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It's A Shame

Page 13

by Hansen, C. E.

  My body strung so tightly his slightest breath could have me coming. His movements quickened for a moment then stopped as his cock sank deep into me. His beautiful face contorted with pleasure, and he shuddered pumping his hot semen into me, filling me. His mouth never breaking the contact it had with mine. His eyes focused penetratingly on the luckiest girl in the universe.

  He began kissing my throat, trailing kisses up to my ears.

  “Bingo,” I mumbled.

  “Bingo?” his voice throaty, he looked at me questionably.

  “Bingo…” I breathed, “We both came at the same time, together. I love when we do that.”

  He smiled tenderly.

  “Grace…I’m so sorry…”

  I raised my two fingers to his mouth.

  “Shhhh. I’ve missed you so much, let’s not talk. Let’s just hold each other.”

  He shoved his face into my hair and inhaled deeply.

  “I love you Grace,” he whispered, “You know that don’t you?”

  “Mmmm…right back atcha Ace.” I felt his smile against my neck.

  We made love again, this time slow and deliberate. Worshipping each other. Our breathing regulated and we lay silent, our hands slowing roaming over each other’s bodies. Neither of us slept well without the other. Exhausted, I laid my head against his chest and listened to the rhythmic beat of his heart as it lulled me into a restful sleep, and as the dawn broke we slept peacefully in one another’s arms, our legs entwined.

  Chapter 15

  I opened my eyes finding us both shrouded in darkness. I lay still, my head on his chest listening to his even breathing as I ran the events of the past two days over and over in my head.

  I agonized over the loss and pain I’d felt. It was as if we were separated months rather than days. Being without Cole, thinking that I lost him, was a palpable pain. So strong, it frightened me to the point I knew I never wanted to undergo that heartache again.

  In our short time together, we’ve been forced to deal with a lot of craziness. All the horrific things we survived only made us stronger, and I knew if we could get through all of that, then we can surely get through Hurricane Lauren.

  And then there’s the fingers…Oh my God. I just realized that I had been so self-absorbed with my own issues I totally forgot about the fingers, and the woman those said fingers belonged to. I shuddered so violently that I quickly looked up to see if it had woken Cole.

  I tried to focus and prayed it was a nightmare, but realized it was all too real. I wondered if the finger delivery had anything to do with my ‘visitor’. Although I was inclined to believe that Dean may be right. Maybe I was guilty of an over active imagination. Maybe I did sleep walk, took out my suitcase, and packed Cole’s things but…was I that distraught that I actually packed a suitcase for him without remembering.

  A chill ran down my spine leaving me with that same uneasy feeling I got whenever I thought of that night…that someone was in my apartment. I couldn’t shake off that feeling. There was something was seriously wrong here, and I hoped the police would come up with something, anything, so that this nightmare would disappear.

  I rarely had nightmares, but I knew that Cole had them frequently.

  He told me he some time ago he used to dream, very vividly, about the fire that took the lives of his family. He’d wake in a cold sweat, shaking violently nearly every night. He told me how helpless he felt, how he carried the guilt for not having died alongside his family, the guilt that he was spared.

  I didn’t sleep well when I slept alone and I wondered if his nightmares returned when I wasn’t lying next to him, when we were separated. He once told me I held the nightmares at bay, that I was his savior. He just didn’t grasp how much he was mine.

  I shook my head and silently wondered if we would all ever really heal and know peace; thinking it may not be in our stars. I silently wondered if I’d be able to go on with my life, each day, if things stayed like this. Then the memory of those hours I spent without Cole surfaced, and I knew I would do whatever it took to keep him, keep us.

  I moved my leg and started to slowly push myself away from Cole’s warm body. I tried to be extra careful not to disturb him, but my stomach was beginning to growl loudly. It appears my appetite has returned with a vengeance and I wanted to get up and make a light supper for us both.

  “Hey,” he whispered hoarsely, his voice heavy with sleep, startled me. “Where are you going?”

