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My Kinda Forever (Summer Sisters Book 6)

Page 13

by Black, Lacey

  “And we still check on all of you. You won’t make me feel bad for that,” Orval says.

  “I’m not trying to make you feel bad, Grandpa. I just…didn’t realize you did that.”

  “Do you really think your grandma needs ice cream three to four nights a week?” he asks, humor dancing in his eyes.

  “I do love ice cream,” Emma chimes in. “But usually, I prefer to be licking it off your…”

  “Stop!” Meghan interrupts, and for once, I’m so thankful she did. I’m pretty sure I was about to hear something that can’t be unheard. You know, like when you’re a kid and hear your parents having sex? A nightmare like that sticks with a kid.

  “Anyway, Grandpa drove by and noticed your car gone and that Nick’s was there. He was afraid something was wrong, but I figured you were finally having the sex.”

  “Would you stop saying that before breakfast?”

  “So? Which was it? Something wrong or the sex?” Emma asks, patiently waiting out her granddaughter’s reply.

  I sit silently, not knowing how much of last night Meghan is going to give up, if anything. She values her personal space, and even though her grandparents are a bit like bulls in a china shop, I know they love her and respect her need for it.

  “Actually, it was the former,” Meghan starts softly. “Nick taught me a few things last night at the dojo, and I ended up getting upset. Not at him, but I just…well, I sort of got angry and emotional and freaked out a bit. He brought me home in his car and stayed to make sure I was okay.”

  “And were you? Okay?” Emma asks gently, reaching her wrinkled hand across the table and setting it atop Meghan’s.

  “Yeah. I think last night helped. I actually feel much better this morning,” Meghan replies, turning those green eyes my way for a few seconds.

  “Good. I’m proud of you, Meggy. You’ve come a long way,” Orval adds.

  “Thanks. But right now, my stomach could use some pancakes and bacon,” she replies, trying to lighten the mood.

  I look over the menu, even though I already know what I’m going to have, as Emma says, “I always crave a big hearty breakfast after the sex too.”

  Meghan glances across the table. “No, we didn’t…I mean, there was no…that.”

  “Well, maybe not for you,” Grandma says coyly just as the waitress delivers a huge plate of eggs, bacon, sausage, and hash browns, and sets it in front of Meghan’s grandma.

  “That’s gross,” Meghan mumbles just loud enough for me to hear.

  “Oh, there was nothing gross about it, Meggy Pie. In fact, your Grandpa is a magician in the bedroom. He does this thing –”

  “NO! For the love of God, please stop talking,” Meghan pleads, and I do everything I can to keep the bubble of laughter from spilling out.

  “Fine, but one day, you’ll be into sharing details with all of us again.”

  “I’ve never been into sharing the details. In fact, I don’t think any of us have been into sharing. You guys just take it upon yourselves to over-share.”

  “Good sex will do that to you,” Emma retorts with a grin before turning and kissing her husband square on the mouth.

  And I’m pretty sure there was tongue.

  This family is…well, interesting. They obviously love each other, and that love overflows down through the generations.

  I like it.

  I like it a lot.

  Chapter Thirteen


  We make our way to the office, a box sitting on my lap containing a couple of éclairs for the other ladies. There’s no time to stop at the karate place to get my car, so I’m stuck being driven around by Nick. Not that it’s a bad thing.

  Not at all.

  In fact, I kinda like spending all this time with him, outside of the office.

  The morning flies by as patients come and go from my chair. When Nick comes into my little room, he’s charismatic and engaging with the patients as always. I also catch him stealing sly glances at me and offering these cute little smiles, like he knows some big secret. It makes me feel all schoolgirl giddy, a feeling that I haven’t felt in so very long.

  When lunch rolls around, Patty takes off to walk at the park, as she usually does over the lunch hour, and Erika leaves for the day, only working part time on Thursdays. “Ready?” Nick asks when he enters my little room.

  “Yep,” I respond, grabbing my purse from the cabinet.

