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Our Undead

Page 43

by Theo Vigo

  In the lead cart, Billy too, is slightly thrown off by what is going on. He had expected groundbreaking things to happen today, but not so horrific and not as literal as this. He and Margaret have the best seat in the house when it comes to watching Kerrick pick off zombies. Billy watches him shoot and watches Sharp drive, his face serious and alert. He wishes there was something he could do to help, but there isn't much room to move on the cart's small rear-facing backseats, especially with Margaret and his knapsack taking up room.

  He looks at Margaret, and her eyes are still lost in space. Billy knows she is upset, but she'll die if she doesn't start coming back to reality, and soon. He can do his best to watch out for her, but things are already unpredictable enough, they'll only get worse. He needs her back.

  Billy: Margaret, are you seeing this!

  Margaret: (unresponsive)

  Billy: Margaret, I know you're upset, but I need you to be here right now, so we can get out of this together. I don't want to lose you, too.

  She remains unresponsive, but at least she raises her head to take a look around. For the first time, she takes it all in and studies the scene. It reminds her a lot of the hostel, of all the people running for their lives, and her family trying to escape with the others. Thinking about these things would usually upset her, fill her with depressing emotions and make her want to cry, but now she feels nothing. She looks out into the crowd and sees nothing but zombies being beaten by humans, humans running from and being eaten by zombies. It is what it is. People get wiped out. Whether it's a disease, or ignorant leadership, or mother nature, people will always get wiped out. Maybe this would be the epidemic to finish the job, but to Margaret, it doesn't matter either way. Billy can't tell what she is thinking as she looks, almost drowsily, out into the craziness, but he is just glad she is doing something.

  Erika: Aw, ssshit! Mooove!!

  Erika slows the cart down. The crowd becomes too thick to avoid hitting anybody. She tries, letting it crawl through, but the cart soon begins getting rocked back and forth.

  Erika: We're gonna have to get out and walk!

  She looks back for the other cart. Sharp and Kerrick are already out and walking toward them, followed closely by Doctor Bernard.


  Sharp: We're gonna have to walk!!

  Erika: I know!

  Gwen: We'll never make it! The emergency lift takes about five minutes to warm up, and it takes around five minutes to get to the surface!

  Sharp: How far away from here is this lift?!

  Erika: Lemme guess.. approximately five minutes?

  Gwen nods in confirmation.

  Erika: That's fifteen minutes, Denver!

  Sharp: We have to try! Take us there, professor!

  Gwen: Okay! We have to make it to Suhh-Suhh, there's a room.

  Sharp: I know where that is! Everyone stay in between us!

  Billy: Come on, Margaret.

  Erika draws her gun and joins Sharp and Kerrick with providing some first-rate cover fire. Billy and Margaret keep tightly packed in between the three-pointed shield of protection, along with Gwen and Bernard. The three super soldiers are quick to down any threat within six feet. Nothing crosses that imaginary line.

  Sharp: Up ahead!

  The group looks up ahead and sees one of the facility's trucks stopped in the middle of the path.

  Erika: That's the same truck that was parked outside D-9!

  Gwen: It must be the General's! He must be heading for the same lift! We have to hurry!

  Sharp: Wait a minute! You think there might be some guns in there!?

  Gwen: It's possible!

  Sharp: Then we have to check!

  Gwen: There's no time!

  Sharp: We're running low on ammo! If we wanna make it, we have to look! No arguing! Quickly, this way!!

  He takes point in leading his group closer to the back opening of the truck, wherein, they will search for extra ammunition. When they get to it Sharp barks out more orders.

  Sharp: How are we on ammo!?

  Erika: Two mags!

  Kerrick: One and a half!

  Sharp: Matthew, get in there and check for weapons!

  Kerrick: Right!

  Kerrick breaks from the three-point shield leaving Sharp and Erika to defend everyone by themselves. They fend off any incoming zombies with just as much efficiency. Kerrick jumps into the back of the truck to look around.

