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Storm - Dominant Protectors Book Two

Page 11

by Jack Ellison

  Clever and handsome. And he’s good in bed...

  Mickey was still ranting at the door, barely intelligible words spat in a fit of anger. I willed him to have a rage heart attack there and then, and do everyone a favour. I had stopped listening, and was staring at Charlie with pride and admiration, smiling.

  Charlie spoke, loud and authoritative to get the trio’s attention. There was an exchange between the three, and the thugs responded angrily. Charlie remained calm, slowly put the camera into his pocket.

  A few more words were spoken, and I was amazed as a gun suddenly appeared in Charlie’s hands, aiming at them. All I’d seen was a flash of sudden movement and his arm had swept his jacket back and drew his gun. I’d never seen anyone move so quick before.

  He’s got you beat, Mickey. In every department. Better just leave and not come back.

  Charlie spoke again, dominant, confident. He stood there for a long moment, eyes narrow down the sights of his pistol.

  A few seconds later I heard a distant car engine start, and start to fade as it headed into the distance.

  I saw Charlie holster his gun and head to the front door. I ran back to the kitchen to put the knife down, and brushed my hair back over my shoulder. I looked down at the fetching comfy clothes I was wearing. I hadn’t expected Charlie back today.

  Oh well. I’m not wearing any underwear, that’s something at least...

  There was a polite knock on the door and a voice shouted from behind the splintered wood.

  “Ma’am? Police! Everything OK in there?” I could hear Charlie shout the words through a smile. I beamed happily as I walked to the door, opening the locks gingerly. I swung the door open.

  “Hey, officer. Yeah I’m ok. Want to come in and... see for yourself?” I giggled, fluttering my eyelashes at him. He winked at me as he walked in, looking around officially.

  “Gonna need to get someone over to fix that door,” he said, closing it gently behind him, wincing as it almost fell off the hinges.

  He turned to face me, frowning with a mock serious expression on his face.

  “You said you’re ok? Well, I’m gonna need to get a better look, Ma’am. Protocol, you understand.”

  I opened my mouth with mock surprise, gasping innocently. I walked towards him.

  “Oh, I understand, officer.” I said seductively.

  I took my heavy sweater off in one movement, exposing my naked body beneath. I squeezed my breasts together with my hands slowly, eyes on Charlie’s.

  I stooped to drop my comfy pants I was wearing and stepped out of them towards Charlie. I was completely naked, and only a few feet away. His eyes widened as he studied my naked body.

  “Damn, Abi. You’re beautiful. Glad I came back...” I put my finger on his lip, silencing him.

  He did just save me from Mickey. Probably deserves some sort of reward...

  I dropped to my knees in front of him, looking up into his eyes as I undid the belt at his jeans. He was already swollen with arousal as I tugged his jeans down, his erection showing through his underwear.

  I quickly pulled his boxers down too, and massaged his cock gently with a hand, eyes still on his as I took him into my mouth...


  WE WERE BACK IN ABI’S bed, lazing contentedly after sex. I looked down at her, who was smiling up at me.

  Can’t get enough of this girl. How am I supposed to get any work done when I’ve got someone this beautiful at my side? Ah well, fuck it. It’s damn well worth it, that’s for sure.

  I sighed with happiness, feeling complete for the first time ever. I felt like a large piece had just fallen into place in the jigsaw that was my life. An Abi shaped piece.

  I kissed her gently on the lips. She moaned with pleasure and happiness, eyes half closing.

  “I’ll have a word with the Lieutenant, see if I can get hold of him today. Get a restraining order on Mickey. We’ll have him put behind bars if he so much as comes to your house.” I frowned, thinking.

  “But if you decide to testify, he’ll find out one way or another. So it’s best we get you somewhere safe.” She was nodding.

  “Ok, Charlie. I’ll do it. I’m scared, but to think what he’s done, all the people he’s going to hurt in the future. It would be selfish of me to do nothing.” She was looking up into my eyes.

  That’s the way Abi. Damn, but you're brave.

  “Good girl. I’ll give the Lieutenant a call, see I if can meet him today. Get this show on the road.” I paused for a second, remembering Goldie.

