Twin Embers (Rainbow Cove Book 2)

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Twin Embers (Rainbow Cove Book 2) Page 19

by Jet MacLeod

  “Where we going?” Sam finally asked, already knowing the answer.

  “To see Tabitha and Reagan.”


  “We need a sketch,” Grace answered.


  “I know, but we need something. We can keep changing it. But, we need a better preliminary sketch then what we got now,” Grace explained.

  Sam didn’t say anything the rest of the way. She knew when Grace was on a mission. Today, Grace was on a mission: to catch the bastard, once and for all.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Tabitha came stumbling into the studio. Reagan was busy at the table working on the sketches. Tabitha shook her head but didn’t say anything to her. She went into the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. Tabitha knew they would both need a black cup soon.

  Tabitha waited in the kitchen. Once the coffee was brewed, she poured two cups and went back to the studio. She put on cup in front on Reagan and sat down across the table with the other. Tabitha studied Reagan over her cup of coffee.

  “You gonna just stare or you gonna say something?” Reagan asked, and then took a drink of her coffee before her.

  “I was waiting for you to say something.”

  “Still hung over?” Reagan asked her.

  “You could say that. What’s your secret? How come you aren’t hung over?”

  “Herbal remedy,” Reagan answered.

  “Herbal, huh? Don’t tell Gracie. She might have to arrest you.”

  “Not that kinda herbal,” Reagan replied, laughing.

  “Got any more?”

  “Maybe,” Reagan stated.

  “Name your price, woman. It’s yours, even if it isn’t mine to give. Just tell me.”

  “I’ll remember that. I’ll collect on it later. Work on these and I’ll be back,” Reagan told her, passing Tabitha a stack of penciled sketches for her to rerun.

  Tabitha looked at Reagan. She picked up the sketches and moved to the computer. She immediately went to work while Reagan was in her kitchen. Tabitha knew she needed to work quickly. She needed to do what she could to help Reagan.

  Reagan was resolved to find the perp. She was even more determined to do everything she could to do her part. She was starting to realize how much Gracie had done for her. She knew that Gracie would support her no matter the outcome. She was helping her become stronger. Reagan no longer thought of herself as a victim. She was a survivor. She wasn’t going to let the perp dominate her life any more than he already had. She was getting better, stronger and more resilient.

  Reagan and Tabitha were both at the computer. Reagan was drinking more coffee. Tabitha was drinking Reagan’s herbal concoction. They were both studying the sketches and putting touches up and down.

  Gracie and Sam found them still at the computer working. Neither of them knew how long both Tabitha and Reagan had been working. Gracie found two cups and poured some coffee for Sam and herself. Gracie noted it was at least still warm.

  “Hi,” Gracie stated, as they joined Tabitha and Reagan at the computer.

  “Hi, Baby,” Reagan answered, not looking up from the computer.

  “Hello, Tabby,” Sam said, going to her side and finding a seat.

  “’Ello, Love,” Tabby answered and kissed Sam’s cheek as Sam sat down.

  “Y’all taking a break from the case?” Reagan asked.

  “In a manner of speaking,” Sam replied.

  “What’s that mean? Gracie, what’s going on? Tell me,” Reagan demanded.

  “We need sketch,” Grace stated quietly.

  “I’m working on that,” Tabitha and Reagan both replied together.

  “I know that, Little Bit. I was coming to help. Sam came up with a good theory today at our weekly evidence review,” Grace responded.

  Tabitha, Reagan and Grace all turned to face Sam. Sam was in the middle of drinking her coffee when she saw them. She glanced at them wide-eyed over her cup and asked, “What?”

  “Your theory?” Reagan questioned, with authority, which they all noted.

  “Oh, my theory. Well, Cormack made these overlays of the lake and it got me thinking. We had Gracie’s preliminary profile. I wanted to look at it again,” Sam answered.

  “No offense, Sam, but get to the point,” Reagan replied.