  “Hey yourself,” I whispered as I grazed his face lightly with my lips. “I was going to go fix us both something to eat. I can’t remember when I ate last. I’m starving.”

  “I do,” he said as he reached for me, pulling my body closer to his. I could make out the outline of his body in the dark as he slowly raised himself onto his elbow. When he spoke, the warmth of his minty breath caressed my cheek. “The last time I ate, was when I was with you.” I felt his lips on mine.

  They had found me in the darkness, their soft heat branded mine. We were drawn to one another like magnets.

  “Grace, I can’t do that again. I can’t be without you.” He nuzzled my neck playfully, but I could hear the despondency in his tone.

  “I hated every second.” I put my arm around his neck. “I love you…let’s never fight again.” I meant it. Oh God, I wished Cole knew how much I meant it.

  He laughed.

  The sound that rose from his chest was warm, light, hardy and I could feel the goose bumps rise along the surface of my skin. I’ve missed that sound much more than I care to admit.

  “That may be easier said than done.”

  I lay there in the dark pouting.

  “And I know you are pouting…”

  I laughed as I felt the pad of his thumb run lightly over my pouting bottom lip. I smiled feeling his pelvis bump against my own.

  The warmth of his hand seared me as he began kneading my breast. His fingers moved with urgency across my body, and before I knew it, he had lowered his head locking his lips on my pulsating nipple. He bit the hardening peak tenderly, and I arched my back, pushing the tender swollen flesh closer to his lips. His lips traced my areola and I couldn’t help the shudder that raced through my body.

  I sat up and threw my leg over him, straddling his midsection. Then lowered my body forward so he could continue the decadent torture of my nipples. I moaned my pleasure as he placed his hands on my ass and pulled me up to him, positioning me above his head.

  With his fingers digging into my ass he lowered me down onto him, down to his waiting mouth and pushed his tongue into my cleft. My body shook involuntarily as he skimmed my hardened knot with the tip, running it over and over across me. I felt my hips pulsate, moving over his tongue, unable to stop. I quaked as my climax slowly crawled up my body, reaching my core and continue until it exploded outward. I grabbed the headboard for balance, digging my fingernails into the soft leather, and quivered. My wet opening to his mouth, his tongue roving my clit. Heaven.

  “Before you get up….” His voice was husky and seductive.

  I knew in my heart that I would never get tired of loving him. Never get tired of having him inside me. Never get tired of feeling him lying against my body, molding his own to mine.

  I raised myself to my knees and he sunk his fingers into my opening. I moaned in ecstasy. Cole growled low, and I felt the bed dip as he shifted me back down onto the mattress. Raising himself above me in the darkness, he found his way home.

  After we showered, I threw on a pair of gym shorts and a tank top and strolled into the kitchen. Opening the fridge, I pulled out the left over pork tenderloin.

  After heating it in the microwave I shredded it and put it to the side. In a bowl I combined some brown sugar, ketchup, spices, and my own secret ingredient and stirred it all together making a spicy, tangy sauce. Then tossed it together with the shredded pork. I grabbed two onion rolls from the freezer and defrosted and heated them in the microwave.

  I shredded cabbage and carrots and toss
ed it with homemade dressing making a quick, but tasty coleslaw. Then unfurled the tablecloth and lay it on the living room floor standing back to admire my impromptu picnic.

  I brought over the food I’d just made and placed it down on the checkered cloth, set the ‘table’, and completed our romantic supper for two with two frosty mugs of ice-cold beer. I shoved additional beers into ice in my champagne bucket. Poor man’s champagne, crisp, cold and perfect with pulled pork.

  “You amaze me.” I looked up to see Cole standing there wearing the sweetest smile on his face.

  I took me a cool minute to gather my thoughts.