  As we make our way to the rear of the office, Nick places his hand low on my back. Warmth floods my bloodstream and I couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across my face if you paid me a million kajillion dollars. It’s a pleasant feeling, one that not only makes me smile but makes me feel alive. Wanted.

  Together, we walk to the end of the block to the deli with amazing panini sandwiches. There are only a few tables open as we make our way to the front of the room to place our order. “Do you know what you’re having?” Nick asks as we wait behind another couple for our turn.

  “Absolutely! Is there any other sandwich than the turkey?”

  “Not if you like spicy mustard,” he says, glancing at the menu.

  “Are you telling me you don’t like the turkey panini? That’s it. We can’t be friends,” I tease.

  “It’s all right, but I have issues with the onions.”

  “You have issues with grilled red onions? And here I thought you were a good guy.”

  “Why do you like grilled red onions? Don’t they make your breath smell like…grilled red onions?”

  I can’t help it. I giggle. “I’m going to eat grilled red onions now for lunch right before you clean my teeth.”

  That makes him laugh. “Thank God I’m not kissing you after that,” he says with a wide smile. Then his face falls, as if registering exactly what he just said. “I didn’t mean…”

  “It’s okay,” I say with a shrug. “I guess I’ll just have to make sure to brush my teeth after I eat grilled red onions…and before you kiss me.”

  Why does my heart feel so light and free in this moment? It feels amazing to smile and joke, even if the pun is about kissing another man. Nick. Specifically, kissing Nick.

  “Can I take your order?” the young high school girl asks from behind the counter.

  “Yes, we’d like a turkey panini special with a Sprite and a ham and Swiss panini special with water, please.” He orders for both of us, but that doesn’t bother me. The fact that he knows exactly what I want is actually a little comforting.

  Nick pays, even though I had told him earlier that I was buying lunch today. While we wait for our number to be called, I find a small table over by the window. He pulls my seat out for me, which isn’t really surprising, since Nick has always been a complete gentleman. But that begs the question: I wonder what he’s like when he’s not a gentleman? No, I have no right wondering such a thing, especially about my boss…my friend, but now that the seed is planted, it’s growing deep roots and sprouting leaves.

  I kinda need to know what Nick would be like when he loses control.

  “Are you all right? Your cheeks just turned red. Do we need to sit closer to the air conditioner?” he asks, concern written all over his very handsome face. In fact, he’s gorgeous. In his work attire, his trunks on the boat, or his white outfit thingy at the dojo, he’s simply a stunning specimen of man.

  “I’m fine,” I reply, waving my hand dismissingly. Nick takes the seat across from me, his eyes seeming to know exactly where my mind had wandered.

  Our number is called quickly, and he makes his way up to the counter to grab our tray. When he returns to the table, my mouth waters at the sight of one of my favorite sandwiches.

  “Thank you,” I say as he sets my food in front of me.

  “You’re welcome.”

  We both dive in, knowing that our time away from the office is limited. My station is all ready to go for our first afternoon patient, but we’re still expected to return before everyone starts to arrive.

  “So, I was
thinking,” Nick says, wiping his mouth gently on his napkin. A perfectly, kissable mouth, if you ask me.

  Not that I’m thinking about kissing Nick.

  Okay, yes I am. I’m completely thinking about kissing him. Especially now that my attention has been drawn to those full, impeccable lips, even though they’re still healing from my violent attack on them just last night.

  “What do you think?” he asks, pulling my thoughts away from his mouth.

  Another blush sweeps in as I realize I just missed whatever he suggested. “I’m sorry, what?”

  “You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” he says quickly, seeming to retreat away.

  “No, I’m…” I close my eyes and prepare for the embarrassment. “I missed what you said. I’m sorry, I was distracted.”

  “Oh. Umm, I just asked if you had plans tomorrow night. After the self-defense class. I thought maybe we could go get something to eat.”

  “Like a date?” I ask, a bubble of hope growing in my chest. Going on the date last week was terrifying. The prospect of going on a date with Nick is exciting.

  Nick looks at me from across the table, as if weighing his words carefully. Finally, he replies, “Yeah. Like a date.”

