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Storm - Dominant Protectors Book Two

Page 8

by Jack Ellison

  “We split up years ago, and I hadn’t even heard a word from him since. Then, all of a sudden, he turns up on my doorstep.”

  I nodded sagely, waiting for her to continue.

  “Thing is, Charlie. My ex is Mickey O’Neill. He managed to get away when the O’Neill gang was taken down. Now he’s back.”

  I nodded again.

  “I know, Abi. I’ve heard he’s back, and cornering the meth market in town.” I saw her sigh with relief at my words.

  “Oh. Well, the thing is. He gave me some meth. And the bruise too. Well, that wasn’t him. One of his horrible cronies.” She frowned angrily. I guessed the memory was still fresh in her mind.

  I put my hand on her thigh reassuringly.

  “Don’t worry, Abi. Thing is, I’m looking into Mickey O’Neill. I’m gonna take him down.” She smiled at me, relief clearly evident on her face.

  “Thing is, though. It would be much easier with your help.” I remembered her bruised face.

  Not Mickey? Then who, I wonder. Someone I need to go pay a visit, that’s for damn sure.

  “Can you remember what the guy looked like who hit you?” I asked, keeping my voice low and reassuring.

  “Not really. But he was ugly. Looked a bit like a pig. And he had lots of gold teeth...” My sharp, angry intake of breath stopped her short.

  “John O’Hanlan. That piece of work. Knew he was a scumbag, drug dealer, and a snitch. I thought he wasn’t worth my time, but he’s crossed the line now.” I suppressed the anger that was building within me.

  Fuck you Goldie. Told you to stay out of my way. You’re in trouble now, sunshine.

  “Oh, you know him? Well that’s something at least.” She looked up at me, concern on her face as she studied my features. I tried not to let the anger show.

  “Yeah, I know him. I’m gonna pay him a little visit, I think. And don’t worry, he won’t be able to hurt you again. I’ll see him behind bars, one way or another.” I spoke through gritted teeth, nodding decisively.

  Abi was looking at me with confused awe. I doubt she expected me to do much more than any other cop would, take a few notes and tell her I’d look into it. She’d struck gold, finding the best damn detective in town who was looking into her enemies.

  One who didn’t have time for scumbags.

  “One more thing, Charlie. I’ve still got the meth Mickey gave me.”

  I turned to face her.

  “You aint just a pretty face are you? Damn, now that's just icing on the cake, Abi.” I tapped my chin thoughtfully, my mind racing over everything I had so far.

  Well, shit. She might have just got me half way to taking down Mickey O’Neill.

  “Thing is, I’d need you to testify against Mickey. Against his intimidation, assault. And that he gave you that meth. You’re the only one that can place him there. But the thing is, I wanna keep you safe. I can’t have you in danger when I’m taking Mickey down.”

  She looked down at her feet nervously. Her face was conflicted, unchecked emotions and worry evident on her face.

  “I... ah... well, I want him out of my life. But I’m scared, Charlie. He’s nasty, would do anything to get what he wants.” She looked up at me, and my heart broke at the vulnerability showing in her eyes.

  “Listen, I’ll have a word with my boss. He’s a good guy, clean as me. See if we can get you into witness protection before we take Mickey down. You’ll be safe. I can get Danny to help, too.” I looked into her eyes, longing to help this vulnerable girl who had opened up to me.

  “I’ll think about it Charlie. Can you give me some time? Just need to make sure, y’know.” She was gazing out into the distance, the dusk around us beginning to settle into darkness.

  “Sure. Look, I’ll give you my cell. It’s always on. Always. You get any trouble from anyone, you call me. I’ll be there in 5, any time. I promise.” I scribbled my number down on a note and passed it to her. She smiled back at me, pressing the folded note into her bra. I found my eyes following her hand.

  Damn. Shit, stay focused.

  “There’s one more thing. I’ll need a sample of that meth, Abi. You got it at your house?”

  “Yeah, I got it back home. I was gonna bring some, but I didn’t think it was a good idea, y’know.” She said softly, eyes on mine.

