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Mary’s Virgin: Vampire Romance

Page 38

by Iva Britt

  He loved ordering me around. My compliance turned him on. It turned me on too when he used a domineering tone in bed.

  “God, you’re sexy,” he whooshed out and fisted my hair using it as something to hold on to.

  With no warning, he slammed into my sore cunt hard.

  My mouth fell open in pleasure.

  Whenever he retreated to slam back in, my head was pulled back from where his hand was gripping my hair.

  The pain coupled with his thrusts undid me.

  I arched and moved with his body.

  He groaned and let go of my hair to grabbed the globes of my ass and pump into me.

  I moaned and bit my lip.

  So close.

  And we both let out our breaths at the same time, our orgasms in sync. He kept thrusting to make sure all his semen was spent in me.

  He collapsed on the bed besides me and pulled me into the cradle of his arms, uncaring of the sticky juices tainting the bed.

  If he got his way, I would always have his seed in me and coating down my legs. That visual always made him hot and bothered, his caveman tendencies coming through. His seed in me turned him into a wild animal.

  When we lay like this, it was hard to think that there was a seven-year gap. Life and circumstances had shaped both of us beyond our years.

  His family kicked him out.

  My only family, my dad, passed away.

  We were two broken, lonely souls searching and wanting love without realizing it till it happened. We found that with each other.

  People would think it was a silly crush but Dean made me feel alive when I was all alone and depressed. He filled the void that was in my heart.

  Dean with his rough demeanor and soft gruffness made me crazy for him.

  In this bed, there was no teacher and student.

  We weren’t taboo.

  Or forbidden.

  We were two pieces of a puzzle that fit when we were together.

  Dean kissed my head softly and asked. “Hungry, love?”

  “Famished,” I responded.

  He chuckled. “Good to know I wore you out. Now, how about you whip us up some eggs?”

  I never responded well to orders outside of sex.

  “Yeah, right,” I said. I pushed him off the bed until he barely managed to catch himself so he wouldn't fall and snuggled into the sheets.

  “Fine. Fine,” he grumbled, “What’s the point of having a woman around when she won’t cook?”

  My mouth fell open in outraged shock..

  He winked.


  I threw a pillow at him as he walked out of the door.

  I hugged the pillow to my chests slumberously thinking about the past few months and excited for what was to come.

  I was graduating next week.

  Dean wasn’t going to be my teacher anymore.

  And I wouldn't be his student anymore.

  We didn’t have to hide.

  We were spending the next three months wrapped up in each other.

  I couldn't wait to bask in unbridled passion and love.


  Bonus 12 of 30

  Shooting for Love


  For Terrence, he knew that his crush on William was just that, a crush, but he didn’t think it would be something more. As a star NBA player with lots of skill, the last thing he expected was to have someone feel the same way about him that he did.

  But when William and Terrence go to a party together, feelings start to come forward, and Terrence begins to realize that he does like him. William finally comes forward, admitting the same thing, and then, sparks fly.

  But of course, not everyone is happy. Jealousy starts to flood the thoughts of one of the members of the team, and they are determined to ruin it for both William and Terrence, leaking their relationship to the masses. But will their love conquer all? Will they be able to show one another the affection that they deserve, even with all of the potential factors that might be there?

  Chapter 1

  The last thing Terrence expected when he got onto the floor was to see William there.

  However, with his heart thumping, realizing that he was in the same place as his sponsor, he knew that he couldn’t screw this up. Immediately, William locked eyes with him, a sort of inexplicit word being spoken to him.

  William was here to test him.

  Tonight was Terrence’s first game. He was to show off to William that he was a great player. But of course, what William didn’t know, was that Terrence also had a deep lust for the man. For many people, being a gay NBA player was something unheard of, but for Terrence, that was honestly his lot. He was gay, and he had the biggest crush on William.

  William was one of the head sponsors of his team. He was a towering man with a gorgeous personality, and the way he looked at William most of the time made his heart skip a beat. But of course, William was from a different social circle. He probably already had a gaggle of girls around him, and Terrence was just another person that he sponsored. He never seemed to care all that much about players he sponsored, except to come to games to make sure his hard-earned money was being put to good use.

  Of course, this wasn’t something that would get Terrence down. In fact, it made him want to work faster, harder, and better than the others. For Terrence, this was a way of life. He got drafted for a reason, and he wasn’t going to back down.

  Terrence made his way over to where the other players were, standing near them. When it was time to start, beginning with the initial toss, Terrence worked his magic. He was a good point-guard, albeit a bit shorter than the average ones, but he was fast. With his blood pumping, his hands throwing the ball up, the points he scored with each and every move, he knew that this was the perfect mindset. He didn’t want to think too much about William being there, for if he did, he might end up screwing up.

  Of course, it was hard. He could see that devilish look in William’s eyes, that sort of inexplicable wanting that he had for the other, the lust that he seemed to harbor. William was the man that Terence thought about when he touched himself, and he knew with Williams smaller frame, he could pleasure him with his large member.