  “Oh, that guy that punched you. You won’t be seeing him around anymore. I... paid him a visit. Had a little chat. Told him it wasn’t very nice to hit women.” Abi was staring up at me, large adoring eyes. I smiled with pride, enjoying the attention for a second.

  “Thing is, he didn’t agree with me. Tried to shoot me, in fact. So I had to teach him a lesson the hard way. Oh, and he had a big bag of drugs right there on the table. Gonna get busted for a long, long time. He gave me some info on Mickey, too. So thanks, Abi. You done me a favour.”

  She was shaking her head, tears in her eyes.

  “No, Charlie. You’ve done more for me already than any other man ever has. It was the least I could do.” I winced as a tear rolled down her face, and wiped it off gently with a large finger.

  “Well, I ain’t finished yet. I better get ready. Sorry to leave you again, babe. When this is all done, I’ll take a couple weeks off. Go somewhere nice, quiet. Relax. What do you think?”

  She smiled, wiped her eyes. “Sounds good to me, Charlie. Go. Have a quick shower here if you want, then go see your Lieutenant. Go get Mickey.”

  I RELUCTANTLY LEFT Abi for a second time that day, after getting ready and calling out someone to fix the door. I waited until it was done before heading back to my car, distracting myself from thoughts of Abi with work.

  Mickey had very nearly busted the door in, but through his rage he’d been kicking wildly. I knew the right way to kick a door in, and could have done it in one swift kick. Abi had opted for a much sturdier, thicker door with a strong lock. I had nodded in approval at her decision. Never knew what the unpredictable Mickey O’Neill would do next.

  I hoped he’d be sensible and go lick his wounds, get blind drunk and pass out. I just needed a day or two to fit everything together, to assemble all the pieces of evidence into a case. Then I could take him down. I had a feeling that once I’d got Mickey, some of his trusted men would want to make a deal, if I could promise to put them in a jail where the O’Neills didn’t have any influence.

  Either way, Mickey would go down for a long time if I could get hold of his meth lab. And if I found him there, well that would just be the icing on the cake.

  I sat in the car, and dialled the Lieutenant's cell. I hoped he wasn’t busy, hadn’t gone away for the weekend. I didn’t want to wait until Monday.

  The phone rang for a painful minute. Then I heard a click as he answered.

  “Charlie! What’s up?” He sounded cheerful.

  “Sir, sorry to bother you. Hope I ain’t disturbing you. But you said to call you any time, right? Well, I need to talk. Got something I need help with, sir.”

  “No worries, my cell is always on. Evil don’t sleep, and neither do I.” He laughed heartily. I grinned at his humour. He paused for a second, and I heard footsteps and a door open and then close.

  “Marlene’s driving me crazy, anyway. Seems to think I’m retired already, asking me to mow the lawn, fix the fence. Put up a shelf. Tell you what, let’s grab a beer or two. Talk things over?” His voice was almost pleading, and I guessed he was desperate to get out the house.

  “Sounds good to me, sir. I’ve built up quite a thirst. Been a busy day already. You know the bar in town, opposite the precinct? Want to meet there?” It was a small, quiet bar that did good beer. And were unlikely to have any unwanted listeners.

  “Enough with the sir, Charlie. It’s the weekend. Sure, I’ll meet you there. Give me twenty minu
tes. Beers are on me.”

  “Whatever you say, Frank. So I’m getting bought beers on the department now am I? Well, this day just keeps getting better!” I heard him laughing down the phone.

  “Right, see you there. Just gotta tell Marlene I’m leaving her. For the afternoon, that is.” It was my turn to laugh.

  “Good luck sir... Frank. See you soon.”

  I clicked the phone off. I put the car into drive, and took a slow route through town. The journey wasn’t far, and I had a bit of time to kill. My mind went over all the evidence I had so far, and how I was gonna put everything together.

  I just needed to bust the meth lab now, without word getting to Mickey beforehand. I figured Sunday would be a good a day as any. Probably wouldn’t be expecting a visit from the cops, with any luck. Though I knew what hard core meth dealers were like, paranoid at the best of times. Violent and unpredictable at others. Some would do anything to avoid jail, and would much rather die trying to escape than get locked up.

