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Storm - Dominant Protectors Book Two

Page 5

by Jack Ellison

  I knew that we didn’t quite have the evidence yet to form any sort of probable cause, to get a warrant or to question anyone officially. But my gut instinct was telling me this was real, hell I knew something was happening.

  The Lieutenant and I both knew that it was his call if he opened a case, as he looked after the precinct’s detectives. If he wanted a case opened, and had sufficient reason to do so, the Captain wouldn’t stand in his way. Therefore, with the results coming back how I’d hoped, come Monday I would have a case.

  I couldn’t wait to tell Danny, and to celebrate. I was feeling good, confident, and strong.

  I took a quick look at myself in the rear view mirror of the car, brushing my hair back and adjusting my collar.

  Damn, ain’t looking half bad either, Charlie.

  I strode purposefully from the car, skipping up the step and half jogging to the bar’s entrance. I shrugged to adjust my trench coat over my shoulders as I walked in, one hand in the right pocket of my jeans.

  My eyes scanned the drinkers in the bar, spotting a few familiar faces, old friends, and a few old adversaries I’d come across in the past. The latter all avoided my gaze. I spotted Danny down to my right, and he was grinning up at me.

  I felt a grin creeping onto my face as I spotted him.

  “Danny! You fucking genius!” I said through my inane grin that was spreading from cheek to cheek. “You’ve only gone and got me a case to work on, my case.”

  “Glad to hear it Charlie. Couldn’t have you sitting there wasting away, the best damn detective in the department. Just doing my bit for the town, y’know?” He was grinning back at me, eyes shining.

  “Fuck it, forget what I said about it being your turn to get the beers! Next rounds are on me!”

  We both laughed heartily as we shook hands, and I slapped him good naturedly on the shoulder.

  Now, time for a well earned fucking drink. Or three.

  I saw Danny had a beer already, with only a few gulps gone. Wouldn’t take too much catching up.

  I glanced at the locals at the bar as I approached. Old guys, drinking casually from their glasses. My gaze flicked to the blonde behind the bar, I recognised her as a colleague’s girlfriend, Cindy. Then my gaze flicked to the right again, resting on the second waitress.


  She was adjusting her shirt, wriggling slightly and pulling it down a fraction. She brushed her long black hair away from her face casually, looking just past me. Pretending she hadn’t seen me.

  She was absolutely stunning, full figured, slim waist, wide hips. Hopefully a big butt, too.

  Then she froze as I approached, her eyes widening. She looked like she was in shock, or just remembered she’d left her fucking dog in the car or something.

  I took the opportunity to look her up and down as I got to the bar. She looked even better close up. My gaze was drawn first to her wide hips, then slim waist, then the push up bra that was showing off her pert breasts underneath a tight black shirt.

  Then my gaze rested on her face, and recognition sparked briefly in my mind. But I couldn’t place where I’d seen her before. Our eyes locked as she attempted a strained smile, looking up at me furtively.

  I probably recognise her from my dreams. Fuck, she’s hot.

  I tried to act casual as I ordered a beer, and a shot of whiskey. I knocked the whiskey back in one, pleased at the almost too harsh burn, gasping gratefully.

  The dark haired girl passed me a beer with a shaky hand. I offered her a drink, and her colleague too. Not that I wanted to buy them both one, I just didn’t want to seem rude. To my surprise, she refused, mumbling that she had a drink already.

  I promised I’d buy her one at some point in the evening as I headed back to the booth.

  What’s got into this girl? I ain’t that scary, am I? Guess I’ll try and be a bit nicer when I get the next drink. And hope she ain’t run off.

  I shuffled into the booth opposite Danny, and took a huge swig of beer, trying my best to drink the same amount as he had in one go. I didn’t do half bad, either.

  Danny raised his glass in toast. “Here’s to you, bro. Good luck with the case. Let me know if you need any help, eyes on the street or whatever. Got a few guys I know are straight as a die, would be happy to help clean this town up.”

  “Thanks, Danny,” I said, raising my glass in a toast and taking another gulp of ice cold beer.

  “Got something I need done, last time I talk about work until Monday. Promise.”

