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The Wandering Apprentice

Page 13

by Matthew Mitchell

I walked down the trail and into the campsite. The tents were set up at another King's Site. Cracklecord already had a fire burning. Stain was gathering items for cooking dinner.

  "Well, you timed that well Ott." Stain looked up at me. "Why do you not call Mophor out of the woods so we can meet him." He smiled at my expression. "What? You would think the King's Mage can keep an eye on my own apprentice while he is off gathering plants?"

  I could hear Pat, Tag, and Cracklecord all start to snicker. "It really had not crossed my mind." It really had not. Did he watch me the whole time? It made me wonder about what he saw and what he thought of it. "Mophor! They want to meet you." I called over my shoulder into the woods. I could hear him start swinging through the trees. He appeared on the edge of the clearing.

  "Could I have a promise of safe passage?" He called out to Stain.

  "I give you a promise of safe passage as long as you intend no harm upon me or my companions." That sounded like Stain had just completed some form of ritual.

  "Very well." Mophor dropped from the tree he hung from and walked into camp. He looked around in curiosity. "I have to say, this camp is very well set up." He sat next to the fire. "Ah, fire. I have not had the pleasure of sitting next to one in quite some time."

  "Well, I'm glad you appreciate my efforts." Cracklecord's voice came out of the flames.

  Mophor jumped back. "What was that!" His tail stood up straight above him in startlement.

  "That was me." Cracklecord stepped out of the flame.

  Mophor's eyes grew massive. "A salamander! I have always wondered if they truly existed."

  "I would say I answer that question." Her voice held a bucketful of humor.

  "Yes, yes it does." Mophor sat down again, a little farther away from the fire this time.

  "So, why did you follow Ott?" Pat called down from the top of my tent.

  "Who was that!" Mophor jumped once more. His head swiveled around to look for Pat.

  "Up here." Pat flapped his wings, gaining Mophor's attention.

  "A dragonet too? Ott you travel in some interesting company." Mophor once again sat down. His head was shaking from side to side.

  "Perhaps we could let our guest gain his bearings before asking our questions." Stain had cut up some veggies. He placed them in a pot and hung it over the fire. "Soup in a little bit." He walked over to Tag and made sure he had plenty of water. "Let's ask Ott some questions first." He grinned at me.

  I sat down beside Mophor. "Sure, what do you want to know?" I figured that there would be a ton of questions.

  "Well, we know you acquired all the plants I sent you after. I also know where and how you found them. I only have two things I wonder about." Stain sat across the fire from me. "First I wondered about your offer of thanks when you gathered three of the plants." He looked at me and waited.

  "Um. I just felt that I should say something. Some feeling of reverence made me think of what to say." I was actually a little embarrassed about what I did.

  "I believe I know what caused those feelings." Stain grinned. "The tree that you found the mushrooms is called the Ever Tree. It has been laying there since before my master was a boy. It is believed that it was the first tree of the current forest. It has not rotted in all that time. The stone pile is believed to be the actual remains of a stone golem. A statue that a mage brought to life. If it is then perhaps the magic that made it live is still there in some form, which would be why you felt the way you did. As far as at the bog, it is believed that a large magical creature lives in that bog. The legend says that it does not stand for anybody to take anything from the bog without attempting to kill them. Evidently either the legend is wrong or your thanks appeased the creature." Stain seemed to enjoy my reaction to his explanation. "What? You have to realize that there is much more magic in the world than most people realize. You are now going to be sensitive to that." Stain grinned even wider. "Now, the second thing I am curious of is the intentions of your new friend." He suddenly looked at Mophor.

  "Well, I was enjoying his company and figured that, well, if he was as nice as he seemed then his companions were probably nice." Mophor looked very nervous all of a sudden. "I have grown very lonely in these woods. All the animals avoid me or chase me since I am not from this forest. I miss the company of those who will talk to me, perhaps even be friends." He grew quieter. "I had hoped to find a group that would let me travel with them. Even for just a short time." He looked down and I noticed that his tail had slowly wrapped around him, reminding me of a child with a blanket, seeking comfort.

