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Taking Nicole (Vegas Mates Series)(#4)

Page 5

by Krystal Shannan

“I can’t do this,” she whispered. “I can’t go out there and pretend to be okay with all of this.”

  “You have to,” he growled. “You have to sell it hook, line, and sinker. They must suspect nothing. If you don’t, there’s no point in me risking my neck to help you.”

  “You’re going to help me?” How?

  He leaned down and nuzzled her neck. “I want you for myself, but I won’t risk my sister’s life. If you can’t play their game better than they can, there’s no point. I saw you judging me for my behavior earlier today. I play the part of a groveling servant for a reason. It allows me certain freedoms. Now you have to play your part. Do you understand?” He nipped her ear and she swallowed.

  “Yes. I do. But, what are you going to do?”

  “I’m not sure yet, but don’t look at me tonight. Not even once.”

  She nodded.

  He stepped away and slipped quietly through her bedroom door.

  “Is he gone?” Tempe called from inside the bathroom.

  “Yes,” Nicole answered. “You can come out now.”

  The redhead emerged carrying a white pleated floor-length tunic.

  Nicole scrunched her eyebrows together. “That doesn’t look like a party dress.”

  “No, but traditional, ancient robes are the standard for most ceremonial events.” Tempe slipped the garment over Nicole’s head and wrapped the belts in place below the bust line.

  She stood in front of the vanity mirror. The silky fabric clung to every curve and her wicked body demonstrated her arousal for all to see. Her nipples puckered through the thin dress, taunting her.

  “I guess I can just say I’m cold.”

  Tempe grinned. “You’re a shifter. That excuse doesn’t work.”

  “Damn it.”

  “They won’t think anything of it. They’ll just think you are excited from the party. Like Aaron warned,” Tempe paused. “Don’t. Look. At. Him.” She pinned back a couple more curls and smiled with satisfaction. “If you do, you’ll sign his death warrant.”

  Nicole nodded. “You won’t say anything?”

  “I don’t want to see Aaron suffer.” Tempe met her gaze. “They have my husband locked up. It’s been ten years since I’ve seen his human face.”

  “Tempe, why?”

  “They think it buys our undying loyalty. In a way, I suppose it does. But it also buys our undying hatred. Now let’s go show those pretentious assholes how fabulous you are.”

  Nicole laughed, tension flowing from her aching muscles. “Thank you, Tempe. I will protect you, I promise. We are all going to get out of this together.”

  “I hope so.”


  Strengthened by the newly formed alliance with Tempe, Nicole lifted her head and walked with purpose. She could do this.

  Tempe led her down the hallway to the elevator, where they traveled to the main floor. They exited the elevator and moved into a foyer on the main level of the palace. Her grandmother and grandfather entered only moments after they did. Carlotta clapped her hands and motioned for her to spin. She complied and pasted on a happy smile.

  “Oh, Nicole, you look simply divine. I knew Temperance would be the perfect assistant for you.”

  “She is. Thank you.”

  “My pleasure,” Carlotta replied, a smile spreading across her face.

  “You look very nice,” her grandfather said slowly. “I expect you to captivate those men completely. We should have a spectacular fight on Thursday night.” He turned to Tempe. “Good job, Temperance.”

  “Thank you, Master Antipas,” Tempe answered quickly, curtsying to the floor and staying down. Nicole stared for a moment, swearing she saw something pass between her grandfather and Tempe. Maybe not. Maybe it was just her paranoia about this place.

  The doors opened and Nicole was ushered into a room full of people with her grandfather on one arm and her grandmother on the other. Everyone froze and stared.

  Her stomach rose to her throat and she felt a wave a nausea come over her. If not for her grandparents’ firm grip on either arm, she would have collapsed for sure.

  “Breathe,” her wolf encouraged. “You can do this. You are Nicole Antipas Demakis, ass-kicking tough girl.”

  She took a deep breath and relaxed. Her wolf was right. She had been through too much in her short life to let this spectacle intimidate her so much.

