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Mary’s Virgin: Vampire Romance

Page 29

by Iva Britt

  Emma dresses in shorts and a tank top. Working two days a week from home has its advantages. She grabs her laptop, prepares to finish editing a boring book about investment banking, and spies Jonas outside. The book can wait. She steps out onto the wide porch and waves to a shirtless Jonas. Sweat rolls off his tan muscular chest down over his six-pack abs. At 22, Jonas is in peak condition and pushing around a mower keeps him that way. Emma notices her young neighbor peeking out her upstairs window. Emma doesn’t blame her. Jonas is really hot. Wow, where is that kind of thinking coming from? Emma’s too old for him, or maybe not she thinks.

  Jonas turns off the mower and jogs over to the porch. He notices how good Emma is looking. She certainly takes care of herself. Jonas realizes where his mind is wandering and mentally slaps himself. This is his stepmom, not some floozy that picks up guys at the bar. He gets himself under control and asks, “Mind if I grab a soda before I trim the hedges? I can look at that leak while I’m in the kitchen too.”

  Emma laughs and replies, “You know that you can have anything in this house that you want. No need to ask.” Jonas’ mind jumps right to the thought, does that offer include Emma? He tries to block out the idea as he follows Emma to the kitchen. She hands him an ice-cold bottle of soda. He rubs it across his forehead to cool down both his body and his thoughts.

  Emma keeps herself busy removing everything from under the sink so that Jonas can fix the leak in the pipe. As she bends over, Jonas holds back a moan. He can’t help but admire her tight butt. Jonas needs to get a grip. He doesn’t know when his feelings for Emma began changing, but it’s getting out of control. He didn’t used to look at her as a woman, just as the person his dad married shortly before Jonas graduated high school. Seeing her almost daily for the last year, working beside her while caring for the yard, and holding her as she cries over the loss of his dad is bringing on urges he never imagined as possible.

  The phone rings and Emma leaves the room to answer it. She is glad for the disruption. The tension between her and Jonas is ridiculous. She remembers when they could relax and make silly jokes, watch action movies together and talk about anything. Now it seems they need to watch every word they say. Emma regrets the day she first noticed Jonah as a man instead of a boy. She wishes they could go back in time.

  Emma hangs up the phone and hears the snapping of the hedge clippers. Jonah is back to work in the yard. That’s good. It’s time for Emma to get her mind out of the gutter and back to work. A boring book to edit is just the thing to get her mind off of tan muscular chests and six-pack abs.

  The girl next door stops spying and saunters out of the house in a bikini. She throws a towel over a lounge chair and jumps into the pool. After swimming only one lap, she slowly walks up the steps out of the water, making sure Jonas is watching. Her bikini clings to her body, leaving nothing to the imagination. She makes it clear that she wants Jonas’ attention.

  Jonas is finishing the hedges when the girl motions him to her yard. Jonas figures why not and saunters over to say hello. She offers him a beer. He turns it down, but asks if she minds if he cools off in the pool. She jumps in with him.

  Emma looks out the window and sees her young neighbor running her fingers down Jonas’s chest. A wave of jealousy comes over Emma, freezing her in place. How she wishes to be that young again, carefree, and with a firm body that takes no effort to maintain. She misses having a man look at her the way Jonas is looking at the girl next door. Maybe it’s time to start dating again. She can join one of those on-line services. No, that seems too desperate. She calls an old friend and makes plans to go with her to a singles bar.

  She hears the unmistakable sound of metal tools hitting metal pipes and realizes Jonas is back in the kitchen working on the sink. It’s best that she stays away and leaves him alone. She looks at her computer but can’t see a thing for her tears. She is so lonely that it hurts.

  Jonas is done with the sink. He puts everything back under it for Emma. He calls out to let her know he is done, but she doesn’t answer. He assumes she is too involved in her work to hear him. He leaves a note to tell her the sink is fixed and remind her that they are meeting someone on Saturday who wants to buy the last condo his father owned.

  Chapter 2

  Emma is dressing for a night out at the singles bar. She is nervous and unsure if this is a good idea, but she has to do something about her restlessness. The tight little dress she puts on first makes her feel like she’s trying too hard. She settles on jean leggings that show off her hard-earned backside, a silky red tank and heels. Her newly highlighted hair is shiny and bouncy as it brushes her shoulders. The doorbell rings, announcing the arrival of her friend. It’s time to go. “Lord help me,” Emma mutters as she opens the door.