  She and Tabitha were still working on the sketches. Reagan was pointing out things to change and nodding when she thought Tabitha had gotten it right. Her patience was wearing thin. She wanted it to be over and she knew it would only happen with her help.

  “Sorry. The long and short of it is we, well, I think that he works on the lake. We know that he doesn’t work for DNR or the military. And, we have a pretty good idea that he wasn’t arrested or jailed six months ago. He knows the lake and he works on it in some aspect,” Sam replied.

  “He works on the lake?” Reagan asked, clarifying for herself.

  “He has to have some sort of job on the lake to be able to navigate it as well as he has,” Sam answered.

  “Okay,” Reagan replied, quickly.

  “Does that help you any, Dearie?” Tabitha asked, just loud enough for Reagan to hear her.

  “Maybe,” Reagan answered.

  “So, why did you two come by?” Tabitha asked again. “You could’ve told us this over the phone. So, why are you really here?”

  “Sometimes, we need breaks, too,” Sam stated.

  “I just wanted to be with Reagan,” Gracie added.

  Tabitha and Reagan both smiled. Silently, they agreed that they couldn’t be mad with either of them. Especially, Grace when she looked so damn good and she told the truth. Reagan turned away from the computer and studied Grace’s eyes.

  The depth of love that Reagan saw reflected in Grace’s eyes mirrored that of her own eyes. She couldn’t find fault in Grace’s actions when they were out of pure love. Reagan thanked whomever above sent Grace to her, because Goodness knows she needed Gracie. Reagan let the moment consume her some more as she leaned over to Grace and kissed her.

  Grace was a little surprised by Reagan’s kiss. It wasn’t the chaste kiss she expected as a “thank you” from her lover. It was a very deep, thorough, and passionate kiss, letting Grace know how much she was loved. Grace’s eyes shown with the promise of love and future when Reagan broke the kiss and backed away.

  “Whoa,” Sam stated, upon seeing Grace’s eyes.

  Tabitha laughed and said, “Careful, MP, she’s arrested your heart.”

  “Too late for that,” Grace said.

  Reagan watched as her eyes turned from the azure she loved back to the steely-icy-blue of the detective she loved. Reagan remembered how quickly Gracie could change and she knew that Gracie didn’t like looking like the giant teddy bear she was in front of other people. Reagan could only hope that she would see the same azure in Gracie’s eyes, later tonight, when they were home, alone.

  “So, how is the sketch coming?” Grace asked, bringing them back to task.

  “As quickly as it can,” Tabitha replied.

  “We’re still working on it. At least I don’t have fifteen sketches to go thru anymore. We are down to three. I would love to have it down to two, but I need to work on it,” Reagan explained.

  “I’m hindering you, aren’t I?” Grace asked.

  “A little. I can’t think about anything else when you’re around. It makes things a little more difficult for me. Especially when you are this close to me, I want to –“

  “Well, Sam and I, we’ll wait in the other room,” Grace stated, cutting Reagan off.

  “We will?” Sam asked unaware of Grace’s predicament.

  “Come on, Rookie,” Grace stated, snatching her up by her shirt and walking out of the studio.

  Grace’s actions were only made worse as Tabitha laughed at their exit. She was happy for both of them. She was especially happy for Grace. She knew that Grace had finally found someone who understood her to the core and didn’t want anything but love. Reagan was the perfect
woman for Grace.

  Reagan looked at Tabitha, but said nothing. She knew that Tabitha approved of their match and it meant a lot to Reagan that she did. Reagan was also glad that she had a friendship with the Brit. Reagan loved Tabitha for her uncanny honesty and her quick wit.

  “Well, that was easy,” Tabitha finally stated, breaking the silence.

  “What? Making Gracie blush? Or, getting her to leave?”

  “All of the above,” Tabitha replied with a giggle.

  “How are the updates coming?”

  “Quickly, I’ve almost got them for you. Reagan, are you sure that their theory didn’t give you some information? Did it help you remember anything?”

  “I don’t think so. I don’t even have a boat, so I don’t know how I would have met this guy. I don’t know I would have set him off in the first place.”