  I figured they probably wouldn’t go down without a fight. That suited me just fine. A few less scumbags on the streets was never a bad thing.

  I arrived at the bar just before the Lieutenant rolled up in his large saloon, and I waited near the entrance as he parked and got out the car, groaning at a bad leg as he straightened, hands on the small of his back.

  Damn, when did you get so old? You used to be invincible, hard as nails. Well, the department is in safe hands. You ain’t gotta worry about that, old friend.

  I glanced at his car, large, expensive alloys gleaming silver in the late afternoon sun.

  So that’s what a Lieutenant's wages can afford? I could get used to driving something like that...

  “Charlie. Great timing, as always! Good to see you.” He walked over, arm extended and with a wide grin on his face. I shook his hand, a strong, thorough handshake that rattled my shoulder.

  “You too, Frank. Hope Marlene ain’t too pissed.” I raised an eyebrow at him as we turned to enter the bar.

  “She’s always pissed, Charlie. You get used to it after a while. I figure she’ll calm down when I’m retired. I think she just gets bored when I’m at work, you know. She’s been retired five years now.” He sighed wistfully.

  “Yeah, I reckon so. She’ll be glad to have you around.” We walked in the bar, both surveying the few faces dotted around, our police instincts taking over as we took the measure of everyone in a matter of seconds.

  “No one I recognise. Still can’t be too careful,” the Lieutenant said, choosing a booth furthest away from everyone else.

  I took a seat as he went to grab a couple beers. I accepted one gratefully, nodding my thanks. I took a large, well-deserved gulp of beer, gasping at the cool refreshment.

  “That’s the stuff. Damn, that’s good. What is it?” I said, as the Lieutenant gulped down a third of his in one go. I raised my eyebrows, a half smile on my face.

  “Locally brewed IPA, strong and hoppy. My favourite.” He set his glass down and leant forward.

  “What you got for me, Charlie?” He spoke low, and there was no way anyone else could hear us. I took a quick glance around, taking a small sip of beer. I turned to face the Lieutenant, confident no one was eavesdropping on us.

  I recounted the events of the past few days, the trail I’d followed that had turned up at a dead end. Then the information I’d got from Abi. The visit to Goldie and his arrest, the details he’d given me of the suspected meth lab. Mickey’s visits to Abi and his threats, Goldie’s assault of her.

  I paused, taking a breath and another glug of beer.

  “So, she’s willing to testify. That’s good, Charlie. But not enough. Plus, we know what Mickey’s like. Would do anything to keep himself out of jail.” He nodded thoughtfully, staring out the window behind me.

  I got my cell phone out, turning the volume off as I showed him the video of Mickey I’d recorded earlier. He frowned with anger as he watched Mickey’s rage. I put the phone away.

  “He threatens her. Alot. Tries to break in. Got it all on camera. This enough for a restraining order, sir?” I looked at him expectantly.

  “It is if I say it is. And I damn well say it is. I’ll make a call when I get home, get one in place today. Got some old contacts downtown that owe me a favour or two. I’ll get a patrol car near her house, keeping an eye out for that scumbag.” I nodded at him, thankful.

  “There’s one more favour I need, sir. Like I said, she’s willing to testify. Mickey’s given her drugs, forced his way into her house. Threatened and intimidated her. I got a sample of meth off her, turns out it’s exactly the same as the other stuff. She can put that on Mickey. Time, date. The fucking clothes he was wearing.”

  He was nodding at me, considering everything I’d said so far.

  “But she’s scared. Frank. And I’m worried about her. I promised her I’d keep her safe. I want to get her somewhere safe, out of town. Keep the location secret, even from me. You know, in case the worst comes to worst.” I was frowning with concern, thinking of Abi and her pretty face, large eyes and warm smile.

  “Ok Charlie. You got it. How you gonna get her there? You got a plan?” He half lifted his beer glass as he looked at expectantly.

  ‘Course I got a plan. And you know it.