  When Terrence looked up at William, he saw a smug look on his face. His brown hair caressed his shoulders, and the brown eyes he had caused Terrence to freeze up whenever he saw them cast upon him. He needed to stay in the game though, to keep his wits about him.

  He continued to score points, to do everything that was required of him, trying his best not to think about how much he wanted to throw William against the wall and fuck him senseless. That proved to be the best option, for the last thing he wanted was for someone to see the hardon that he almost had.

  The game was heated, with people cheering on both sides. It came down to Terrence, who was supposed to shoot the game-winning point.

  He knew what he had to do. He closed his eyes, focusing, and soon, he threw the basketball, hearing it hit the backboard. It wasn’t a smooth shot, and Terrence realized that it was dangerously close to falling out, and right underneath there, was an opponent on the other team. However, it swished into the net, causing a cacophony of cheers to erupt.

  “We did it,” Terrence said. The crowd cheered him on. He was the star player, and he was so happy with what he did. The rest of the crowd cheered him on, his team taking him over to the sidelines. They did say good game to the other team, who was a bit salty at Terrence for what he did, but after he grabbed some water he felt a familiar presence behind him, a presence that made him whip his head around.

  “William,” Terrence uttered.

  “Hello there Terrence. It’s been a while. Do you want to perhaps, head over to this after party tonight? I mean, it seems like a bit of a boring thing, but I’m sure you’d enjoy it,” he said to Terrence. He inched closer, and Terrence tried his hardest to look away.

  Holy shit. William of all people was offering him to come to a party tonight. He seemed almos
t insistent upon it, and when Terrence thought about it, he couldn’t possibly say no. He quickly nodded, and William smiled.

  “Good. Because, I wanted to discuss some business with you. Both about the team, and personal business. It’s been a while, so we should catch up,” William said.

  “Right,” Terrence said.

  William turned around, sauntering off, and Terrence felt his throat go dry. He couldn’t believe that William invited him. Then again, he could believe it because the guy was like that. He was always so charming, so amazing, and for him, he felt even more aroused than ever before just thinking about what it would bring. He couldn’t believe he was invited, but at the same time, he could and it was obvious that this was going to get even better from here.

  Chapter 2

  Terrence quickly showered, getting himself ready. A few of the guys showed their support for him, but one of them glared at him.

  “What’s up Casey?” he asked him.

  “I can’t believe you made the winning shot. You, a third-rate loser who got lucky to even be on the team. Like come the fuck on,” the other said.

  Casey always acted like this. Terence sighed, looking at Casey with a smug face.

  “Not my fault I’m pretty good,” Terrence uttered proudly.

  “Yeah, and you’re sucking up to William. Bet he invited you out, didn’t he? Come on, you’re nothing but a lowly little fool. You got lucky just being here. I’m sure if the talent scout didn’t find you that day, you wouldn’t be standing here,” the guy said.

  “It’s okay Casey, you can be jealous of him because you didn’t even get playtime cause you suck,” another voice said.

  It was Antonio, one of Terrence’s friends. He came on by, scaring Casey away, and he sighed.

  “I really wish the guy would stop. I mean, it’s obvious you worked hard to get here. You were scouted. Sure, you didn’t come from a rich school or anything, and you almost got kicked off initially, but you’re a good person Terrence. He’s just jealous,” Antonio said.

  Terence nodded, putting his hand up and awkward scratching it.

  “It’s fine. I don’t let it affect me,” he said.

  “I know. It sucks that he still holds that against you. kind of pathetic,” Antonio said. He left the locker room, with Terrence trying his best to get cleaned up. William was his friend, and he was part of the reason why he was on the team period. Terrence didn’t want to think about how much William had done for him. He saved him quite a few times, and the only compensation he asked for, was for William to keep on playing, and to keep on winning.

  Thinking about how much William cared caused Terrence to sigh. He didn’t come from any of the big 10 schools. He actually was recruited from a poor high school when he was 18. William was there, mostly because the other team was one of the richest ones in the area. However, William noticed Terrence, and that’s how it happened. Terrence owes it to him, but William always seemed to not take much offence to that. He seemed to want to help the other, and he seemed determined to make him smile.

  Terrence finished up, trying his best to look attractive, and soon, he headed out. He went over to the place William mentioned, and when he got there, the bouncer looked at him funny.

  “Wow, haven’t seen you in a bit,” the bouncer said.

  “Indeed. Sorry about that. I’m here for William,” Terrence said.

  “Oh yeah. He told me about you. go inside, first door on the right,” he said.

  Terrence went in, and when he did, he realized how wild it was. There were some guys from his team, who seemed to notice him there but were too busy talking with various women. A few were sucking face in the corner with some models, which made Terrence shudder. Sure, he lusted for William, but he didn’t want to be that open about it. It was when he got to the room when he realized that the door was closed, and William sat there.

  “Good, you came. I was wondering if you would,” William uttered happily.

  “I would never miss a chance to hang out William. Even if it is at a rambunctious party like this.”

  “I know you don’t party Terrence. I kind of applaud that. I’m here for airs more than anything. But, I did want to talk. It’s been a bit, and I’ve missed you,” William admitted.

