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A Mate for Gideon (The Program Book 2)

Page 13

by Hartnady, Charlene

  “What did he tell you?” A low growl.

  “He just said that vampires have sex often…really often. That it’s normal and nothing to be ashamed of.” Jealousy burned in her gut. She hated the thought of him with others even though logic told her that she shouldn’t feel this way.

  He narrowed his eyes. “You should be happy that I have rutted many females since we were together. If I had just been with one female it would’ve meant that I had feelings for her.”

  Happy? Like hell.

  She felt her lip quiver and bit down on it. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Shit, hearing him say it hurt like hell.

  Gideon made a low growling noise and pulled her against him, staring deep into her eyes. “You should know though that I didn’t so much as touch a single female for the longest time at first. It was only when I saw you…with him.”

  Her heart clenched. He had waited…almost nine months without sex. Hearing him say it did make something ease inside her. It also made her feel guilty and sad. Pain coursed through her. If only she hadn’t been so stupid. It was such a difficult time after Gideon left her. Her emotions were all over the place. She wasn’t thinking clearly. Jenna could see now how vulnerable she would’ve been. The perfect opportunity for a predator like Liam.

  He shook his head, looking solemn. “I haven’t kissed a single female since you. I couldn’t even if I tried.” He cupped her jaw. “I’m not going to lie to you, Jenna, I have rutted other females. Quite a number of other females.”

  She squeezed her eyes shut, trying hard to stop herself from crying. She was angry with herself for allowing Liam to worm his way into her life, upset with Gideon because he had had loads of sex with other women, upset with herself for being upset with Gideon because it wasn’t his fault.

  “Hey,” he whispered. “It was only sex. Taking care of a mutual need. It’s different with you…it has always been different with you.”

  Jenna opened her eyes. “Show me.” She needed that closeness, that oneness with him. “I need you, Gideon.”

  He shook his head, his eyes clouding. “I want to, Jenna. I want you so badly.” He kissed her, his nostrils flared as he released her. “But we can’t.”

  “Yes, we can and we’re going to.” She palmed his cock. It was hard and thick…just like she remembered.

  Gideon groaned. It was his turn to squeeze his eyes shut for a second. Then he cursed, softly. “We can’t. I need to speak with Brant first. We need a plan. We said we wouldn’t rush.”

  “I don’t care about Brant or Zane or anyone else for that matter. It’s just you and me and these four walls. You said we wouldn’t rush. Do you want me?”

  “You know I do.” He answered quickly and with a fierceness that should’ve scared her but didn’t.

  “Prove it,” she growled right back.

  “Jenna, don’t fucking tempt me. When I scent of human come morning, I’ll have a ton of explaining to do. It could end up getting you booted out of the program. I won’t risk that…I won’t risk you.”

  “We can explain it to them. Our situation. Our feelings for one another.”

  He shook his head. “We wouldn’t be able to bring up what happened all those months ago. It would count against us. They won’t understand. I’m not one of the ten and therefore our being together is completely forbidden. I will go and speak with Brant in the morning. I want you Jenna, you need to believe that.”

  She promised herself that she would be brave. Jenna bent down and grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it up over her head in one clean sweep. She was sure she heard molars crack as he clenched his jaw. His hands fisted at his sides and his gaze turned feral, burning with a hunger that was greater than she had ever seen before. Surely he would not be able to turn her down now?


  By all that was fucking red, he was screwed. She may have lost some of her hips and ass but her pink tipped breasts were as heavily curved as ever. Jenna was as beautiful as ever. His attraction to her had grown. Gideon swallowed hard. “Jenna,” he growled. It came out sounding like something between a warning and a plea as much as he tried, he could not make himself look away. She was fucking gorgeous. No other female had ever come close. He realized in that moment that none ever would. It excited and scared him in equal measures.

  Gideon needed to protect her, which meant holding off even if it killed him. “We can’t.”

  Her eyes clouded with hurt and she folded her arms around herself.