  Gwen holds Billy and Margaret close to her. It's hard to tell if she is doing so to protect them or to create a buffer zone around herself, regardless, Bernard tries to get in on the action as well. He does his best to sneak in behind Gwen, but they need not fear. They are in good hands, that is, if the ammo holds up.

  Sharp: How's it going in there, Matthew!?

  Kerrick jumps back out of the truck with a medium sized satchel-like bag of supplies and rejoins his gang.

  Kerrick: Not great. It's pretty much been emptied, but we got about half a bag of mags here!

  Sharp: That'll do! Let's press on to Suhh-Suhh! Stand-by with those bullets! Let's move!

  The group of seven leaves the truck behind, working their way progressively through the horde of humans and zombies alike. Kerrick makes sure to hand off magazines to any of his two teammates that call out for more ammo, and together the three of them make an impenetrable force, even without Holden. Again, Billy feels useless. It isn't in his nature to just stand by when there are zombies to be killed, to be protected, but his main concern right now is making sure that Margaret is okay. He feels like if he takes his eye off of her for one minute, she'll disappear or go off somewhere. She can be so unpredictable. There isn't much he can do with his bow in here anyway. Making sure Margaret gets out safely will remain his top priority, but then, Erika sees something that might alter Billy resolve.

  Erika: Billy, those are your foster parents, aren't they?!

  The boy had forgotten about them, truthfully. When he had reunited with them in the cafeteria, he knew they had expected him to stay with them. They wanted him to move in with them and start over. All he could think about when they were telling him this was how he had gotten so used to not having them around. He had never felt freer in his life. He didn't plan on trying to start over with them. Actually, he still wanted to go to California and planned to take the soonest chance he could to continue that journey. This calamity is that chance. After all, how could they start over? What kind of life would they have living underground or on the run? It isn't the sort of life that Billy wants, and he refuses to be held back.

  When Erika calls his attention to his parents, the whole group comes to a stop. He sees them far away, flickering on and off as people run in and out of his view. A zombie has gotten hold of his mother's sweater. She tries to pull away from it in desperation, but the zombie is an aggressive one. Even with Mr. Alomar kicking at it, the monster won't stop its pursuit. After struggling with it for what feels like forever, Mr. Alomar is able to pull his wife out of the unrelenting zombie's grip. However, the force of the pull causes the zombie to fall over, and it finds the opening it was looking for in the form of Mrs. Alomar's ankle. He clutches it first, and then sinks his teeth into her. Billy sees his father pounding his foot over top the zombie’s head again and again, trying to get the thing off of his wife, but doesn't wait to see the conclusion.

  Billy: Keep going!

  Erika: What?! Are you sure?! There's no turning back from here, Billy!

  Billy: I'm sure! Let's move!

  Erika: (sighs) Okay… Denver, we're moving!!

  Sharp: Right! Reload!

  Kerrick passes a magazine off to Sharp, and the group starts moving again, leaving Billy's foster parents behind forever. Several headshots, close calls and almost five minutes later, the group makes it to Suhh-Suhh's intersection. They stand in the middle of the crossing for a moment to gather themselves.

  Sharp: Professor, which way down Suhh-Suhh?!

/>   Gwen: Right! That way!

  Sharp: Matty, how we doing on ammo?!

  Kerrick: Uhhh, could be better! About ten mags left!

  Erika: Reload! Path looks pretty clear! I'd say run for it, but the girl is injured!

  Sharp: I can carry her! Gwen, how much further is the lift?!

  Gwen: You could say, in one block we make a left! There's an unmarked door! The lift is inside!

  Sharp: Fine then! We're going to make a run for it! Professor, you have to run in front! Take us right to the door! Team, same drill! Kerrick, take middle with the ammo and Erika, take the rear, but don't fall behind! Margaret, I'm going to carry you on my back, so make sure you hang on tight!