  "Well, Mophor, I am the head of this expedition." Stain looked thoughtful. "However, I do not travel alone. Only two others answer to me directly. The rest travel with us with their own interest." He looked around at each of us. "And while I could speak for those who answer to me, I feel that perhaps in this case all should have equal voice." He motioned to all of us. "What do you say to Mophor's request?"

  "Well, I do not see as it would hurt to allow him to travel with us. At least until such a time as he needs to leave us." Cracklecord spoke quickly and to the point.

  "I do not care one way or the other. Perhaps he can even be of use when hunting for food. Especially with that tail of his." Pat voiced his opinion.

  "I think that there is a reason that young Ott stumbled upon Mophor. I say allow him to travel with us." Tag's voice came from where he laid. It also caused Mophor to jump once more.

  "He talks?" Mophor asked.

  "And why not?" Tag countered. "You do."

  "True. No offense my hard-shelled friend." Mophor apologized.

  "Well, Ott, what is your opinion?" Stain turned to me.

  "He helped me today, even if it was for a small sweet. I enjoyed his company while traveling. I think that he could be a good companion not only in abilities but also in company." I wanted to give him a chance.

  "Well, I think that settles that. I am aware you already know that Ott can control all four magic’s. Let's finish the introductions." Stain stood up. "The young salamander here is Cracklecord. She is a mage of Fire affinity. She can also manipulate metals, an earth focus. The dragonet that is up on the tent is Pat. He is a hedge mage. His affinity is air with a slight water focus." Stain moved around the fire towards me and Mophor. "The packshell behind you is Tag. He and I have traveled many years together." He stopped beside me. "Young Ott you have met. He is my apprentice in healing and magic. He has an affinity for all four magic’s, as you found out. He has only been working magic for less than a week." Stain smiled at me, then pulled himself up straight. "And me. Well, my name is Stain. I am a traveling healer. I am also a mage, much like the rest of my companions." Pat and Cracklecord both let out snorts of amusement at this comment. "Well, I do have a little difference of magic." Suddenly a shield appeared around Mophor, one that was formed of all four magic’s. "I also have full control of the four families of magic’s."

  Mophor had been startled by the shield forming around him. His eyes once again were enlarged. "Did I do something?" His voice quivered. Suddenly the shield disappeared.

  "No, I just wanted to prove my own statements without it being questioned." Stain's eyes sparkled with humor. "Is there any better way to do that?"

  "I cannot think of one." Mophor had calmed down.

  "I only have a few rules for those traveling with us." Stain had returned to the other side of the fire. "One, unless I give permission, there will be no mention of magic when others are around. As far as most people will be concerned I am a traveling healer with my apprentice. The rest travel with us for their own reasons. Since most people will observe you, Mophor, as only an animal, we shall let people assume you are Ott's pet. That should keep you safe from others who might otherwise try to capture you for their own reasons." He lifted the lid of the pot. "Dinner's almost ready." He put the lid back. "The second rule, everyone helps. Be that in gathering supplies, cooking, whatever. Tag contributes by carrying everything. I lead this group, teach, and help with anything else
. Cracklecord will help teach when the time comes and tends our fires. Pat is helping to teach Ott, as he has known Ott the longest and can speed along the lessons. He also helps to acquire some supplies since he can fly. Ott is my apprentice. He learns his lessons, helps me as my apprentice, and does general grunt work." He grinned in my direction. "Where you fall in all this is up to you Mophor. I can see the merits of what Pat pointed out. There will be times that your ability to climb shall come in handy. I also think that you might be able to serve as a general errand runner on occasion. Other than that you will have to find a place." Stain stood up and unpacked the bowls and spoons. "Finally, we have to trust each other. If for some reason you lose that trust you will be lucky to leave the group." This statement was delivered in a dry, serious voice. "Do you think you can live with those conditions?" Stain waited for Mophor's answer.

  "I believe I can. Although I think I can find things to do that are helpful." Mophor seemed impressed and even a little flattered by Stain's attitude.