  “Fuck, Jenna. I want you. I swear to god I do.” He moved towards her but stopped himself from touching her. Gideon didn’t have much willpower. Touching was out. Thank fuck she was wearing a tiny scrap of lace over her sex. It still taunted him.

  “You’re still afraid of what might happen if you confess to them. You’re ashamed of me.”

  “I’m not.” He growled, biting down on his lip. “I need to keep you safe. I failed before and I won’t let that happen again. I would rather fucking die. Do you hear me?”

  “No. I don’t.” She put her hands on her hips. “We can go and speak with Brant together.”

  Gideon sucked in a deep breath. He pinched the bridge of his nose. “York rutted with a female he shouldn’t have and do you know what ended up happening?” He didn’t wait for her to respond. “She was sent home. I can’t let that happen, Jenna. Not with that fucker out there. I first need to get his ass into a shallow grave and then we’ll approach the kings.”

  “Please don’t do it.” She chewed on her bottom lip. “Don’t kill Liam.”

  “Why the fuck not? Please don’t tell me that you still have feelings for him.” Gideon felt his hackles rise. Felt his blood turn cold.

  “No.” She shot daggers at him with her eyes. “I hate him. Don’t ever question my feelings for that asshole.” Her whole demeanor softened. “I would hate to see something happen to you though. He’s a police officer. If you were caught…” She shook her head.

  “It would be worth it.”

  “Not to me.” Her eyes filled with tears. “He’s not worth it, Gideon.” Her lip wobbled and he crumbled. “Don’t you see? You are everything to me…if anything ever happened to you it would kill me.”

  He went to her, cupping her jaw. Reveling in her soft skin. “Don’t cry,” he whispered.

  “Promise me that you’ll stay away from him. Please.” Her lip wobbled more, her eyes were wide with fear. This time, the fear was for him and not because of him.

  Gideon felt everything in him tighten. Letting the fucker continue to breathe went against everything in him. How could he deny her though? “Fine,” he growled. “But only if he stays far away from you.”

  “I’m staying right here, so he won’t come anywhere near me.” She smiled. Her eyes twinkled. She threw her arms around him, pushing her softness against him.

  Gideon slid his hands onto the smooth skin on her back. He had to groan. His dick ached with the need to be inside her.

  “I need you,” she whispered against his chest.

  “It kills me to deny you…to deny us both, but we have to wait. I only hope I don’t go blind in the meanwhile.”

  “Blind?” She pulled away from him while looking into his eyes. Her brow was creased and her eyebrows raised.

  Gideon had to smile. “I read it on the internet once. Masturbation causes blindness.”

  Jenna laughed. “You don’t believe that, do you?”

  Gideon shook his head. “No, but we’ll know for sure soon enough. I have eased myself often since you came back. I’m surprised I don’t have blisters by now.”

  She laughed hard and her breasts jiggled, causing him to growl. “Get on the bed.”

  Jenna gasped. “Why? I thought—”

  “Get on the bed and spread your legs. I can scent your arousal and want to ease you. We can’t rut but I can make one of us happy…namely you.”

  She shook her head.

  “Why not?” He groaned.

  “Because it wouldn’t be fair.” Her eyes
were hooded and she licked her lips, giving them a moist sheen. His dick throbbed beneath his tight pants.

  “Are you saying that you won’t let me touch you until I have spoken with my king?” It would kill him. To not be able to sink himself into her and, even worse, to not be able to at least touch her…it would fucking kill him.

  Jenna bit down on her bottom lip, denting it with her teeth. “You lie down on the bed.”

  Gideon shook his head. “We can’t…” He could hear the panicked edge to his voice.

  Jenna rolled her eyes and made an exasperated noise. “I want to give you a blow job…we can sixty-nine.”

  “What does math have to do with it? You and your numbers…” Then he realized what she had said. “Blow job?” It came out sounding less than manly so he cleared his throat.

  “You will love it…this has nothing to do with math…then again…1 plus 1 does equal two.”

  “Fuck, Jen, you’re losing me here.” He kept his hands fisted at his sides to stop himself from lunging at her.

