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Mary’s Virgin: Vampire Romance

Page 87

by Iva Britt

  For now, I was happy. It was the first time I’ve ever truly felt happy. Sure, work was great and I enjoyed doing it, but when it came to relationships, this was a novelty for myself, something completely new and almost shocking in a way. I wanted to experience this way more, to feel these emotions and feelings as much as I could. That’s why I stayed, and it’s why I did what I did.

  Spencer and Richard took care of me, and despite having a job and working for my own money, they still spoiled me. Which was fine, but I also did the same for him. It was the first time I had ever fallen for two people like this, and while it was strange, I didn’t mind the result of these actions, that’s for sure.

  The forest stayed safe because of these two, the two guardian wolves that would protect this place. I was happy to have them in my life, to have these two here to not only protect the place itself, but also me as well. It was a happiness that I learned to love and enjoy, a happiness that seemed to almost change me, and I knew that it was something that I wouldn’t forget something I wouldn’t take for granted, and something that I would keep at the helm of my heart for a long time, no matter what would happen next and the stakes that would be raised.


  Bonus 28 of 30

  Boot Camp Fun


  Mike signed up for boot camp to go into the Army since he wanted to fight for his country. He knew that it wasn’t going to be easy getting up and taking orders from someone other than his parents, but he was up for the challenge. Mike doesn’t know just how much fun he’s going to have when he realizes his drill Sargent likes him. He brushes it off at first, but the more he pays attention, the more he notices that she is interested in him. It’s not only him but his friend Brandon that she’s after as well. When they agree to go to the gym and work out together, the real fun begins between the three of them, something that Mike knows he doesn’t want to miss out on.

  Chapter 1

  Mike was at boot camp, his first night there in the Army and he was already missing home. He was missing his friends, the girls he was hanging out with and the time he had spent just in his room doing nothing. He had to think he was doing something good for his country, he was one day going to make it a safe place and he would be part of a group that were one day going to be heroes.

  Mike had just turned twenty-one. He had shaved his head within the few hours of being there. Everyone had their heads either shaved or in crew cuts. He had shaved his head because the summer heat in Texas was a lot different than the heat back home in Maine. His blue eyes were adjusting to the darkness of the cabin he shared with six other men.

  Boot camp was co-ed. The women were on the other side of the field where they had their cabins. He had to admit that there weren’t many attractive women in the bunch. He wasn’t there for sex anyway. He was there to prepare for the real wars out there, to graduate and to make a name for himself in the field.

  “It’s almost time for dinner, are you coming out?” His newfound friend stood in the doorway looking in at him.

  “Yeah, I will be there in a minute.” Mike sighed, sitting up on his bunk bed.

  “You know it’s not going to be all that bad Mike. I mean we all miss our families and people we left to come here. You’re not the only one who’s home sick. Besides I think the instructor we have has the hots for you.” Brandon grinned at him, trying to get him to lighten up.

  Brandon had a crew cut, his hair was dark brown and his eyes matched the color of his hair. He was taller and more built than he was but he was so far, the only friend he had made since he had shown up.

  “Yeah right.” Mike rolled his eyes and chuckled as he got off the bed and headed for the door.

  “I say it how I see it and man was she checking you out today. The second you got here I am an observer so I know what I’m talking about,” Brandon told him as Mike walked out of the cabin.

  Everyone knew no one at boot camp could have any sexual contact with each other. It was one rule they had to abide by. If anyone got caught having such things go on, they would be out the door.

  “We’re not even going to go there. You know the rules as well as I do.” Mike walked with him to head towards the dining hall on the other side of camp.

  “It doesn’t stop one from looking, no one said we couldn’t look. Besides when we get out of here we can do whatever we want. The last day we could go around asking for the one we want to give us their numbers and hook up that way. Six weeks of antagonizing tension, could you imagine the night we graduate. All that sexual tension growing inside of us? That would be one hell of a sex night, wouldn’t it?” Brandon laughed, shaking his head as they both got in line for dinner.

  “Yeah it would.” Mike chuckled, keeping his voice low. He wanted no one hearing what they were talking about.

  “So today will be the easiest day we have. The real hard stuff starts tomorrow, are you ready for it?” Brandon asked, changing the subject.

  “After dinner, I will go work out I guess, make sure I’m used to all of this.” Mike grinned at him.

  “Yeah?” Mike asked him, hoping that he could tag along. He hadn’t attempted to make friends with anyone else since he’d been there and he didn’t want to be the one left out of talking to a friend back at the cabin.

  “I don’t know, it will be later tonight when everyone’s sleeping.” He shrugged his shoulders.

  At boot camp, they didn’t have a set time to be in bed but if they weren’t up at the ass crack of dawn, not only did one they get punished but it would be as a group. They were a team just like they would be a team out in the real world.

  “Make sure you’re not the one sleeping in come tomorrow morning. I don’t want to do extra drills before we start our day.” Brandon nudged him as they moved up in line to get inside of the dining hall.

  “Yeah, I wouldn’t dream of it,” Mike grunted as they walked into the dining hall.

