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Our Undead

Page 36

by Theo Vigo

  Holden: What are you looking for?

  Dr. Alyster: (coughs) It appears zhat zhe compound might be subject to a rodent infestation.

  Holden looks into the glass cage and sees that the mouse that was in there when he had left for lunch thirty minutes ago is now gone.

  Holden: Fausta has gone missing.

  Dr. Alyster: Yes, but zhat is not zhe vorst part. Vhile you vere gone, our little friend passed away.

  Holden: She died?

  Dr. Alyster: Yes, but it seems not quite.

  Holden: What do you mean?

  Dr. Alyster: I mean, one minute she vas laying zhere, breathless, (coughs) und zhe next she vas gone.

  Holden: Do you mean to tell me that there is a little goof mouse running around this compound?

  Dr. Alyster: Hopefully not. Hopefully, it has not left zhis room yet. Hopefully, she is not a goof, as you call zhem. Just… keep your eye out for her, und vatch your step… Do vhat Feleidah says und put zhe lights on. Zhere vill be vork to be done soon. I need miene energy… (coughs) Ah! Warm-cuts.

  Doctor Alyster puts an end to his searching for now and takes the two sandwiches that Holden had thrown down on the high desk for him. He brings them over to his work desk, where he sits down and begins unwrapping the first of them. Holden stares at him, disturbed a touch by how calm the doctor is acting about there possibly being an infected mouse on the loose. Perhaps he is completely insane, but it doesn't matter. If anything happens it will be nothing Holden can't handle. He starts toward the entrance of the lab where the main light switch is so that he can turn it on.

  Dr. Alyster: Vait! Cahm heer.

  Holden turns back and walks over to Doctor Alyster's messy desk. The doctor holds his sandwich in one hand, a bite already taken out of it, while pushing aside and searching under papers for something lost on his desk top. He eventually finds what he is looking for and picks it up, holding a thumb drive out for Holden to take away from him.

  Holden: What is this?

  Dr. Alyster: All of zhe modifications I have made on E-TE12 thus far are on zhis thumb drive. Take it und keep it safe. If testing goes vell vit zhe soldiers later, you vill give zhis to Feleidah, und he vill send it to Zhe Sir, as you all call him.

  Holden takes it out of the doctor's hand and looks at the puny piece of plastic, before stashing it safely into his inside vest pocket.

  Dr. Alyster: Miene boy, zhe lights. (coughs)

  As his assistant, Holden follows Doctor Alyster's orders and goes to turn on the lights.


  Margaret: AAARGH!

  Billy: Ha ha, relax. How can you be so tired after we slept through half the day? It's only been about forty-five minutes, and we've been through so much worse than this. Check the sign. It says we're in Block-F. We were in H, so we must be getting closer, right? That guy we asked said that we're heading the right way.

  Margaret: He should have called us an escort, but noooo. Nobody cares that there are two random people walking around. What kind of place is this when the security is so lax? It took forty-five minutes to get from Block-H to F, and we're trying to get to A… That's gonna take… like seven hours! Perhaps, it may have slipped your mind, but I have a broken ankle here.

  Billy: At least the halls aren't as scarce. It's like the farther down the alphabet you go, the more deserted and lonely this place gets. I'd hate to see what Block-Z looks like. Actually,… it might be pretty cool.

  Margaret: Of course, you would think that. You and your details. It's too bad no one cares that we're here.

  In Block-F there are many more people walking around, but they can tell the people aren't civilian because of the way that they are dressed, doctors being in all white and VIPs in expensive suits, security officers with basic armor and guns, and even a few soldiers. Any person they see has some kind of defining uniform on.

  Margaret: (groans) I wonder how Abe is doing… I'm starting to get really hungry.

  Unknown: Hey, you two!

  From behind, they hear someone call out at them. They turn around and see Erika Blaze coming straight for them in a four-person cart. They split up to get out of her way, Billy sidestepping to the left and Margaret to the right. Erika comes to a full stop in-between them.

  Erika: You must be looking to break your other leg, huh? You know, there's a pedestrian walking lane for a reason.

  Billy and Margaret look up at a sign that states clearly that they have been walking in the driving lane.

  Margaret: Sorry. We've been walking for so long, and you're the first person we've seen driving since we started.

  Erika: Yea, they don't drive much 'round these parts. Wait, how long have you been walking?

  Margaret: We left the professor's room almost an hour ago.

  Erika: Jesus, I haven't even been to Block-H yet. No one really goes that far into this place, except the doctors when they have to sleep, but they don't do that very much. Hey, should you be walking so much? You took a pretty bad break only yesterday.

  Margaret: I'm fine. I couldn't stay in the room all day, anyway. I would starve, and Abe wasn't in the room when we woke up. We're looking for Professor Gwen. We think she probably took him. We hope.

  Billy: Would you by any chance know where she is?

  Erika: Not exactly, but I'm sure that she must be in the main lab in Block-A.

  Billy: You think you might be able to give us a ride? I mean, if you're not busy, of course.