  Danny nodded back at me, smiling. “Ask away, bro.”

  “Can you come in to see the Lieutenant first thing Monday? Bring anything and anyone you got on this new meth, locations, names. I’m pretty sure we got a case, Lieutenant seems worried anyway. But I need everything I can get.”

  “Sure thing, Charlie. I’ll have a chat with the other guys tomorrow, there’s at least two who have some info. I’ll bring them in to see the Lieutenant Monday. No problem.”

  I sighed and sank back into the comfortable leather of the booth behind me, starting to relax as I pushed the thoughts of the case from my mind, resolving to think about it again tomorrow. I’d do a bit of planning and brainstorming over the weekend, ready to get started first thing on Monday.

  Ain’t as if I got a woman to keep me busy.

  I’d been single for years. My time undercover had taken over my life, and hadn’t left me with any time to actually meet anyone. Other than gangsters and meth heads. But now I’d made detective, I had a bit more time to myself, and had started to think about how nice it would be to have someone. Someone hot, to have fun with. Maybe more. Hell, I’m not getting any younger.

  Someone just like that girl at the bar.

  My gaze flicked back to her. I was amazed to find her smiling back at me, grinning genuinely. She brushed her hair back as our eyes locked. All sign of fear had gone. It was my turn to be shocked for a second. Then I smiled back, holding her gaze for longer than was strictly necessary.

  I could see out of the corner of my eye that Danny was looking at me, eyebrows raised. He turned to look over his shoulder, and then waved at the waitress. She turned away, blushing as she approached the regulars to get them some more drinks.

  Danny was laughing. He leant over and poked me in the ribs. “Got a crush, have you?”

  I sighed, dramatically. “I think I’m in love, Danny boy. Why haven’t we come here for beers before?”

  “Maybe because I wanted to keep her away from you?” I shrugged innocently, raising my hands in protest.

  “She doesn’t look like that usually though, damn.” He shook his head as he took a gulp of beer.

  “Probably made the effort ‘cause you told her I was coming, right?” I grinned at him mischievously.

  He grunted. “She did ask after you, actually. Asked if you were hot. I said yes, but don’t he just know it!”

  We both laughed. Then Danny looked up at me.

  “That’s Abi. I’ve known her for years, she was a friend of my kid cousin. Never used to be that hot. She’s filled out in the last year or so. Now it’s hard to look at her as an old friend, y’know.”

  I nodded, thoughtfully. “Know what you mean, bro. Plus Maria would rip your balls off if she caught you cheating!”

  Danny leant forward, looking around for anyone within earshot. He had a serious expression on his face, and spoke in a low, conspiratorial tone.

  “Listen Charlie, I ain’t supposed to tell you this. But it's relevant, given the new case you’ve probably got on Monday.” He paused to take another gulp of beer, as if to steady himself.

  “She used to date Mickey O’Neill. Way back, when you were working undercover. She was the reason he got free. Wouldn’t talk. Think he scared her shitless.”

  My mind started to race, going over my time undercover. I hadn’t really associated with Mickey O’Neill. He had been lazy, living off his uncle’s power and wealth. I had risen above him in the gang, and it wasn’t even worth dealing with l
owlife scum like him. I had to get dirt on the big boys.

  But I remembered seeing a young teenage girl once when I was round the O’Neills. Small, skinny. Long dark hair. Scared. Bloodshot eyes, looking tired and fed up.

  No shit. Well, she ain’t a little girl any more, that's for damn sure.

  “Fuck, man. So you’re telling me that the hottest girl in this damn town used to date the guy I’m gonna be taking down? Goldie O’Hanlan told me Mickey boy is back. And means business.” It was my turn to take a gulp of beer, cursing my luck. I shook my head in disbelief.

  Danny nodded at me thoughtfully. “I thought so. Seemed to me that was the only way this meth was re-appearing everywhere at once. He’s laid low, let things quieten down. Now he cornering the meth market in town, street by street. There’s been disappearances, changes in allegiances. Hell, I’ve seen sworn enemies working the same corners.

