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A Mate for Gideon (The Program Book 2)

Page 10

by Hartnady, Charlene

  Thank fuck! Maybe they could be together then, the next few days would tell. “We need to take it slow. Really slow.”

  Jenna licked her lips and he couldn’t help but to watch as her little pink tongue slid across the full expanse. She nodded. “That’s a good idea.”

  He nodded. “We can get to know one another again. There is also the little problem of my not being in the breeding program. I technically can’t come anywhere near you.”

  “I’m sure if you went and discussed this with your kings…” She paused, biting down on her bottom lip. “I’m sure they would understand.”

  He couldn’t help the choked laugh that escaped. Like fuck. “No, they so won’t understand. Like I said, let’s take this really slow. We shouldn’t rush into anything anyway and in the meantime I’ll figure something out.” It was close to impossible, but he would find a way.

  “We only have a couple of days before I get kicked out. The guys get to choose a woman that they want to spend more time with. Trouble is, I haven’t spoken with any of the guys. The only person I’ve made any effort with is Lazarus. As a friend.” She quickly added the last, she must have felt his body tightened. It felt like a storm clouds descended over him at the mention of another male’s name. Even though Lazarus had explained the friendship to him. Even though he knew that there was nothing between the two of them. He had never gotten over this female, so it didn’t surprise him.

  “I feel completely drained. I know there is one more chance tonight, but please don’t ask me to make an effort to try and get one of the guys to notice me…or something crazy like that so I can stay.”

  He growled and felt his lip curl away. Like fuck.

  Her eyes widened and she sucked in a ragged breath.

  “Don’t be afraid,” he whispered. “It’s just that the thought of you trying to seduce one of the males, getting them to pick you. It makes me a little crazy. I would never hurt you though…not ever. Stay away from those horny bastards.” He smiled at her.

  Thankfully, she smiled back. Just a tiny ghost of a smile but it still had the ability to make his fucking day.

  “I do need you to go tonight. I don’t want you drawing attention. Spend time with Lazarus like you normally would.” Fuck but she had the most beautiful eyes. The most kissable lips. Her hair was so soft. Her scent enough to drive him to distraction. He needed to keep reminding himself to take this slow. “I’m going to have a chat with him. I don’t think he plans on choosing a female. I’m going to ask him if he would consider choosing you.”

  She looked confused for a few seconds. “I don’t understand why you can’t get into the program. Surely there must be a way.”

  Gideon shook his head. “The ten elite males that made it into the program fought their way in. I chose not to take part. I can’t just be given a place…it doesn’t work like that.” He took a deep breath. “Go to the dance. I’ll speak with Lazarus. The two of you will really need to look like you’re hitting it off tonight. He will take you back to his suite, I will be there waiting.” Gideon swallowed hard, he’d never been more unsure of anything. “That is, if you want to meet me. We can talk. No sex.” He sounded like an immature, inexperienced teenager and forced himself to shut the fuck up.

  “I would like to meet you later.” She stood up on her tippy toes. Her breasts smashed against his chest. She cupped his jaw in her little hands. The scent of her arousal filled the air.


  His dick instantly hardened. Becoming rock fucking hard within a mere two seconds.

  “It will be fun,” she said.

  “We can talk, maybe hold each other a little. No sex.” he repeated. Fuck but he was a pussy. Gideon shrugged.

  Her lips were so full, so pink, so damned moist. His dick twitched when she pushed herself more firmly against him. He bit back a moan.

  She swallowed hard and he watched as the porcelain column of her throat worked. Jenna could feel his need for her. Her pupils were dilated and her eyes dropped to his lips. Her nostrils flared as she inhaled deeply.

  No sex.

  Kissing…another story all together.

  Gideon leaned forward and closed the distance between them. He brushed his lips over hers. So damned soft. So familiar. So his. He cringed at the thought. It had just slipped out. They needed to take it slow. He needed to be sure that she meant it. That she wasn’t just running scared and grabbing onto the first opportunity at salvation. He could still remember how it had been between them before. From the second they had met. It was as if they had been made for one another.

