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Our Undead

Page 29

by Theo Vigo

  Margaret: No, not unless you provoke him, and he doesn't do much. He just listens to me and follows me around… and he's even been warming up to Billy, but he doesn't really understand everything we say. Although, he learns something new everyday.

  Kerrick: That's... something else.

  Sharp: It's more than that, and I'll bet my life that Feleider knows something about it. These… creatures obviously still have some level of intelligence, and we've been exterminating them left, right and center. Something didn't feel right before, but now… I can't wait to get back and blow the lid off of this thing.

  Margaret gets the sense that these men have been left in the dark to some extent, and she isn't sure how to respond to Sharp's little outburst of frustration. She doesn't want to offend, so she keeps her mouth shut. She does however, think to herself about the upcoming opportunity her and Billy will have to find out more about this whole situation, whenever they get to wherever they are going.

  Kerrick: Heh, you little shit-starter. Don't worry, buddy, we'll figure everything out in due time, but uh, something still doesn't feel right with these three. Look at this.. We've been out here for three days and have maaaybe found about ten to twenty goofs. Then, when we do find some, they're in the thousands, and you guys are at the forefront of their attention. So I have to ask, what in the hell did the three of you do to upset the entire goof populous?!

  Margaret: We have no idea. I mean, we've killed our share of them… or Billy has, technically. You've set at least a thousand of them of fire, huh?

  The soldiers look over at the teenage boy who doesn't take his eyes off of the scenery outside the helicopter. He looks to be quite young, and even though they are yet to be sure of this age, it's hard to imagine someone so innocent looking could be so dangerous. Though, he had survived this long with not much more than a bow and arrow.

  Sharp: Are you trying to tell us that they're after you for revenge?

  Margaret: We don't know.

  Sharp: Well, I think I know. I think it's him.

  Without beating around the bush, Sharp points directly at Abe, who takes in the man's index finger with his uninterested eyes. Margaret looks up at Abe as well, and then down to her wrapped up foot. She shakes her head.

  Margaret: Naw… I don't think so.

  Her answer trips Sharp out. For her to not even consider it, he can't fight the feeling that this girl may be hiding something from them. Judging by his demeanor, it probably wouldn't help much. The boy hasn't said a word all trip, but Sharp turns his attention to Billy, who is still looking out the window.

  Sharp: What about you? What do you think?

  Billy looks at Sharp, but only briefly so that he can answer his question. He lets out a sham sigh.

  Billy: I'm really tired.

  Sharp: Oh… Well, that's to be expected, isn't it? With everything you both have been through, of course, you must be exhausted. We'll be arriving in about an hour or two, so you guys rest up.

  Margaret: You're right. We should get some rest… Thank you again… for everything.

  Sharp nods as Margaret eases into her seat, leans her head against Abe's shoulder and closes her eyes. It's such an odd thing for Sharp and Kerrick to see, a human girl lying peacefully against the arm of an infected man. Sharp can't help but fear for it's future, more importantly the girl's. He can see that there is some sort of emotional connection between the two of them, and he knows how ruthless the scientific type can be when it comes to their research. Hopefully, they would be nice about it, but the girl and her friend would be separated soon. This he knows, but for now she would rest. Sharp decides to follow Billy's lead and takes in the scenery.


  Margaret has no idea how much time has passed when she opens her eyes, but the rumbling of the engine and vibrations under her soar butt, let her know that she is still in the air inside of a big metal box. Although awake, she keeps her head rested against Abe's shoulder, when something strange catches her eye. A strange piece of paper sticks half way out of Abe's scruffy pant pocket. She takes it out, being careful not to tear it and flips it over. What she sees, takes her breath away and makes her eyes water instantly.

  It is a picture, much like her own of a family of three, except this photo is not a portrait. It is taken on a beach, perhaps on a family vacation. Their faces she knows, but they are slightly changed because of the age difference from the time the photo was taken. In this photo they are much younger, but Margaret recognizes Lynn as a little girl, perched on her father's back, and Karen, Lynn's mother standing beside the two of them in mid-laughter. The only face that isn't familiar is the strapping young man that is holding Lynn on his back. He has such kind eyes and a soft face, reminding her of a young Johnny Depp, and it doesn't take long for her to realize who it is. This is Abe's family, or what it used to be.

  The night of the undead ambush at the hostel plays back through her mind, specifically, seeing Lynn frozen in despair, looking at her father who had turned, and having to shake her out of it so that they could escape. She remembers the family and when they first got to the hostel, how sick Lynn's father had already become and the room where they stayed and watched over him. Margaret swore inside that that would never happen to her own father, but then it did, and on the same night, she lost both Lynn and Lynn's mother.

  The way things had worked out, like some sort of sick joke, or maybe not. Both her and Abe had lost their families, and although Abe had, in a more literal sense, lost his life, Margaret had lost hers too. And somehow they had found each other. In this moment, thinking about Lynn, Margaret feels an even deeper connection with the infected father. She makes an internal promise that she won't let anything happen to him, and hopefully, someday there would be a cure. And she would tell him about Lynn and Karen and how much they cared for and took after him.