  Erika: I was just cruising, but sure, I'll take you to A. Can we stop at the cafeteria fi-

  Margaret: Yes!

  Erika: O..K… Hop in then, let's go.

  Billy and Margaret get on to the cart. Billy gets in the back seat behind Erika, where he has to sit facing the rear, while Margaret gets in the passenger seat. They both start spouting off a bunch of comments about how excited they are to be going to the cafeteria and how glad they are that she showed up when she did. She knows they mean well, but the two of their little voices yapping away becomes too much, too quick, and she tells them to quiet down. They settle and Erika breathes a sigh of relief before putting the cart into motion.

  The cafeteria in Block-A is quite packed, even though lunch had been served hours before. Most of the compound's population lives in Block-A. Its cafeteria has the best food, and it never closes. People are always hustling through it to get a snack or midday meal, even between their main breakfast, lunch and dinner servings. Margaret, Billy and Erika make their way to the back of the lunch line. Though injured, Margaret is well ahead of the pack.

  Margaret: I'm gonna get like, five hamburgers. You know how long it's been since I've had a hamburger?!

  Billy: About a month?

  Margaret: Feels like longer…

  Billy and Erika share a giggle behind Margaret's back, although they understand where she's coming from. Even though it has only been going on for about a month, the infection has been hard on everybody. They can't fault her for craving a juicy burger. They've been a rare commodity in the last four weeks.

  Billy: That actually sounds amazing. That was one thing we never got to eat when we were in the department store. Might've been nice.

  Margaret: Might've been awesome.

  Erika: You guys held up in a department store?

  Billy: Yea. We had it all to ourselves. Can you believe it?

  Erika: Hardly.

  Billy: I don't blame you, but it was great. Didn't last too long though.

  Erika: Why not? Goofs, huh?

  Billy: Eventually, but before them were-

  Margaret shoots Billy a vicious cut-eye. He was just about to tell Erika about the criminals they encountered and how she sacrificed them, clearly an inappropriate topic of conversation.

  Billy: … uh.. *ahem*…

  Erika: What? What happened?

  Billy: … the.. um…

  Unknown: Tebious?! Oh, my God!! TEBIOUS!!!!

  A woman's voice comes callng from somewhere inside the cafeteria, coincidentally
and quite conveniently. It gives Billy a chance to put a hasty end to his misguided conversation with Erika, but the name sounds all to familiar to him, as does the voice, and when he sees who is beckoning his true appellation, his heart nearly quits on the spot.

  A middle-aged woman is already in motion, walking directly to where Billy, Margaret and Erika stand in the lunch line. Any perceptive individual can see that this Caucasian woman is in her late thirties or early forties, but the same individual could not disregard how youthfully and gracefully she carries her four decades. Her face is happy and sad at the same time. It isn't quite crying, but there is a subtle hint of distress mixed with some relief.

  Margaret is absolutely shocked when the woman throws her arms around Billy and lifts him off the ground in an enthusiastically passionate bear hug; bow and arrows, knapsack and all. She bounces him up and down and swings him back and forth, repeating his name over and over again. Margaret can tell by the look on Billy's face that he is just as shocked as she is, but not nearly as amused. Her trapped friend looks more distraught than anything.

  The fun isn't over, as yet another surprise makes it's appearance in the form of a middle aged man. The man looks to be of Hispanic descent and makes his way hastily over to the already hugging pair. His face also sports looks of disbelief, but nothing much more than that. When he gets to Billy, the woman, and the rest in line, Billy is placed back down to his feet. The woman takes a step back to give the man his turn.

  Mr. Alomar: Tebious... Tebious Kingston Jameriquoi Alomar Jr…

  A long pause after those few words have Billy and the older man with an American accent staring at each other. Neither seems to know how to react to the other, but the older man takes initiative.

  Mr. Alomar: Son, we thought we would never see you again.

  He embraces Billy in a less intense hug, much more masculine than the previous one he'd received from the woman, but just as loving. It takes a moment for Billy to reciprocate the love, but he eventually returns the hug to his foster father.

  Margaret: Son?

  Billy and his father release each other. The woman, who Margaret now discerns to be Billy's foster mother, stands close by. The tears have finally started flowing freely down her cheeks. Billy rubs the side of his head, still in a mild state of shock. He thought he would never see these people again. He turns to address Margaret's inquiry.

  Billy: Margaret,… these are my foster parents. Guys, this is my friend Margaret Sinclair.

  All members of Billy's introduction greet each other politely. Neither side is quite sure of what to make of the other. Margaret hadn't heard much about them, but from what Billy had told her, she knows they don't have the most tight-knit relationship. Being the charmer she is, she tries to make them feel as comfortable as possible.

  Margaret: Billy has told me so much about you. He thought he had lost you. It's incredible to see that you're both still in good health.

  Mr. Alomar: We've been through so much. It is incredible. But what is even more incredible is that we have found our boy. It's a miracle.