  The bar is crowded and loud with dimmed lighting. Music is blasting through the speakers making everyone have to lean in closely to each other to be heard. She guesses this is their strategy to bring couples together just as the dim lighting is used to hide wrinkles and blemishes. She realizes that she is analyzing the bar instead of relaxing. So, she takes a deep breath and puts a smile on her face. Within a matter of seconds, a man is by her side offering to buy her a drink. Since her friend is on the dance floor, she accepts the drink hoping for a good conversation. The man is tall and lanky, with green eyes and a touch of gray at the temples. She guesses that he is close to her age. Surely, they have something in common to discuss. Then to her horror he opens his mouth and says, “Those are nice jeans. Do you think I can get in them?” Emma groans and replies, “Not in this lifetime.” She turns away to watch her friend on the dance floor.

  As the evening progresses, Emma decides this is a huge mistake. Her toes are stomped on repeatedly on the dance floor, cheesy come-on lines are giving her a headache and she is drinking far too much. Her friend, however, has spent the entire evening with one man and she signals to Emma that she will be leaving with him. Emma quickly calls a cab. She is more than ready to call it a night.

  Emma awakens to the ringing of her phone and the bright sun in her eyes. She picks up the phone and says, “What is it? It’s too early for telemarketers.” She holds her aching head in her hands as laughter comes over the line.

  Jonas continues laughing as he says, “First of all, I’m not a telemarketer and second, it’s almost noon. You sound like you have a hangover. That truly sucks, because we have to meet a potential buyer at the condo in thirty minutes. May I suggest coffee and a hot shower?” Instead of replying, Emma hangs up.

  A quick shower, coffee and aspirin allow Emma to get dressed in a simple summer dress and sandals. She hurriedly swipes mascara and lipstick on, then heads out the door. The bright sun causes her to put on sunglasses for her still bloodshot eyes. Jonas and the buyer are impatiently waiting as she arrives ten minutes late. She apologizes profusely and unlocks the condo door.

  This condo is an investment property that Emma’s late husband bought shortly before his death. There are several such properties that Emma and Jonas have decided to sell. Their lives are simply too busy to deal with renters and the upkeep of the properties. They wander through the condo allowing the potential buyer to admire the upgrades. Jonas points out the open concept and granite countertops while frowning at Emma’s unusual silence. Happily, the man agrees to the list price and is ready to sign a contract.

  After the buyer is gone, Jonas confronts Emma, “What happened to you? I was just kidding when I said it sounded like you had a hangover. But it’s looking like I may have been right on the money. Did you have a date or just tie one on alone?”

  Emma grudgingly explains her night out. She is embarrassed to let Jonas know she is looking for a man. Jonas can’t believe his ears. Emma at a bar, no way! He is willing to bet money that she can find a man at safer places. He figures she just doesn’t realize that men notice her wherever she goes. He assures her, “Emma, you don’t need to hang out in singles bars. They’re dangerous and kind of disgusting. Just walk across the college ca
mpus and you’ll have young guys groveling at your feet for just a smile.” Emma doubts that, but the idea is intriguing. Jonas continues, “Let’s get something to eat. It will make you feel better.”

  It turns out that Jonas is correct. A little food, some more caffeine and a seat in the sun at an outside cafe and Emma almost feels human again. Thank goodness, some of the old easiness of hanging out with Jonas is back. That is until he lights up a cigarette. Emma freaks, grabs the cigarette, and shouts, “What the hell are you doing? Are you crazy? Your dad died of throat cancer! You can’t do this. I refuse to lose you too.” Emma is crying now and Jonas is ashamed of himself for upsetting her.

  Jonas tries to soothe Emma by explaining, “I picked up smoking in college. I have been trying to quit since dad got sick. I only smoke once in a while now, but it’s so hard to completely stop. I’m sorry for doing it in front of you.”

  Emma begs, “Please let me help you. You have to stop. Promise me you will get the patches or something.” Jonas promises and throws his pack of cigarettes in the trash. If it means that much to Emma, he is willing to try harder.