  Terrence tried to hide the slight reddening. “I’ve missed you too,” he said.

  “Have a seat. We won’t be getting any disturbances tonight. But, I wanted to talk to you about a couple of things. Some of them business-related, some of them personal. We can start with the business stuff first though, because honestly, that’s something I feel we must discuss immediately.” William said.

  Terrence listened to him, expecting William to tell him he was kicked off the team, when finally, he smiled.

  “I increased the salary on your contract. I managed to do it. People were against giving a newbie like you, but I argued that after being in the NBA for a couple of years, you’re far from the newbie. I know some people were trying to short you of your money, but I had a nice little chat with them, making sure that they knocked it off,” William explained.

  Terrence couldn’t believe it. William cared that much about him?

  “Wow, you’re serious?”

  “Dead serious. You’re an important commodity Terrence. I know that our meeting was chance, but there was a reason for us to meet. I’m glad that I did. So, I’m rewarding you in a fitting manner,” he told Terrence with determination.

  Terrence was in a bit of shock. Especially after the way Casey treated him earlier.

  “Wow. Thank you. Sorry, it’s just shocking, considering how people hold my past against me still,” Terrence admitted.

  “Well they need to stop that now. Is it Casey again? I’ll need to deal with that personally,” William said.

  He looked at William’s face, seeing the darkened look. He knew Casey was in for it once he got a taste of what William was feeling.

  “I see. Thank you. You know, I’ve never been treated so nicely. I’ve always had to work for what I got, but to be given so many opportunities, it’s nice,” Terrence told him.

  “It’s because you’re very special to me Terrence. You honestly don’t know how special you are. I’ve worked with teams before, but none that know about myself, and about the secrets I have,” he said.

  That’s right. William did have secrets. William wasn’t born into riches, he actually had it happen to him on accident. He managed to put some shares onto a team, they won, and now William is a billionaire. Terrence knew that fate had a lot to do with the future of a person’s life, but he never expected this.

  “You’re right. I do know a lot about you,” Terrence said with a blush.

  “Indeed. You’re honestly one of the few that I trust Terrence. I’ve never told anyone what I told you that one night. It’s weird, but I feel like you’re a true confidant in a sense. I know you won’t go blabbering it,” he said.

  “I won’t. I don’t have time for that. I mean, I’ve already got my own mess. People still think I’m nothing more than just a person who got lucky. I want to prove myself,” Terrence told him with determination.

  “You should do so Terrence. You know, I’m always here for you. I mean, in the two years I’ve managed you, I feel like I’ve done the best thing ever. I feel like it’s worth it, that helping you, supporting you, and keeping a good word on you to others is what I feel is right. I mean, there are a lot of things that I could say and do. It’s just…I don’t know. I’m a bit nervous about it,” William said.

  Terrence looked at him, shock settling in. He wasn’t implying what he thought he was implying, right?

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  Terrence saw William look around.

  “Okay good. The doors are locked.”

  “Why is—”

  Before he knew it, William had his lips on Terrence’s, kissing him passionately. Terrence didn’t know what to do, other than to just put his arms there. He pulled back once William did, who was br
eathing heavily. Terrence had to admit, William looked damn cute right there.

  “What was that all about?” Terrence asked.

  “It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time Terrence. I like you. A lot. But I don’t know if I can keep these feelings hidden. I’m honestly…kind of scared,” William told him with a blush.

  That was the first time William showed vulnerability. Terrence moved in, giving him a hug. William embraced him, and for a moment, neither of them spoke. The intimacy of the moment drowned out the din that was outside. After a few minutes, William pulled away, looking at him.

  “I can’t be too open about this. It’s not like I have suitors. I mean, I’m gay. All of the girls that come near me soon find that out when I don’t fuck them,” he teased.

  “Same. I mean, I’ve gotten fan mail and shit before, but I’ve never felt comfortable around women. It’s not what I’m into,” Terrence said.

  “Yeah. Plus, I want to be with you, and I want to be more open, but I know that if that happens, it could put both of us in danger,” he said.

  William spoke these words, and while Terrence knew of the risks, he soon smiled.

  “But what if one of us wants to take the risk?” Terrence said with an impish smile.

  Terrence watched as William’s eyes boggled out of his head.

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “Dead serious William. I mean, if you want to, the two of us can act on our feelings tonight, and then we can part ways and keep it quiet. I mean, I’m willing to try if you are. I’m sure nobody will ask about this. Most of the players don’t care. Except maybe Casey, but I can tell him to fuck off,” he told the other.

  He watched as William’s eyes continued to get wider and wider.

  “Are you sure? You’re putting a lot at risk,” William asked.

  “I like you William. I really do. You’ve helped me, and you don’t treat me differently because you’re rich. I like that.”

  “I like you too Terrence. You’re not just another player that I watch. When I’m seeing you play, I see the fire in your eyes, that dedication. I want to see you continue to play with that same level of dedication. I mean, it’s inspiring, really, and it makes me want to continue to fund you,” he admitted.


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