  She doesn't respond. Sharp isn't sure if she is even paying attention. He doesn't fully understand the trauma currently plaguing her mind, but it is most definitely not the time to stop and try to dig for a deeper understanding.

  Sharp: Hey! Will she hold on?!

  Billy: She will! Margaret, hold on to him, all right? Please.

  With everyone on the same page they get ready to move again. Sharp offers his back to Margaret, and she solemnly places her arms over his shoulders, trying to get the best grip she can around his neck with her forearm crutches still attached. When she's properly sat on is back, he stands upright again.

  Sharp: Okay! On "go", we run for the door, and we don't stop! Time is not a luxury we have to spare! This is the home stretch, people! Ready?!

  Kerrick, Erika, Gwen, Billy and Bernard all voice that they are ready to go.

  Sharp: GO!!!

  On Sharp's word, all six of them dart down the not as overrun north hall of Suhh-Suhh. Professor Gavine is in front of the group as Sharp had instructed. He is right behind her, popping the heads off of any zombies that get too close. Billy runs along side him, not for the protection, but to stay close to Margaret. She holds on to Sharp's neck and gets bumped all around as he runs, as if she's sat atop a mighty racehorse. His shoulder continuously rams itself into her neck, and it annoys the hell out of her. She has half a mind to jump off and let them continue on without her, but she doesn't, possibly for Billy's sake. Behind them is Kerrick. He helps with covering the front and back of the group and passes off ammo whenever Sharp or Erika call for it. Erika is behind him, covering the tail end, and Bernard runs beside her. One might think a man as tall as him would be able to run faster, but throughout his entire life, the skinny doctor had never been athletically talented. Nevertheless, the group is able to stick together fairly well.

  Gwen: It's here! This is the left turn!

  Sharp: Guys, we're turning!

  Sharp takes a look down the specified hallway. He is relieved to see that it's even less occupied than the one they are currently running in, virtually empty. They take the turn and barrel down it without slowing down. Unfortunately, they acquire some unwanted attention. A zombie notices them separating from the carnage and follows them. It attracts another, and the one it attracts, attracts five more. Soon, a decent sized mob of about twenty-five zombies is formed and chasing the group down the hall, and with its seal now broken, more keep trickling in.

  Erika: We've got goofs on us!!

  Sharp: Gavine, where's the room!!

  Gwen: Just a little further ahead!!

  They all continue running at full speed. Erika does her best in back to keep picking off their assailants. The skinny English doctor runs along beside her. Of everyone, he seems the most fatigued, red in the face and fighting to catch his breath. With each step he feels his legs getting heavier. He doesn't want to give up, but he can't help it when his exhausted right foot trips over his left, and he goes toppling over. Erika notices him disappear from her side right away.

  Erika: Guys, hold on!!

  Everybody stops running and looks back to see what the problem is. Doctor Bernard is on the hallway floor, trying to get to his feet. He might have made it if he had not been so panicked, but slips up too many times and gets caught by the shepherd zombie and a few of his followers. They pin him to the floor and begin feasting, first on his legs, then working their way up the rest of his body. He cries out to his group in pain and for help, all the while trying to drag himself out of their clutches.

  Erika tries to help, but no matter how many zombies she shoots off of him, a replacement swiftly takes its spot. Kerrick even comes walking back to help her and provide bullets, but it is of no use. Doctor Bernard is already completely covered, and the zombies that had arrived too late to get a taste of him are passing him and continuing pursuit of the group.

  Kerrick: There's nothing we can do! Let's go!

  It's a damn shame to her, but the English doctor isn't the first person Blaze has lost in battle, so her and Kerrick start up running again to catch up to the rest. When they catch up to Sharp, Gwen, Margaret and Billy, they are all standing (except Margaret who is still on Sharp's back) in front of a plain looking metal door.

  Sharp: So this is it?! What are you waiting for?! Open it!

  Gwen: I… There's no… It's just a knob with a keyhole! There's no number panel!