  My heart pounds in my chest and a smile threatens to spread widely across my face. “You want to take me on a date when we’re all sweaty and gross?” I tease.

  He seems to think about that for just a second. “Well, I guess it doesn’t have to be a date,” he starts to backtrack.

  Finally, I start to laugh. “I’ll make you a deal. You can take me out on a date Friday and Saturday. This way, I still get the full-date experience with Nicholas Adams, D.D.S.”

  A smile that surely matches mine spreads over his lips. “Friday and Saturday night, huh? You drive a hard bargain, Meggy Pie.”

  Smiling like a loon, I finish off my sandwich and chips, slurping the final drops of my Sprite from my cup. I didn’t realize it was possible to eat and drink with a grin, but it is. And if I was ever wanting proof, all I would need to do is look across the table to Nick, who is throwing subtle grins my way between bites as well.

  * * *

  “Do you see the ass on that man?” Grandma mumbles beside me as we watch Rhenn and Nick demonstrate the first of several moves we’ll learn tonight in the beginners’ self-defense class.

  “Which one?” AJ asks, her eyes clearly checking out both Nick and Rhenn’s rear ends.

  “Either. Both. Does it matter? They’re both tight enough to bounce a quarter off of. I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on one. Or both.” Grandma fans herself, as if the thought of grabbing one of their asses has her hot and bothered.

  It’s disturbing, really.

  “Knock it off, will you? You’re disrupting class,” I chastise the old woman next to me.

  “I get dibs on Nicholas. I have a feeling his ass is a work of art. Every time he comes in to check my teeth, I imagine biting it. Like a dog with a bone.” And then to prove her point, she growls. And pretends to attack a bone.

  Kill. Me. Now.

  “Everything all right over here?” Nick asks, joining our group.

  “Fine, fine,” I say too loudly and much too quickly.

  “Meggy was just asking us whose ass was nicer,” Grandma says to Nick with a smile.

  I gasp. “I was n–”

  “Oh, don’t be shy, Meggy Pie. I’m sure all of the women in this class are here for one reason only, and it’s not to learn self-defense. They’re hoping they’ll be picked as your victim for the night. A few demonstrations now, a few later in bed – naked. It’s every woman’s fantasy, really. Chapter six, right Payton?” Grandma asks our oldest sister, who’s just staring at her. Mute. Payton is actually mute. Who would have thought?

  “Anyway, Meg wants to be your guinea pig. She can’t wait for you to throw her down on the mat and work her over,” my completely psychotic and absolutely crazy grandma says to Nick with a smile.

  “Well, that’s perfect, actually. I was about to have Meghan come up front and help demonstrate,” Nick replies, giving my grandma a wink. He extends his hand toward me, and while I’d much rather the floor open up and swallow me whole, I grudgingly make my way to where Rhenn stands.

  “Make sure you grab his ass, Meggy!” I hear hollered from behind, followed by giggles from the room.

  “I’d totally be okay if you grabbed my ass,” Nick whispers before dropping my hand and turning to face the room.

  For the next forty-five minutes, Nick and I help demonstrate the moves as Rhenn explains them to the group. A few times, a small cluster of young, perky-boobed women in tight tank tops ask for help to make sure they have the moves down. Rhenn usually is the first one to run over and offer his assistance (and probably his phone number), but a couple of times when he was busy, Nick had to help the giggly boob-shakers.

  At the end of class, everyone seems to linger a bit. The giggly gaggle of wanna-be porn stars all flock to Rhenn, practically offering themselves up on some sort of orgy promising platter. That man is going to come down with something itchy on his balls if he’s not careful.

  Nick says goodbye to a few of the ladies before heading to where I hang back with my family. They don’t know about our after-class plans, and I’d prefer to keep it that way. The last thing I need is for Grandma to start pulling on that particular thread and unraveling too much information. The Summer family phone tree would blow up, for sure!

  “Ladies, how was class?” he asks when he joins us.

  “I feel like I could kick someone’s ass right now,” AJ replies.

