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Aspens Vamp

Page 5

by Jinni James

  "What, Michael?"

  "Want to race like last time? I think you and Avalon had an unfair advantage." I look at him dumbfounded.

  "An advantage? What advantage would we have?"

  "The guys and I were so stunned by watching you two beauties that we fell behind. If I'm going to be good then I don't need to stare at your ass so we can race fairly."

  Oh it's on. Without another word I crouch down and get myself ready to go when I look over at Michael. He is still in his human form.

  "Aren't you going to shift into your wolf form before we go?"

  Michael smiles again. "Don't worry about me pretty lady. Just tell me when."

  I have no clue what he is planning so I count down to get ready. "Ready, Set, and GO!"

  I fly forward, running as fast as my legs would carry me. I turn just in time to see Michael jump and shift into his wolf form then take off as soon as he hits the ground. Before I know it he is next to me. He turns his head towards me and I can feel his laughter vibrate through me. I pick up the pace. I can see the ski lift in the distance. Michael is still running with me neck and neck.

  We both begin to run faster. Everything is becoming a blur, flying past me, as I run. As soon as I get an inch ahead of the beautiful wolf next to me he catches up. Finally we reach the top. I am going so fast I don't even feel myself begin to fall once I try to stop. Suddenly I see the wolf in front of me stopping me from falling. He bumps me with his head as I stumble backwards. As I regain composure I look at Michael who bumps at me again.

  "Race ya back slow poke."

  I wink at him and I'm off.

  Running has quickly become one of my favorite things to do. I run through the woods of Aspen, feeling my body brush past the trees as I fly through, seeing nothing but a blur of brown and green as I run, taking in all the sweet smells of the leaves as I breath in. It's intoxicating. My brain is blank. I think about nothing as I let my instinct take over. I never quite understood how I didn't hit the trees as I ran but the more I run the more I get it. It's just instinct. I can feel where the trees are. My body knows which way to swerve, which way to turn, it's an awesome feeling. My brain has no time to think about Daniel or about Michael and what I am going to do. It is just blank, that is until the house is in my line of sight.

  I can feel Michael right behind me as I get closer. Then out of the darkness I see him fly past me and run right into the door head first and fall backwards. I quickly run to his side to check on him. As I lean down to feel for anything broken he shifts back into human form under my hands. I quickly find one hand where it doesn't need to be. I feel my breath catch in my throat and I can't breathe, feeling his very large manliness underneath my fingers. I find myself wrapping my fingers around him without thinking. Then suddenly I hear him gasp as he looks down to see my hand wrapped firmly around him. I quickly jerk my hand back not really knowing what the hell I'm doing.

  "I'm sorry Michael. I was just trying to check on you and make sure you are okay."

  Michael gets to his feet then we walk into the house. As he shuts the door I can feel the air in the house shift. The heat radiating between us is almost suffocating. My eyes travel over his naked body just standing in front of me. I can barely contain myself. I know he is continuing to stand there on purpose. He wants me to look at him. I watch as his breathing becomes more rapid the longer I look. He begins to walk towards me and I stop breathing.

  What in the hell am I doing? I know I shouldn't stand here. I know I should run up to my room but I can't, it is like my feet are stuck in concrete. He stalks towards me as my eyes devour him. I can't walk away. I can't move. I can't breathe. He stands in front of me just inches away. If I pull my hand up I can touch him but I resist. Every fiber of my being wants to touch him. The pull to him is so great I feel as though I may crumble to the ground. Whoever it was that said I was strong was sadly mistaken. I am not strong. I am weak. I am a weak ass woman who is out of her damn mind. Michael puts his finger under my chin and directs my eyes from his rock hard chest up to his face.

  "Do you like what you see Jaci?"

  I can't speak so I just nod.

  "Would you like to touch me Jaci?"

  Again I nod yes like an idiot! What am I thinking? I'm thinking I have to touch him. He reaches for my hand but instead of putting it where I thought he would; he places it on his chest, right over his heart.

  "Jac, I know you and Daniel are involved but you have been here since the moment we met. It seems like forever ago now. I thought with distance those feelings would disappear but seeing you here again just brought them flooding back. I'm not trying to confuse you or pressure you, I just want you and I can tell by the look in your eyes that you want me as well."

  Damn him! He is right and he knows it. What's worse is I can't fight it but I want to. I am trying with every ounce of strength I have to fight it but I can't. Maybe sex with Michael would be terrible and then I wouldn't have to worry about anything with Daniel. Who am I kidding? Michael is gorgeous with a very large package, he could suck and it would still feel great I bet.


  I can just hear myself screaming inside my brain. Don't say it! Don't say it! But before I know what I am doing the words are out of my mouth in barely a whisper.

  "Kiss me Michael."

  Michael doesn't waste a second. He leans down then places his lips gently against mine. The second I feel his lips my body goes to mush. I can feel my knees wanting to give out beneath me. This is new. Michael deepens the kiss, I can feel him urging me to let go. I part my lips slightly allowing him entry which he takes full advantage of. I meet his tongue with my own as my body gives way. Thankfully Michael caught me by the arms to steady me.

  "Do you want me Jaci?"