  “I’m not trying to pry, but were you attacked in your home?” Tabitha questioned.

  “No, not for the rape,” Reagan answered.

  “If you weren’t at your house, doesn’t that complicate the theory?”

  “No, because I was a friend’s house. Their house is still on the lake, still on a Lexington County cove, and she, too, is a lesbian. She’s moved on and away from here. After everything and with the blessing of Padrick O’Shea, I bought my place,” Reagan told her.

  “But, why on the lake? Didn’t that bother you? Didn’t that concern you?”

  “Of course it did, but I had to do it. I couldn’t let him take the lake from me. It was one of the things that helped me find peace. Living on the lake helped me get past everything. Besides, I was so far away from my scene and no one even thought about a water approach, I felt safe. It wasn’t until the break in that I began to worry,” Reagan explained.

  “And, by then, Gracie was next door,” Tabitha added.

  “Exactly. And, she has never done anything but make me feel loved, welcome and safe. She is trying so hard to give me peace, that I forget how this is affecting her. She needs peace, too, and I try to give it to her.”

  “Trust me, Reagan, you do.”

  “But, how can you know that?” Reagan questioned.

  “Because I know Gracie. She would have never let Sam take over the case if it wasn’t for you. I have seen her drag herself thru Hell and back to get her perp. It’s one of the reasons she is such a damn good detective. But for once in her life, she has someone else to worry about. There is someone else she loves and they matter enough to make Gracie stop and think. She has someone that she can put before herself. She has someone to worry about,” Tabitha replied.

  “That isn’t necessarily a good thing,” Reagan stated.

  “For her, it is. She needs you as much as you need her. She’ll never tell you that, but it’s true. That girl needs your like crops need rain. You keep her sane and grounded. And, don’t even get me started on what Catie has done for her mindset. You have both restored her faith in humanity. You help her continue to fight. You give her a reason to wake up every day and come home every night. Reagan, Gracie loves you so much; she would give up everything for you. If you can’t see that in her baby blues, you are blind,” Tabitha explained.

  Reagan sat back in shock. She was trying to absorb everything that Tabitha told her. Of course, she knew it was all true, but it was still amazing to hear. She couldn’t fathom the reason behind Grace’s love for her. She didn’t really every explore a reason; she just accepted it without question never believing they deserved one another. But, if Tabitha was right, they were perfect each other and Reagan needed to learn to accept it even deeper than she wanted to admit. She loved Gracie. Hell, she always had, even in high school. Could Tabitha be right? Were they fated to be together? Reagan needed to assess how deeply she loved Grace.

  Tabitha watched Reagan through the corner of her eye. She saw the tears begin to form before Reagan could stop them. She, then, realized that Reagan knew how much she loved Grace and how much she had been holding back. Tabitha turned and grabbed Reagan into a bear hug.

  “Go to her, Reagan. Tell her. Let her know and everything will be okay.”

  Reagan sat back. She rubbed her eyes and smiled at Tabitha. She stood up and went to find Gracie in the other room.

  Tabitha smiled as she turned back to the computer to work on the sketches, again. She heard Sam come back into the studio. She didn’t turn to acknowledge Sam, but she reached out to touch her. It was a subtle gesture, as most of theirs were, but it was enough for Sam.

  “You okay?” Sam asked.

  “I’m good. Just working on the sketches for Reagan. She wants to give you one today as bad as you want to have one for your meeting.”

  “I know. Hopefully, she’ll remember something else once we have a completed sketch. I just don’t know how much good it will do for Reagan. She is working so hard to get past it all. I hope she doesn’t start having flash backs,” Tabitha stated.

  “Me either, but anything she might remember would be helpful.”

  “I’m not going to push her. I want her to do it on her own, at her pace. She has been through enough,” Tabitha replied.

  “We all have, but today, we only have a few hours.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Gracie sat across from Reagan in Tabitha’s living room. They were just staring at each other. Gracie didn’t know what to say. She didn’t know what to do.

