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Mark Of A Scarred Warrior (Iron Dogz MC Book 5)

Page 2

by René Van Dalen

  He was leaving it all behind.

  But first he was going to make sure the bitch didn’t get a single fucking cent out of him.

  Not one fucking cent.

  Not now, not ever.



  He lay on his back on the mat and groaned. Every single muscle in his body ached. He could handle that.

  It was the pain in his lower back that was killing him.

  Earlier Tori had offered him one of the pain pills their specialist had prescribed but he didn’t want it. He would only take one if he could no longer power through the pain. It was a very short step from taking the pills because he needed them to handle the pain, to becoming addicted to them. Not happening.

  “One more repetition and we’re done, Scar. Come on, I know you can do it.” The tiny menace was the one the club had elected to help him with his exercises.

  Why the hell he had agreed to Tori working with him he’ll never know. There was no way he could snap or swear at her because her man would fucking kill him if he did. No way was he going to aggravate Beast. The man’s temper was a thing of legend throughout the Iron Dogz MC.

  Groaning in pain he did as his slave driver insisted and completed the leg raises while she spotted him.

  At least he could now raise his fucking legs. Two weeks ago he had sweated blood trying to get them even a few centimetres off the floor.

  His muscles felt like jelly and the pain in his back was so bad he didn’t want to move. But he had to because if he didn’t she would know. Slowly sitting up he couldn’t stop the grimace of pain and she was on him in a split second.

  “That’s it. You are taking this pill even if I have to pinch your nose closed and shove it down your throat.” Tori snarled.

  Scar sighed and looked up at her. She stood next to him, a pill in one hand and a bottle of water in the other.

  “Fine, but only this once, Tori. This shit is too powerful to take on a regular basis. I don’t’ want to fight to walk and an addiction at the same time. I’d rather deal with the pain.”

  She immediately nodded. “I know exactly how you feel and I agree. But you have to take it today. You’re in pain.”

  Giving her a nod Scar took the pill threw it into his mouth and dry swallowed before taking the bottle of water to wash the bitterness out of his mouth.

  “I fucking hate taking pills.”

  “You might hate them but right now you need them. As we continue with the exercises there’s going to be pain. As you already know there are going to be days you will want to kill me because I will be the cause of your pain, but I promise, at the end of this you will be walking. And better yet, you will be back on your bike, and isn’t that the perfect goal to work towards?”

  Sitting on the mat with his legs stretched out in front of him and balancing on his hands Scar looked at the small woman sitting next to him before he answered.

  “I don’t care how much pain I’m going to be in or how long I’ll have to suffer that pain. I will be walking and riding again. That’s a promise.”

  Tori gave him a huge smile as she patted his shoulder.

  “Good, before you know it you’ll be walking without a walking stick and from there it will be an easy leap to riding your bike.”

  She stood and moved behind him to help him up.

  “Now, let’s get you up and onto the massage table. A massage will help with the pain and lactic acid build up in the muscles of your back and legs.”

  With a groan Scar let the tiny woman bully him up and onto the massage table.

  He had learned at the start of this road he was on that Tori Keating was a force to be reckoned with. It was no use fighting her. She got what she wanted every time. He was grateful for the time she spent helping him because it meant he didn’t have to see the physical therapist every day. He was now only going twice a week and that was too much as far as he was concerned. The woman was getting too damned friendly and he wanted to see her as little as possible.

  Thank fuck Tori had had an interest in physical therapy and had been taking classes.

  Between the pain pill and the massage the throbbing in his back became a faint ache and he could handle it, easily.

  After the massage he had a hot as hell shower got dressed and when he opened his door he found Sassy camped out in front of it. She gave him a big doggy grin, jumped up and with her tail wagging wildly followed him to the kitchen.

  When he first arrived he had been in an upstairs room. But soon after he started walking with the damned walker he had insisted on moving downstairs where there were no stairs to negotiate. Everyone had been worried about Sassy tangling in his legs but she has been an absolute star. She became his shadow when the girls weren’t at the house. Almost as if she believed it was her job to take care of him while he’s hurt.

