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Poseidon's Bride (Olympians, Book One)

Page 3

by Marie Medina

  There was one way to find out.

  With a small gesture from him, the French door opened silently, and he stepped inside. He took a deep breath, trying to summon the right amount of seduction and power to his voice.

  “Layla,” he murmured.

  Her eyes snapped open, and she dropped the vibrator. It took her a few moments to realize he was there. Her eyes widened when she finally looked up at him.

  “Oh my God,” she squeaked.

  I am, if you want me to be. He held his hand out as he moved toward her. “Don’t be afraid. I would never hurt you.” Just as I hope you will not hurt me.

  She stared at him, looking stunned and unbelieving. “Who are you? How did you get inside my head? Or outside of my head, I should think now. You’re in my house. How did you get here?”

  Confused, Poseidon said, “Outside of your head? I’m afraid I don’t understand, my dear.” Her statement did, however, give him some hope that the connection he’d felt to her earlier was, in fact, real. She seemed more surprised that he was there than that a man had just walked in through her window. Perhaps she had been thinking of him, remembering her brief glimpse of him.

  She pointed her finger at him. “You’re the guy from the beach. And you have blue eyes. Tell me who you are, right now.”

  He realized he should have thought about this more before barging into her room. Instead of becoming wrapped in his spell, she had caught him completely off-guard. She was in control. She was the one demanding answers he hadn’t thought he’d have to give. She looked more surprised than scared, but he couldn’t be sure that was a better alternative. “I’m the man you saw on the beach. And, yes, my eyes are blue.” He wasn’t sure why that meant so much to her. “Is my name so important?”

  “It might be. Are you human?”

  It was his turn to be surprised. “Wouldn’t you be afraid if you thought I weren’t?”

  “That would depend on what you were. You disappeared right before my eyes. Humans don’t do that. Ghosts do that. So do vampires and other weird things, but you were in the sun, so that can’t be right.”

  He nodded as he tried not to laugh, wondering if he qualified as a weird thing. “You’re right about that. Humans don’t just disappear. I’m not a ghost though. In fact, I’m sure I’m not any of the things you’re thinking I might be. And my name is Poseidon.”

  Layla surprised him again by walking toward him. “I don’t know what I’m getting myself into, but I’m not afraid of you. I can’t explain why.”

  He looked down into her flashing green eyes. “You have no reason to be afraid of me.”

  She eyed his bare chest and tight black pants. “There’s a half-naked man in my bedroom. I think that gives me good reason to—” She gasped and ran into the bathroom, as though it had taken her that long to realize she was completely naked.

  He closed his eyes and let out a deep breath. He couldn’t help fearing he had ruined everything. The look on her face had been hilarious, but he couldn’t even chuckle because he had doubts as to whether or not she’d ever come back out of the bathroom again. For a moment, before she’d realized she stood naked before him, not to mention that he had interrupted her while she masturbated, he’d felt she was opening to him, that somehow the Fates had been weaving the strands of their lives closer together, just as she had been walking closer to him. She might have been so shocked to see him she’d been able to ignore her own nakedness and what she’d been doing for a few moments as she questioned him. Now that she’d come crashing back to reality, would she also suddenly be afraid of him, even though she’d just said she wasn’t?

  Something had been drawing them together. He could still feel the power of it hanging in the air. They’d been so close he could have taken her in his arms. Then she’d run into the bathroom. That wasn’t a good sign.

  “Are you still there?” she called.

  “Yes,” he blurted, trying to sound calm and unthreatening.

  “I’m coming back out then.” She emerged wearing jeans and a baggy T-shirt. She still looked unbelievably sexy to him, and he could smell the musk of her heated sex lingering in the air.

  He decided to trust the Fates and take a chance. “Do you believe in destiny, or fate, Layla? You said you weren’t afraid of me, and you didn’t seem surprised I might not be human. Would you be willing to listen to my story with an open mind?”