  When Jonas leaves, Emma’s sense of loneliness returns. She decides that she needs a companion. On the way home, Emma makes a stop at the animal shelter. The dogs jump at the windows and bark as she passes each room. One little puppy cowers in a corner. Emma feels a tug at her heart. He needs her as much as she needs him. The tiny puppy is coming home with her.

  Chapter 3

  Emma steps into some flip flops, grabs the dog leash and runs to pick up Patches before he potties on the wood floor again. The new puppy is keeping Emma on her toes. House training a dog is much harder than she thought. At least she isn’t sitting around feeling sorry for herself. She runs down the steps and sets the puppy in the grass. As she stoops to hook the leash onto Patches collar, the puppy runs off barking. Emma gives chase, terrified the puppy will run into the busy street. Patches thinks this is a fun game and continues to bounce just out of Emma’s reach. Just when Emma can’t run anymore, a large male hand scoops up the puppy. A deep voice asks, “Does this belong to you?”

  Emma, who is bent over panting, slowly raises her head. She first sees powerful legs, then running shorts, next a perfect six-pack and a sculpted chest. Finally, her eyes meet the green ones of the most handsome man she has ever seen. His broad smile is dazzling. In his hands is a calm and content Patches. Emma stands up and tries to hide her attraction to the man by talking to Patches, “You little stinker. I wasn’t playing a game. You scared me by running toward the street.” She takes a deep breath and continues, “Thank you for catching my puppy. He ran off before I could hook his leash.”

  “No problem,” he rumbles in his sexy deep voice. “I was just running through the neighborhood when I noticed you and the puppy. I’ve been trying to decide who’s cuter, you or the dog. I believe it’s you. I’m Damien Leask, the new man in the neighborhood. Glad to see there’s someone worth looking at in the area.”

  His flirting catches Emma off guard and she stammers, “Same to you. Wait! I mean, never mind. Hi, I’m Emma Miller. The neighborhood crazy lady. Nice to meet you.”

  Damien’s laughter rings out as he reaches to shake Emma’s hand. He holds onto it just a little longer than necessary. His eyes sparkle with humor and a look that can only be described as interest. Damien likes what he sees and wants to get to know Emma much better. He makes that clear by asking, “Do you think I can talk you into showing me around town? I’ve only been here a few days. I’m looking for places to open some of my health clubs and I’d much rather look around with a sexy lady like you, instead of the fat little man who’s my realtor.”

  Who can resist a gorgeous man who has the hots for them? Not Emma. She happily gives Damien her cell number so they can make plans. He hands Patches to Emma and blows a kiss as he resumes running. Emma turns red and tells Patches, “Thank you sweet boy. I knew you would keep me from being lonely, but this is way more than I expected.” Emma returns to the house and hurries to the phone to tell her best friend she needs to get a dog. They draw hot men better than a short skirt.

  Emma spends the next two days in the office. She leaves home too early to run into Damien and he hasn’t called yet. Oh well, she can wait. In the meantime, there are books to edit, a puppy to train and a handsome stepson coming to supper.

  Jonas rings the doorbell at exactly six o’clock. He’s prompt as usual. Emma leads him to the kitchen and offers him a drink. “I’ll have a beer if you have it,” Jonas replies. Emma motions to the refrigerator, indicating he is welcome to get one.

  Emma’s cell phone rings as they are finishing dessert. She excuses herself to answer the phone. It is Damien. Jonas hears a different tone to Emma’s voice. She’s flirting. As Emma makes plans to meet Damien on Saturday, Jonas finds that he is jealous. Emma belongs to him. He’s just afraid to let her in on that secret. Jonas gets himself under control and is smiling when Emma returns. They go to the living room to watch a movie and sign some paperwork involving the condo sale.

  Emma is having a great time showing Damien around town. They meet for coffee and breakfast at Starbucks, then to look at two possible sites for his business. Neither site is appropriate. They take a break for ice cream in the park in the city center. Damien holds Emma’s hand as they stroll through the park. Then they’re off to look at more business sites. Damien finds one that he likes which is not far from Emma’s office. He declares, “It’s perfect. I can see you all the time. I’ll even give you a free membership to the health club. Maybe a little one on one exercise too.”