  “There you are.” Penny gave him a wide smile. “I’ve baked some muffins this morning. Would you like one with your coffee?”

  She was sitting at the kitchen table with her baby girl in her high chair next to her. It wasn’t an actual high chair but a small chair with long arms that hooked onto the table top and had the baby sitting at the table with them. Scar knew Penny would jump right up to get him what he wanted but he didn’t want her to do it. He could and wanted to do it for himself.

  “You stay and take care of our princess. I’ll help myself, thanks.”

  “She’s being a little devil this morning and spitting her food all over the place. Don’t sit too close.” Penny grinned. “You’ve been warned.”

  Scar couldn’t resist running a hand over Delene’s soft fluffy hair and dropping a kiss on her forehead. The baby girl looked up at him and gave him a wide toothless grin. Their beautiful little princess was the happiest baby he had ever come across and he, like everyone else, had fallen in love with her.

  “Good morning, princess Lennie.” He knew he wouldn’t have long to wait for Penny’s reaction.

  “No, just no. Do not even try. Her name is Delene. I know what you guys are trying to do and it’s not happening. No nicknames.”

  “Okay, so Lennie is a solid no. I’ll have to think of another one.” Scar teased as he poured his coffee and grabbed a muffin from the plate on the worktop and set it in the small plate already set out for him. Penny did small things like that, taking care of him without saying a word.

  Setting his coffee and muffin on the table he very carefully lowered himself until his ass was in the chair. Penny watched him intently and so did the baby.

  Sipping his coffee he gave a sigh of pleasure and both he and Penny burst out laughing when Delene copied the sound. Shrieking with laughter the baby slapped her hands on the table and globs of cereal went flying everywhere.

  “You’re messy this morning, princess.” Scar teased as he grabbed a paper serviette from the pile in the middle of the table. Penny had come prepared. He wiped the food bits that had splattered his way. Taking a clean serviette he gently wiped the baby’s face and grinned when she pulled a face and jerked her head away while frowning at him.

  “Who’s messy girl this morning?” Tori teased as she walked into the kitchen.

  Sassy jumped up and met her as she reached the table and bumped her head insistently against her thigh. Demanding a head rub. Tori didn’t let her wait and sank down in front of the dog and ruffled the fur around her head as she gave her the attention she wanted.

  “How’s our big girl? Have you been good while I tortured Scar? Yes, I can see you were. You’re such a pretty girl. Yes, you are. My big pretty girl.” Sassy’s entire body seemed to wag as she enjoyed the attention. She moved close to Tori and laid her muzzle on her shoulder and just stood there leaning against her while she stroked her head and back.

  “Oh boy, she’s not going to want you to stop anytime soon.” Penny laughed.

  Tori grinned as she slowly stood and with one last pat on Sassy’s head went over to the basin and washed h
er hands.

  “She’s a good girl and deserves a lot of loving.” She said over her shoulder.

  Getting herself some coffee and a muffin she sat down at the table and grinned when Delene once again spat out the food Penny sneaked into her mouth. Blowing bubbles and grinning when they laughed.

  “You two are making it worse. She knows she has an audience.” Penny complained.

  “We’ll pretend to ignore her to give you a chance to try and get some food in her. But, just saying, maybe she doesn’t like whatever that is you’re giving her.” Scar said with a shrug.

  Penny frowned, looked down at the bowl she was holding and shook her head. “It’s her usual cereal. She gobbled it down yesterday.”

  “Hell, I don’t know babies at all so don’t pay attention to what I’m saying. You’re the mumma. You’d know better.”

  “I’m getting her another flavour, maybe she’ll eat then.” Penny said as she got up and took the bowl into the scullery.

  “I’m glad I found you here.” Tori said as she broke a piece off her muffin and popped it into her mouth.