  “Danny will help. She trusts him, they’ve known each other for years. So Danny picks her up, and takes her somewhere safe to lay low until we got Mickey. He can choose to take one of his trusted cops with him if he wants. Then he can make sure she gets there safe, and has someone looking after her. Like I said, someone like him. He’s close with a few of the good guys on the streets. People that want Mickey behind bars as much as we do, hell probably even more than we do. They got kids, families. They want this town safe.”

  The Lieutenant was nodding thoughtfully.

  “Then, Danny gives me a call when she’s there. When I know she’s safe, I take a visit to this meth lab. See if Goldie was telling the truth. If so, I bust the place. Try and get some of them alive, see if they talk. But anyway, we got the meth from Mickey. We got Goldie, who’ll probably sing like a bird. We can put it all together, with Abi testifying against him as well. Then, we quickly bust Mickey and his henchmen.” I finished my beer with a flourish.

  The Lieutenant was shaking his head slightly.

  “Good plan, Charlie. Except the part where you take down what’s probably a heavily defended meth lab on your own. I know you’re a good shot, but can you dodge bullets?” He smiled at me, concern on his face.

  “We’ll do it as you say. But just go case the lab, check it out. No heroics, Charlie! If it's the place we think it is, call it in. We’ll have to show our hand sooner or later anyway.” He shrugged, draining his beer.

  “There’s one more thing, Frank. I think some of the detectives are helping Mickey out. I reckon he’s probably greased their palms already. They’ll try and makes things difficult if they can. I’m fed up with the department reeking of corruption, y’know. I want to take them all down, too.” I looked at him, deadly serious. His eyebrows rose as he looked up at me.

  “Listen, Charlie. Between you and me, the Captain wants you to take over as lieutenant when i retire. So those detectives will be your detectives soon. If you can get something on them, clean the department out, then go for it. I’ve never been able to get anything on them, slimy fucks.”

  “I’ll see what I can do. I’ve got a plan...” The Lieutenant stopped me mid-sentence with a loud laugh.

  “You’ve always got a plan, Charlie! Now, after you leave here give Danny a call, and get things moving, starting tomorrow, alright? Ain’t got time to sit on our asses. Tell him he’ll get overtime, but I know he’d help anyway. In the meantime, that’s enough work talk. You got a big day ahead of you. I’ll get some more beers, let's chat like old times. Relax. I got some stories you ain’t heard.” He smiled as he went to get more beers.

  I leant back, my mind swirling with everything, Abi’s face appearing in
my mind.

  Don't worry, babe. Soon this will all be over. And when you’re safe, I’ll come get you. Then I’ll never have to leave you again.

  Chapter 8


  Charlie left just after the new door had been fixed securely in place. Heavy wood, secure locks. I didn’t think anyone would be kicking my new door down any time soon. Charlie had insisted on paying half, despite my protests. It was nice to have someone to help out, and I’d felt relieved at his insistence, my fears of him using me starting to fade.

  Unless he’s merely assuaging his own guilt... Damn it, Abi. Stop it. You don’t have to worry any more.

  I’d felt a weight lift off my shoulders once I’d agreed to testify against Mickey. Worries and doubts faded as I’d made my decision, a single-minded purpose taking over. The presence of Charlie had made me feel safe, strong. And I got a feeling he had been bolstered by our proximity, by our intimacy...

  I was still glowing from the sex we’d had earlier, my mind filled with thoughts of Charlie and his firm muscles, and his confident demeanour. He seemed immaculate, cool calm and invincible.

  He better come back in one piece. Or I don’t know what I’d do.

  Somehow I knew he would win, but I still had my doubts. I’d only known the guy for a week, but he filled me with confidence. He was the sort of man that spread a relaxed confidence in those around him with apparent ease, allaying fears with a gesture or a few words.

  I couldn’t help but admit that I was falling for him already.

  He’d left with a few brief words, and I guessed he didn’t really know what to say. I thought he was probably as new to this as I was.

  Don’t worry, Charlie. I know how this works. I haven’t done it before, but I just know. I’ll guide you through it, sweetheart.


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