  Carlotta and Reginald strolled her through the crowds, introducing her to everyone. They announced how pleased they were that she had joined them in Greece to accept her rightful place, and how proud they were she was accepting the birthright Samantha had shirked. Gag.

  “Nicole,” Carlotta started. “This is Renaldo and his parents, Julia and Juan Pallagras. They’ve come all the way from Florence to be here.”

  “Signorina, it is a pleasure.” The young Italian smiled stiffly, reinforcing Nicole’s gut feeling that these men didn’t really want to be here either. At least at Sam’s hunt, death wasn’t a necessary outcome for most of the participants. Well, except the fact that Scott killed all but one of them.

  “It’s nice to make your acquaintance,” Nicole answered, totally blanking on what Tempe had instructed her was proper etiquette. No one seemed offended, so she breathed a small sigh of relief.

  “We’ll leave the two young people to talk,” her grandfather piped up and ushered away the Pallagras couple as well as his own wife, leaving Nicole standing alone with Renaldo.

  “So, have you ever been to one of these ceremonies before?”

  “Are you crazy?” her wolf hissed. “What kind of question is that?”

  Shut up! I don’t know what to say to a man who’s either going to die in two days or fucking rape me publicly in front of my grandparents. So I’ll say yes, I’m probably going a little crazy.

  Renaldo Pallagras rolled his shoulders and glanced at the floor before looking back up and meeting her gaze. “Once. My brother sought to marry into the Masterson family.”

  “And did he?”

  He shook his head and glanced away again. “We should not be speaking of this, Signorina. It is your party.”

  “Do you want to be here?”

  “Signorina Demakis, please.” His Italian accent made the words thick and her name rolled pleasantly off his tongue, but the underlying tone in every syllable was fear.

  “He’ll die because of it.”

  What do you mean?

  “He doesn’t want it badly enough. He’s not a killer, therefore he will be killed.”

  “I need a drink,” she said aloud.

  “Allow me, Miss Demakis,” a male voice with a thick English accent spoke at her right.

  “The lady was talking to me,” Renaldo growled low in his chest.

  “You boys just stand here and measure each other while I go get my own drink, thanks.” She twirled on her heel and caught a dark look from her grandmother across the ballroom. Shit. Guess she heard that.

  It didn’t matter. She couldn’t stop what was already in motion and the only one who could was on the other side of the globe. Even if Kate could get here in time, what could she do? Yes, she was a creator, but what did that really mean? They’d seen her cast spells and she had helped heal Chris after Aaron stabbed him, but what could one witch do against an arena full of cutthroat royal wolves.

  A waiter carrying a tray of bubbling champagne flutes paused in front of her. She took one and downed it in one gulp, handing it back and taking a second to sip on. The alcohol hit her stomach like a warm friend, but it wasn’t enough. The champagne was good, but she really wanted something stronger, something to dull the horrible feeling of guilt growing in her like a cancer. People were going to die because of her. More people. Aaron and Tempe and their loved ones’ lives were on the line. These four suitors’ lives were on the line.

  Gods, just hear my plea. This isn’t right.

  No one else should die. Her father had been right to break the pack away from such evil. The ancient traditions were barbaric
and cruel. It needed to be stopped—permanently.

  Three hours later, she was returned to Tempe’s and Aaron’s custody. She was glad to be heading back to her room, if for no other reason than she was sick of smiling at people who were looking forward to seeing four men fight to the death. Three would die on Thursday night if she couldn’t figure out a way to stop it.

  None of the suitors seemed evil. In fact, they’d all been quite polite, making small talk to hide their nervousness. Renaldo was the only one who’d shown fear. The others masked their discomfort with the situation by flirting with her and offering to get her more to eat or drink. They regaled her with compliments on her beauty and charm.


  She knew she was pretty, but charming? Those who knew her best could hardly call her charming. She was straightforward and honest, and always got straight to the point. Some called it being a bitch, but her intentions were never mean or cruel. Her brain just lacked the filter to temper her words.