  Take it slow.

  He breathed in her scent. “Jenna.” He whispered her name like a plea. His lips still on hers.

  She pushed her mouth more firmly against his, and he was helpless but to deepen the kiss. His tongue moved against hers. Her hands fisted his shirt and a desperate moan escaped her. He slanted his mouth more firmly across hers. His first instinct was to touch her everywhere. To lay her down on the ground right there and take her. Then he was reminded of all she had been through. Although this was wrong, he couldn’t help himself. He would break every rule in the book to give this relationship another chance. Gideon would never forgive himself if he walked away now.

  He had to fight to keep his hands on her back. To take it slow. He needed to give her all the space and the time that she needed to be sure that he was what she wanted. She also needed time to recover. To find herself again and to come to terms with all that had happened. The attraction was still there, but could they both move past everything that had happened? He sure as hell hoped so.

  It physically hurt him to pull away from her. It took a few seconds for his eyes to focus. To pull himself out of the lustful haze. Her scent of pure rapture wound itself around him, threatening to pull him back down. Her lips were swollen, pinker than before. Glistening even in the shadows the leaves cast on her beautiful face.

  Still utter fucking perfection.

  “We need to head back.” Before he did something stupid. “Before we are missed. I will walk you to the edge of the forest.”

  Jenna nodded.

  He cupped her cheek, leaning in for a quick brush of the lips. Fuck, he wanted her more than he had ever wanted a female before. Nothing had changed there. The problem was that so many other things had changed. “When we get to the edge of the forest, keep walking until you get to the human accommodations. It would be better if we didn’t talk in case someone overheard us. We will need to continue to pretend that we don’t know one another.”

  Her eyes seemed to cloud for a minute, then she nodded and smiled. “I understand.”

  “Good.” He had to smile back at her. “I look forward to tonight.”

  He was fucked if the scent of her arousal didn’t hit his nose at full force. He felt his pupils dilate when she pulled her lush bottom lip between her teeth.

  It was going to take all of his willpower not to rut with her that very night.

  Chapter 7

  Using every ounce of strength in him, Gideon pushed the heavy weight up off his chest. He did this twice more, making a groaning noise with the efforts. He could feel sweat drip off his brow. His chest heaved and his muscles strained. His arms were shaking as he managed to get the bar back onto the stand above him. Lazarus stood over him, ready to assist. It hadn’t been necessary. It never was.

  “Not too fucking bad.” The big male grinned. “For a pussy that is.” He made a grunting noise that Gideon realized was supposed to be a laugh.

  “Yeah, well…takes one to know one.” Gideon was still breathing hard. He pulled himself upright, grabbing the towel at his feet. His body was drenched in sweat. He used the towel to wipe his face and then his chest. “That’s me.” He huffed. “I’m done.”

  “Giving up so soon?” Lazarus raised his brow.

  “Not all of us feel the need to pump iron several hours a day, besides, my shift starts soon…” Gideon shook his head.

  Lazarus grimaced, looking every bit
the warrior son of a bitch he was. “I’m a little frustrated at the moment. So what if I take it out on a few barbells and a punching-bag or two. I can’t find anyone willing to spar with me.”

  Gideon had to laugh. “Can’t say I blame them, you fuck them all up. You do realize that there is a big difference between sparring and actual fighting, right?”

  Lazarus’ frown deepened.

  “What’s got you so depressed?” Gideon had to ask.

  The big male ran a hand through his hair. It was shaggy and thick. Pretty much an unruly mess that suited the male perfectly. Lazarus was the vampire version of the Hulk himself, all he was missing was the cutoff pants and green tinged skin.

  Lazarus grunted. “None of the humans want to talk with me, let alone anything more,” he grumbled.

  “If you rut like you spar, I don’t blame them. I’m surprised they even let you into the program in the first place. Human females are soft and timid.” Gideon watched as Lazarus’ face clouded. As his hands curled into fists at his sides. Ridiculous sized muscles bunched and corded. Gideon put up his hands and choked out a laugh. “I’m only playing with you. I’m sure you have a whole string of vampire females willing to take care of that frustration until the right human female comes along.”