  Emma is blushing again. Damien likes to speak in innuendos a lot. He takes Emma out to dinner as a thanks for her help. Steaks, candlelight, hand holding and flirting with a gorgeous younger man. It doesn’t get much better than that. Damien knows how to treat a lady. He even says he likes to spoil women. Emma can believe it. She certainly can get used to this. The evening ends in an intoxicating kiss on the front porch and the promise of a surprise present for Emma. She is intrigued and turned on. She can’t wait to see Damien again.

  Chapter 4

  Emma discovers that Damien does like to spoil women. He takes her on dinner dates at the best restaurants, to a musical, and a concert. He sends flowers after every date and treats her like a princess. Her only complaint is that he notices all the hot women and the hot men when they go out. Damien is obviously bisexual. Emma finds she can live with that, after all she is the object of his obsession at the moment and he makes her feels young. He also has an endless supply of imagination and the money to follow up on it. So, when Damien tells Emma to pack a bag for a weekend trip, she readily agrees.

  Emma reluctantly calls Jonas to ask if he will take care of Patches while she is gone. Jonas doesn’t like the idea of Emma going away with Damien especially since she hasn’t been told the destination. Jonas also feels betrayed by Emma. He barely sees her anymore. She is always out with Damien. Though Jonas dates all the time, he still has dreams of being with Emma. Emma misses Jonas too. There is a definite attraction between them. It makes Emma feel dirty to want her stepson though. She will just concentrate on her relationship with Damien for now.

  Damien comes to get Emma on Friday night. Jonas answers the door, surprising Damien. They stare at each other for a moment before Jonas grudgingly invites Damien in. Jonas is angry at himself for noticing how good looking Damien is. His anger shows itself through his failure to ask Damien to sit down. Damien just smiles and takes it all in stride. He is charming and finds things to talk about that have Jonas letting down his guard. By the time Emma is ready to leave, the men are becoming fast friends. Emma is happy to see they are getting along, but there seems to be an odd tension in the air.

  Emma is shocked when Damien drives up to the airport. “I promised you a surprise present after our first date. I’m making good on that tonight,” Damien states. He hands her a plane ticket to Las Vegas and continues, “We’re going to live the good life this weekend. Gam
bling, food, and great shows. Are you ready?” Emma pulls him in for a big smack on the lips in answer.

  Emma squeals when she catches sight of the rental car. It’s a bright red, vintage mustang with white interior. Her laughter rings out as Damien speeds down the road with the top down. Emma feels young, carefree, and sexy for the first time in a long while. She discovers that it would be easy to fall in love with Damien.

  It’s almost midnight, but the casino at the hotel is buzzing with excitement. Damien sends their bags to the room and pulls Emma to a slot machine. The fun begins. Coins pour from the machine when Emma hits a jackpot. She jumps up and down laughing, drawing the attention of many nearby gamblers. They smile at her beauty and happiness. Damien is fascinated with the change in Emma. He can’t wait to see if her enthusiasm follows them to bed. Drinks flow and money comes and goes as the night wears on.

  Emma’s nervous as she enters their shared room. She wants to be with Damien, but what will he think of her older body. Sure, she keeps everything as toned as possible, but she’s forty not twenty-one. Damien must sense her nervousness because he dims the lights, pours her a glass of the champagne that is chilling in a bucket by the bed and takes her in his arms for a slow dance. He hums a soft tune in her ear as they move around the room. Damien kisses Emma as he caresses her waist and lets his hand glide up to fondle her breast. Emma glides her hand over his chest inside the open shirt collar, then begins unbuttoning the rest of the shirt. Damien takes his cue and unzips Emma’s dress, allowing it to fall on the floor. He reverently kisses each breast above the strapless bra Emma is wearing, then lifts each one out of the cup and flicks the nipples with his tongue. Emma groans and urges Damien to suckle at her breasts. Before she knows it, Emma is nude on the bed with Damien kissing his way down her body. When he reaches the center of her legs, she loses all nervousness and glories in a climax. She quickly helps Damien undress and guides his throbbing member into her body. As he pounds into her body and the tension rebuilds, Emma squeezes his taut backside and urges him on. The mutual climax is mind-blowing and Damien yells out, holding tightly to Emma. This weekend promises to be a truly enlightening experience.


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