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Our Undead

Page 32

by Theo Vigo

  Feleider: One of the grunts told me that there were some new arrivals in the compound, and one of them was covered in a bed sheet. What is the- Who is this?

  Billy finally comes to the General's attention. The boy remains still, watching the intimidating man in silence, though he, himself, is not intimidated in the least.

  Gwen: His name is Billy. He's one of the new arrivals.

  Feleider: What is he doing in here, and where is the other man?!

  Gwen: I needed to make sure the boy wasn't infected, and I'm not sure whom this other man is that you speak of.

  Feleider: The man in the sheet. The driver that dropped you off here, he said he dropped you off with a boy and a man covered in linen. Is-

  Gwen: Oh, that man. I checked him already. He was all right, so I had another driver take him to the dorms so he could get some sleep.

  Feleider: Why was he covered in linen?

  Gwen: He had a pretty nasty gash on his face, and he's one of those model types, very arrogant. He found it very embarrassing, especially being back where he could be seen by the public, so he asked for something to cover himself up with.

  Feleider: Right… Stage fright… So, how is your research coming along then, Gwyneth?

  Gwen: You know damn well that Gwen isn't short for anything,.. Reginald. It's going just fine, thank you.

  Feleider: Mmm, good. This child needs to be sent to the dorms immediately. Civilians are not permitted in this area. I shouldn't have to tell you that, and he should've been sent back with the timorous model type.

  Gwen: I needed to check him, and he wanted to stay and watch. I didn't see any harm in it.

  Feleider: If he needed to be checked he should've been sent to the Care Centre. That's what it's for. Have him brought to the dorms, now. And you, you should get some sleep. It's almost one thirty, and you're beginning to look rather ragged.

  Gwen: … sure.

  Feleider: Heh… Carry on, then.

  He looks at Abe's sleeping body momentarily, before turning his back on them and leaving the room. Billy and Gwen catch eyes.

  Billy: That must be-

  Gwen: The asshole, Feleider.

  Billy: -the asshole commander.

  Gwen: That's right. Calling me "ragged". He should speak for himself, that aged bag of excrement.

  Billy chuckles a bit at the professional woman's attempt at an insult.

  Gwen: Look, I should get you to the dorms. You were right when you said he wouldn't hesitate to throw someone in lockup, even a kid like you.

  Billy: I would like to see Margaret first, if that's all right. And what's gonna happen with Abe? She won't be happy if he's separate from her. She'll fight you,.. even with a broken ankle.

  Gwen: Is that right? Odd. I hope you don't mind me asking, but is there… or was there… a relationship between them? Is she related to this person?

  Billy: No. Actually, Abe killed her mother and father.

  Gwen stares at him, shell-shocked.

  Billy: She's just grown attached to him. He wasn't always this submissive. She trained him, and apparently, it was a pretty grueling process. Once she found that he had the ability to learn things, I guess she figured that there was still some human inside of him. I, personally, didn't believe her at first, especially when he tried to bite my face off, but the more time I've spent with him, the more I've begun to feel the same way.

  Gwen: That's… incredible. I promise you, he'll be safe. I'll keep him somewhere out of everyone's way, somewhere no one will find him.

  Billy: That's very considerate of you, but it won't be good enough. She's going to want him there, with her while she sleeps. It's either that, or expect some defiance.

  Gwen: Hmm, she's a feisty one, huh?

  Billy: She can be a bit testy.

  Gwen: Ha, okay. I think I can do something for her.


  In one of the smaller four man carts, Gwen and Billy, zombie excluded, pull up to the entrance of the Care Centre in A-1. Inside, Margaret is sitting upright on one of the many hospital beds. Erika and an older Caucasian nurse are standing beside her. The tired nurse is putting the finishing touches on Margaret's cast. Looking up from her broken foot, the bandaged girl gets excited when she sees her friend and the professor enter the room.

  Margaret: Hey!

  Nurse: Shh..

  Margaret: Sorry… Hi, guys…. Uh, where's-

  Gwen: He's fine. We left him in my room. You'll be staying in there tonight.

  Margaret: Really? Is there enough room? Where are you gonna sleep?

  Gwen: It's all right. I have a lot of work to do and.. an irregular amount of enthusiasm at the moment. I don't think I'll be sleeping tonight. Besides, Billy tells me you and Abe have a very special connection. I'll find a place if I need to sleep, don't you worry. Just get some rest, okay?

  Margaret: I really appreciate that, professor.

  Gwen: Call me Gwen. How is everything wrapping up around here?

  Nurse: They're wrapping up just fine, professor, however, she has multiple fractures in her talus and fibula. She'll have to wear a cast for a few weeks, but I've never seen anyone more excited about the restoration process.

  Gwen: Excited? Why's that?

  Margaret: Just look at these things.

  Margaret reaches behind her back and reveals to Gwen and Billy a pair of forearm crutches.

  Billy: Crutches…

  Margaret: They're not just any crutches. They're called SideStix. They're the best forearm crutches available.

  Billy: Is that so?

  Gwen: They are. Lightweight carbon fibre, superb durability, very comfortable.