  “You need to go home and put all of that energy into the sex with the sexy ball player. I know exactly how you feel right now, AJ. Your grandpa is launching the meat missile the moment I get home,” she says, her face absolutely glowing with excitement.

  And I think I’m going to throw up…

  “Grandma,” Abby chastises, her face a weird shade of green.

  “Anyway, Nicholas, it was lovely to see you again. Thank you for a very informative, entertaining class,” the little devil says as she steps forward, wrapping her frail little arms around Nick’s midsection.

  It’s when he jumps and his wide eyes land on me that I know what happened. What she did.

  “Oh, yes, a very fine ass indeed,” she says sweetly before whistling and making her way toward the door.

  “I’m so sorry,” I mutter, not really sure what I’m supposed to say or do. I mean, what is the protocol for your grandma goosing the man you’re not really dating, but kinda sorta seeing a bit – unofficially – who is also your boss. Is there some sort of rule for this situation?

  “She totally had a handful of ass, didn’t she? I’ll never forget the first time she did that to Dean,” Payton says with a smile.

  “The first time?” Nick asks with wide, yet laughing eyes.

  “Oh, yeah. She totally cops a feel as often as possible,” Abby adds. “She came over and brought banana bread earlier in the week. Had her little hands full of Levi’s butt before I could even slice the first piece.”

  “Truth. She’s quite fond of Sawyer’s sexy ass too, but actually it’s Linkin’s that she can’t keep her hands off,” AJ contributes.

  “That’s…” Nick starts, but stops when he can’t seem to find the right word.

  “Wrong?” I offer.

  “Disgusting?” Abby says.

  “Disturbing?” Payton adds.

  “She says she’s making sure we have great asses to go home to, but I think she’s just a perverted ol’ woman who enjoys feeling up young butts.” This from AJ, who shrugs.

  “We should head home. Levi has to work in a few hours and I promised I would be home to give him a goodbye kiss,” Abby says, grabbing her bag and purse.

  “She’ll be playing the skin flute within the hour,” AJ mumbles to Payton, loud enough that we can all hear her.

  “Launching the meat missile,” Payton says with a big giggle.

the bologna pony,” I add before bursting into my own fit of laughter.

  “You hang around Grandma too much,” Abby grumbles, pointing her finger at AJ and Payton. “And you? I expected more from you, Meggy Pie.”

  “What can I say? We’re all cut from the same cloth.”

  “On that note, we’re out of here. Payton is our ride,” Abby says, coming over to give me a hug, followed by my other sisters. “Do you need a ride?”

  “No, I have my car,” I reply, still not giving away a single detail about tonight.

  “All right. We’ll talk to you soon,” Payton says, offering a wave before the three of them head out the door.

  “You have a very interesting family, Meggy Pie.”

  “I can’t argue that, Nicholas Adams, D.D.S. and karate chopping kung fu master.”

  That makes him laugh. “Let me change my clothes and we can head out.”

  “No way, you don’t get to change. If I have to go in sweaty gym clothes, so do you.”

  “No worries, Meggy. I have a locker full of gross, stinky gym clothes that’ll fit the bill just fine,” he says with a wink before disappearing into the locker room. I’m left behind with a smile on my face and a happy skippy-beat in my heart.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I change quickly, and even though I don’t put on nasty, wrinkled gym clothes from my locker, I still opt for a very casual appearance. I throw on a pair of black basketball shorts and clean gray t-shirt, dropping my karate top and pants into my bag to be cleaned.

  “Where you running off to?” Rhenn asks when he enters the locker room.

  “Nowhere,” I answer, tying my tennis shoes.

  “I call bullshit. You have this stupid grin on your face that tells me you’re up to something. Plus, there’s a hot brunette waiting by the back door for you. At least, I think it’s for you. I guess Meghan could be waiting for me though, right?”

  “Doubt it,” I holler over my shoulder as I make my way to the doorway.

  “Have a good night, kids. Make sure to wear condoms.” His laughter is the last thing I hear before exiting the locker room, flipping him the bird as I go, and heading to the back door where Meghan waits.


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