  Scar raised a questioning eyebrow at her.

  “I think we should start swimming every morning. It will work all the muscles in your body and strengthen your back. How do you feel about it?”

  Scar shrugged. “I swam competitively at school and I used to be a Navy diver. Before moving up here I swam or surfed almost every day. So, swimming again would be great. I haven’t been in a pool in a while.”

  “The club has a good sized pool we can use. I spoke to Beast and he says all we have to do is ask Jagger for the gate keys. He keeps it locked to keep the kids and the dogs out.”

  “I never noticed a pool at the clubhouse.” Scar frowned then shrugged. “I didn’t explore before the accident so maybe that’s why”.

  “It’s behind the lapa and braai facilities and rather easy to miss. Actually, there are two pools. The one behind the lapa is a standard rectangular pool that will be great for exercising. It’s the other pool that’s something really special. Jagger built an eco-pool at the base of the rocky hill behind the compound. He designed it to look like a clearing in the woods with a rock pool at the base of the hill. It’s stunningly beautiful. A warning though, he’s freaking anal about not allowing any unaccompanied kids, drinks or food around it. It’s completely enclosed by a high palisade fence and thorny hedges. The only way in is through a gate with one of those coded locks and Jagger changes the code all the time.”

  “I don’t blame him. The brothers would wreck it if they were allowed to party there.” Scar shrugged. “We’re a bunch of wild bikers with hardly any limits.”

  Tori shook her head and gave him big cartoon eyes.

  “When are we going to start?” He changed the subject before she could say more.

  “I think as soon as possible. How about tomorrow morning?”

  “Okay. I’m actually looking forward to it instead of you torturing me to death in the gym.”

  Tori laughed. “Sorry sweetie, you’re still going to have to do those exercises. I’m just adding swimming to our workouts.”

  Scar groaned and dropped his head to the table. Delene screamed with laughter and did the same. His hand shot out, just in time to stop her forehead from crashing into the table. Shit!

  Penny shook her head at her daughter as she sat down with a small bowl of cereal.

  “Delene, look at this, I’ve got something yummy for you.” Drawing Delene’s attention away from Scar.

  After getting that first spoon past her pursed little lips she suddenly realised she liked the taste and opened her mouth like a little bird every time the spoon came near.

  Scar finished his coffee and muffin and stood, his back giving a pinch but he ignored it.

  “I’m going up to the clubhouse for a while. I’ll see you ladies later.”

  Sassy tried to follow him into the garage but he shooed her back and closed the door so she couldn’t sneak out behind him.

  He hated not being able to ride his bike. The small SUV he drove around in wasn’t too bad but, hell, he missed the freedom he had on his bike. He missed being able to go where ever the hell he wanted without having to tell someone where the fuck he was going. But he had promised Tori and he was a man who kept his promises.




  Slapping my books closed I rubbed my tired eyes and sighed. Why the hell had I decided to continue my studies? And why of all things had I chosen to do a B.Com degree? Okay, I know why I did but it was so much work and so not what I’m really interested in. I would much rather spend the day taking photos instead of sitting here hitting the books.

  It was my dream to be a professional photographer one day. But it was a long road from where I am now to where I wanted to go.

  It was going to take time but I didn’t care. I had time.

  My ambition to be a photographer was partly to blame for me ending up at the club.

  My parents liked to celebrate our birthdays with parties, but they weren’t the kind of parties with balloons and cake and stuff. Their parties were carefully planned events and their guests were selected for their influence and social standing. My twenty second birthday party had been no different. The parties weren’t all night affairs and mostly ended around midnight. Once the last guest was waved off my parents would sit down with a night cap and compare notes.

  But that night had been different and I won’t ever forget what had happened.

  I was bored at my own birthday party. It wasn’t really a party, just another pretext for my parents to make business connections. I should have made an excuse not to come, like having to study for my exams or something. I had been hiding in the guest bathroom to avoid my parents. Squaring my shoulders for the onslaught I walked out then half turned to pull the door closed behind me. A hand came out of nowhere, grabbed me and dragged me into my dad’s study. I didn’t even have time to scream before his hand was shoved over my mouth.