  Margaret: Soooo comfortable.

  Erika: Yea, she's already been galloping up and down the entire Centre.

  Nurse: Despite being forewarned.

  Margaret: Sorry… but I had to test them. I didn't wake anyone, and I'm totally used to them already. It's like my ankle isn't even broken… sort of.

  She fastens each crutch's cuff around each of her forearms and hops off the bed. Upon landing, she stumbles a bit, and Billy has to catch her to keep her from falling over.

  Billy: Maybe not totally used to them yet, huh?

  Margaret: Shut up.

  She shrugs him off and walks a wide circle around everyone and the bed she was seated on, using the SideStix like a professional.

  Margaret: See?

  Billy: Psh.

  Gwen: Yes, yes. It looks like you have those things under control. You can get more practice tomorrow, but for now, I think the two of you should probably clean yourselves up and get some sleep.

  Margaret: Maybe you're right. We slept on the ride over here, but it was horribly uncomfortable. I woke up more tired than when I fell asleep.

  Erika: …and no disrespect, but you guys stink.

  Margaret: I agree. I'd love a shower.

  Nurse: Oh, you can't take a shower now. The most you can do is use a sink and wipe yourself down with a washcloth, but you can't get your cast wet.

  Margaret: (sighs) Awesome. This is one of the smelliest days of my life and I can't take a shower.

  Billy: You've had smellier.

  Margaret: I said, "ONE OF THE".

  Nurse: Shh!

  Margaret: Sorry…

  Gwen: A sink bath will have to do for now. I'll take you to the showers so you both can clean up. I'll bring you some new clothes, and then take you to my room.

  Margaret: Sounds good.

  Gwen: Great. Erika? May we give you a lift somewhere?

  Erika: No, that's all right. I should probably get some rest too, but I'll find my own way, thanks.

  Gwen: Okay. Well then, ladies. You both have a goodnight. Kids?

  Margaret thanks the women for their help, and Erika and the nurse bid them all have a goodnight. Margaret, Billy, and Professor Gavine leave the Care Centre for Gwen's quarters.


  His lab is darker than usual. All but one light, his desk light, which
has been left on for Fausta the mouse's sake, is turned off as Doctor Alyster gets some sleep for the night. He lays, passed out awkwardly on a futon, half covered and snoring loudly with his mouth wide open. It is a horrible sight, but truly the good doctor is at his most comfortable when asleep, when his mind can invent unimaginable things and solve problems it might not be able to solve when awake.

  Currently, inside of his brilliant mind, he is awake and sitting at a desk, a desk that is much larger than it needs to be, in an office that is much too big for such a small man. Instead of his usual white garb, Doctor Alyster is dressed in a fine black suit, and his thinning faded hair is slicked back and styled with class. Dream Alyster closes the laptop that sits in front of him and slowly gets up from his seat. His posture is perfect and proud as he walks over to the life-sized window that makes up the entire back wall of his office. He stands by it, hands in his pocket, the esteem radiating from his physique. Towering over it all, he looks down on to an unknown, but extremely well developed city and grins from ear to ear. His eyes come across a billboard that reads, "Get Infected!" A beautiful woman with a glowing smile is on the ad, and beside her, a man who is just as attractive and stacked with muscles. Both are holding up a bottle of what looks like a soft drink, the bottle reading, "ParaSoda".

  When Alyster sees this, his grin broadens even further, and then he hears a little squeaking sound. He turns his head to see a little glass cage, which has appeared on his neatly kept desk. He walks over to it.

  Dr. Alyster: Ah, miene sveet little friend.

  Inside the cage is a little white mouse pecking its tongue vigorously at its water bottle. When the rodent hears Alyster's voice, it stops drinking and scurries over to the side of the cage that the professor is standing on. The doctor picks a pen up from his desk and lowers it into the glass. He dangles it in front of his small friend, and the little mouse starts pawing at the pen's blue cap.

  Dr. Alyster: Miene only troo companion, yes?

  He continues letting the mouse grab and gnaw at the pen cap, also stroking it down the center of its back from time to time while making kissing noises with his mouth. Suddenly, he stops. Something is wrong with the little thing. As small as they are, Alyster can see the mouse's eyes become blank and empty, and its body become still. It falls over on to its side, stiff as a board.

  Dr. Alyster: Fausta? Fausta?!

  But the little mouse is dead. Alyster taps it gently two times with his pen, but it's useless. He gets no response. His old face becomes intense and red, its wrinkles becoming dark and defined, and then his eyes begin to water. Soon, tears begin to fall, and Alyster drops his head, in a whimper. A strange sound brings his head up, back to looking inside the cage. It's something like a sticker being peeled patiently off of a wall. At first, there is no evidence of where the sound is coming from, but then Alyster sees something small and black protruding from the mouse's side. The thing grows larger, and becomes recognizable as a writhing, scaly tentacle. A second tentacle rips its way through the mouse's delicate hide, and then another, and another. They continue to grow larger until there is no mouse left, only a scaly black monstrosity with multiple wriggling extremities, sitting on top of a torn carcass.