  The three of them entered her room, but no one turned on a light. The moonlight coming through the windows was enough. Nicole turned to face Tempe and Aaron once her bedroom door closed. “I need a phone or email access. Something.”

  “No,” Tempe gasped. “They’ll just kill us all. Nicole, please.”

  Aaron growled low in his throat and she quieted instantly. “Leave us.”

  The little redhead nodded and hurried to the door. “You two better not do anything to get my head chopped off.”

  “Everything will be fine, Tempe. Go to bed,” Nicole urged.

  Her assistant mumbled under her breath and closed the large bedroom door with a thud.

  “Aaron, please.” Nicole turned. His eyes were glowing bright yellow in the soft moonlight. Desire burned hot and their bond flared as they both moved toward each other.

  She cupped his face in both hands and pulled his mouth down to hers. His body stiffened for only a second before giving in to the desire she could feel raging through his body. His arms encircled her waist, pressing her hips flat to the hard bulge in his pants.

  “Yes,” she murmured into his mouth.

  His tongue plunged between her lips, mimicking what she wanted him to do with a different part of his body. He grappled with the belts around her torso and pulled them loose. Pushing the straps of her dress off her shoulders, he stepped back as the dress pooled on the floor around her ankles.

  She stepped from the shed clothing and moved toward him, but he backed away. The fire had gone from his eyes and she could feel his fear. It clawed at him, pulling him further and further away from her.

  “Don’t go,” she pleaded.

  “If we do this our scents will start to link. I can’t. They’ll kill Sasha out of spite and then make you watch as they kill me.”

  Her heart clenched, pain searing through her chest at the thought of losing him. She cried and sank to the floor.

  He disappeared through the bedroom door and her tears began to pour.

  Tears for her pain.

  Tears for his that he wouldn’t let himself shed.

  Tears for her mother, who’d lost her true mate so many years ago.

  Aaron was only pulling away from the bond. She couldn’t imagine the horrifying pain of losing him completely. Her mother had been strong to live with such torment for so many years without it consuming her. Nicole could feel her wolf’s rage boiling deep inside already.

  Aaron spoke the truth.

  She didn’t doubt for a second that her grandparents would spare his sister or him from a painful death if they learned of her transgressions. She walked over to the vanity and sat down. The tears had melted her makeup and now she looked like a creepy ghost from a horror movie—bloodshot eyes, running mascara and eyeliner, and perfectly coifed hair.

  I need him.

  “I know, sweetie.”

  I can’t get us out of here unless he helps me. He has to risk something. Can’t he feel how much it’s going to hurt?

  “Of course he can. You’re not the only one connected to the mate bond.”

  Will you sleep for me tonight? I just want to fade away for a while.

  Her magick fluttered across her skin and her wolf came forward. A gray wolf with golden glowing eyes stared back at her from the mirror.

  Thank you.

  “Get some rest. I’ll be here if anything happens.”

  She pulled herself back into the corner of her mind and let the wolf consciousness take over. Sleep came easily once she released her body to her wolf’s care. Some would say, especially after what happened with her mother, that she gave her wolf too much control, but in her mind it was only fair. They were a team.

  An equal partnership.

  Maybe if her mom had talked with her wolf more instead of shutting her out, the wolf would never have stolen control.


  A light rap on the door preceded it opening. Tempe and Lena’s scent filled the room. Nicole’s wolf stretched and hopped down from the bed, regarding them quietly. Nicole’s consciousness was still sleeping soundly. The wolf had every intention of letting her stay there as long as needed. In the meantime, she needed a run—desperately.

  “Nicole?” Tempe called from the other side of the room.

  Footsteps padded across the carpet toward her. She dove under the bed and waited, stealing quick glances at the bedroom door. One of them would eventually open it and then she could make her break. She needed to get out. Her muscles trembled with excitement.