  Billy's father rubs the top of Billy's head proudly, and the boy tries his best not to roll his eyes. He opts for an awkward smile. All of this is happening so fast, and he doesn't really know how to take it. His mother seems to be getting more emotional by the minute. The tears continue to roll, and both her hands cover her mouth. She looks like she is either about to have an emotional breakdown or a marvelous awakening.

  Erika: What am I, chopped liver? Hi, I'm Erika Blaze.

  Mr. Alomar: Pleasure to meet you. Please don't take offence, but you look dangerous.

  Erika: None taken. I can be very dangerous. Special Ops.

  Mr. Alomar: I see. My son is being escorted around by a special operations agent. You must have been through so much, yourself.

  Billy responds with a random half-hearted noise. No one really knows what he means, but Margaret gets it.

  Margaret: We've been through a lot. The two of us only arrived here last night.

  Mr. Alomar: By yourselves?!

  Margaret: We were saved… by two members of Erika's team. Before that, yea, we were pretty much by ourselves out there.

  Listening to Margaret speak seems to agitate a heavier flow of tears from Mrs. Alomar's eyes. She tries her best to hold them back, but it's useless. She looks more and more like a red-faced kettle about to blow it's top. Mr. Alomar notices this and tries to make things easier for her.

  Mr. Alomar: Hey, we're just sitting over there, son. When you and your friends are finished in line, come over and sit with us. There is so much we need to talk about. I can't believe how blessed we are to have been reunited. It truly is nothing short of a miracle.

  He leans over and kisses his adopted son on his forehead.

  Mr. Alomar: We'll see you at the table. Come on, honey.

  Mr. Alomar takes his wife delicately by the arm and leads her away from Billy, back to their table. The boy can't take his eyes off of them.

  Margaret: Billy? Are you okay?

  Margaret's voice brings him out of his own head. He turns around and rejoins the two young women.

  Billy: Yea, I'm fine. It's just uh,.. it's just…

  Erika: Amazingly fortunate. What are the chances? How long were you separated from each other?

  Billy: A few days before I met up with Margaret. I thought they were dead.

  Erika: You.. don't look too happy about them not being dead.

  Billy: I am. Believe me. It's just.. I'd already come to terms with it all. I had let it all go. I was okay with it, but now everything has flipped again. I guess I'm not going to see California after all.

  Margaret: Why not?

  Billy: Well, I have to stay with them now, don't I?

  Erika: But sweetie, why wouldn't you want to? I can see you definitely look like an interesting family. I imagine you all must have a very dynamic life style. I'm sure being adopted is not all ice cream and cakes, but your parents are alive.

  Billy: My foster parents. Actually, there was a lot of cake and ice cream. You're right. Everything you said is right. I guess it just goes a little deeper than that.

  Margaret: You guys are an interesting looking family, I'll tell you that much.

  Billy: We get that a lot.

  Margaret: Yea, but something else is even more interesting than thaaat.

  Billy: What?

  Margaret: Tebious Kingston Jameriquoi Alomar Jr?

  Billy: Ugh... Go easy on me.

  Margaret: HA! Billy, that is soo bad. Op! I mean, Tebious. Tebious. Teb-Eye-Us. Ugh. Nope. I can't. It's weird. I don't know if I can call you that.

  Billy: Don't call me that. Please, don't… And you know what? When we get our food let me go sit with my parents by myself. It's nothing personal. For the comfort of everybody.

  Margaret: Uh heh, yea. No problem.

  Erika: Of course, we will.

  Billy: Thanks.

  Server: Excuse me. Hello. May I take your orders, please?

  Margaret: Five cheeseburgers!

  About forty-five minutes go by, and one beaten up half of a cheeseburger sits on a tray in front of Margaret. Her and Erika are sitting together at the end of one of the long tables of the cafeteria. Billy left them there to meet with his foster parents on the opposite end of the room. Many people are still inside, and every table is occupied for the most part. The super soldier's plate has been cleaned. Her meal has been transformed into a big pile of bones. Margaret is hunched over her last bit of food, gripping her bulging stomach and groaning in discomfort.

  Erika: I told you you couldn't eat all of those burgers. Look at how small you are.

  Margaret: Hey, I was pretty close, okay? Only… ugh, half of one left. How were the chicken wings?

  Erika: De-vine. Heavenly honey garlic. Oh, how heavenly.

  Margaret: Treacherous cheeseburgers… ugh.

  Erika: Ha ha. Poor you. Hey, here comes your friend.

  Margaret forces her body to lift i
tself, and when she turns around, she sees Billy making his way to them through the crowd. He walks past Margaret, and Erika shifts her tray and body over to give him some room. He sits down across from Margaret in the space Erika leaves unoccupied.

  Margaret: Tebious…

  He waits.

  Margaret: Okay, I'm sorry. Billy…. how was it?

  Billy: It was… something. After my foster mom finally stopped crying, they told me they were happy to see that I was still alive. Foster dad was happy to see that I still have the bow he gave me. "Impressive" he said.

  Erika: I would say that sounds pretty accurate.


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