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Mark Of A Scarred Warrior (Iron Dogz MC Book 5)

Page 5

by René Van Dalen

  Jagger looked at the man sitting against the wall and felt sympathy for him but even though he did he wasn’t going to let him take his anger at his ex out on Chris. She didn’t deserve to be the scapegoat for the shit another bitch was putting him through.

  Not now and not anytime in the future either.


  It was fucking embarrassing to have his shit laid out in front of all his brothers. But Ice was insistent and he had to go along with his VP.

  “Which law firm is handling your divorce?” Ice demanded as they waited for Ziggy to connect the call to the law firm that handled the club’s business and to the man at the top.

  “Moodley, Watson & Naicker Incorporated in Durban.”

  “Hmm, they’re a big firm with a very good reputation. Interesting.” Ice said quietly as he made notes on the pad in front of him.

  “Ice, good morning, what I can do for you?” Gerhard said as he appeared on the screen then looked confused when he saw Ice wasn’t the only one in the room.

  “Morning, Gerhard. I have a few questions regarding a divorce your Durban branch seems to be handling. The case is Joshua Quinn versus Gigi Quinn. The main question though is why the fuck is your firm working for Gigi Quinn and not for our brother? Do I need to remind you who pays you, Gerhard?”

  Gerhard frowned in confusion. “I’m not aware of the case. Give me a moment to access the file.” He said as he started typing on the laptop next to him. He read silently for a few moments then shook his head.

  “I’ve got the file right here and we are definitely working for the club. We were approached by Mr Jeremy Quinn, one of your men in Durban, to handle the divorce and a case of spousal abuse of his sister-in-law, Gigi Quinn. I just looked at the photographs of the abuse and they are shocking. I’m not letting this go, Ice. I will be instructing my associate to pull out all the stops on this case. I will ensure the lady is given everything she’s asking for, the house and assets of her abuser. Once we’re done with the divorce we’ll hand the case over to the relevant authorities. I’m sorry that he’s one of yours but I can’t condone abuse.”

  Ice’s expression didn’t change at all as he wrote on the pad in front of him.

  “As I understand it Mr Quinn strongly disputes the allegations. Show me the photographs. And don’t say you can’t, we both know you are working for me and therefore I have a right to view the evidence.” Ice demanded.

  Gerhard Van Wyk didn’t fight Ice.

  The photos started rolling across the screen and the lawyer was correct, they were shocking. But the thing that stood out was that it wasn’t Gigi in the photos, it was someone else. Someone he had never seen before.

  “That’s not Gigi Quinn. She has a unicorn tattooed above her snatch. Even with all that blood you can clearly see there’s no fucking tattoo on her. And where is her birthmark? She has a small raspberry birthmark on her left tit right below the nipple. I don’t know who this woman is but it’s not Gigi.” Scar bit out through clenched teeth. “And why aren’t there any full body photos that show her face? These photos…”

  Ice held his hand up to silence Scar. “My client has terminated his contract with Moodley, Watson & Naicker Inc a few minutes ago. I will be taking over Mr Quinn’s defence with immediate effect and we are not only suing for divorce we will be suing the respondent and all other parties involved with defamation of character and falsifying of evidence. That includes your associate in Durban and as you are the head of the firm, Gerhard, it means we will be suing you. Oh, and consider that retainer you have been so happily collecting every month gone like mist before the sun. You will return all files pertaining to the Iron Dogz MC to me by end of business today. If not you will be facing more charges.”

  Gerhard Van Wyk frowned as he shook his head and held up a hand.

  “Hang on a minute there, Ice. There’s no indication in the file that Mr Quinn is disputing the allegations. There’s no indication that he has legal representation at all. Give me a few hours to talk to my associate in Durban. I’ll get back to you before end of business today. You have my word.”

  Ice nodded. “Be sure you do, if not you will be facing me in court.” With a slight tip of his head he let Ziggy know to end the call.

