Twin Embers (Rainbow Cove Book 2)

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Twin Embers (Rainbow Cove Book 2) Page 20

by Jet MacLeod

  Reagan’s eyes began to tear up again. Grace tried to gather Reagan into her arms, but Reagan pushed her away. Grace sat back, defeated. Reagan choked back a sob, but kept a hand up to keep Grace back.

  “The house will be ours, alone, for the weekend. I sent Catie to stay with Grandma. We needed some time alone. Now, tell me how you are going to love me tonight.”

  “I am going to love you thoroughly and completely. You will be so sated and pleasured, that by Sunday, you’ll beg me to stop. I will make you mine.”

  “Say that again,” Reagan commanded.

  “I will make you mine! I will erase everyone before me. I will make you wonder where you end and I begin. We will become one so often that we will function together. The Heavens will open and give us sanctuary of love and desire and there, I will love you entirely.”

  Reagan was crying. The tears poured down her cheeks, but still she would let Grace near her. She sniffled and snorted, while sobbing, but still kept Gracie at an arm’s length.

  “No, stay there or I’ll never get through this,” Reagan explained.

  “I love you.”

  Reagan laughed, but replied, “I know, Love. Trust me, I know. I love you, too, but I have to do this my way.”

  Grace just nodded. She realized that Reagan needed this exchange to help her get past everything. She needed to do this. It was helping Reagan and that was all that Grace wanted.

  “Tell me you love me,” Reagan demanded, yet again.

  “I love you, Reagan.”

  “Now, tell me how we are going to grow old together.”

  “We are going to raise Catie to be a fine, strong, young woman. We will grow old together. We will watch Catie have a family of her own. We will be the best damn grandparents ever. Even when we are old and Grey, everyone will know how much we love each other. No one will be able to deny it,” Grace answered.

  “Oh, Gracie, I love you.”

  “I love you, too, Little Bit.”

  “One last thing, Tiny, one last question.”

  “Anything, Love, anything,” Grace replied.

  “Ask me to move in with you again,” Reagan commanded.

  Grace sat up. She blinked several times. But, she wasn’t going to let her resolve break. It didn’t matter how many times Reagan had said “no” before, she’d ask, again.

  “Move in with me. Share my home with me. Bring Catie, too.”

  “Only on one condition,” Reagan answered.

  “And that would be?” Grace asked, curiosity piqued to the hilt.

  “Marry me,” Reagan answered, quietly.

  Grace stood up. She ran to the living room door. Reagan looked at Grace, fully bewildered, until she heard Grace’s shout.

  “Tabitha, Sam, we’re getting married!!!”

  Grace immediately ran to Reagan. Gathering her around the waist, Grace picked Reagan up, swinging her around and kissing her. They were both ignoring the shocked and excited faces of Tabitha and Sam.

  Grace sat Reagan down. As soon as Reagan’s feet touched the ground, Grace claimed her mouth. Mouthing over and over “yes,” they kissed.

  “So, finally getting hitched, MP?” Tabitha teased.

  “Yep,” Grace answered in between kisses.

  “Do I know her?” Tabitha teased.


  “Good on you, Mate.”

  “Congratulations,” Sam added, as the computer beeped in the other room.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Tabitha stood in the doorway, grinning like an idiot. Sam smiled, too, but she was a little unsure of what else to say. Gracie and Reagan were lost in each other’s eyes.

  “What is that noise?” Sam asked Tabitha in hushed whisper.

  “The computer,” Tabitha replied.

  Samantha and Tabitha looked at each other. Both of their eyes lit up in realization. The computer had a match. The latest batch of sketches had generated a hit on someone. Sam and Tabby looked at each other, again.

  “The computer,” they said in unison, as they went back to the studio.

  Tabitha grabbed the sketches off of the printer. Sam pushed some buttons to pull up the face recognition. It showed a rap sheet and a composite. Sam printed the files out. She hated to read the documents on the screen. It was easier for everyone, plus Sam knew they needed the printouts for their meeting.