  “Thing is, Abi had dirt on him. She shoulda talked, but was too scared. Mickey must have scared her shitless. Hate to think what he did to her, threatened her with.” Danny grimaced.

  “If I wasn’t a cop I would have killed him myself.” He looked down at his glass, thoughtfully. I sensed that an old regret had surfaced within Danny. That he had demons of his own.

  “Listen to me, Danny. You did the right thing. You go around, start killing people who piss you off? You’re no better than them. That’s why you joined the force, Danny. You’re one of the good guys.”

  He looked up at me, nodding gratefully.

  I laughed, winking at Danny. “Fuck it, I’m still gonna chat her up. Mickey or no fucking Mickey O’Neill. I’m gonna ask her out.”

  Maybe I can look after her. Help her out if Mickey comes back to visit, if he ain’t already. If she ain’t got no-one, she might be scared shitless. Ain’t gonna let Mickey hurt her a second time.

  Plus I really wanna see what’s under those tight clothes she’s wearing....

  Chapter 4


  My mood started to lift immediately as soon as Cindy told me Charlie was a cop, a detective at that. I felt the relief loosen my tight chest, and I started to breathe normally, worry evaporating. I found myself furtively looking his way every now and then, seeing if he was looking at me.

  I looked over at him again, to find him staring back at me. I smiled at him. There was an unreadable expression on his face, a glint in his eye. Our eyes locked for a long moment, and Charlie grinned back at me.

  Wow, he looks even hotter when he smiles. Nice teeth to boot.

  Our moment was ruined by Danny, who was waving at me with an inane grin on his face. I started, and turned away, face flushing at the feeling of desire rising within me.

  I walked over to pour out another beer for one of the regulars whose glass was empty. I felt Cindy brush past me.

  “That’s more like it, girl,” she whispered as she tapped me playfully on the butt.

  I gasped with mock indignation, mouth wide and frowning at her.

  I slapped her on the ass as she bent down to grab a glass from the fridge behind me. The regulars laughed enthusiastically.

  Cindy was smiling as she took the bottle to a customer. She blew me a kiss.

  I passed the filled glass to the regular. Cindy turned to face me when she’d finished serving her customer.

  “Your boyfriend’s back.” She nodded behind me. “Or do you want me to serve him this time?”

  I pushed her gently in the stomach as I turned to face Charlie, flicking my hair absently over my shoulder.

  He had his hands on the bar, large, strong, slender hands. Well manicured. Muscles tensed, accentuating his triceps and shoulders. He was looking my way, a glint in his slightly wide eyes as he studied me.

  I walked over to him at the bar, swaying my hips gently as I approached. I leant against my side of the bar. We were less than a couple feet away. I looked up at him, my head slightly to one side.

  I could smell his manly aftershave, mixed with sweat and the musty tang of leather.

  “Hey, mister,” I said sweetly, in my best husky voice. “What can I do for you?”

  His eyes widened further, and I imagined a few things were running through his mind. I felt my heart rate increase.

  “Hey. Sorry if I scared you earlier, don’t usually have that effect on women. Abi, right? Danny told me your name. I’m Charlie.”

  “Don’t mention it. Just thought you were someone else, is all. No harm done,” I replied, taking his outstretched hand in mine, feeling his warm skin. Soft, but rougher than my delicate hands. I held his hand for a moment longer than was necessary, enjoying the contact.

  “You’re a cop, right? A detective?” I asked, leaning against the bar. I was turned on by his masculine presence, so close to mine. Big, strong, comforting. I wanted him to take my hips in those big hands of his...

  “Yeah, but I can’t tell you any more that that.” He frowned at me good naturedly. “Or I’m afraid I’d have to arrest you!”

  I giggled, and shrugged, pushing my shoulders together. Showing off the cleavage my new bra gave me.

  “Oh, that’s ok. As long as you keep the bad guys off the streets, I’m happy.” I smiled sweetly at him, fluttering my long eyelashes slightly. I wasn’t sure if he was picking up the fact that I was shamelessly flirting with him. I was trying my best to make it pretty damn obvious.