  She threw him a sexy smile that made more blood divert south. “We can both come at the same time without having sex.”

  He had to put a hand over his dick to stop himself from coming in his pants. Just the thought of Jenna getting off made him hornier than the devil himself. Being able to come at the same time did not seem possible without having full-blown, no holds barred sex.

  “Take off your clothes.” Her voice had taken on a commanding edge. He liked it a little too damned much.

  Gideon shook his head. “Remove your panties and lie down.” He swallowed thickly, using every last bit of resolve he had. If she so much as touched him, he was going to fuck her…hard. “Do it now.”

  “You are really infuriating. Take off your clothes and lie down on that bed…Do it now, Gideon. I need you to trust me. It will feel good for both of us…no sex…I promise.”

  He felt his chest rise and fall in quick succession. “No sex.” He growled, feeling like the biggest pussy alive. Jenna was his female. He should be able to rut her, bring her many orgasms. Frustration ate at him. With a quick jerk of the head, he toed off his boots and pulled his shirt over his head. His pants followed quickly, Gideon kicked them onto the growing pile.

  The delicious scent of her arousal hit his nostrils, making him snarl softly.

  “You’re so damned sexy.” Jenna ate him up with her eyes, before lifting her face to stare at him. “I can’t wait to get your cock in my mouth.”

  His balls clenched. This was going to be the quickest orgasm he had ever had. Okay, maybe not the quickest, nothing could beat their first time.

  Gideon did what she said and lay down on the bed. “My seed will leave a scent mark on you. Other males will be able to tell that you have been with a vampire. You should—” He was about to tell her to release him just before he came but she cut in.

  “I am with a vampire tonight.” Jenna shrugged, drawing his eyes to her mammary glands. Fucking hell! She said something else but he didn’t hear what that was.

  “Excuse me!” She choked out a laugh. “Eyes up here…” She gestured to her face.

  “Oh…” Fuck he was a teenager around this female. A blithering, fast coming, idiot of a teenager. “Sorry. What was that?”

  He worked hard at keep his gaze from straying. Her eyes, her face, her cute button nose were all so fucking beautiful, so it wasn’t that difficult in the end.

  “I said that I am with a vampire tonight. For all intents and purposes, I’m with Lazarus. Won’t you scent of me though?”

  “I will scent more strongly of human but I am spending time around all of you so hopefully no one will be the wiser. Seed has a strong scent. It is designed to mark a female. It is not as hectic the other way round.” Truth was, they could probably have full blown sex and get away with it but it felt like too big a step right now. As much as his dick was ready, all systems go, his head—the one on his shoulders—knew that waiting was the safer thing to do. Next time he was with Jenna, really with her, it would be with the consent of his kings. No sneaking around. His female deserved as much.

  She removed her panties, sliding them down her thighs slowly. Gideon clenched his teeth as he caught sight of her strip of fur. Fuck but he had missed it…he had missed her more than he had even realized. Jenna walked over to the bed and crawled on her hands and knees towards him. He was about to become the first vampire male to die from a heart attack. That, or death by blood loss since most of it was in his cock right about now. “Jenna,” he growled. It was another strangled, half warning, half plea.

  He had expected her to straddle his hips but she smiled and continued to crawl down his body before throwing her leg over at his face, putting her pussy directly above him. Her sex glistened with her need. It was flushed pink and so fucking inviting that he had to lick his lips.

  Gideon sniffed loudly. “Sugar and spice.” He moaned before taking another nose-full. “And all things nice. Fuck!” He palmed her ass, wanting her closer. He practically salivated, desperate for a taste.

  Jenna lowered herself, hovering just above his reach. He could feel her hot breath fanning his dick. Then her mouth closed over his head and he snarled.

  He had forgotten how good it felt when she did this. Jenna swirled her tongue over his head and he snarled again. For fuck sakes! It didn’t get too much better than this.

  She giggled and he felt her nipples bounce against him in time with her laugh. “You’re supposed to go down on me at the same time.”