  They stared at each other. Neither of them wanted to interrupt Grace and Reagan, but they knew they had work to do. Tabitha held the sketches and Sam had the printouts as they went back into the living room. They both stood there and watched Reagan and Grace.

  Grace saw them first. She understood their hesitation and silently thanked them both. Tabitha and Sam both nodded, knowing that Grace appreciated their patience. Grace turned to Reagan.

  “Honey,” she said to Reagan.

  “Yes, Love,” Reagan replied.

  “We have to go back to work,” Grace stated.

  “I know, Tiny.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay, Gracie. I understand. But, the case needs to come first.”

  “What y’all got?” Grace finally asked them.

  “We’ve got a sketch,” Tabitha answered.

  Grace grabbed Reagan’s hand as they approached Tabitha and Sam. Everyone had a grim look on their faces. Reagan put her hand out and Tabitha handed her the finished sketch. They watched Reagan as she studied the sketch.

  “Does he look familiar?” Grace asked.

  “A little,” Reagan answered.

  “Do you know from where?” Tabitha questioned.

  “I think from college. I think I had classes with him at USC. I’m not sure though.”

  “What classes would they have been?” Sam inquired.

  “One was a biology class and the other was a computer class.”

  “Did he ever approach you? In any way? Ask you out?” Grace asked.

  “That was years ago. I don’t know, maybe. If he did, I would have told him ‘no.’ I was very ‘out’ in college. If it is the same guy, then I was with Liz at the time.”

  “So you were with a woman?” Sam probed.

  “Yeah, it was Liz Danielson. She is some hot shot lawyer, now. Anyway, she moved to New York.”

  “Did he ever see y’all together?” Grace asked, really seriously.

  “I dunno. Maybe. I didn’t hide my sexuality then, but I didn’t flaunt it, either. Do you think it’s that guy from class?” Reagan questioned them.

  “I don’t know. It could be. It could be anybody,” Grace said.

  “Reagan, whose house were you at when you were raped?” Tabitha asked.

  Grace and Sam both had a stunned look on their faces at the question. Grace actually gave Tabitha a scathing look. Reagan just brushed them off.

  “It was Liz’s place,” Reagan answered.

  “Did this guy know Liz?” Tabitha continued to ask questions, pointing to the face on the sketch.

  “I don’t know, maybe.”

  “Did you ever see them together?”

  “It was so long ago,” Reagan replied.

  “I know it was, Reagan, but think. Did this guy know you two? Did he know Liz?” Tabitha pushed.

  Grace was about to tell Tabitha to shut up, when Sam put her hand on Grace’s arm. Grace backed down. Sam realized that Tabitha was actually getting Reagan to remember. Sam gave Grace a look and Grace finally relented. Grace knew they needed the information from Reagan, but that didn’t mean she had to like the way that Tabitha was getting it. Grace finally let Sam lead her back to the couch to sit down. They watched Tabitha and Reagan as they continued their session.

  “Do you want to sit?” Tabitha asked Reagan.

  “I’m good.”

  “Do you think this is the same guy from college?”

  “It does favor him, a lot,” Reagan answered.

  “Did he know Liz? Have a class with her? In a club together?”

  “I don’t think so. I know that I had a class with him, but
neither Liz nor I were very social. I don’t think they were in a club together. I can’t figure out how he knew us,” Reagan stated.

  “Okay, so he was in a class or two with you. You said you thought it was biology and/or a computer class. Can you think of or do you know what his major was?” Tabitha asked.

  “I don’t know. I know that he was in biology with me. He was doing something with it, I’m sure. It was an advanced biology class.”

  “Advanced biology? Like pre-med type or just like a Bio II type class? Why do you think his major had to do with biology?”

  “It just seems that he was studying biology. I was taking the class for one of my science credits. It was a hard but fun class for me. It just seems to me…well, I don’t think it was just a fun class for him. It was more like work, like it was more than just a course requirement, like it was his life,” Reagan replied.

  “That’s good. You’re doing good, Reagan. Is there anything else you can remember? Hair and eye color? The program just made an assumption based on the pictures from you and Catie. Tell me anything no matter how small you think it is,” Tabitha told her.