  She crossed her arms under her breasts, stretching the fabric across them and revealing her still hard nipples. He took a deep breath and told himself to be patient.

  She ran her hand over her eyes, then looked at him and let out a deep breath. “I’d be willing to listen to anything if it will help make sense of the last few hours.” She gestured to the chair at her dresser. “Have a seat.”

  * * * *

  Layla tried to concentrate on the words of the man sitting across from her and not his amazing, chiseled chest. His pecks and abs rippled deliciously as he gestured while speaking to her, and watching this was not helping to kill her sex drive. She’d been close to orgasm when she’d heard him say her name for the third time that night, and she’d been knocked for a major loop when she’d looked up to see that, in a way, her wish of moments before had literally been granted. She’d been imagining this very man driving his cock into her, pushing her to orgasm, and then suddenly he was standing there watching her. Watching me masturbate, completely naked and sprawled across my bed. She tried to take deep breaths so her face didn’t flame red with embarrassment.

  “When I saw you lying on the beach, I couldn’t help lingering. You were so beautiful…and so alluring.”

  “You were really there the whole time?” That revelation brought her back to reality. Her face grew hot, and her entire body flushed. So he’s seen me masturbating twice in one night. Wonderful. She could hardly tell if she was embarrassed or aroused as she gazed into his eyes. Something in them pushed her humiliation away. They shone with desire, and even as she turned away, she felt her sex tightening as she thought of him lying on the sand next to her. “You were beside me, doing something to me?”

  He shook his head. “I was beside you, but I wasn’t affecting you in any way.” He pulled his gaze away, then peered back into her eyes. “I will admit that I did touch you earlier.”

  Her eyes widened, as she realized what he meant. “That was you? You touched me in the water?” She shook her head. “I don’t understand.” Her mind raced. What must he think of her? That she was sex-crazed and an easy lay? Or that she was a passionate woman he could find fulfillment with? Or something in between those two? That seemed more likely. She couldn’t deny he still seemed interested, but that was only one of the puzzling things about him.

  He paused for a moment, then asked, “Doesn’t my name mean anything to you?”

  She had to admit it had struck a chord in her brain and made her wonder. “Well, yes, but are you trying to tell me that you’re the Poseidon? As in the Greek god Poseidon?”

  He smiled. “Yes. You did say you wouldn’t be surprised if I weren’t human. I thought simply telling you who I was would clear that up for you.”

  She shook her head. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t be surprised. I just said I thought it was possible.” She ran her hand over her forehead, trying to think of how to explain. “I mean, you disappeared right in front of me. And you got up here somehow. You certainly didn’t come through the door.”

  “I felt you calling to me. And you never answered my other question.”

  “I really don’t think I’m the one who needs to be answering questions.” She didn’t know whether she was becoming angry because she was frustrated or because every moment in this man’s presence aroused her more and more. She almost wanted to just make love to him and ask questions in the morning. “Yes, the name Poseidon means something to me, but that doesn’t mean I’m automatically going to believe you. I thought you were a ghost or something.”

  “Before that, I asked if you believed in fate and
destiny. I wanted to know if you would be willing to believe that other powers or forces had brought us together.” He looked at her pleadingly, waiting for her answer.

  Layla didn’t understand what this amazingly sexy man who claimed to be a god could possibly want from her. God or not, he could have any woman he wanted, and yet he appeared determined to convince her he had been drawn to her for a reason. There was no denying that he was attracted to her. Even with her body completely covered, she still felt his eyes roaming all over her.

  “I don’t know. I used to believe in that kind of stuff, but I’m not so sure anymore.”

  “Is it because someone hurt you?” he asked.

  His eyes had darkened, and Layla wondered what he, in all his supposed Greek god glory, would do if she told him about Colin and said he was a bastard who had broken her heart. However, she knew that wasn’t true. She had never loved Colin, so while he might have crushed her dreams, he hadn’t broken her heart.