  “You did the right thing, doll. Don’t worry. I’ll have to come over and get some. Just have to make sure I’m not seen...” I trailed off, thinking.

  “Well, you could come through the back of the house. All you gotta do is sneak in. There’s an alleyway behind my back yard, you could jump over the wall right? You won’t get seen that way.” She looked at me triumphantly.

  Damn, you’ve got this all planned out, ain’t you? Got a match for my wit right here.

  I laughed good naturedly. “You know what, you’d make a great detective Abi. Smart... and beautiful. When’s good to come over?” She blushed at my compliment, smiling.

  “Tomorrow night. We should make it late, after I’ve finished work. I’m not working until close though, so come over about 11. That ok?”

  “It’s a date, Abi.” I winked at her. She giggled back at me, her eyes on mine.

  I leant over and kissed her quickly on the lips again, and rose to leave the car.

  “Remember. Any trouble, call me.” I jogged back to my car, a plan forming in my mind.

  Chapter 6


  I’d got back home that night after meeting Charlie feeling both nervous and excited. I wasn’t an expert at covert operations by any stretch of the imagination, but I was pretty confident I hadn’t been seen by Mickey or any of his goons. And even if they saw me leave, the chances of them managing to follow unnoticed and catch my meeting with Charlie were remote.

  My woman’s intuition was telling me that I’d gotten away with it, and it felt good. I’d had a spring in my step for the whole following day, smiling and chatting with colleagues and customers alike at the diner, and I was back to my bubbly, confident and slightly flirtatious self at the bar.

  I found myself thinking of Charlie, his large, strong and masculine presence so close to me in the car. His smell, the taste of his lips as he’d kissed me gently at first, then his desire for me showing as he’d kissed me more passionately. I was barely able to ask him to stop, and I wondered how I’d managed not just to let him have his way with me in the back of the car, there and then.

  I had a recurring day dream, the image of us writhing together in the back of the car, windows steamed up, straddling Charlie as he thrust into me, large hands guiding my hips as our eyes were locked....

  Calm down, Abi. You’re seeing him tonight. Let’s hope he’s as good as you’ve been building him up to be in your mind...

  In reality though, I wanted companionship, security and protection more than I wanted sex. But it had just been so long, I could barely think of anything else.

  I just hope he’s not using me to get at Mickey. He seems genuine, like he really cares. But some men will do anything to get in your pants, and with the bonus of taking down Mickey as well...

  I shrugged off the niggling doubt which whispered unbound at the back of my mind. There was no way of knowing if Charlie was using me, or even if he was just after something casual. I just had to wait and see, and it enjoy whatever happened nonetheless.

  I was excited as I returned home from work, and equally nervous. I less than an hour before Charlie was due to turn up, and I wanted to look good.

  I had worn an understated outfit to work, wanting to save the best for Charlie. I went upstairs and quickly shrugged my way out of my clothes, dropping my work outfit and underwear into the laundry basket. I felt the chill of the bedroom air on my naked body, nipples hardening slightly as I quickly tidied my bedroom.

  I’ve got a feeling I’ll be bringing Charlie up to see my bedroom soon... and a lot more besides...

  Satisfied that the room was presentable, I found myself looking at my naked body in the bedroom mirror.
Petite, but buxom. Full figured. I was confident about my body, and Charlie sure didn’t seem to mind it. I frowned slightly at my slightly unkempt bush, dark hair that was obscuring my pussy. I decided to give the hair a trim, heading to the bathroom to grab my electric razor.

  The tingle the vibrating electric razor made me shudder slightly, and I was already horny enough without the pleasure it gave me as I tidied the hair around my pussy. It had to resist the urge to press the handle of the razor against my clit, enjoying the brief waves of pleasure, gasping slightly as my mind was filled with thoughts of Charlie, his head between my legs, soft lips on me, rough stubble on my thighs...

  I finished shaving quickly and had a lukewarm shower to calm myself somewhat before heading back into the bedroom to get dressed.

  I chose my new baby blue underwear which I hadn’t worn yet, satisfied at the sight of my curves within the sexy lingerie. I decided on a short but not too short skirt, and loose white blouse. My underwear was showing through the blouse. I smiled to myself, satisfied with how I looked.