  Brandon got his food and went to find a table, saving Mike a seat so he wouldn’t have to look around until someone invited him to sit with them.

  Once they were all seated, their instructor came into the dining hall to grab something to eat. She was by herself, but she didn’t seem to have a problem with it.

  She looked around the dining hall to make sure everyone was there eating food before she got in line.

  Her name was Jill. She had red hair and light freckles on her face. She also had a short hair-cut but it looked cute on her. Her hazel eyes scanned the room and settled on Mike and Brandon, nodding her head when they looked at her.

  “I told you man, she wants you,” Brandon whispered to him as they went back to their own conversations.

  Mike pretended that he was listening to Brandon, as if they were having a normal conversation but when he looked up again she was still staring at him. Maybe Brandon was right, maybe he was seeing something he wasn’t. She turned away and talked to her nurse friend beside her when she saw that Mike had caught her.

  “I would tap that ass if I wasn’t in here, just saying,” Brandon scoffed and ate his food, already thinking about seconds.

  Mike would not admit it, but he would have his way with her if given the opportunity. He would have the best night if he could bend her over and stick it to her. A smile came to his face just thinking about her being naked in front of him.

  “Come on fellas, after dinner there will be a fire. You coming?” A short guy next to them asked.

  “I don’t know, what’s your name?” Brandon asked, glad that someone else was talking to them. it meant that they weren’t outcasts.

  “Jake.” The guy introduced himself and shook both Brandon and Mike’s hand. They stated their names and went back to eating as Jake talked their ears off.

  Brandon had thought him and Mike were desperate to make friends, Jake was worse than they were but he came to realize that when they made eye contact with him his eyes were eager to please them, begging for them to be his friends and he felt bad for the guy wondering what
kind of life style he had before showing up.

  “You going to the fire tonight?” Brandon asked, hoping to get an answer out of Mike before dinner was over.

  “I was thinking about it.” Mike nodded his head, finishing his meal and throwing away his paper tray it had been on.

  Mike had to walk past Jill and when he did he could feel her eyes on him, he said nothing, he didn’t even look her way as he threw away his tray. He was positive she was staring at him as if she had just seen a superstar walk in.

  “Are you ready for the hard drills you will have tomorrow Mike?” Jill asked him as he passed by her again.

  “I think so.” He nodded his head at her, glad she had approached talking to him first.

  “If not you have six weeks to be ready, I think you’ll do just fine.” Jill gave him an encouraging smile as he looked down at her.

  Mike gave her a smile and a nod of his head, when he looked down at Jill he could see her tits tight against her black, short sleeved shirt. He imagined his tongue between those tights licking and massaging them, he felt his cock pressing against his pants as it got hard.

  “See you in the morning.” Jill nodded her head at him as he left and went back to his table. When he sat down to wait for Brandon to finish he looked to see if Jill was looking at him but she had vanished.

  “Already making nice huh?” Brandon teased him and gave him a small nudge.

  “We have to, she’s our instructor. We have to get along with her no matter what she throws at us for the next six weeks or it could be hard on us,” Mike explained to him in a low voice.

  “Something’s hard but I don’t think it’s her drills.” Brandon laughed at him, making the joke low enough so that only the two of them could hear it.

  Mike couldn’t help but grin at what he’d said. He knew nothing would come of the thoughts he had in his head. The ones that Brandon put there and then Jill looking at him as if she was interested had clenched the deal.

  “Man, you never know what can happen. Crazy things have happened.” Brandon laughed, standing up and getting ready to throw his tray away.

  Mike got up and followed him as they left the drop off station and headed out the door. Jake was on their heels as if they were his best friends.

  “This kid didn’t have many friends growing up,” Brandon muttered under his breath.

  “Maybe but he will be one of the greatest watch.” Mike pointed a finger at him.

  Jake was a scrawny kid but all that would change once they completed boot camp and graduated. He would have built up muscle and he would be the one that women wanted.

  “Yeah,” Brandon snorted, shaking his head. Mike had made a comment he didn’t agree with and they left it alone.

  Chapter 2

  Mike went to the fire with Brandon and Jake, before long Brandon had left him. Mike wasn’t mad that Brandon was making new friends. He knew it was an exciting time for everyone. It seemed as if everyone at camp was there so he wandered off toward the gym. There was a men’s gym and a women’s gym in the building he was walking into.

  Since no one was in the men’s gym and he didn’t have a change of clothing with him he felt brave enough to take his clothes off and work out. He was standing naked as he did his jumping jacks. His limp cock bouncing slightly.

  Mike finished up on his jumping jacks. He did push-ups when he heard someone open and close the gym door. He didn’t bother checking to see who it was, he wasn’t ashamed of his body and wasn’t embarrassed.

  “You know I don’t see anyone in here at night time,” A woman’s voice stated and Mike stopped in mid stance.

  “What are you doing here, this is the men’s gym.” Mike grunted, finishing his push up and getting back on his feet.

  He turned around to face Jill who was standing there with her hands down to her sides. She looked him up and down with a smirk on his face.