  Sharp: You don't have a key?!

  Gwen: If I did, we'd be inside!

  Kerrick: Umm, so are we opening the door, or are we gonna keep moving, cause…

  He doesn't need to finish his sentence. They know exactly why they need to make their decision with haste. With every second they remain stagnant, the group of fifty-something zombies gets closer, along with a very gruesome fate for them all. It pains him to do it with only about twenty arrows left, but Billy arms himself with his bow and helps Kerrick and Erika keep cover. Every shot fired is a bull's eye planted in an undead forehead, but it all just seems pointless.

  Erika: Reload!

  Kerrick: That was the last mag! What are we doing, people?!

  Sharp: Aw, fuck it.

  Sharp draws his gun, but doesn't aim at the zombies. He lets three rounds go into the area on the door surrounding the knob, and the knob itself.

  Sharp: Matty, kick the goddamn door in!

  Kerrick hears him and stops firing on the fast approaching stampede. With absolutely no hesitation, he drives his better foot into the door, not once, but twice.

  Sharp: Wait!

  Sharp fires two more rounds into the knob.

  Sharp: Go!

  Kerrick powers another heavily driven kick right into the doorknob. To their favor, the knob flies off and the door pops open. Perhaps just in time.

  Sharp: Get inside! Erika, inside!

  She is so busy trying to fruitlessly keep the zombie horde at bay that she doesn't even notice that Kerrick was able to get the door open, but when she sees that it is, she runs inside. Sharp and Margaret are the last to enter, and Sharp slams the door shut behind them, keeping his weight on it. Margaret slides off of Sharp's back without having to be told, and limps away from the door. Her eyes widen in a melancholy awe at the contents of the brightly lit room.

  Sharp: Get something to block the door with!!

  Kerrick and Erika are already on it. They work together pushing a colossal cabinet over to where Sharp fights with the rumbling door and the beasts on the other side.

  Sharp: Ugh! Damn it! Come on, guys!

  Kerrick: We're here! We're here! Get ready to move aside!

  Sharp: One, two,… THREE!

  On three, Sharp moves out of the way and his partners shove the massive cabinet in his place, a life-sized Indiana Jones moment. They manage to press the metal box firmly against the door, then back away to see if it stays. They can still hear them. Even with the whining of the alarm, they can still hear the muffled grumblings of the collection of corpses just outside the room, but the cabinet remains steady and the door remains sealed.

  Sharp: (relieved) Shit… Okay, so where's the lif-

  He turned around and gets to see the inside of the room, notice it, for the first time.

  Sharp: Holy sweet sunshine…

  Kerrick: That, was exactly what I was gonna say.

; When he turns around, Sharp is greeted by racks upon racks of firearms and just as much ammo, all spread out neatly on each wall to his left and right. He walks deeper inside, strolling along and gawking at all of the pieces in their majesty. The walls are lined with assault rifles, machine guns, shotguns and pistols, with their respective munitions located under them; fully loaded mags, clips and scopes.

  Sharp: What is this? Are we in the right place!?

  Gwen: Yes! The lift should be through this door!

  Gwen walks up to a door located on the opposite side of the room. Unlike, the last one, this door has a keypad for code punching.

  Erika: It's an emergency exit. Obviously, only for VIPs and soldiers. This must be some sort of last stop artillery shop for those escaping. There are duffel bags here. Let's grab what we can and get the hell up out of here.

  Kerrick: Sweet Saint Maria…

  Sharp and Erika leer at Kerrick for his horribly timed remark.

  Kerrick: What?! He stole mine!

  His teammates ignore him, and Erika tosses a bag each to Sharp and Kerrick. They begin quickly taking all the weaponry they need, filling up their duffel bags. They each take for themselves a couple of pistols, a shotgun, assault rifle, and all the ammo their bags can handle. Erika opts for a sub-machine gun instead of an assault rifle, for more agility and less weight.


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