  “I broke up with someone recently, but it wasn’t him. I guess I just gave up on the dream of being swept off my feet by some tall, dark and handsome god among men.” She bit her lip. She hadn’t meant to use that phrase, but she couldn’t take it back now.

  He laughed. “Then maybe I’m the answer to your prayers. Your loneliness probably drew me to you on the beach.”

  “I didn’t say I was lonely.” She was, but she didn’t want to add to her desperate, sex-starved image.

  “I only meant there was a longing in your heart that reached out and touched me. I’ve never been so drawn to a woman in all my life, and that is saying something.”

  “So, why not just seduce me? Use some hocus pocus on me. If you’re telling the truth, you must be able to do something like that.” She didn’t want to admit outright that she was beginning to believe him or that she wouldn’t object to being seduced. She knew there were things in this world that were beyond most people’s understanding, so why couldn’t the ancient gods of legend be real? She couldn’t deny the strange things that had been happening either, not to mention the fact that she felt drawn to him too, and it wasn’t simply because he oozed sex appeal.

  He shook his head. “I didn’t want to. I wanted things to be different.” He looked away for a moment. “I’ll be the first to admit that barging into your bedroom probably was not the best way, but I simply couldn’t resist when I heard you say those words.”

  “Oh,” she said. So he had heard her saying she wished he was real. How had he known she meant him? “How did you know I meant you? Can you read my mind?”

  He shrugged. “I could, but I promise you that I have not, and I never will without your permission. I guessed, actually. I knew you had seen me on the beach, and I couldn’t resist coming in to find out.”

  She felt her body come alive as she imagined him coming into her room and climbing on the bed with her, tossing the vibrator aside and burying his cock in her. She shook her head, trying to get a grip on herself. “So, why not play the Greek god card? What would you have said to me if you’d known how willing I’d be?” Her head was spinning, but she didn’t care. Her body ached for him, and at that moment she felt prepared to throw herself at his feet.

  He stood up and walked over to her. He took both her hands, and she tried to stop them from shaking as he pulled her up off the bed. He looked down into her eyes. Her face was inches from his warm, muscled chest. “I would have told you I was destined to be your lover and give you all the pleasure any mortal woman could ever endure.”

  As her breath caught in her throat, he leaned down and kissed her softly. She placed her arms around his neck. Her knees shook, and she didn’t know how long she’d be able to stand. He wrapped his arms around her and deepened the kiss, his tongue dancing against hers. He pressed her body close to his and looked down into her eyes.

  “You must be sure this is what you want, my love,” he whispered.

  My love. The words rang in her ears, echoing all the way to her heart. She’d never wanted a man so much, never felt so right in anyone’s arms. She knew this man was, in fact, destined to be her lover, and she didn’t really care how she knew it. She drew him closer and brushed her lips against his. “Love me,” she whispered. “I won’t be complete until you love me.”

  He captured her mouth in a hungry kiss, and she felt her entire body go electric. His power and his heat flowed through her body, and she felt sparks going off deep inside her as her skin tingled. Her pussy began to throb, all too aware of the orgasm she’d been denied earlier. Poseidon’s hands moved down her body, molding every curve, finally cupping her ass and lifting her up off the ground and into his eager arms. Her legs went around his waist immediately without any encouragement. Layla sighed as his tongue danced against hers. His hard cock pressed into her ass, and she wanted to get rid of their clothes as quickly as possible. She let go of him and pulled her shirt off first as he held her. Poseidon’s eyes drifted down to feast on her breasts. He lowered his head and she arched her back, giving him full access to her aching nipples. His tongue swirled around each rosy tip. She tightened her grip on him as tight as she could, trying to ease the torture he was putting her through.

  He smiled at her, then tugged at one nipple with his teeth before putting her down and dropping to his knees. She could hardly stand, her legs trembled so, and he unzipped her pants very slowly. As soon as he had them on the floor, she kicked them off and reached for him, wanting to move onto the bed, but he pushed her legs apart and began rubbing her clit.