  "In that case, I believe dinner is ready." He handed out the bowls after filling them up with the soup. "Ott, do not fill up all the way." He did not elaborate on this last statement.

  We all ate the first bowl in silence. Everyone else refilled their bowls at least once. I watched them eat till they were full.


  Stain finally finished and motioned to me. "So, let's see what you collected today."

  I picked up my basket from where I had set it to eat. I passed it to Stain. He pulled out all the plants.

  "Very good. I have never had an apprentice find all four in one trip. Usually it takes two or three trips for them to find each one." He separated the plants. "You gathered more than one of each plant. Why?" He looked at me questioningly.

  "I figured that if you wanted them then perhaps the extra might come in handy, be stored, or be processed somehow." I honestly thought this might be possible.

  "Well, here's the thing. None of these plants can be used after tonight and there is very few things they can be used for." He looked at me critically.

  "Oh, I am sorry." I felt stupid. "I guess I should have thought of that." My cheeks burned.

  "That is okay Ott. Just remember that you need to harvest the amount I tell you unless you have learned about that resource and know specifically what you will do with the extra." Stain smiled. "However, we will simply use the total amount you gathered instead of what I had planned." He handed the caps from the mushroom to me. "Chew these up please."

  I took them and looked at them. Each was about three inches wide and bright blue. I looked at Stain. "What do they taste like?"

  He looked at me. "Like blue mushrooms." I could hear Pat snicker.

  I put the first mushroom in my mouth. It tasted like almost every mushroom I had ever eaten, but also had a metallic aftertaste. I ate the rest of them quickly.

  Stain nodded. "Now, the Fire Fern." He offered it to me.

  I tasted the first one. It had a crisp, spicy flavor. I finished off the rest.

  "And the Floating Moss." He handed me the bundle of moss.

  It had a dry, light flavor. It kept trying to float from my hands.

  "Finally the lilies." He held the lilies flower heads to me.

  The flowers tasted moist yet sweet. They clung to my fingers.

  "Well, now to just wait." Stain sighed.

  "What are we waiting for?" I asked.

  "Well, if you remember the other day we were discussing some abilities that mages gain through efforts. You gained beast tongue earlier, now you should gain mage sight. However it effects everyone a little differently. Some get it right away, others take a couple of hours." Stain pointed all this out.

  "What will it be like?" I asked. I looked around to see if anything looked differently.

  "It allows the mage to see the magical energy that is being used around you. The stronger the mage the more information your sight will tell you. Some can only tell magic is being used. Others can tell what type of magic is being used. Some strong ones can even learn to recognize specific spells. Each mage is different." Stain explained.

  "How does yours work?" I asked. Nothing looked different yet.

  "Mine is pretty strong. If I know the mage I can tell what spell they are casting." Stain said.

  "Mine is okay." Cracklecord spoke up. "I can tell what family of magic is being used."

  "Well, mine is weaker. All I can tell is that magic is being used." Pat sounded slightly disgusted.

  "I cannot see magic at all, so do not whine about it." Mophor sniped.

  "Well, we will have to wait and see what Ott's ends as." Stain said finally.

  Everyone started to clean up after dinner. Mophor made himself useful by gathering up firewood for the night. I sat waiting, but nothing happened.

  "Ott, it might not be till tomorrow when it happens." Stain said encouragingly. "Do not fret so much." He walked off.

  Suddenly he seemed to burst into light, like when a window is thrown open at noon in a dark room. The light was so bright my eyes watered. I yelled and looked away. A smaller light was off to his side, red in color. It was weaker but still bright. I yelled again, my eyes burning. I closed them and all light seemed to stop existing.

  "Ott! Are you ok?" Pat was in front of me.

  I opened my eyes. Pat glowed whitish, not a burst of light but not his usual self. "What's wrong with you?"

  "Me? You are the one yelling and jumping around." Pat sounded annoyed.

  "No! You are glowing." I looked back towards where Stain was. He still glowed really bright. "So are Stain and Cracklecord." I looked around. Mophor looked the same, so did Tag. There were patches that glowed on Tags back, mostly on Stain's side of things.