  Alyster backs away from the cage, deeply disturbed. Though its host body has been obliterated, the thing in the case proceeds in expansion. It gets so big in fact, that it starts pressing up against the sides of cage until the pressure becomes too much, and the glass breaks. His disgust turns to fright, which turns to terror when his back bumps into the office wall. He runs to the door, which is located on the adjacent wall and tries the knob, but somehow it is locked from the outside. But how?! He struggles with it, twisting and tugging on it, but it won't budge. Desperate, he resorts to banging his fists against the fine timber.

  Dr. Alyster: HEEEELP!!! HEEEELP!!! HEE-- *gulp*

  One of the thick black tentacles wraps itself around Alyster's neck. He can no longer yell. The freakish mutant has grown so large that it almost takes up the entire office. Spit and sputters escape the old man's mouth, and his head's hue changes from red to dark purple, about to pop.

  Feleider: DOCTOR ALYSTER!!!

  The good doctor continues sputtering; only now, he is back in reality, lying on top of his futon, inside of his messy laboratory. Even in the dim light he can see Feleider's face grimaced, hovering above him.

  Feleider: This is no time for dreaming, doctor. We have trouble.

  Dr. Alyster: Zhat vas no dream. Zhat vas a nightmare!! Ina soot vit slicked back hair, in some corner offees… Rich man nonsense. Zhere vas, however, a very interesting alien like species. I vould have liked to see vhere zhat vas going.

  Feleider: Forget about that. They're on to us.

  Dr. Alyster: On to vhat? Who is zhat? (coughs)

  The doctor sits up on his futon's edge.

  Feleider: Professor Gwen Gavine, that's who. I just saw her with a specimen, and she had it lying face down.

  Dr. Alyster: So vhat!

  The doctor gets up, waving Feleider away and waddles over to the high table where Fausta the mouse resides. Feleider's harsh entry into the lab had woken her up as well. She looks up at Dr. Alyster when his head appears over the cage, lively twitching her whiskers to and fro.

  Feleider: So what!? Don't be a fool. If they weren't sure where to look for the infection before, they're getting damn close. It's most likely that they already know it isn't of regular viral nature… We need to have them completed, so we can send the modifications of the E-TE12 out by tomorrow. Can you make that happen?

  Dr. Alyster: I can do anysing, but it all depends on my leetle friend heer. Vee'll know by tomorrow if zhe parasite is ready. Fausta vill inform us of that occurrence.

  Feleider: Fausta… And where's Holden?

  Dr. Alyster: Sleeping somevhere? …As zhe hour vould advise.

  Feleider: There's no time for sleep. His meddlesome teammates have returned from the little chicken run I had them on, and they've brought back some survivors. Apparently, there are three of them, all with minor injuries, already taken care of.

  Dr. Alyster: And how does zhis concern my vork?

  Feleider: Sharp… I expect he'll attempt to butt heads with me by sunrise. I won't put up with it, obviously, but I won't be able to have him apprehended without causing some major suspicions. It won't take him too long to hear about you, and when he does, Holden had better be here to keep him away. The survivors… One was hidden under a sheet. I just questioned the professor about it, and she wasn't being completely honest with me. I don't know what it is yet, but there's something going on there.

  Dr. Alyster: Hah! You and Holden are two very intuitive men, uh? Can alvays spot zhe liar,.. but is it intuition or zhe paranoia?

  Feleider: Intuition. Just make sure he knows that the situation has intensified and that he needs to be ready for confrontation.

  Dr. Alyster: You can tell heem yourself.

  Doctor Alyster leaves Fausta the mouse and walks back to his bed, laying down on it and closing his eyes. Beyond where he had been standing, Feleider notices a shadowy figure leaning up against the side of one of the heavily stacked bookshelves, with something extending from it like an extra leg. It looks sort of like a lounger, but as Feleider gets closer to it, it becomes recognizable.

  Feleider: So you've just been sitting there the whole time?

  He still can't see his face, but the dark figure in the shadows is Holden, sitting on a chair with his arms folded and his feet resting comfortably on a footstool of some sort. He doesn't bother to get up when The General comes near. For all Feleider knows, Holden may still have his eyes closed while his low voice grumbles back in response.

  Holden: Unlike my associates, I find keeping my mouth shut to be a much better way of learning things.

  Dr. Alyster: (from bed) Zhis is troo. He barely says a vurd.

  Feleider: (scoffs) They're back. Can you handle them?

  Holden: I can handle Sharp… and the rest. The real question
is, can this compound handle a little tussle if it comes down to it?

  Feleider: If you must, you must… but try not to let it get to that point.

  Feleider can hear a scornful little chuckle escape from Holden's dark corner as he walks out of Alyster's laboratory. As devious as The General knows himself to be, there is something grave about the glorified bodyguard's laugh that brings a bit of a chill to The General's insides. Fortunately, it is accompanied by a warm conviction, a confidence that tells him that Holden will be able to handle the coming turbulence. He also hears the soft snoring of Doctor Alyster as he leaves, no doubt dreaming of some species not so out of this world.


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