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Scandalous Twists (Entangled Love: Seduced Into Forbidden Passion Book 2)

Page 28

by Boadi, Lilly

  “Don’t tell me that is where you always take Kelly to?” Alex had said amidst laughter

  “What do you expect?” said Mellis feigningly.

  Then, at that moment, when their laughter had died down, Alex asked “Are you two through with your problems?” Of course, knowing Kelly was the only woman in his brother’s life, Alex could only think of her as being the cheating woman Mellis was mad about few days ago.

  “Yes. We are very happy now” said Mellis, justifying the statement he had made earlier

  “Thank God for that. You guys are one of the best couples. I like the way you love each other” said Alex, and Mellis only smiled to that.

  Surely, Alex had only been presented with the picture of a wonderful and envious relationship between Mellis and Kelly, and so he could never have had any idea about the fact that his brother even didn’t love her. Like his mother, Alex detested the idea of abusing a woman and taking her for a ride He would end up preaching to him like he was the devil himself if he knew he didn’t love her, and since Mellis couldn’t stand his flay and any idea of edification, he never talked much with him about his dithering relationship with Kelly.

  At the moment, as he sat beside Alex, gesturing out his genuine care for the success of his relationship, Mellis tried hard not to feel jealous or happy about what Alex would say, being it good or bad, for or against him. “You say it yourself, that I’m an expect when it comes to relationship, so, tell your problems out and let the expert help you” said Mellis, and put a smile on Alex’s face

  “What reasons at all could a woman have not to introduce you to her parents as her boyfriend?” asked Alex suddenly

  “Urr…for the reason that…maybe she knows they wouldn’t concur with her being in a relationship, or maybe that they wouldn’t accept you as a person…maybe because of your race, religion…status…or that…” Mellis paused and stared at Alex

  “Or that?” asked Alex

  “…or that…she doesn’t really love you” whispered Mellis uneasily. Alex’s nostrils flared and he sighed deeply. He pursed his lips once more and stared into thin air. “Alex?” said Mellis softly “Is this the problem you have with Haida?”

  “Somehow” said Alex despondently

  “What’s that supposed to mean; that she doesn’t want to introduce you to her parents as her boyfriend? I thought you said she had promised to do that soon as you were in the country?”

  “Yes. It’s not exactly like she doesn’t want to introduce me to them, but that is only what I feel. Back in the US, yes she had besought we never gave an idea about this relationship to her parents yet, for her father was very strict. Her dad being a vicar, I had understood her – oh, her dad is the one who conducted the service last Sunday” said Alex immediately

  “Oh I see. He looks strict anyway” said Mellis nervously.

  “Yes he is. But I don’t believe he is as strict as Haida wants me to believe. I understood and agreed with her back in the US, for if she introduced me as her boyfriend to her dad immediately she was in the country, the vicar might think she didn’t take her books seriously, but gave her time to nurturing a relationship with a young man, when her purpose was to study and come out with approving grades. So, I willingly agreed to be patient with her for sometime, and I really thought at least a month, and at most two, would be enough waiting” explained Alex, looking upset

  “If all these are true, then why are you worried? It’s been only a week since you came down?” said Mellis softly

  “I’m not worried because she has not yet introduced me to her family as her boyfriend…I’m worried about the fact that she is still in love with her ex!” Alex hit the nail this time and Mellis’ face beamed with intrigue

  “Did she tell you that?” he whispered

  “She needn’t say that in plain words! But what else could her statement mean – that she needed to convince her parents she was really through with her ex and that they deem it ok for her to enter into another relationship before she could make them know about me?!” snapped Alex once more “Why would she need to convince her parents she was really through with her ex?! It’s simply because she isn’t!”

  Fixing himself into the situation, Mellis thought for a while “Don’t you think you are being extreme? If she actually said this, then it can mean her ex was very familiar and close to her family, and also is possible she has not yet disclosed to them her breakup with him all these while. Maybe her family liked him so much and she’s got a lot of convincing to do – maybe she knows they wouldn’t accept the reasons so straightaway”

  “I agree with only one – that maybe she hasn’t told her parents about her breakup with him yet; for if they knew about how much she claims he hurt her, I believe they would be the ones to see to it that she breaks up with him!” Alex burst

  “What was the reason she broke up with him; what did she say about that?”

  “That he cheated on her; took her for a ride…! Fact is, I didn’t want her to keep on talking about that, because she was hurting very much as she talked, and you know how much I despise men who take women, especially good and innocent ones like her, for granted” said Alex, and Mellis smiled wryly “And you know what? If it’s true she hasn’t told her parents about the breakup, it goes a long way to justify my suspicions – why at all would she not tell them about his imbecility, and the fact that she couldn’t continue going out with him, if, and only if, she really doesn’t love him anymore and is really over him?!” he snapped once again, very upset.

  Mellis watched him gesture his hurt and jealousy. He has never seen him this jealous about a woman. Yes, what Alex was saying gave him the vague belief instantly that there was possibly another chance for Haida and him, and at the moment, the thought of a competition of a sort between Alex and him over Haida had crossed several times in his mind. Yet, truth is he really never wanted to hurt his brother that way. Moreover, if it was true Haida was still in love with him, it would mean he would have to consciously stay away from her for his brother’s sake. Yes, he knew against all odds, he still loved Haida and that it was probable he couldn’t control himself should he be in any compromising situation with her. But then, he couldn’t bear the guilt he felt even at the thought of this.

