.S. government to create a microscopic parasite that could be injected into their soldiers as a way of controlling them, as well as giving them extraordinary capabilities; superhuman strength, and the ability to not feel pain are among the many. There were also rumors of cellular re-generation flying about. The parasite would be used as an advanced biological weapon in wartimes.

  This was the government's plan for the parasite; however, Holden's boss had plans of his own. Holden knows that at this very moment, spread across the planet are agents or "Units" of The Conditioning, strategically placed in hospitals and police stations, underground compounds and anywhere else a Unit is needed. All men and women who are loyal to the confederation, all loyal to The Sir, and on his word the parasite would be quickly inserted into the system, through medical offices, schools, and shopping centers. An entire planet of supreme beings ruled and controlled by a supreme leader, like one mind.

  This was The Sir's plan, however, E-TE12 had plans of it's own. Testing on humans subjects began about a month back, on soldiers in the same state Holden and Doctor Alyster are standing under. Against the good doctor's word, The Sir applied pressure to the state's government who eventually caved and allowed E-TE12 to be injected into its soldiers, but only after they willingly volunteered their bodies.

  Less than a third of those enlisted signed up for the testing, surprisingly, since decent compensation had be
en offered, but those tens of men were all it took for pure hell to break loose. The outbreak of living dead gave them no choice but to stop testing, and before long the government began voicing opinions of doubt and calling for a complete shutdown of all operations pertaining to E-TE12.

  The governments hadn't caved yet, but they would be insane to risk another outbreak when this one has already been proving itself too much to contain. Holden thinks to himself that perhaps this is why The Sir is in such a hurry to go ahead with his plans, but now this "Eternity" aspect. Holden is a super soldier in his own right. He could fight half an army on his own if he had to. He has no interest in any "special powers" the parasite has to offer, and he is quite content controlling his own mind, but to live forever is a feat that is out of even his reach. It intrigues the big man, and he can't help but wonder what is wrong with it. Why hadn't the parasite worked the first time around? If anybody knows the answer, it's the crooked old doctor in front of him.

  Holden: But there's a problem with it? Eternity?

  Dr. Alyster: Problem. Hah! All zhis talk of problems. She is merely matooring… as everysing in his universe shurely daws. (coughs) It's a loffly sooprise, as I prefer to sink of it. Alshough, its rate of development is admittedly quite rapid.

  Holden: How so?

  Dr. Alyster: Vhen our doctors vere in zhe initial testing phase, many laboratory rodents diete, but zhere vas one zhat did not. Zhe parasitic-chip had stait in its place in zhe leetle rat vhere the spinal cord meets zhe brain, and vee vere able to control zhe filsee sing vit our computers and tings. Not to mention, zhe rodent had the strength of ten of it's own kindt. Zhis was our success in zhis first stage. Look! Look here!

  Doctor Alyster motions impatiently for Holden to put his eye to the microscope and the large man complies.

  Dr. Alyster: Zhis is Eternity, as it lay dormant. It is peesfull und easy to control.

  Holden doesn't quite understand what he is looking at as he pulls his head away from the scope. It looked like some sort of globule type organism that was just sitting there, like a bubble mostly. He lets the doctor continue.

  Dr. Alyster: Now! (coughs) Shree dais past, yes? Und our leetle rodent friend begins to show signs of decline. He fails to follow transmitted instructions und becahms unable to complete even the simplest tasks. On zhe fourff day, zhe rat had become ravenous. It ran around its leetle cage from corner to corner und clawed at zhe glass if somewon put a finger close to it. Upon analyzing zhe computers, vee discovered vhat the rodent had diete during zhe night. But how is zhis possible? How can his fing zhat diete vhile vee vere asleep be alive agane vhen vee are avake? Und vhy so angry?

  Holden's brow lowers, and the doctor can tell that the super soldier needs more of an explanation. He slides the first microscope out of the way and offers Holden another one. The doctor continues talking as Holden closes one eye and brings his head down to the lens.

  Dr. Alyster: Look zhere. Zhis, again, is Eternity, extracted from zhe rodent, but after zhe it has become ravenous, und after zhe night it apparently lost it's life.

  The sight in the microscope shocks both of Holden's eyes wide open. It looks like the same globule, but this time it dances feverishly on the plastic slide, and it's rounded edges now look more like tentacles.

  Holden: What the hell am I looking at here?! This isn't the same thing I just saw in the other scope.

  Dr. Alyster: But it is, miene boy! It is zhe next stage in Eternity's evolution. From peace und calm to completely chaotic. An unwelcome surprise for your superiors, but a beautiful display of life for my mind none zhe less. Zhe same sing happened to your soljiahs.

  Holden: So then, this is the problem? You have to stop the evolution process.

  Dr. Alyster: Yes, zhat is my current goal, to retard the evolutionary process und control zhe uncontrollable.