  Lena walked to the door and put a hand on the knob. “Where is she? The guard said no one has been in or out since Aaron retired last night.”

  Tempe sighed. “Maybe she’s in the bath. Ask him if he heard anything strange last night. I’ll check in here.”

  Lena pulled the bedroom door wide and questioned the guard. Apparently, their mate asked a werewolf to cover for him this evening. “Good. Maybe this bond is affecting him more than he’s letting on.”

  She shot out from under the bed and between the two people in the doorway, both shouting curses at her fleeing, four-legged form. Her tongue lolled out and she flew down the hallway at full speed. Aaron had said there were stairs at the end of the hall, but this hallway had to be at least a quarter-mile long.

  “Stop!” A deep male voice shouted from behind her.

  She paused and looked back. The unfamiliar guard was stripping down. “Shit!” She lunged forward again, determined to find some grass to run on before that lug caught up with her.

  Hey ... what’re we doing? Nicole’s consciousness awakened and reached forward.

  “Morning, sunshine. We are taking a run!”

  From something or to something?

  “Both!” Her wolf yipped and lunged down a flight of stairs five at a time.

  Nicole laughed inwardly and sat back, enjoying the excursion. Go for it.

  “I didn’t think you’d mind.”

  Not in the least. We aren’t naked in front of everyone, so I don’t see a problem.

  They reached the bottom of the stairwell. Another hallway stretched back the way they’d come. The only other choice was through a large door on the right with an exit sign glaring above it conspicuously.



  Nicole shifted to human form, pulled the latch on the door, and pushed it open. Bright sunlight filled the alcove and she didn’t wait another millisecond before shifting back.

  Her wolf lunged forward with the power and stamina of her royal blood and raced across the concrete drive and walkways until grass and dirt was all she could feel beneath her paws. Taking in a deep breath, she barked, excited to be free, even if it would only last a few minutes. She raced up the hillside and rolled in the long grass. It felt so good to let go.

  The mate bond tingled and she swung her head around to stare down at the palace. Her grandmother was standing next to Tempe near the door where she’d escaped. The wolf who’d been chasing her stalked up the hill, snarling.
  She barked and shook her head, ears flapping noisily. It wasn’t like she was leaving. It was a run—a sorely needed stretch for her animal half. If she didn’t run at least once a day, her wolf got antsy and she got jittery, like an overdose of caffeine had been pumped into her bloodstream. The magick bubbled and surged, begging to be released.

  He shifted in front of her and shouted. “Change back! You would shame us all for a few moments of silliness.” Her ears took in his words, but her eyes saw the pain he’d suffered. Years of scars crisscrossed his body. Some were decades old and some were probably only a few weeks.

  Shame? How is running in animal form shameful? Don’t these people know they’re shifters, too? When do they run?

  “I don’t think they do.”

  She barked at the guard again and shook her head again.

  A large female wolf was on top of her moments later, jaws snapping close to her neck. She whined and lay on the ground, baring her neck to the large black wolf standing over her. The animal reminded her of her mom’s wolf.


  She shifted and trembled. “I just needed to run. I wasn’t leaving.”

  The black wolf changed in front of her and her grandmother stood over her, glaring down angrily.

  “Your behavior is completely unacceptable. You don’t ever leave this palace without a guard.” The older woman bent down and pulled Nicole to her feet by her hair.

  She winced, but refused to cry out.

  “Stand there and witness what your foolishness will cost him.”

  Cost him? What? She stood frozen, horrified as the unfamiliar guard knelt before her grandmother without a word. Carlotta moved to stand behind him, running her fingers along his taut muscles. She stroked his shoulders and face before taking a firm hold on his chin with one hand and his forehead with the other.

  Nicole’s lip trembled. She started to shake her head back and forth. “No. No. Grandmother. No. Please. I won’t ever leave without a guard again. Please!” She screamed through the sickening snap of his neck and turned away to vomit. But nothing came up. She dry-heaved a few more times before she could catch her breath.


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