  “I know you aren’t supposed to be in here working out naked. Please put your clothes back on Mike and I will pretend that I never saw you in here,” Jill told him.

  Mike didn’t dare argue with her, he didn’t want his stay to be hell. He got his clothes on and wiped the sweat from his hair.

  “Thank you, I came in here to make sure I could lock up for the night,” Jill explained her reasoning for being there as her smirk turned into a smile.

  “Well, if you come in here that’s what I’ll be doing. I find it easier to work out without clothing on. Why ruin a good pair of clothing when you’re soaked in sweat when you’re done?” he said, shrugging his shoulders.

  “That’s a good point to make, maybe I will try it,” Jill stated, watching as Mike blushed at what she had said.

  Mike didn’t know what to say to that comment. If he had replied it would’ve sounded as if he was hitting on her. He thought breaking one rule a night would be enough.

  “Why can’t you look at me?” Jill asked him, talking to him as a person instead of someone she was instructing.

  “I don’t look at anyone. I mean if I have to I will but as far as my daily life I’ve always had a hard time,” Mike muttered.

  “You’ll overcome that while you’re here. I like to know your weaknesses so that when you leave, they will no longer be that way,” Jill told him as they walked out of the gym together.

  “Yeah? I have another weakness,” Mike smirked as he watched her lock the gym up before they headed outside.

  “What’s that?” She asked.

  “Talking to beautiful women.” He winked at her and saw a grin come to her face. He couldn’t help himself. He had to say something, anything to see if she was attracted to him. It wasn’t breaking the rules talking about it.

  “We will work on that as much as we can.” Jill nodded her head, this time she was the one who looked down at the floor.

  “Sounds good.” He laughed and parted as they walked outside. He went back to the fire while she walked over toward the other side where the women’s cabins were.

  Mike had a grin on his face when he went back to the fire, he saw that Brandon was looking around for him.

  “Where did you disappear to?” Brandon asked once he caught sight of him.

  “I was working out until I was ordered to get dressed and leave because the gym was closing up for the night.” Mike held his head high.

  “Who kicked you out?” Brandon asked him, giving him a questioning look.

  “Jill. I was working out naked like I always have. Something I do all the time because it’s better and she walks in and tells me to get my clothes on.” Mike couldn’t help but laugh when he explained what had happened.

  “She saw you?” Brandon’s eyes grew wide.

  “Yeah, I didn’t get into trouble or anything.” Mike shrugged his shoulders.

  “I told you she liked you.” Brandon chuckled, shaking his head.

  “When you’re right you’re right.” Mike laughed as they walked away from the fire and headed to the cabin so they could go to sleep.

  Brandon was on the top bunk and Mike went to the lower bunk he had picked. Both were quiet as they had their own thoughts in their heads about what they missed about back home. Both were home sick and there was nothing they could do about it. Both signed up to go to boot camp and now they would start it and finish it together.

  “What would you be doing right now if you were home?” Brandon asked him.

  “I’d be at the bar hitting on a woman, buy her a few drinks and by the end of the night we’d go back to her place.” Mike shrugged his shoulders, he tried staying away from home as much as possible.

  “I would hang out with friends, we always played basketball in the summer time. It would be one of those nights we would stay out all night,” Brandon told him without being asked

  In no time at all they were both sleeping. Brandon had fallen asleep before Mike had because Mike could hear his light snoring. He rolled over and closed his eyes, the next thing he knew it was morning.

  Chapter 3

heard a whistle before the sun was even up, everyone got up and got dressed, made their beds and stood by their beds with their heads held high and their bodies standing straight.

  “I see you are all ready for the day,” Jill’s voice rang out loud and clear. She had the light turned on as she was looking to make sure all the beds had been made the way she had wanted them.

  “Yes ma’am!” Everyone shouted together.

  “That’s good. Now it’s time to run the trails out back before we go get breakfast. We are to run for a half hour, no stopping,” she instructed them.

  The group said nothing as they fell in line but she could see in their eyes they were complaining about the time frame.

  “Are you going to be complaining about running when you’re running for your lives? Are you going to complain about getting the hell out of danger when you see gun fire, trying to out run bullets and grenades and whatever else the enemy has to throw at you?” Jill asked in a harsh voice.

  “No ma’am!” The group once again called out to her.

  “Then don’t start now, let’s get it done,” Jill told them, setting the pace as they ran out of the cabin.

  The women were waiting outside for them and fell in line when the boys came out of their cabin running at Jill’s pace.

  “This will be the easiest part of your day!” Jill shouted so that everyone could hear her.

  “Yes ma’am!” They two groups shouted together.

  Jill had a tight smile on her face when she saw that Mike was running beside her keeping the line in check. She glanced over at him and could see that sweat was already forming on his tight, white, shirt.

  She was shocked that her team made it through the first drill, they were huffing and puffing but they had made it through and she was proud of them.

  “All right, now for chow. Don’t worry about going to take a shower because we don’t have time for that. We will be out all day, we will be working so hard that you will not want to do anything but sleep after dinner,” she explained to them when they got back to camp and they headed for the dining hall.


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