  “What else did she say to make you think she is still in love with her ex?” asked Mellis

  “Nothing really. But I know she got flurried when I asked her if she was still in love with her ex”

  “You asked her?” asked Mellis gaining full interest.


  “And what did she say?”

  “She didn’t respond to that. She only showed she was offended that I didn’t trust her. I asked if she had seen him when she came down, and she said no” said Alex, and chuckled “I don’t believe her of course. If she still loves this man and not me, why can’t she simply say so?” he said sadly “Do you think I’m behaving and feeling unnecessarily?”

  “No, you are not. It’s understandable for a man in love to feel this way. You really love her, don’t you?” asked Mellis softly feeling his pain

  “I don’t think I’ve felt this kind of love for any woman and I must admit I understand why you felt so hurt that Kelly cheated on you” said Alex, almost in tears

  “Urr, why don’t you sit her down and talk with her? Maybe she has other reasons, and whatever they are, at least, you can be sure of what is going on and you will know exactly what to do” Mellis suggested

  “Yeah, I think you are right. I’ll visit her at home tomorrow, and I’ll have a long discussion with her”

  “I believe that would be better” said Mellis.

  Later in the evening, the Morgan’s family was relaxing beside the TV when the vicar’s phone rang. He was beaming with smiles after putting the caller off.

  “Was that Godwin?” asked Mrs. Morgan

  “Yes. He sends his greetings. I told him about tomorrow’s get-together and he said he would be here” said the vicar

nd Michael?” asked Jolly

  “He’ll be here too of course” said the vicar

  “Oh that troublesome boy! Why can’t he stay where he is!” Jolly murmured

  “Will you stop!” said Mrs. Morgan sternly “Haven’t you missed your brother? He’s been away since vacation. I hope you wouldn’t start your quarrels when he comes”

  “Oh no mom. Honestly I miss him so much” said Jolly, smirking. Of course, she missed her quarreling with her brother and the joy it brought her when she worried him.

  Haida on the other hand wasn’t too happy that Michael was coming over; he’d undoubtedly ask about Mellis, his role model, if he saw his absence at such a gathering and with Alex present, the talk of him would ruin her. She has been praying the vicar mentioned nothing about Mellis tomorrow. But what if her prayers were unanswered? Maybe she had better stopped Alex from coming over.

  “Phoebe?!” the vicar called out for the second time, and that woke Haida from her thoughts

  “Yes dad?” she responded nervously

  “Where is your mind? Did you give Mellis the message? Is he coming over tomorrow?” asked the vicar

  “Err…no dad”

  “You didn’t deliver my message to him?”

  “Urr…I did, but he said he couldn’t make it. He…he had something to attend to tomorrow” Haida faltered

  “Oh, is that so? What at all would he be doing that he can’t be here?” asked the vicar rhetorically “Let me call him” he said, and reached out for his phone

  Haida’s stomach churned and she wished she could retract her statement or flee from the room. “Mellis how are you?” said the vicar, and her heart beat faster

  “Oh Mr. Morgan!” said Mellis “I’m doing well, and the family?”

  “Everyone is fine. It’s been long since I saw you here in my home. But why did you turn down my invitation?”

  “Invitation?” Mellis was lost

  “Didn’t Haida give you the message; that you should be here tomorrow morning at ten for a family get-together?” asked the vicar, glancing at Haida

  “Ooh…yes…yes she did. But I…I’m sorry I really can’t make it – I’ve got lots to attend to tomorrow…”

  “Oh Mellis, you know it’s been quite a while since we saw you here, and I’d have been glad if you could make it to an occasion like this” said the vicar, and Mellis felt pleased that the vicar cherished him that much. He wished he could honour his invitation, but he couldn’t be at Haida’s for Christ’s sake, when Alex was going to be there.

  “Urr, don’t worry dad. I promise to be there on Thursday. Please bear with me” said Mellis

  “That’s ok. We shall be looking forward to seeing you then”


  It was a sunny afternoon, and Alex wore a casual yet very attractive outfit. It was exactly one when he got to Haida’s. He exchanged pleasantries with the rest of the family and Kiara. Jolly kept making shameless advances at him and he had started getting amused and more comfortable with her. He was treated to a drink which Jolly found her pleasure to do. She sat immediately beside him, so close and abruptly that, it took Alex by surprise. He gave her a quick and bewildered glance and she smiled seductively into his eyes. ‘Mm…very pretty girl’ he thought ‘with seductive physique and personality’. He found himself thinking she was very attractive and this was more characterized by the fact that he saw Haida in her. Maybe if she was older and he was a Casanova, he would have fallen for her advances and had his way with her. Haida, who sat directly opposite, stared at them. Alex met her stare and he smiled away his nervousness, as if he knew Haida was reading his thoughts. Then, immediately, the door bell rang “I’ll get it” said Haida, getting on her feet. As expected, Michael and his cousin, Godwin, showed their hilarious faces. They exchanged hugs with her, and then the rest of the party. Haida introduced Alex to them as her friend, and immediately Michael asked “Hey, where is my man?” Haida froze ‘Oh God! He’s started!’ she thought. “Why is he not here?” asked Michael once more, and Haida was nervy “Oh, he…he really can’t be here” she managed to say

  “Why is that?”