  I brushed my hair loosely and let it sit long and slightly curly over my shoulders, happy with the way it cascaded wildly around my face and shoulders.

  After applying a little makeup, I studied myself in the mirror once more, hands on my hips.

  Well, if this doesn’t work, nothing will.

  I walked downstairs to the kitchen, heart pounding in my chest with anticipation. Charlie was due here in about five minutes, and the wait was difficult. I looked around the kitchen, which was already tidy and clean. Nothing to distract myself with here, then.

  I shrugged and grabbed a bottle of red wine from the side, pouring out two large glasses. I took a sip from one, leaning back against the kitchen side seductively, mouth pouted, one hand on my hip, and eyes heavy, expression serious but inviting.

  I gazed longingly at the back wall, wondering if Charlie had possibly been spotted and decided to bail or possibly come back later. Then my heart stopped as a large figure jumped deftly over the wall, strong arms carrying him over effortlessly into a half crouch in the garden on firm feet.

  The figure rose to his full height, and brushed himself off. I smiled when I saw his trademark black leather trench coat, jeans and boots. And an immaculate white shirt he was trying to brush a crease out of.

  Don’t worry, Charlie. You won’t be wearing that for long, anyway.

  As the figure approached I could make out Charlie’s features. Slim but with wide shoulders, muscled and athletic. Strong jawline, short blonde buzzcut hair. Clean shaven, clear confident eyes sparkling with intelligence and wit. Confident strides brought him to the house, and he knocked gently on the kitchen door.

  I set my glass down and approached the door slowly, trying to pretend I wasn’t eagerly waiting by the back door like a weirdo. I unlocked the door and swung it open gently, to find Charlie standing there, a smile on his face.

  The smile faded slightly as he saw me, eyes wide as he took me all in.

  “Wow. I mean. Hi Abi. You look... stunning...” His voice trailed off and he smiled at me warmly.

  “Hey, Charlie. Thanks. You don’t look too bad yourself, either. Wanna come in?” I cocked my head, smiling at the rhetorical question.

  “Yeah, sure thing. Thanks.” He took a deep breath, a hint of nervousness showing as he brushed past me. I didn't make an effort to move, letting his body brush past mine as he walked into the kitchen. A rush of desire rose within me at his close, masculine presence.

  I closed the back door and walked over to the two glasses of wine, hips swaying. He gratefully accepted a glass as I passed it to him. We both took a gulp of wine, a silence stretching out between us as we drank.

  I was filled with a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction with merely having him here in the house. It was the complete opposite of Mickey’s presence, comforting not scary, pleasureable not sickening. I felt warm with the anticipation of pleasure as I studied him.

  “So h...” We both spoke at the same time, laughing like teenagers at the awkwardness we likely both felt.

  Maybe he’s as nervous as I am. I guessing he knows what I really invited him here for. I get the impression it’s been awhile for him as well. Don’t worry Charlie, I’ll be gentle...

  I waited for him to speak, smiling warmly at him.

  “So, you been ok? No sign of Mickey right?” His voice was strained with concern as he looked at me, studying my features.

  “Nope. No sign of him or any of his stupid goons. I think our secret meeting the other night went off without a hitch. Well done us!” I raised my glass, clinking it with his. He laughed good naturedly.

  “Good work, Abi. I was impressed. Really. You did great, and you went about talking to me in the right way. Can never be too careful, y’know.” He paused to take a sip of wine. I glowed at the compliment, proud he thought I’d played it well.

  “So, about the meth Mickey gave me. Do you wanna take some? I mean, I won’t be in trouble getting some drugs out in front of a police officer, will I?” I raised an eyebrow, peering at him cheekily over my wine glass.

  “No, that’s alright. I won’t have to handcuff you or anything... well, unless you want me to. But that’s got nothing to do with the drugs...” He trailed off, expression hardening with desire as he stared at me.

  Guess he wants me to know he’s interested, too. Got you loud and clear, handsome.

  I giggled at him.