  “The sketch is good. I don’t think he had blond hair like us. I want to say it was darker. I think his eyes were hazel, kinda like mine. I know that Catie gets her green eyes form my parents.”

  “Can you tell me his name? An initial? A nickname?”

  “No, it was so long ago. He really wasn’t my lab partner, but we had labs together. I could call Liz to see if she can remember his name,” Reagan answered.

  “That might help, but I think that Grace and Sam need you to tell them his name. We’ll get Grace to call Liz, later. You’re doing great. Just look at the sketch and tell me anything you can,” Tabitha said.

  Reagan continued to look at the sketch. Sam and Grace sat, still, on the couch. Tabitha grabbed a stool and a chair for herself and Reagan.

  “She is doing good,” Sam whispered to Grace.

  “Which one?” Grace questioned back.

  “Both of them.”

  “Yeah, they are. I’m glad that I’ve worked with Tabitha before, or I would be really mad. But, I have a question for you,” Grace stated.

  “What is it, LT?”

  “Do you have a name?”

  “I do, yeah,” Sam answered.

  “Does that name match our profile?”

  “Yeah, he does.”

  “So, why are we here?” Grace questioned.

  “I want as much as we can get from Reagan, first. I know it is hard, but the more information she can tell us without being prompted the better. Come on, Grace, you know that. A defense lawyer would eat her alive on the stand if she didn’t tell us before we show her this,” Sam replied, flashing the rap sheet at Grace.

  Grace took the rap sheet. She flipped through the only other information they had on the perp. It was some old assault stuff and a peeping Tom charge. Nothing major enough to throw up any flags except that he was a graduate from USC with a major in biology with a heavy influence towards pre-med. He worked in the bio-tech industry. His current employer was going a research project in conjunction with SCE&G on the wildlife in the lake. His driver’s license stated that he was six foot three, and two hundred thirty pounds. He was built and played high school football.

  “He turned down a scholarship for football for a science one?” Grace questioned.

  “Who does that?” Sam asked.

  “A crazy, mother-fucking rapist,” Grace answered.

  “No, it is someone obsessed with science,” Reagan answered.

  “What?” Sam asked, realizing their conversation had gotten louder than she wanted.

  “He is obsessed with science. He hates religion, all religion. He isn’t from around here, though. I think he was from some backwoods really religious area, a very pastoral community,” Reagan replied.

  “Anything else?” Grace asked, probing her further.

  “I still can’t think of a name. He is up from…no, he is down from Clio, up in Florence or Marlboro. I remember I had never heard of it until I had biology with him. He is from Clio.”

  Grace looked over the police documents. Reagan was right. Grace smiled. All they needed was name and it would be a slam dunk. They already had enough for an arrest, but with a name, he would have a very hard time getting an acquittal in court.

  Reagan looked at the sketch, again. A look of horror came over her face, but she put her hand out to keep everyone away. She looked up at Grace, then at Sam and finally at Tabitha.

  “You don’t have to call Liz,” Reagan told them.

  “Why not, Reagan?” Tabitha asked.

  “I know who he is.”

  “Who is he, Baby? What is his name? Tell me and we’ll go arrest him,” Grace demanded, knowing full well they were going to call Liz anyway.

  “He did ask me out. I remember that, now. I did tell him ‘no’.”

  “What’s his name?” Sam asked.

  “He was Liz’s biology partner. I think he asked her out, too. I am pretty sure that we laughed about it one night over a glass of wine. Do you think that is why he did all this?” Reagan asked them.

  “I don’t know, Honey. I think he is an evil, sick man. Just give me a name so we can put him away for a very long time,” Grace answered.

  “It’s not my fault,” Reagan said, finally believing it.

  Grace went to her. She held Reagan. They were all waiting.

  “His name, Baby Girl, what’s his name?” Grace pushed.

  “It is Jonah….Jonah Walker.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Grace and Sam were out the door without thinking. They had his name. They had to get back to the station and to Cormack so they get an arrest warrant.

  “Wait!” Reagan called from Tabitha’s front door.