  Lazarus sat down, his big shoulders slumped forward. “That’s just it… I really want a human female. Now that I’ve seen them, scented them…” He shook his head, his dark eyes gleamed. “I seriously want one for myself. I just wish that one of them would talk to me. It will be weeks before any new females arrive.” He shrugged, looking despondent. “If these females are afraid of me, chances are good that any future females will be afraid of me too. Maybe I should just give up on the whole idea.”

  Gideon felt like a total asshole asking what he was about to ask, but he had to. Maybe he could find a way to help the male in return. “Lazarus…” He paused, not sure how to continue.

  The big male lifted his eyes. “If you tell me to stop drinking blood and to remove my weapons, I will fucking hit you.”

  Gideon shook his head. “That’s not it. I have a favor to ask.”

  Lazarus nodded. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his thick thighs. “Go ahead. Ask away.”

  Gideon nodded, looking about the room to ensure that no one was listening. There were only two other males in attendance. The others were wrestling with one another, too wrapped up in what they were doing to be paying any attention.

  “Remember when I told you that it wasn’t like that…” Gideon shoved his hands into his pockets.

  The big male smiled and nodded once.

  “I was in denial.” His voice was low and he forced himself to maintain eye contact with the other male.

  “Of course you were.” Lazarus’ smile grew wider.

  Gideon clenched his teeth. The male was only messing with him. “Jenna,” he whispered her name. “We have feelings for one another. I want to get to know her better but I need your help.”

  Lazarus snorted, he shook his head. “I fucking knew it. That’s why she isn’t interested in any of the others. It’s you she wants.”

  Gideon nodded, once again glancing about the room. “No one can know.”

  “You’re playing with fire. What’s so special about this female anyway?” He raised his brows. “Don’t get me wrong, she is really nice, really friendly.” He shrugged. “I like her and I can understand the attraction part of it. Her scent…” Lazarus rolled his eyes and made a groaning noise.

  Gideon couldn’t help the growl that was torn from him. The two males on the mat on the far side of the room stopped to turn and stare.

  Lazarus smiled, he rose to his feet and slapped Gideon on the back. “So, by your reaction I would say that it’s serious then?”

  Gideon nodded. “Yeah, it is.”

  Lazarus grabbed the water bottle at his feet, pulled open the lid with his teeth, and took a few deep draws. The scent of fresh blood hit Gideon in the nostrils. Lazarus swallowed down the liquid before turning his eyes back to him. “Serious as in”—his eyes darted to the two males who had resumed their sparring—“you want to mate her?” A low whisper that sounded like more of a growl.

  Gideon nodded. “It’s a distinct possibility. There are a couple of things that we need to work through.”

  “When are you going to see Brant? Then again, maybe you should go and have a chat with Zane instead.” Lazarus smiled. “Don’t worry, I’ll visit you when you’re in the dungeon.”

  It was Gideon’s turn to roll his eyes. “You’ll visit me, well thank fuck for small favors.”

  “Your dick will grow back as well.” Lazarus chuckled. His nostrils flared. “You don’t scent of a human female.”

  “Not that it’s any of your fucking business but I haven’t rutted her.” Gideon spoke under his breath.

  Lazarus took a step closer. “You want to mate this female and you haven’t even tested compatibility?”

  He wasn’t about to tell Lazarus about the events of a year and a half ago. He wasn’t going to tell anyone if he could help it. “That’s where the favor comes in. Please spend the evening with Jenna. You guys need to make it seem like you’re hitting it off. Take her back to her suite. I will be waiting.”

  Lazarus narrowed his eyes, his jaw tensed and he cocked his head to the side. “Did you not hear me when I told you how frustrated I am? You want me to bring back a human female to my suite so that you can have her? Where will I be when all of this is taking place?”