  Margaret's emotions take over and a few tears escape down each of her cheeks. How could she not have known? How could she not have recognized who Abe was when he arrived in the cabin that day? How did he find her? Was it destiny? If only Lynn and Karen were still alive, they could have been reunited. If only they could've made it to that cabin. But he looks so different. Would it have even mattered?

  There are just too many questions, the majority of which she cannot answer. No one would ever be able to answer them. Overwhelmed, she sniffs, and it catches the attention of Sharp who is still awake; always awake and always aware, most likely because there is an active goof sitting in the same helicopter cabin as he is.

  Sharp: Hey, is everything all right? What is that?

  The sound of his voice surprises her, and she jumps slightly. She didn't realize anyone else was still awake. Across from her diagonally, Kerrick is passed out, mouth wide open and snores in full effect. Even Billy had fallen asleep, opting also to rest his head against Abe's soft arm rather than the helicopter's cold steel. She palms the photo and quickly slides it into her own pocket.

  Margaret: (sniffs) Yea, it's fine... It's nothing.

  She rests her head back down on Abe's shoulder and closes her eyes, this time wrapping her arms around his own that she lays upon. Sharp looks at her, wondering, and then brings his eyes up to Abe's face. The ever-alert zombie is already looking at him dead in the eyes, or more so looking straight through them.

  Denver Sharp is a classified super soldier. There is nothing that can make him squirm in unease, and fear is an emotion he has long forgotten and left behind, but the eerie sense he gets when looking at Abe in the dim lighting of the cabin is inescapable. He is the first to break eye contact and stares out the window into the black of the night.


  Double doors blow open and Holden steps through them into a large room with high ceilings and many people seated at long foldable tables. Most everybody in this cafeteria is stuffing food into their faces and Holden looks around for the line to the food. He spots it and walks to the backend. The line is disgustingly long, inhabited by pare
nts with their whining, indecisive children and couples caught up in small chat, paying no mind to the moving line in front of them.

  Holden has no time for this, so he walks down the line beside all of the waiting patrons, looking past them in through the display case at the food as he goes along. He passes the plain looking salads, the Jell-O, crackers and cheese, and then the more hearty stuff; the rice, chicken, and some brown stuff that looks like it might be some sort of meat. It is near the front of the line that Holden finds the sandwiches he is looking for, but a young couple stands in his way. As if they're not even there, he walks up and reaches in for his food, bumping the young man unconsciously in the back.

  YoungMan: Hey, moron, can't you see the line? What're ya, some kind of ass… hole?

  When the young man, who's height only reaches Holden's chest, turns and takes in the full frame of the burly super soldier, his face is met by Holden's naturally menacing grimace. He quickly changes his tune.

  YoungMan: Uhhh, I'm sorry about that, sir. Why reach over? What sandwich can I get for you? Turkey Club? Meatball? They've got everything here.

  Maintaining his serious glare, Holden takes the nervous young man by the shoulder with his bear claw and moves him calmly out of the line.

  YoungMan: Yea, you just… take them yourself. You're a grown man. I'll just… move outta your way.

  Holden grabs one cold cuts and two egg sandwiches, then turns back around. He looks at the young man one more time, and the poor fellow can't seem to stop shaking in his own skin. But having gotten what he came for, Holden makes his way back to the cafeteria exit.

  YoungMan: Th-Thank you, sir!

  As Holden walks toward the exit, he takes in the variety of faces. All of these people had not too long ago lived above ground and were forced into this underworld because of a flaw in his bosses plan, a plan that Holden doesn't even fully understand. If things had gone correctly, whatever correctly means, they'd still be in their houses and homes. They would be slaves to an army of super soldiers much like himself, worker ants in a united world build for the strong. At least they would be getting some sunlight. The artificial luminance that spews itself throughout most of this sector like fake sunshine is starting to get on the big man's nerves. He's beginning to see why Doctor Alyster keeps most of the lights in his lab off.

  The poor fools have no idea what they have in store. These super soldiers will be much like himself, but better, for these impending soldiers would have the ability to live forever. What good is a man, even a man like Holden, whose strength can match that of any man or beast? What good is his almighty power if put up against that which cannot die? He must learn more about Eternity from the doctor. He must see how human beings react with the new version of it. Hopefully the doctor would be ready in time.

  And then Holden's internal monologue is interrupted by the sound of a woman calling out his name. He knows the voice and pinpoints the woman sitting at the end of one of the long plastic tables. It is his partner, Erika Blaze, waving him over with a big toothy grin on her face. He goes to where she is as to not look suspicious. He's had a pretty good relationship with Erika over the years. She can be a little too bubbly and playful for his taste, but much like Kerrick, a destructive force hides behind her amicable attitude. She's extremely intuitive and gets serious when the moment calls for it. Plus, she's saved his life a few times. For all that, he respects her. When he gets to her, he doesn't sit down. Erika is in the middle of eating a huge bowl of salad.

  Erika: Hey, Kushy! I haven't seen you since we arrived. The General just whisked you off to some far away corner of this subterranean labyrinth.

  Holden: I've been very busy with assisting Doctor Alyster.