  The screen went black.

  “What the fuck?”

  “What fuck is Hotdog doing down there?”


  Several voices rang out before Hawk’s gavel silenced them all.

  Scar felt his president’s eyes on him and he turned to face him.

  “You have any idea what’s going down at the Durban chapter, brother? How the fuck did Pesto get past his president and the officers to get the club lawyers to handle the case? Has Hotdog lost control over his club?”

  Hawk’s voice was quiet and controlled but very fucking scary.

  Scar gave a disgusted snort and shook his head. “I don’t know if you know, Prez, but Hotdog inherited brothers who are the scum of the earth when he took over. He has one hell of a fight on his hands. No reflection on you, you can’t be everywhere at once. There are a couple of bastards in that club who are dirty as fuck. They have been working to get Hotdog and his officers put out bad or eliminated so they can step up into their positions. Ever since that shit went down with your old lady and the Road Warriors they’ve been pushing hard to get him and everyone who supports him out. I’m sure you know from the membership lists that I’m not the only one to transfer out. I was going to bring it to you but then the accident happened and it sort of faded into the background while I was working on my recovery. You can’t allow it to happen, Prez. I don’t know how but we have to help Hotdog and those loyal to him to clean out the scum.”

  Hawk gave a smile that showed his teeth but wasn’t a smile at all. It was a predator getting ready to strike.

  “What about Pesto, your brother?”

  Scar looked right into his presidents’ eyes, shook his head and snorted in disgust. “He’s part of the scum and no brother of mine.”

  Hawk stared at him with those yellow predatory eyes then nodded as if satisfied with whatever the hell he saw. When Hawk’s eyes left him Scar slowly let out the breath he had been holding.

  Their president didn’t let them wait long to hear his decision.

  “Durban will be cleaned, and there will be no leniency. Hotdog will have the Nomads at his back and they will stay in Durban until I’ve been assured the club is once again being run strictly to our bylaws.” Hawk looked around the room, meeting everyone’s eyes as he slowly took them all in. “None of what you just heard will be discussed outside of this room. It stays right here. No discussions between brothers. I find anyone, any-fucking-one, opened his mouth about what has been discussed he will be dealt with. Permanently. You got me?”

  “Yes, Prez.”

  “Sure Prez.”

  “No problem, Prez.”

  Agreement rang around the room.


  His knuckles knocking on the table drew everyone’s attention to their Chaplain, Bulldog.

  “The crap going down in Durban is another indication of the threats we are facing as a club. Not only are our women and children being targeted but now it seems they are turning their sights on specific individuals in our club. What if Scar and Hotdog aren’t the only ones? What if there are brothers being targeted at our other chapters and we don’t know about it because, like Scar, they aren’t sure if we’ve got their backs or not?”

  “I think Bulldog is right.” Spider agreed. “We need to reach out to the chapters, but only to brothers we know are loyal. If anyone out there needs our support we have to give it.”

  Hawk knocked on the table and the rumbles after Spider’s suggestion settled.

  “I will be meeting with the officers after we’re done here. When I know more I will let you know. That’s it.”

  Hawk slammed the hammer down on the block of steel in front of him. It was a very q
uiet group that filed out, leaving the officers sitting at the table.

  Scar was the last one out. He pulled the doors closed behind him and limped over to the bar where coffee stood waiting. Usually Chris was there to pour but not today.


  He had hoped to make some kind of an apology but maybe it was just as well she wasn’t around. He was still too fucking angry and raw about the shit his slut of a soon to be ex-wife was pulling.

  He had no idea why he kept putting Chris in the same category as the bitch. Gigi had been a club slut when he met her and fell in lust. He had been so damned stupid. And Chris was nothing like her, not a slut at all.

  Okay, so maybe he did know why he was so pissed at Chris but it was completely fucked up.

  Fucked up and absolutely undeserved. Pure and simple.