  “Oh you sit down here and let me get you a drink ok?” said Haida, taking Michael by the shoulders to the sofa. Her eyes met Alex’s and the suspicion and skepticism were clear in his eyes “Err…I’ll get you two a drink” she said and bolted to the other side of the big hall, with clear nervousness on her face.

  Alex asked the vicar about work and the church, and they ended up talking more about the Christian life. It surprised Haida that the vicar asked nothing about Alex’s personal life. Much later, they went to table. Almost half-way through, the vicar said “So, Alex, now that you know much about the family, I guess we ought to know you well too. Do you reside in the US?” It was then that Haida realized what the vicar was up to – he probably wanted to make the young man feel at home before enquiring about his personal life, and barely at the moment, had she started to feel uncomfortable and edgy.

  “Yes please, I do reside in the US. But I come down to my country for holidays from time to time” said Alex

  “How long have you been residing in the US?” asked the vicar once more

  “From the day I was born, sir”

  “You mean all your life?”

  “Practically yes”

  “I see. Is the rest of your family over there too?”

  “I’m there with my dad; the rest of the family is in the UK” explained Alex

  “I see. Who is your father?” asked the vicar.

  Then suddenly, Haida chocked over her food. She kept coughing offensively, as if to dismiss everyone from the table

  “Take some water, dear” said Mrs. Morgan, and Haida obliged

  “Are you better now?” asked Alex

  “Yes, I’m fine” she ceased her coughing when she realized everyone’s attention was on her, especially the vicar’s and Alex’s

  “Be careful” said the vicar, seeing she was calm. Haida thought her deliberate act would keep the vicar’s mind off his earlier question, but, interestingly, he seemed to be more interested in knowing about Alex than anything else at the moment “Yeah!” exclaimed the vicar, trying to move on “So, Alex, who is your father?”

  “Mr. Holmes!” said Haida immediately, and Alex looked at her questionably.

  “Mr. Holmes? Is your dad a Whiteman?” asked the vicar quite humourously.

  “Of course not.” Alex laughed. “He is Ghanaian, a Fanti actually”

  “That makes sense” said the vicar

  “Yes, a Fanti. Just like us” said Haida, smiling sheepishly

  “So, what are you doing now?” asked the vicar

  “Urr, I just came out from the university, and I’ll be working in my dad’s company” said Alex

  “Oh, you were at the university.”

  “Yes I was. With Haida at Wisconsin” said Alex “In fact, that is where we met” he added, smiling at Haida

  “I see. What did you study?”


  “Entrepreneurship!” exclaimed Michael “Masters?” he asked

  “Yes, masters”

  “I’ll come to you for tit bits. I’m dreaming of setting up my own business someday, and I’m studying business in college anyway” said Michael.

  “That will be fine. You are still in college?” asked Alex

  “Yes. My final year. Do you also play tennis?” asked Michael. Haida glanced at him, her heart jumping out

  “Not quite well, but my brother does; he is a tennis star” said Alex proudly

  “Aah? Who’s that?”

  “Mike! Wont you allow Alex to enjoy his meal?” said Haida spontaneously

  Kiara had been glancing uneasily at Haida all these while, feeling nervy for her friend. After what Haida had told her about the vicar’s discovery about Alex and her two days ago, she also shared Haida’s thoughts; that the vicar was up to something when he asked about Alex out of the blue, and then again, when he
suggested Mellis came over for this occasion, knowing Alex would be present. Her thoughts became justified however, when the vicar asked “Are you attached in anyway – a wife, fiancée or girlfriend?”

  Alex stole a glance at Haida and was uneasy “Urr…none really” he said and Jolly was pleased, as she smiled seductively into his eyes once more “I’m still looking” he said, and Godwin saw the amorous stare he gave Haida “Or you’ve got your eyes on my dear cousin?” asked Godwin amusingly putting Haida in his arms for a short while, and then they all laughed out, except the vicar who smiled dryly

  “Hope you don’t!” said Michael when they were calm

  “Why? Am I prohibited from that?” asked Alex humourously yet curiously.

  “It’s a big yes, for you would have a tall strong man to contend with then!” said Michael blatantly

  ‘Oh goodness’ thought Haida in rapture

  “Really? Who is this man – is he taller and stronger than I am?”

  “More like you” said Jolly in a seductive tone

  “Tall, yes like you, but for my sister, I bet he appears much stronger to fight!” said Michael and giggled.

  “Will you kids stop?!” said Mrs. Morgan sternly, seeing the nervous look on Haida’s face “Alex, my dear, don’t pay attention to them or what they are saying, ok?” she said, and Alex smiled “Don’t worry mom; I’m much interested anyway” he said, stealing glances at Haida.


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