  Erika: Yea, that guy. I've heard a lot of stuff about him, like how crazy he is. What is the good doctor up to these days?

  Holden: You know, I would tell you, but I have no idea. This science stuff goes right over my head. Something about redeveloping a cure. That much I understand. I'm mostly his lap dog, errand boy, as you see.

  He holds up the sandwiches for her to see.

  Erika: Hah! I know how you feel there, buddy. I've been spending a lot of time with Professor Gavine and the other doctors. I've never felt so useless in my entire life.

  Holden: I'm sure. I don't suppose they have anything that needs blowing up now, do they?

  Erika: Unfortunately, not. Hey, you wanna have a seat? Join me for a meal? You seem well stocked.

  Holden: No, thank you. I'm actually quite full. These are for the doctor, and I have to be getting them back to him.

  Erika: Oh! Well, I'm pretty full, myself. All the salads in this place taste like cardboard paper anyway. I have a bit of time to waste before Matthew and Denver get back in. Gwen gave me the go ahead to pick them up from the surface, but that won't be for a while. I might as well tag along with you until then. I'd love to see if what people are saying about that crazy doctor is true.

  She puts her fork down beside the giant bowl of half eaten salad and makes ready to follow Holden.

  Holden: That probably wouldn't be a good idea. Doctor Alyster is very touchy about who he lets into his office, especially while he's working. Which is why I have my orders. I'm sure you'll find something else to do. You're… you. I'll see ya.

  Holden ends the conversation there and starts walking for the exit. Erika watches his broad back as it heads for the double doors. It's obvious to her that her partner knows more than he's leading her to believe he does, so she gets up and follows him. She catches up to him just as he gets out of the cafeteria and into the gigantic corridor. Hundreds of people are hustling around, civilians and military personnel alike, going from some point 'A' to some point 'B'.

  Erika: Hey, I'm gonna follow along anyway. No little crazy man is gonna stop me from going where I please. Plus, maybe I'll learn something. This whole situation is just…

  Holden: No! …… Orders.

  His fat right index finger is up and in between them. It hops twice, to the syllables of the word "orders". No little crazy man could control Erika, but the mammoth in front of her keeps her in place.

  Erika: Uhh, sure. I'll just.. walk to the elevator… really slowly. Should be about an hour away… It'll give me some time to work off this salad.

  She rubs her belly and nods him off. He smiles in an attempt to disarm her saucy attitude, but more so to throw her off his scent, then turns away and disappears into the crowd. Satisfied, Erika makes a one-eighty and heads in the opposite direction.


  About twenty minutes into her trek, the crowds have cleared up, and the only other people passing by are professionals and government workers; people who wear their suits underground and other uniforms. Erika walks casually along, taking in her surroundings as she goes, nodding pleasantly at anyone she makes eye contact with, and then she sees a familiar face.

  Erika: Hi!

  Gwen: Ms. Blaze.

  Erika: Oh, please. Call me, Erika… or Blaze… Just drop the, "miss".

  Gwen: Heh. Okay then, … Erika.

  Erika: Thank you. So, what are you up to on this fine day? The sun is always shining when you're underground.

  Gwen: Very funny… Or at least I hope that was sarcasm. I'm heading to D-9 to check in with Keung and Rohan.

  Erika: Oh… Well, that sounds boring…

  Gwen: Actually, Rohan sounded pretty anxious when he requested that I come by, so let's just try and be positive, shall we? Where might you be off to?

  Erika: To pick up the boys.

  Gwen: Oh, right. But that's all the way in Block-A. Why not take a cart?

  Erika: I can use the walk. But hey, listen to this. I ran into my other boy, the bigger one, in the cafeteria.

  Gwen: The one working with Alyster.

  Erika: Yea, and something's not right. Cause, I mean, Kushland is a jerk, but he's not that big a jerk. I tried to follow him to Alyster's lab, and he wouldn't have it. Like, if I pushed him any harder to let me go with him, we
would've fought right there. I've seen that look. He gives it to Denver all the time. I'd have given him a run for his money, but all those innocent people. Didn't wanna chance them getting hurt. He told me this excuse about how the doctor is picky with who he let's hang around. Not only that, but he completely dodged it when I questioned him about what Alyster is doing in there. He played dumb. It was really strange.

  Gwen: Yea, strange, strange that even doctors have not been allowed into Alyster's lab. I've been kicked out of there more times than I can count, and your partner comes along and gets an all access pass.

  Erika: He said that he's just following orders. He rarely follows orders. Holden can be a pretty threatening guy. Maybe he's-

  Gwen: No. Doctor Alyster is too smart to be threatened, even by your partner. He would stop working entirely before letting someone into his workplace, or compromising his comfort. If your boy is with Alyster, then the old man must be in on it.

  Erika: You should use that against The General. What's so special about Kush? Why's he getting special treatment? Apply some pressure.

  Gwen: I think I will do that.

  Erika: Look, I wish I could've done more for you. I'll make sure to keep my eyes and ears open, but I'd better get walking. I've got a bit of a way to go. Although it would be damn funny to let those guys get lost out there, I don't want to be late. Good luck in D-9.


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