  A part of him was attracted to her and it was the very last fucking thing he wanted or needed.

  He fought against it with everything inside him.

  Not that she would have anything to do with him after the shit he had pulled, and that was a good thing. He didn’t think he would be able to ignore her if she focused those big soft brown eyes on him.

  Jesus. No way was he going to get involved with another club slut. Not ever again. No matter how soft her fucking eyes were. Not going there, fucker. He warned himself as he limped out of the common room to where he had parked the cage.

  He needed to get out of here before he did something stupid.

  Like looking for her and making shit worse.

  And of course the fates had it in for him because when he got home it was to find a backyard full of women and children.

  Trying to avoid them he went straight to his room but he’d scarcely closed the door behind him when there was a soft knock.

  Sighing he opened the door and found Suzy, Bulldog’s old lady standing there. And he didn’t have to wait long to find out why she was there.

  “Bulldog called, he said you needed a woman’s soft touch right now. Don’t be angry with him, sweetheart. We don’t keep any secrets from each other, that’s why we work. I’m as committed to the club as what he is, and because he’s committed to you so am I. Everything he told me won’t go any further, you have my word. Anything you need, anytime you need it, you reach out and I will be here. No questions asked. Okay?”

  All he could do was nod because his throat was strangely tight. It became worse when she stepped into him and slid her arms around his waist, hugging him tight. Scar shuddered as he felt a mother’s warmth surrounding him for the first time in more years than he could remember. Sliding his arms around her he sighed long and hard as he hugged her back and dropped his head against hers. The sorrow that sat deep in his soul became a little bit lighter.

  “Thank you.” He whispered as he hugged her tight.

  “My pleasure, sweetheart. I want to see you at our table for dinner tonight, no excuses accepted. Any time from five onwards but not later than six thirty, okay?”

  All he could do was nod because the lump in his throat still hadn’t gone.

  “We’ve got you, my boy. You’re one of ours and we do not let our boys down, ever.”

  With that she let go of him, stepped back and with a last smile walked away.

  Scar slowly closed his door and leant his forehead against it and for the first time since walking in on his brother fucking his wife he let the tears go.

  He didn’t allow it to continue for too long before he sniffed it all back, wiped his face and went into his bathroom to wash the evidence away.

  Looking in the mirror above the basin he shook his head at the bleak look in his eyes, the dark circles under them, and the gauntness of his face.

  No, he would not allow them to take him down. This shit stops right now.

  He will recover. He will regain the strength he had lost.

  He will make an effort to build relationships with his new brothers.

  He will ask for Chris’s forgiveness, but he had to keep her at arm’s length because of his attraction to her. However difficult it might prove to be.

  And apologise to the brothers who considered her their family. He owed them that.

  He was ready to take back his life. Starting right now.


  He waited until Scar closed the door behind him before he started swearing. Once he was done letting his frustrations out he leant his forearms on the table and looked at his officers, his brothers. Men he trusted implicitly.

  “I’ve had my ass in this chair for close to eight years now. It’s a drop in the fucking bucket when you consider how long my dad sat at the head of this table. Twenty six years, that’s how long he sat here, and he worked fucking hard to get us out and keep us out of the dark shit my grandfather and his friends dragged the club into. Bounty and Bulldog inherited a broken outlaw club and through their hard work and dedication they brought us almost completely out of the dark. They made one mistake, only one. They trusted the wrong man. As a club we have recently learned the hard way that trust should be given sparingly. And then only to those who have earned it.”

  Tapping his fingers on the table he shook his head.

  “We’re done playing it safe and playing nice. More and more of the shit show that used to be this club is starting to surface and I want it gone.” He looked at the man who was his best friend and sighed heavily. “What I’m going to do next is going to impact you directly, brother. You and your mother.”

  Kid gave him a smile but it was without any humour. “We do what we have to do, brother. My true family is sitting at this table, so go ahead, do what you know is right.”

  Hawk nodded once before continuing.