  Holden: That shouldn't be a problem for someone like you. I've heard many good things.

  Dr. Alyster: Hah! Crazy sings I'm sure, but you are correct none zhe less. I shall figure zhis out soon, und Zhe Conditioning vill commence as plant.

  Holden: You have four days. I hope you know what you're doing?

  Dr. Alyster: Hah! Miene boy, in four more days vee vill no longer have to say zhat vhat vonce vas dead has cahm back to life! Ha, ha.

  The doctor turns back to his scribblings, leaving Holden to absorb what he had just heard. He understands everything for the most part. E-TE12, which is really named, Eternity, is a parasitic-chip that implants itself onto the host's brain. The chip itself brings the inactive areas of the brain to life, making the holder smarter, more powerful and resistant to pain. The chip also allowed for commands to be administered via computer wavelength, giving whoever is in ownership of said computer systems mind control over the subjects. The problem now is that the parasite is unexpectedly evolving, killing the host and taking control for itself. This needs to be stopped.

  All this is well and good, but what interests Holden the most is the part about eternal life. He remembers noticing how hard it was to take out one of those undead monsters without destroying their brains. The things would take a full clip to the gut and bounce right back up. It's all slowly starting to make more sense and would become even clearer as he conversed more with the good doctor, but for now he stands quietly in a badly lit hidden lab, watching Doctor Alyster observe, scribble and mumble to himself.


  On the third night inside of their temporary department store home, Billy sits snugly in his beanbag chair in front of their big screen television, playing Inhabitant Devil 6. Margaret sits beside him on her own beanbag chair, eating a fully dressed hotdog. This area, that they at first used to relax and unwind, has become a perfect mess with bottles of condiments, empty wrappers, boxes and toys scattered all around. Both are content, and both thoroughly relaxed, as if nothing had happened or was happening with the world outside their haven.

  Margaret: (mouth full) I can't believe I used to hate these things. Hotdogs are goddamn amazing!

  Billy: God damned, perhaps. Amazing? I'm not so sure.

  Margaret: Whatever dude… Abe! How you enjoying that T-bone?

  Margaret turns her head to look up at the zombie who stands in between and behind the two of them; opposite the big screen they are all watching. He's right in the middle of ripping apart an uncooked T-bone steak with his mouth. Abe looks down at her when she addresses him and then right back at the action on the TV screen. Margaret scoffs at him and finishes her hot dog, letting out a reverberating belch. Neither Billy, nor Abe seem to take notice of it. Both of them are fully engrossed with the game.

  Margaret: I. Am. So. Stuffed. I've totally got that uh… I've got… um, that thing people get… You know, when they eat too much?… Aaaaw, you know what I mean.

  Billy: You can just say it, Margaret. I really don't care.

  Margaret: Totally got that nigger-itis.

  Billy: There it is.

  Margaret: Sorry... I don't mean anything by it.

  Billy: Psh! Relax. Racism is the least of our worries now.

  Margaret: Yea, I know. It's just another silly habit… 'cause like, before you could never tell how someone was going to react when you said it, you know? Heh. It is a silly word, anyhow. I mean, who doesn't get a little sleepy after a large meal? Right?!

  Billy: Sleepy? I'm surprised you're not dead. You can't really call it a "meal" when you've been eating consistently throughout the whole day. It was more like a never-ending banquet for one. How's your ankle, anyway?

  Margaret: It feels amazing, thank you very much! And let me just say that I enjoyed every bite thoroughly. Abe! Fetch!

  She grabs a football that sits on the floor beside her and throws it down the aisle they set themselves up in. He doesn't respond to it, as per usual, never taking his eyes off of Billy's virtual heroics for even a second.

  Billy: Shh!

  Billy pauses the game and puts an index finger up to his lips.

  Billy: Did you hear that?<
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  Margaret: What? Oh, it was just the football. I'm still trying to get this guy to fetch.

  Billy: No. It wasn't that.

  Margaret: Aww, you're always hearing something.

  Billy shoots off of the beanbag chair while shutting off the television with a nearby remote and lays the flat screen gently but quickly down on to it's back. Then just as swiftly, he clicks the Xbox360 off and unplugs the controllers, before pulling both Margaret and Abe away from their messy little improvised entertainment area. He brings them into the Layaway and Returns Department, and they all hide around the corner of its entrance.

  Margaret: Jesus. Okay, okay. What is it? What did you hear?

  Billy: I think someone is in here.

  Margaret: Are you serious?

  Billy: I'm not sure, but I think I…

  And then Margaret and Billy become extremely certain at the same time. They can't make out any of the words that are being said, and they aren't sure how many there are, but there is no doubt that they are hearing voices.

  Margaret: Oh, great. And we were just getting comfortable. Who do you think they are?


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