  “You amaze me. What the hell was that?” I turned my head and looked towards the bedroom, clearly indicating the incredible sex we’d just had. “Where did you…um. Never mind. Never look a gift horse in the mouth

  , or a mouth that happens to be a gift, so to speak.” I smiled wickedly jumbling my words. “Nice move Ace. That was totally intense.” I muttered. “Now sit down before I change my mind about eating and twist your arm for a repeat performance.” I laughed, standing with my hands on my hips…twitching. Yes, I was literally twitching. Only Cole could make me forget about food when I was this hungry.

  “No arm twisting required.” He said in his oh-so-sexy voice.

  “Holy shit…Ace.”

  “Okay, okay. Let’s eat.” He whispered hoarsely. “Damn, you are beautiful.”

  “Ace…” I pleaded.

  He walked over and took his place on the floor. Then lifted my mug and handed it to me as I sat down cross-legged across from him. As I took the beer from his hand, his fingers grazed mine, sending an electrical jolt through my body. I was seriously debating eating at all.

  He held his mug to his mouth and I watch entranced, as he tilted it back taking a large swig. The muscles in this neck moved in sync with the sound of his swallowing. I truly don’t think he’s ever looked sexier to me. I had to take a deep breath before I began making our plates.

  After we ate and cleaned up, Cole turned on the TV and sat on the couch, with his leg crossing over his knee. I dried off my hands and walked over to stand above him.

  “Want dessert now?” I asked.

  “Only if dessert is you.” He lifted his eyebrows emphatically than smiled that wicked heart-pounding smile. “Seriously, I’m stuffed. That was delicious. Thank you. However, I wouldn’t mind another taste.”

  I giggled.

  “I know o’ a special way you can thank me,” I said using my best seductive southern voice.

  Cole reached out and grabbed me around the waist pulling me onto his lap. His hand started rubbing my thigh, massaging me tenderly before drifting over to the area where my thighs joined.

  I squirmed on his lap as his fingers drifted down till they were centered over my hardening knot rubbing in a circular motion. The sensation went right through my clothes. I wrapped my arms around his neck planting kisses on his cheek, then his chin. I dragged my tongue along his neck, sliding over his warm skin, drinking in the taste of him. I heard the news come on the television in the background.

  “That could be arranged,” he said with a wicked grin. “But before we eat our dessert, I want to talk to you.” I raised my eyes to his questionably, wiggling on his leg.

  “It can wait, can’t it?”

  “No, it can’t. I need to tell you everything…” He looked down. If I didn’t know better I would think he was ashamed.

  ‘The body of a woman was discovered today by a jogger face down in shallow water in Park Slope, Brooklyn. The woman was mutilated, missing four fingers from her right hand. Her identity is unknown. She is approximately twenty years old, medium height, with long brown hair...the police are asking anyone with any information….’

  We both snapped our heads around, our eyes riveted to the flat screen. I didn’t hear the rest of the story; my heart stopped at four fingers, and my brain went totally numb. Cole jumped up almost dumping me onto the floor in his haste to get his cell from the dining room table and pushed a preset speed dial. I heard him talking to someone who could only be Detective Dean Johansen, whom he apparently had on speed dial. Needless to say, I didn’t hear any more of the news.

  I stood up abruptly, “Oh my God…no…could that…oh my God…is it the same? Could it be her fingers?”

  Cole walked directly to the flat screen and turned it off, then spun around to face me. I must have looked totally crazed, because he wasted no time walking over to me. He sat in the empty spot he just vacated and pulled me into his arms. I just buried my face in his chest and continued shaking my head.

  Chapter 16

  The next day I was sitting on the couch with my feet up, trying to concentrate on a book I was reading on my kindle, struggling to battle the fogginess I felt from the sleeping pill I took last night. I tried to read but was finding even that to be too difficult. I kept reading the same sentence over and over again, but I was determined to not put the television on.

  I startled and looked up when I heard a phone ringing as I tried to find out where the sound was coming from. I spotted Cole’s smartphone on the breakfast bar. He just ran downstairs two minutes ago to get our Chinese food and left it behind.