  God help me I do.


  I managed a word. Great. That's all it took for Michael to lift me off the floor and cradle me in his arms as he walks up the stairs. He walks into his room then places my feet on the floor right in front of the bed. I am very aware of what we are about to do and I should feel bad but I don't. I want this man. I want him more than anything.

  Michael leans down and places a trail of kisses down my neck as he pulls on the bottom of my shirt and lifts it over my head.

  “Seeing as I am still naked, you have on way too many clothes.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. He unbuttons my jeans then allows me to fall back onto the bed as he pulls them down my legs, making sure to feel every inch of them as the jeans slide off then hit the floor; luckily he takes my thong with them. As he climbs on top of me I can feel his hardness press against my core as he meets my eyes with his own. I feel his hands snake behind my back to unclasp my bra so that now I am completely exposed to him. He leans down to kiss me and I can’t help but surrender.

  Chapter Seven

  Michael kisses me and it quickly goes from affectionate to extremely blow-my-mind-hot. His lips feel like velvet against mine, I am so lost in him that I couldn't even tell you my name right now if you ask me. My mind is completely blank. All I can comprehend right now is this man on top of me.

  Michael breaks our kiss as he leans up to look at me. I swear I can see straight through to his soul when I look into his eyes. It's mesmerizing.

  "Are you sure you want to do this Jaci? I know how upset you were with me."

  I have never been more sure about anything in my life.

  "Yes Michael. Please. Don't stop." My breath is short but I managed to whisper a few words and I mean every one. The last thing I want him to do right now is to stop.

  Michael leans back down to kiss me but this time he is not gentle at all. The passion and chemistry between us is almost too much to bear. I can feel my body melting into his and until he placed his finger inside me I hadn't realized how wet I was as well.

  "You are completely soaked Jac. I bet you taste amazing."

  All I can do is gasp while he moves his body down towards my most sensitive parts. I can feel th
e heat radiating through me especially there. The second his tongue runs across my clit I cry out. It is like a lightning bolt going straight up my body from where he is, with every lick, every suck, every nibble from him I feel shock waves rolling through my body. I feel my body arch up as he rolls his tongue around my opening. I don't know how much more I can take but I can't speak to tell him.

  I decide to reach over and grab at his hair with my fingers, hoping to urge him up towards me. I need to feel Thankfully he takes the hint and climbs back on top of me. I love feeling his weight against me.

  "Impatient are we, Jaci?"

  I can't talk. I can't breathe. Instead I bring my hips up to meet his, urging him on.

  "As you wish, my dear."

  Finally he pushes himself inside me. I cry out so loud that Michael looks down at me as to make sure he is not hurting me. Once he is satisfied that I am okay he continues to thrust himself inside of me.

  "My God, you are so wet Jaci. I love it. I'm not going to be able to hold out for too long."

  I don't care at this point. My body is convulsing with every movement of him, begging for release. He thrusts into me deeper again making me scream out in pleasure. I feel every muscle in my body begin to tense, my toes begin to curl, it starts to get too hot, and finally the sweet release of ecstasy washes over me. Thankfully Michael finds his release as well and cries out my name which only makes my body convulse once more before we both fall onto the bed next to each other, drenched in sweat. This is nothing like what I have with Daniel. This is something completely different. I realize there is a connection here with Michael and I have to admit it scares me.

  I open my eyes to see Michael staring at me. I put my hands over my face a little embarrassed. I had never screamed like that before in my life. Michael pulls my hands from my face.

  "What's wrong Jaci? Please don't tell me you regret doing that."

  I look over at him. He looks like a sad puppy.

  "No! It’s nothing like that. I'm just a little embarrassed I guess."

  Now relieved he is going to make me continue.

  "Embarrassed? About what?"

  I throw my arm over my eyes because I know I cannot look at him while I explain anything.

  "That was amazing Michael. I have never been that loud ever. If anyone was outside I bet they heard me."

  Michael starts laughing as I turn bright red I'm sure.

  "I loved hearing you scream, Jac. I love making you scream." He again pulls my arm away from my face then puts his finger under my chin and makes me look at him. "And I loved being with you Jaci."

  I sigh because I don't know what else to say or do. Being with him was amazing, life-altering really. I want to do it again but unfortunately my body is starting to remind me that I haven't fed since everyone got here. My stomach starts to ache and I can feel beads of sweat still on my forehead. This sweat is not from making love to Michael, I can tell it's from hunger. Michael looks at me intensely.

  "Jac, are you okay? You are looking a little pale."

  I need to feed but I don't really want to leave him.

  "You’re hungry, aren't you? When was the last time you fed?"

  I had to think for a moment. "The night before you guys got here."

  Michael looks horrified. "Jaci, you have to feed. Come on, get dressed and we'll go out and find you someone. There has got to be someone walking the streets at this hour."

  I look over and realize it is in the early morning hours. Luckily for me it is still dark outside though.

  "Okay. I don't want you watching me do it though."

  Michael gets off the bed then hands my clothes to me while he goes to put his one as well. He comes out of the closet wearing some jeans and a sweatshirt.

  "I won't watch Jaci. But you do have to feed and I don't want you out there alone."