  “We all know Jane is still out there working against the club with Winifred Maingarde and we know she’s searching for the piece of shit we have locked in the dungeon.” Hawk growled angrily at the thought of the double crossing piece of shit.

  “I know you’re thinking ‘what the fuck does this have to do with Durban?’ and my answer is, everything. It has everything to do with the shit going down in Durban.”

  Taking a deep breath he started laying it out for his brothers, explaining what he meant and what he wanted to do.

  “Here, at the mother chapter, we’ve dealt with our women being targeted, with betrayal and with losing brothers. We’re not the only chapter being targeted. In PE Greyhound and his brothers are fighting to preserve their territory. In Cape Town Orca and the brothers are fighting to keep the Harrison Syndicate out of our business on the docks while trying to avoid coming to the attention of an international taskforce. Durban I don’t even have to say anything about. In Bloemfontein Klippies has problems with retired patches influencing his new patches and prospects into thinking they can go back to the old ways of running guns and dealing drugs.”

  He looked around the table again. “And those are the ones who have kept me in the loop about shit in their territories. I haven’t had reports from East London or Richards Bay in almost two months, the same with Rustenburg and I had to threaten them with the Nomads to get those reports. The chapters in all the border towns have sent in reports but how sure are we they are a true reflection about what’s going on? While we’ve been concentrating on our own problems the bastards have slowly but surely been creeping into the smaller and more vulnerable chapters.”

  No one said a word and he continued after a short pause.

  “I’m calling Stone in, and I’m setting him and his men loose. They will start with Durban. Once clean-up is done they will move to the next, and the next, and the next until every chapter has been cleaned.”

  Sitting back he waited but they all stayed silent, waiting for him to speak, and then he dropped the bomb.

  “I’m thinking we might have to give Flash to Rick and his guys.”

  “No!” Kid snarled. “We can’t take the chance, Prez. The bastard knows too much and you can bet your last fucking cent he will spin it so we’r
e the ones behind bars once he’s done. He has to be taken care of, permanently.”

  There were slow nods of agreement around the table.

  “We use him to draw Jane into a trap then we eliminate them both.” Kid said coldly.

  “Brother, no…” Before Hawk could say more Kid interrupted him.

  “Boss, I’m your SAA, it’s my job to keep you and the club safe and I’m telling you, this is something we have to do. If we don’t we’ll regret it. Those two are fucking evil and we won’t have any peace until they’ve been dealt with.”

  “I agree with Kid.” Ice said quietly. “We can’t hand Flash over, it will just come back to bite us in the ass. We use the fucker to draw her out and then we take care of them. Permanently.”

  “How do we get him to do what we want?” Khan asked.

  “Easy, we use one of the Crow’s toys.” Spider said with and evil grin. “One look at either of those fucked up bitches and he’ll do anything we want to avoid ending up on the Crow’s table. He did a fairly good job at hiding it but he’s a fucking wuss when it comes to pain.”

  “How do you know that?” Bulldog looked at his youngest son with a heavy frown.

  Spider shrugged and gave a sly grin. “I’ve grown up around that piece of dirt. He has always had a thing about avoiding pain. I don’t know how you guys never noticed. He will be easy to break. Showing him what the Crow did to those bitches will do the job.”

  “That’s very sneaky but a great plan.” Beast grinned.

  “You’ll have to ask the Crow if we can borrow a toy for a few hours, boss.” Spider teased.

  “Fuck.” Hawk looked at his grinning men and shook his head. His old lady wasn’t going to like it. He didn’t even want to think about what the other part of her would think of the plan. Jesus, for all he knew the Crow would be only too happy to fuck with Flash.

  “I’ll ask but don’t get your hopes up. The Crow doesn’t like her toys too far from her control and I really don’t like the idea of my old lady anywhere near Flash.” Hawk growled. “The plan stays with us. Once it’s done the knowledge of what went down goes to the grave with us.”


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