  Reagan had just come in the room, obviously upset, and asked Sam to leave. There was no fanfare. There was no warning. It didn’t make sense to Grace. Reagan wasn’t someone who just did that.

  “Reagan?” Grace finally questioned when she could take the silence no longer.

  Reagan looked up and smiled. It eased the turmoil in Grace’s heart, but it didn’t answer her question. Grace smiled back, but she waited.

  “I’m fine, Gracie.”

  “You’re sure? We could go. I’ll call out for the rest of the day, if you need—“

  “No, Gracie Lynn O’Shea, I don’t need you playing hooky for me. I appreciate it, greatly, but I don’t want you getting into any trouble because of me. You need to do your job. I need to check in on mine.”

  “Reagan, if you need anything…I mean anything, just ask me.”

  “Why does everyone keep telling me that?” Reagan mused.

  “Because we love you…wait, who else told you that?”

  “Tabitha did earlier, it was nothing.”

  “Reagan, I don’t want you pushing yourself so hard,” Grace told her.

  “Oh, but it’s okay for you to do it?” Reagan quipped.

  “That isn’t…this isn’t…damn it, Woman, quit making sense.”

  “Do you know what you do to me when you do that?”

  “When I do what?” Gracie asked as seriously as she could.

  “When you push yourself to the breaking point for a case, not just this one. You shut me out. You shut down as a civilian and only the detective remains. I understand that your work is important. I get it, but don’t forget those who love you. You can’t forget that Catie and I love you.”

  “Little Bit, I could never forget you or Catie. Everything that I do is for you two. You are my world,” Grace admitted.

  “Then, let me push myself,” Reagan demanded.

  “But, Baby—“

  “No, Gracie, I have to do this. I have to do something. I can’t fully get past it all until someone pays for the crime. If I’m not doing all that I can, then I am not doing anything worthy. No, don’t. I don’t blame myself. I blame him. But, I know you want me to have peace of mind. You want my nightmares to stop. You want me to be strong. Well, let me be strong,” Reagan explained.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Grace replied.

  “I’m serious, Gracie.”

  “I know.”

  “Not tell me you love me.”

  “I love you, Reagan. I love you so much. You are my everything.”

  “I love you, too. Now tell me you love Catie. You’ll protect her always,” Reagan de

  Grace looked at Reagan with a questioning look. She didn’t immediately answer and was rewarded with a fierce stare from Reagan. Reagan looked impatient.

  “Well?” Reagan pushed.

  “I love you. I love Catie. I will always protect you both.”

  “Good, now tell me you’re gonna let me help you catch this guy.”

  “I will help you help me catch the perp, but only as long as you aren’t in harm’s way. I will not let you do any field work. I can’t. But, I’ll let you push yourself if you feel it is necessary to help me,” Gracie replied.

  “Well, that was more than I expected, but I like the way you think.”

  “I love you, Reagan.”

  “I love you, too, Gracie, but I’m not done yet. I’m gonna finish this sketch somehow today. You are going to have your meeting of the minds this afternoon, but tonight you are mine. Now, tell me that. Tell me how you are mine.”

  “Reagan, I am yours and yours alone. No one else can claim my heart, except Catie. No one else can compare to you. I don’t want to be anyone’s but yours.”

  “Damn it, Gracie,” Reagan replied.

  “What, Baby?”

  “How am I supposed to keep my thoughts moving when you say things like that?” Reagan asked her.

  Grace just smiled back. She didn’t know what Reagan was after, but she knew that she would give it to Reagan willingly. If she wanted words of love and promises, then Grace would keep them coming for her.

  “I love you, Reagan Knightley,” Grace finally said.

  “Say it again.”

  “I love you, Reagan.”

  “I will never tire of that.”

  “I will never tire of telling you that, Reagan.”

  “Now, tell me again,” Reagan demanded.

  “I love you, Reagan.”

  “Now tell me that you will be mine tonight.”

  “I will be yours, tonight, Baby, and every night you want me.”


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