  “The ten victorious elite’s were given larger suites in preparation for them mating and starting a family. I know you have two bedrooms.” When Lazarus’ eyes clouded in anger, Gideon quickly added. “I know I’m asking a lot.”

  “Damn fucking straight you are.” Lazarus gnashed his teeth together.

  “Let’s make a deal…” Gideon sucked in a deep breath. “If you find a female, then I’ll completely understand. You carry on, get to know the female, take her back to your suite. If not, spend some time with Jenna and bring her back for me.” He paused. “I’ll make time for you tomorrow and fill you in on human females. Their likes, dislikes… I’m no expert but I know more than most. Maybe it will be enough to turn things around for you, if not in this round, then in the next one.”

  Lazarus raised his brows, while keeping his eyes narrowed. The result was pretty terrifying. “You said that if I find a female then the deal is off but I need to spend the whole evening pretending to like your female. How’s that gonna get me anywhere with the other females?”

  Gideon shrugged. “I know I’m asking for a lot. Please…”

  “It’s fine.” Lazarus said on a loud sigh. “I haven’t managed to get even one of those females to speak to me for longer than ten seconds. I doubt I’m going to turn any of them around at this late stage of the game. You’re on. At least one of us will get some. I’ll just have to pump iron for an extra hour tomorrow to get rid of some of the extra testosterone built up. You will fucking owe me. Big fucking time”

  “Yes, I will.” He couldn’t help but to smile.

  “We will have that talk tomorrow. Maybe you can shed some light on the enigma that is the human female.” Lazarus shook his head.

  “Thank you. I really appreciate it.” He slapped Lazarus on the back. “We will get you ready in time for the next round.”

  “I’m not fucking changing for a female,” Lazarus growled.

  Gideon shook his head. “Okay.” He couldn’t wait to see this big male brought to his knees by a small human. Then he remembered his own predicament and wiped the grin right off of his face.


  Lazarus’ jaw dropped. His eyes pretty much bugged out of his skull before his gaze dropped to the four inch heels on her feet and then slowly moved back up. Jenna noted that he paused, as his gaze landed on her cleavage. She had to fight the urge to pull on the low cut gown.

  It was one of Julie’s dresses, since Jenna didn’t have anything suitable. Her friend ha
d insisted that she wear it and had told her how stunningly beautiful she looked in it. That red was her color. It was an a-line cut with a halter neck top that dipped at her breasts. With an open back, she couldn’t wear a bra and was feeling pretty exposed.

  Jenna blushed as several of the vampire males visibly checked her out. Although the dress came to about mid calf and only showed an inch or two of cleavage, she felt practically naked.

  Trying to ignore the urge to go back to her room and change, Jenna looked about her. Every effort had been taken to decorate the large space. Delicate music played in the background. Vampire men and women walked around carrying trays with high flute champagne glasses and delicious looking snacks. The glasses looked like real crystal. Which wouldn’t surprise her. The appetizers were made up of canapés, prawns and other tasty looking bite sized treats.

  “I’ve changed my mind,” Lazarus growled. “I’m taking you back with me later but I’m not handing you over.”

  “Shhh…someone might hear you,” she whispered.

  “They would have no idea what we’re talking about.” His eyes glinted with humor. “So…you do like us vampires after all.” He grinned. “I was beginning to think that your being here was a mistake.”

  “I like vampires just fine. Let’s stop talking about this.” She looked about the room but no one seemed to be paying any attention to them.

  Lazarus put his arm loosely around her shoulders. “I’m about to hear you cry out in ecstasy. No need to be embarrassed.”

  “Shhhh…” She elbowed him in the ribs. “Stop your shit.”

  The big guy chuckled while snagging a glass of champagne from one of the passing waiters. “Here, drink this. Loosen up a bit.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him but took the glass anyway. “Please try and behave. We don’t want this getting out.”

  Lazarus leaned in and spoke in her ear. “And when you know who leaves my room reeking of human pussy…”

  She gasped, using her hand to stifle the noise. Some of the champagne splashed on the floor. “Look what you made me do.” Jenna looked down at the wet spot on the shiny, marble floor.


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