  He ordered another couple of beers for himself and Danny. I turned away from him as I poured the beers out, leaning over slightly. I saw his gaze flick up to my face from my butt as I turned back to take his beers to him.

  “Hey, Abi. Danny’s gonna be twitching if I don’t take his beer back soon, you know what he’s like. Gets jealous real easy.” He paused, taking a big gulp of beer.

  “I’m not usually this forward, but do you wanna get a drink sometime? I’d love to take you for a coffee or a beer. I mean, if you want.” He looked at me an anticipation, the first to show his hand.

  Wow, he’s braver than me. Doesn’t play around. I like it.

  I paused, thinking. I tapped a finger against my lip, pouting. Kept him waiting for a second.

  “Well, I’m busy this weekend. But I’m working back here on Monday. It will be a lot quieter. You can buy me that drink you promised, and we can have a better chat. Then you can take me out for dinner on Thursday.”

  My heart pounded in my chest, as he looked at me, relief and amusement on his face.

  I hadn’t lied about the weekend, I’d planned to visit an old friend I hadn’t seen for a long time, and couldn’t cancel on her for a guy I’d just met.

  “Sure thing, Abi. It’s a date. See you Monday, then.” He smiled gently at me as he turned to walk away.

  “I start around 8,” I called after him as he walked back to the booth. I smiled as I imagined him bragging to Danny about the date he’d just bagged. But he sat down quietly, and they started chatting, relaxed. No bragging, no crude jokes.

  Charlie, I hope it's not my imagination. But you seem different. Complex, clever. Kind. Not just your average guy.

  I sighed wistfully. It was going to be a long wait until Monday.

  The rest of the evening passed uneventfully. Danny came up to buy the pair’s last round. I guessed Charlie was playing it cool, biding his time until Monday.

  As the late afternoon and early evening rush began to fade, the bar quietened. We weren’t open that late, there were a few other noisier joints, the biker’s bar, and a strip club or two that drew in the late night drinkers.

  Cindy and I shared one last beer before finishing, and she wished me luck for the pre-date on Monday. I thanked her as we closed up, locking the place for the night.

  I got home, feeling loneliness sink in as I was surrounded by quietness after a busy shift. I couldn’t stop thinking about Charlie, how safe I’d felt when he’d been close to me. I longed for his company, but was trying my best not to jump into things with both feet.

  God knows I got hurt bad before. Don’t want that to happen

  Something told me that Charlie was a lot different to Mickey, though. A different sort.

  One of the good guys.

  My feelings were confusing me, fear, desire and anticipation swimming around in my stomach. I was glad to be visiting Ann tomorrow, an old friend from school who I’d not seen for a few months. I’d promised to go and see her, and we’d finally organised something after a couple of weeks of both being busy as hell.

  It would be nice to talk to her, get some support. Try and sort out these feelings. She had a level head. But I think I knew what her advice would be already.

  Stop worrying, Abs. Go for it. You only live once, and he could be the one. Just be careful, alright?

  I smiled, sighing as I headed upstairs for a long bath before bed.

  THE REST OF THE WEEKEND had passed all too slowly, my mind filled with thoughts of Charlie. I had been distracted during my time visiting Ann, and she had noticed almost immediately. We’d gossiped away like we were young girls again, and she’d asked me countless questions about Charlie. Which had made me realise I barely knew the guy.

  I was looking forward to getting to know him better on Monday, and couldn’t wait for the dinner I hoped he’d still be taking me for on Thursday. I shuddered with girlish delight, anticipation and nervousness whenever I thought about it. Ann had wished me luck before I’d left after staying over the Saturday night.

  I’d returned home early afternoon, trying to distract myself from thoughts of Charlie. If I didn’t it would likely be the longest Sunday afternoon I’d ever had to struggle through. But I felt good, confident. The slight attention had made me realise I was now a woman, full figured and attractive. I found myself walking with a confident stride, noticing the attention from men I had been ignorant to before.

  Not one of them anywhere near as hot as Charlie. Damn, I’m a lucky girl. Can’t wait to get to know him better, see him out of that trench coat...

  I just hoped I wasn’t wrong about him. But my woman’s intuition was rarely wrong.


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