  Since the ‘madness’ started again, no one was allowed upstairs at all. Not even after being announced; orders from the police…well, one cop…Dean Johansen. With the recent scares and the murdered woman found in Brooklyn, he’d assigned an undercover officer to the security department downstairs. The security staff believed him to be a manager, someone from corporate, or so I was told.

  Dean was satisfied with his latest brainstorm, and now that Michelle and he were and item…well, let’s just say he was just a tad bit overprotective of her. Especially since she flat out refused to move out of her apartment, citing she wouldn’t leave me for any reason on the planet.

  “He’s not coming after me Dean, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let another crazy person scare me away or chase me out of my home,” she told him.


  “Don’t even bother.” She put her hand up essentially stopping Dean from saying another word on the matter.

  He shook his head, but quickly realized his new girlfriend was just as stubborn as he was. So he gave up trying to talk ‘sense’ into her…and, instead, moved himself into her apartment. If Mohamed won’t come to the mountain, then the stubborn detective would just have to go to Michelle, or something like that.

  I had to admit to myself that seeing Michelle finally being treated like she should have been all along made my heart swell, maybe he was good for her after all. I’ll hold that judgment till another day.

  I walked over to the ringing nuisance and picked it up. Looking at the caller ID, I realized I didn’t know the number. Not wanting Cole to miss an important business call because he went to fetch our food, I pushed send and answered he phone, using my best secretary’s voice.

  “Hello, Cole Grayson’s line,” I said, sounding quite professional.

  “Hello…Is this Grace?” I recognized the voice immediately. I only heard it once before but I’d never forget that beautiful, musical voice.

  “Yes, Lauren, it’s Grace.” My hands trembled with anger. This woman had gone out of her way to deceive me into thinking she was sleeping with Cole, when all the while she planned, and carried out, the whole charade. My take on the security camera footage Cole and I viewed; she watched me run into the hotel crying and upset. Figured things were rocky between Cole and I. Then while I was distracted, talking to the receptionist, she walked over to the elevator and at the exact right moment, walked ‘out’ the door adjusting herself. Mega BITCH!

  “Cole stepped out but should be back shortly, I’ll let him know you called,” I said dismissively and was about to push end when she spoke.

  “That’s fine, you do that, and also tell him I’m waiting for his solution to our little problem.” Wow, this bitch just won’t give up. What the hell was she up to this time?

; “I’m not falling for any of your fucking games Lauren, I’ll tell him you called.” I was about to kill the call when I remembered something, “Wait, while I have you on the phone…why were you there…at the Asbury that morning? The morning when you carefully planned your phony exit from the elevator.” I heard her intake of air and smiled contemptuously. She’d just realized I knew her little charade was all bullshit.

  “I was there to talk to Cole about something…it’s personal…it’s between us, and has nothing to do with you.” She sounded like a schoolgirl snickering. I could almost see her sticking her tongue out saying nah nah nah nah nah.

  I was so getting tired of her shit.

  “About what Lauren?” I prodded.

  “I take it Cole hasn’t told you.” That bitchy triumphant tone returned, and I wished I could slap the self-satisfied smile I knew to be there off her face.

  “Told me what…” I demanded.

  “Ooh…nothing important…just that he’s a daddy…you really should congratulate him.” She paused, long enough to hear my soft moan. “I was at the Asbury to discuss our little family, so to speak.”

  Bam! Just like that, she got me again. Lauren 2; Grace Zero.

  “Fuck you Lauren, and your bullshit. Is that the best you’ve got? It must be killing you that he wants nothing to do with you…that he loves me,” I said assertively, trying hard not to sound like someone just kicked me in the gut.

  “Maybe he does and maybe he doesn’t, in either case, he is still a daddy, and we are still a family.” The sneer in her tone came through loud and clear.

  I quickly pushed end and stood staring at the phone in my hand, and I was still standing there when Cole pushed his key in the lock and walked in carrying the bag with our Chinese food.

  The expression on my face must have been bad, because he took one look at me and knew something was seriously wrong.


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