  Grace and Sam both stopped. Each had one of the truck doors open and in their hands. They were seconds from leaving. Grace immediately ran back to Reagan. She shook her head at her own forgetfulness.

  “I’m sorry, Little Bit,” Grace said, taking Reagan in her arms.

  “It’s okay, Tiny. I know that detective mode went into high gear. Don’t apologize for that. I want you to get the guy,” Reagan replied, melting into Grace.

  “I plan on it,” Grace responded.

  “Good, but give me a kiss first.”

  “Absolutely,” Grace stated and then kissed Reagan.

  Tabitha and Sam had joined them. Sam apologized to Tabitha for running out and Tabitha forgave her. Sam looked surprised, but happy when Tabitha kissed her and then smacked her butt.

  “Go get him, Tiger,” Tabitha told Sam.

  Grace and Sam, both, calmly, returned to the truck. They both had a smile on their face and determination in their eyes. They both knew that today was going to be the day they got their man. Today was going to be a good day.

  Tabitha and Reagan watched them leave. They both could feel an easiness floating through the air. They went back into Tabitha’s apartment and into the studio.

  “I’ve never seen Grace like that, except once,” Reagan stated.

  “I have. She gets that look whenever she gets called in or she had enough to get her guy. You just solved your own case, Love,” Tabitha told her.

  “I did, didn’t I?”

  “Now, what are you going to do?”

  “Marry Grace. Raise Catie. But, most importantly, be happy,” Reagan replied.

  “That’s my girl. But, what about the case? Won’t you have to testify?”

  “I might.”

  “You might? What does that mean? What’s wrong?” Tabitha questioned.

  “They can’t try him for my crime. The statute has run out. I won’t my get justice in court. The other girls will though, so that’ll be my justice.”

  “Bloody Hell!”

  “Look, I know. I’ve known for a while. But, with my evidence, they’ll be able to link him to the case. If for some reason, they can charge him for it or something else. I’ll be mo
re than happy to testify. Until then,” Reagan explained.

  “Until then, what?”

  “I’ll know he is behind bars. I’m not a victim anymore. I’m a survivor. I’ll know justice has been served, even if not fully for me. And, I’ll have Catie to raise and love. My life will be full.”

  “You are amazing.”

  “I try to be,” Reagan answered with a smile.

  “Then, let’s have a drink.”

  “A drink?” Reagan inquired.

  “A toast. We will toast your strength. We need to celebrate!”

  “Then, let’s toast for a speedy capture and quick trial.”

  “Sounds good,” Tabitha stated, getting something for them to toast with.

  Grace and Sam arrived at the lab in record time. It was one of the few times that Sam was glad Grace was driving. She didn’t think she’d have been able to handle the traffic as well as Grace had. She was amazed at how quickly Grace could navigate while she was issuing orders to Sam. Sam was glad that she had learned to write while others drove. She would need those notes now.

  “Cormack!!!” they called as they entered the lab.

  “I’m here. What’s up? I got a lieutenant from the DNR office. He’s here to help. What ya got?”

  “Hi, Lieutenant. Get the solicitor on the phone. We have his name. I want a BOLO put out. Boats on the water, cruisers out, we’ve got him, now. I want him brought in. I want him, now!” Grace commanded.

  “I’ll make the call,” Cormack said.

  “Sorry for my partner’s manners, Lieutenant. I’m Sergeant Samantha Wannamaker. My partner, there, is Lieutenant Grace O’Shea. I’m the lead investigator on this case. We’ve had a breakthrough. The first victim has finally remembered her attacker’s name. We would like your help in his possible apprehension,” Sam stated, offering her hand.

  “Sounds like fun, Sergeant Wannamaker. Let me know how I can help. By the way, my name is Todd, Jacob Todd.

  “Welcome aboard, Todd,” Sam replied, as she watched Gracie pacing on the phone.

  Cormack came back with a lake map and Lexington County maps. She spread them on the table. Sam and Jacob joined her at the table. Sam handed Cormack the rap sheet.

  “See if you can find his DNA on file and run it. The more we can prove from the newer cases the less we have to use Reagan. Remind me to tell you the good news later,” Sam told her.


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