  Gideon hadn’t noticed that her pussy was practically plastered against his face. Feeling her lips around him had been all consuming. “Am I now?” He growled, closing his mouth over her swollen clit.

  Jenna sucked in a ragged breath and moaned.

  He kept up the suction using his tongue to move back and forth over her nub, in slow, easy strokes. Her back bowed and she tried to move away but he held on tight.

  “Oh god…so good.” She moaned.

  Gideon hooked his arm around her ass to keep her in place and sought out her slit with his now free hand. Her pussy was soaking fucking wet. He had to squeeze his eyes shut as he imagined his dick taking the place of his fingers. Gideon eased two inside her.

  Her pussy tugged him in deeper. Her velvet walls tight around him. It wasn’t hard to find the right spot because she soon cried out.


  She wriggled and moaned and bucked against him. Then she sucked on his dick. This time, much harder and deeper than before. His balls moved straight to his throat and everything in him tightened. Jenna palmed the base of his cock and sucked on him again, making whimpering noises. He had to remind himself to keep finger fucking her while keeping his hips still. It wasn’t easy considering how fucking amazing her mouth felt, how decadent she tasted.

  He was shocked when her pussy tightened around his fingers and she groaned loudly. Her back bowed and she released his dick. Her pussy pulled even tighter and her groan became drawn out, sounding like it was coming from between her teeth.

  “No more.” She finally slumped against him. It only lasted about two seconds because, then she picked herself up, leaning on her elbows and took his cock back into her mouth. One hand worked his base while the other played with his sack. She deep throated him. Her pussy was still in his face. Wet with her juices. He could glimpse down the narrow space between their bodies. Her nipples touched his stomach. Between her breasts, he could see her lips around him. Her hands on him. It was the most erotic thing he had ever seen before. Her mouth made suction noises as she moved up and down. He could feel the sweat roll down his face. As much as he wanted to come, he didn’t want this to end. Torture and bliss, to the point of pain.

  “I’m close.” His words were almost unrecognizable. He hoped she would understand him.

  Thank fuck, she didn’t stop. Instead, she lowered the hand on his sack and massaged the sensitive patch of skin behind his balls and he was tickets. Gideon all out snarled, as
his seed erupted. Again he had to fight the urge to pump into her mouth. To grip her with his thighs. Most of all, he had to stop himself from turning her around and finishing inside of her.


  He was going to speak with his king in the morning. Gideon only hoped that Brant would understand. He had to. Part of him wanted to wait because he needed to be sure of them before taking that next step and another part needed permission somehow. He wanted to do things the right way this time.

  Gideon lay back against the headboard. He pulled Jenna into the crook of his arm, holding her against him. In soft strokes, he caressed her back. Loving how her satiny skin felt, how her soft breasts mashed against him.

  He inhaled her scent, so sweet, so pure. “I’ve missed you so much. Strange thing is…” He swallowed hard. “I didn’t even realize how much until right now. You mean so much to me.”

  She lifted up her head. Her eyes were filled with moisture. “I’m so sorry…I wish I’d been honest with you. That I’d been brave enough to…”

  Gideon put a finger to her lips. “Shhhh. Don’t say it. You are brave. I’m the idiot, I should’ve listened. It’s in the past now though.” He smiled at her and his heart warmed when she smiled back.

  Then she worried on her bottom lip. A sure sign that something was bothering her.

  “What is it? I told you that those other females meant nothing to me.”

  “It’s not that.” Her eyes drifted down to his chest, before locking back with his. “Thinking back now to those early days with Liam. I think I understand how we went from a few dates to living together. It was like a whirlwind. Happened so quickly. My mother and stepfather moved away around the same time.” She sucked in a deep breath. “When I think back at how clever and deceitful he was. How quickly and quietly he wound his way into my life. Sure, the signs of his manipulative ways were there but I chose not to see them. I have always been a bit of a loner, I don’t have that many friends. This fit right in with his plans. I was an easy target.”


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