  She threw her head back and moaned. At least if she collapsed he’d be the one to catch her. He put his hands on her hips and brought his mouth to her core, feasting on her as if he’d been longing to taste her. As his tongue moved back and forth between laving her clit and delving into her pussy, Layla began rubbing her breasts, pinching the nipples whenever his tongue was on her clit. His hands massaged her ass, and when she looked down at him, the heat in his eyes nearly made her explode.

  He stood up and kissed her, moving both of them onto the bed. She could taste her desire on his lips.

  “I need you.” She gasped. “Ever since that moment on the beach, I’ve needed you.”

  He groaned as he kissed a trail down to her breasts. “Just as I’ve needed you.” He positioned himself over her and brought his cock to her slick sex. “I’m yours from this day forward. No other woman could ever satisfy me.” He plunged into her, and she cried out, arching up so he could delve deeper into her throbbing pussy.

  She’d never imagined sex this good was possible, much less that she’d be part of it. She was literally being fucked by a god. He never broke eye contact with her, and she felt her pussy coiling, ready for its release as she saw the emotion welling in his eyes. Was this why she loved the sea so much? Had they really been brought together by unseen powers? As her orgasm exploded deep in her core, she knew it had to be true. Nothing this perfect could happen by accident.

  He pounded into her as her release sent waves of pleasure all throughout her body. Her entire body shook. She clutched her pussy tight around his cock, thrusting upward to bring him a climax as great as hers.

  “Layla!” He managed to cry out her name as he spilled his seed into her, bringing them both to completion before he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. He kissed her face and ran his fingers through her hair.

  “I think we both needed that,” she whispered.

  He kissed her forehead. “I think we’ve been driving each other mad all night. Perhaps I should have stayed beside you on the beach.”

  She thought about this, but then shook her head. “I wouldn’t have been ready to believe you. I would have run into the house and bolted the door. I’m still confused, but I feel safe here. I’ve always loved the sea, so this makes so much sense. I can’t help thinking I’m accepting this too quickly though.”

  “I wish I knew what to say.”

  “I’m thinking too much. I tell myself it’s fate and that it makes sense, then
I think I’m being silly for believing it. You’re an amazing man, no matter what’s really going on here.”

  “Just trust your feelings. We’re both here because of them. I trusted my instincts and took a chance, and you trusted yours and let me in.” He caressed her face. “I won’t disappear again. Sleep, my sweet Layla. You are indeed safe with me.”

  She soon fell asleep in the refuge of his arms, his voice echoing in her head as she remembered the loving and passionate way he said her name.

  * * * *

  Poseidon drew in a deep breath, enjoying the clean scent of strawberries in Layla’s hair. He moved a stray strand away from her face so he could watch her sleep. He hoped she would be pleasantly surprised when she woke up and found herself on his yacht. Surely she wouldn’t object to breakfast in bed, even if the bed was in the middle of the ocean.

  She stirred against him, and he couldn’t resist kissing her awake. She responded to him as eagerly as she had the night before. When she opened her green eyes and smiled up at him, he felt something tugging at his heart. He kissed her on the forehead, and then looked back into her lovely eyes.

  “Tell me,” he began. “Why was it so important that I had blue eyes?”

  She flushed, and he snuggled closer to her, loving the way the rush of blood heated her skin. “Well…it’s going to sound crazy.”

  He laughed. “Crazier than what I’ve told you?”

  She thought about this. “Maybe not that crazy.” She looked down at his chest. “When I was on the beach…you know…”

  “Driving me wild with desire?” he asked.

  She blushed an even deeper red. “I was imagining someone as I touched myself, and he looked a lot like you, but his eyes were brown.”

  “That’s why you were so surprised when you opened your eyes. Am I everything you expected? Do I fulfill all your fantasies?” He couldn’t help teasing her, but he also hoped it would put her at ease and lessen her embarrassment.

  “You don’t even have to ask that, I should think,” she said with a laugh. Then her face grew serious. “Why did I imagine someone so much like you? Was I meant to?”


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