  “Now now, Charlie. Let’s not get carried away just yet.” I strode past him, hand brushing his arm as I passed. I bent lower than was necessary to open the drawer where I’d been hiding the meth Mickey had given me.

  I rose and turned to pass the bag to Charlie. His eyes widened as he saw what I was holding. He held out a hand gingerly to take the bag off of me.

  “Shit. I mean, wow. That’s alot. It’s....” He studied the bug under the light in the kitchen, turning it so the crystals sparkled slightly, “it’s exactly the same colour as the other stuff I’ve found on the streets. And it came straight from Mickey. More than just coincidence now.”

  He was speaking professionally, in short succinct sentences. Mind working as he spoke.

  “So what are you gonna do with it, Mr. Detective?” I asked as I set my glass down, both hands on the kitchen side either side of me.

  Charlie looked up to study my features and my pose. An unreadable expression crossed his features.

  “Well, ah. If you’re happy for me to do so, I’ll take it in and have it sampled. Don’t worry, it ain’t gonna go on record just yet where I got it from. I’ll say I busted a dealer who was getting too confident or something. If it matches the percentage of the other samples we’ve got, well...”

  He paused to look at me, concern once again crossing his handsome face.

  “Well, with you testifying that Mickey gave you this bag, then we have a connection. Between everything, all the samples of meth. Plus, if I can get hold of that scumbag Goldie and get something out of him too, well, we can take them all down.”

  He strode over, standing a few feet away from me and he looked down into my eyes. I gasped inwardly as he took one of my hands in his, holding it gently as he spoke.

  “Look, Abi. You’ve been through enough shit already, over the years. And I can’t imagine what it’s like having to go through it again.” He looked away, staring out of the kitchen window, a faraway expression on his face.

  “Believe me when I say I know what it’s like to deal with men like Mickey. They way they manipulate, intimidate. They’ll do anything to get what they want, or what they covet.” He looked back at me, green eyes sparkling as he gazed into my eyes.

  “I’ve got an idea...” he started to say, his expression turning serious once again.

  “Charlie,” I said, and he paused as he looked at me, eyebrows raised. “Let’s talk about it later.”

  I guided his hand to my waist just above my hip, and the other followed suit as he stepped closer to me. I pulled his hips t
owards mine, pushing myself against him. I felt the warmth from his body through my thin blouse, my breasts pressing against his muscled chest.

  “Kiss me...” I said, voice thick as I held his gaze.

  He leant down, bringing his head down to my level. I raised my neck to look up at him as our lips met.

  He kissed me gently at first, caressing my lips with his. His tongue entered my mouth, caressing mine as his hands squeezed my waist.

  I pushed my hips forward, feeling him start to swell in his jeans against my thigh. I groaned with pleasure at the thought of him big, hard and erect. I kissed him back passionately and slipped a hand down to grab at the crotch of his jeans.

  He groaned as I grabbed his cock through his pants, and I felt him swell and twitch under the pressure of my hand. He reached up to cup one of my breasts through my blouse as he moved his hips rhythmically, in time with the movement of my hand on him.

  I took my hand from off of his jeans and pushed his trench coat off onto the kitchen floor. His expression serious, he started to unbutton his shirt as I reached for his belt, looking up into his eyes as he gritted his teeth, face filled with unbound passion.

  I had undone his jeans before he had got halfway down the buttons on his shirt, his muscled, masculine chest inches from my face.

  I quickly pulled his jeans down to his thighs and grabbed his cock again through his thin boxer shorts. I massaged him gently, and he paused from unbuttoning his shirt, eyes half closed as he held his head back with pleasure.

  “Oh, fuck...” He groaned.

  His shirt dropped to the floor, joining his jacket and jeans, which he’d stepped out of. I looked down his muscled chest and abs, my gaze resting on his bulge showing through his underwear.

  Wonder how big it is... hopefully not too big. Only one way to find out...

  I slipped his boxer shorts down slowly, eyes on his cock as it left the confines of the underwear. It stood proud and erect, brushing against my stomach as I leant down. I guessed it was roughly seven inches long, not too big and definitely not too small.


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