  The lights were on in the study and my eyes widened as I met the eyes of someone I’d always thought of as a family friend. Isaiah, the eldest son of my dads’ partner. Right now though he didn’t look the way he usually did. His eyes looked weird and he gave me a very creepy vibe. He smiled as he shoved his face into mine.

  “You look good enough to eat tonight, little Amaliah. Would you like me to eat you?” He whispered and gave my cheek a slobbery lick.

  I shook my head violently from side to side to avoid his mouth and tongue as he tried to kiss me. Pushing his body against mine he rubbed himself against me. I was totally grossed out when I felt his erection. Somewhere deep inside I knew if I didn’t get away he was going to hurt me.

  “I can’t wait. Just a little taste. One little taste wouldn’t harm now would it?” He said in an eerie whisper.

  He wasn’t talking to me I realised. He was talking to himself as he shoved his hips into me and pulled his torso slightly away to look down. His free hand slid down my body, grabbed a handful of my dress and jerked it up. As I tried to fight him off I regretted giving in to my mother’s urging to wear a dress. He was panting like an animal and his mouth hung open and looked all wet and gross. I fought but he was too strong and I couldn’t budge him. I screamed when he thrust his fingers inside me, it hurt so bad, so very bad. I fought harder when he started moving them in and out of my body. I had to get him off me.

  My salvation came in the form of voices right outside the study door, my sister and her husband fighting about something. Isaiah jerked back and I shoved him, hard, really hard. He shook his head and chuckled.

  “Sorry, I was a bit rough but you are such a sweet little morsel, my darling.”

  “Stay away from me! I’m telling my dad about this.” I threatened as I fixed my clothes and ran for the door. He laughed as if it was a big joke and I froze with the door handle in my hand and looked back over my shoulder.

  “Try it and see what happens, Amaliah. You’re mine you just don’t know it yet. I’ve waited years for you and had to be satisfied with fucking Caroline while I waited. She’s not you though, not a sweet innocent who I can break and train to my hand.” He laughed when I gasped in shock.

  “You’re lying! Caroline wouldn’t do that to Jasper. She loves him!” I shouted at him and he just laughed at me.

  “You’re such an innocent, my darling. I’ve been fucking Caroline for years. She loves being bent over my desk and taking my cock in her ass. Her marriage to Jasper is a fucking joke.”

  “No, that’s not true.” I whispered.

  “You are so blind to what goes on around you, Amaliah. Caroline hates you. Your parents gave you to me. I hold all the cards, little girl.” He laughed as I grappled with the door handle to get out of the office and away from him.

  Jasper was coming towards the office as I rushed out and tried to stop me but I pushed past him, ran upstairs and locked myself in my bedroom. I waited for everyone to leave so I could tell my parents what had happened.

  I knew the minute I told them that Isaiah hadn’t lied. They shook their heads in exasperation and then my mother explained in that cold courtroom voice of hers that I hated.

  “The families have an agreement. You will be marrying Isaiah after graduation. The ceremony will take place in his parents’ garden.” My mother smiled at me coldly. “Flora Jacobson will be taking you to your dress fittings as I’m busy on an important case. She’ll call to set up appointments around your class schedule. Caroline will be in your bridal party of course. I’ll contact Flora tomorrow and set up a meeting for us to discuss the wedding.” Only then did she look at me. “You are lucky Isaiah wants you. He’s a prominent lawyer and is going to go far. The families have political aspirations for him. He needs a young wife of good breeding with an impeccable reputation and that is you. He has agreed to allow you to work at the family firm until you give him his first child, afterwards you will stay home and raise your children.”

  I shook my head wildly. “No, no, I won’t marry him and I don’t want to be a lawyer. I dropped out two weeks ago. I’m now…”


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