  "What is going on?" I looked around. Everything else seemed to fine but the mages all glowed. Pat was a white glow tinged in blue. Cracklecord was red with streaks of silver and gold. Stain was a swirl of blue, brown, white, and red that moved so fast it burned my eyes. I shut them again.

  I could hear Stain walking up to me. "Well, I have heard of it but never seen it." He sounded a little awed. "Ott you have gotten your mage sight. But not only can you sense active magic, you seem to be able to detect magic ability." His voice was hushed. "What did you see when you looked at Tag?"

  "I saw patches of light all over him. Some bright, some dull. Different colors though." I was still crying.

  "Well, that means you can detect magic objects. I imagine that the vision is a little overwhelming?" Stain sounded like he wanted to do something.

  "Yeah, a little. It burns to look at you." Much like a poke in the eye with a ember might burn.

  "Ott, all mages have to learn how to control the mage sight. Luckily you have the tools to do so. Hold on." He turned away from me. "Mophor, could you go get the red leather bag from the back of Tag. He will know the one I want." Sounds of Mophor moving to Tag, a mummer of voices, and some banging came my way. "I am going to give you an object that is magical. It is enchanted with a very basic spell. Nothing dangerous but it should glow for you." Mophor was coming back. "The rest of us will get behind you so you can focus. I want to focus on reducing your mage sight. It works the same way as your eyes. It can let a little in or a lot. Right now it is wide open. You have to close it completely then open it just enough to detect magic but without it overloading your mage sight." I felt something being placed in my hands. "This is a shell with a spell on it. Try to control you mage sight." With that I could hear him, Pat, and Cracklecord walk around behind me. They were talking in really low voices.

  I took a deep breath and opened my eyes a little. A blue glow rose from the shell in my hands. I focused on it and tried to reduce the amount of light coming in.

  Stain's voice came from behind me. "You cannot use your eye's to control it. You have to use your mind."

  Okay, use my mind. I focused on the light and tried to make it less. It seemed to shimmer, like light through water. I focus more on reducing the light and suddenly
the shell looked like an ordinary shell, no light.

  "How are you doing Ott?" Stain's voice came from behind me.

  "I do not see any light coming from the shell." I was a little excited. Perhaps I could control it.

  "Turn around Ott." Stain's voice sounded firm.

  I turned around and could see them. No glow from any of them or Tag's back.

  "No glow!" I was definitely excited.

  "Ok. Now you have to learn to open your mage sight just enough to see magic without it blinding you like a while ago." He made it sound easy. "Focus on the shell again."

  I looked down at the shell. I focused on seeing only a little of the magic within it. A soft blue glow seemed to surround the shell. Ah, that is much better.

  "There's a blue glow around the shell." I reported to Stain.

  "Well, give us three a look and tell me how it is working." Stain pronounced.

  I cautiously looked at the three of them, there was only a faint glow around each of them. Stain was still brighter than the other two, but it was now bearable. The colors were easier to see now that my eyes were not burning.

  "It seems to be working." I told them carefully.

  "Well, it seems as if you have both a gift and a curse. You will be able to tell who has magic, what kind, and possibly even what spells they are working. Plus you will be able to tell if an object possess magical energy." Stain explained. "However it will be a curse since it will take control to keep it from overwhelming you. Yet another thing to practice." He sounded a little annoyed.

  "Did I do something wrong? Perhaps by eating so much of each plant?" I figured I had done something wrong.

  "No Ott. This is not your fault. I have had an apprentice who gathered so much I made them eat all of it instead of a meal. It is not the amount of what you eat that effects the mage sight. Evidently you not only gathered good plants, but ones that had some trace magic essence to them. I believe this and your natural ability has caused you to have a much stronger sense of mage sight. If it will last only time will tell." Stain obviously was trying to calm me down. He went to Tag and started digging around in a sack. He pulled out a small bundle. "This should help for now." He handed the bundle to me. I opened it up to reveal what looked like a mask without eye holes.


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