  I sigh as I get up and put my clothes on.

  "Okay. Let’s go."


  We walk up and down the streets of downtown Aspen, it is like a ghost town but then again it is four o'clock in the morning. As I walk down the street with Michael I take in the beautiful night sky, the cool air on my face, and the crisp fresh air that fills my lungs and makes me feel alive, which is something I rarely feel anymore. Except when I am with Michael. Daniel is wonderful and the sex is amazing but no one has ever made me feel as alive as Michael, even before I was turned into a vampire. Michael has awakened something inside of me. He touches me and my body immediately responses. I can feel the goose bumps begin to rise on my arms as I think about it.

  While thinking about asking Michael if he would like to race me back to the house I hear a couple laughing in the distance. My instincts begin to kick in as I watch them. They are a good distance ahead of Michael and me so we work our way towards them.

  "How are you going to separate them Jaci?"

  I can hear Michael but I cannot comprehend what he is saying, my mind is solely focused on the man walking a few yards ahead of me. I do not know how I am going to separate the couple. I have never attempted to control two people at once before. I begin to stalk the couple, planning out the perfect attack. I move a few yards ahead of the couple so that now I can see them coming towards me. As I wait behind one of the brick buildings I can almost smell blood. I didn't realize how badly I needed blood until just now, this exact minute.

  My stomach begins to growl, my insides are starting to tighten up, and my mouth is watering, right now in this moment I would kill to feed. Finally they are right in my grasp, I can hear their thoughts and know now is the time. I focus all of my energy onto penetrating their brains; all of a sudden their happy chatter stops as both of their expressions go blank. I have them. I did it!

  I decide to celebrate later as I make the girl walk over to a Café and sit down. Michael walks over there to join her. Great. Now I don't have to worry about either of them. I lead the man back towards the trees behind the buildings and away from the eyes of the streets. It is suddenly starting to hit me. I am that monster that mothers warn their children about. I am one of those mythical creatures that you never want to run into. I am that stranger in the dark alley that preys on people as they pass. If only people knew the reason for why we stalk and hide in the dark back alleys like we do. Would they understand? I doubt it. I am a monster now; it is time for me to get over it.

  Finally I have him where I want him. His expression is totally blank, his eyes look straight ahead but seeing nothing. I almost feel bad but like always I won't take enough to kill him. I will take what I need, giving him some pleasure in the process then send him on his way. I may just put the idea in his head to go back to his hotel and make love to his beautiful blonde girlfriend. She will have me to thank for the best sex of her life.

  I lean into him taking in his scent, a mixture of old spice and blood then place one hand around his neck making him lean down towards me so that I can get to the spot I need. I can almost see the blood rushing through his veins. My mouth waters as I feel my fangs slide into position then with one swift movement I sink my teeth into his flesh. There is nothing in the world like this feeling. The next closest thing would be sex but this feeling, this intoxicating, satisfying feeling of feeding off of someone, is incomparable.

  Feeling the warm liquid flow down my throat, satisfying my aching hunger, and revitalizing me makes me feel new again. I can feel the man under my grasp squirm where he stands but not because of pain because he is not feeling any. No, all he feels is the immense pleasure I am sending to his brain. I can feel his cock that is rock hard against my thigh as I drink from him.

  Once I am confident that I am taken care of as well as him, I send him on his way to find his beloved. He is going to rock her world tonight, that I am sure of, which makes me want to find Michael even more so. Now that I am satisfied with my hunger I have another need I would like taken care of.

  Chapter Eight

  I walk out from behind the solitude of the trees a little surprised at ho
w much better I feel. I can see every speck of life floating around me in the early morning light. I can hear every bird, bug, and animal running around in the wilderness behind me.

  The chill of the early morning darkness brushes against my skin, while I may not feel coldness like a normal person I still feel the chill bumps rise on my arms. Once I walk back into downtown Aspen I finally lay my eyes on Michael again still sitting at the cafe waiting patiently.

  "Feel better Jac?"

  I walk up to him and without even thinking I wrap my arms around his waist. "Yes. Thank you."

  He wraps his arms around me as well as we begin to walk back towards the house.

  "You already look a lot better Jac. You’re not as pale. Don't ever go that long without feeding again okay?"

  I nod as we walk.

  "Promise me Jaci."

  I look up at him to see the real concern on his face.

  "I promise."

  We make our way back to the house and the minute we get through the door my senses kick in. Someone is in the house. I can smell him. He doesn't smell like anyone I know that should be here. No. This was an intruder. Every cell in my body tells me that I am right. I can not only hear him but I can sense his presence.

  I look at Michael while I put my finger in front of my lips to tell him to be quiet, which of course causes him to whisper to me.

  "What is it Jaci?"

  I snap my head around. "Shhh, Michael. Someone is here."

  Now Michael goes completely blank. Before I can blink he is standing in front of me, like I need protecting. I am the one that can sense this guy.

  From the smell I can tell he is another vampire like me. Shifters have a different smell; vampires have a sweet sultry smell mixed with the scent of blood. I would notice it anywhere. Suddenly I hear something slam upstairs and jump out from behind Michael.


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