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Eternal Changes (Mikah)

Page 4

by Tiffany Berry

  Jax arched an eyebrow. “You working day shift for a while?”

  Ashton let out an exaggerated sigh. “Looks like it.”

  “Well, hit me up once you get back to the night life. Then we’ll have some fun,” Jax said as he slapped Ashton on the back. “I’ll see ya around.”

  Ashton watched Jax run down the hall towards McKaylin. Jax spent most of his time pursuing her. She would flirt with him and drive the vampire wild, but that was the extent of it. Ashton shook his head in amusement as he continued walking towards Talmadge’s room.

  Ashton waited outside the room once he arrived until he had permission to enter.

  “Come in, Ashton.” Talmadge said within minutes of his arrival.

  The rock door creaked open and Ashton looked over at Talmadge. Talmadge’s brown hair gleamed under the light as his brown eyes focused on Ashton. “I wanted to give you an update on Lucy,” Ashton said as he sat down in one of the beige recliners. “She’s doing fine, but she’s starting to form an attachment with a male.”

  Talmadge slid on a navy blue t-shirt and glanced over at Ashton. “You know that’s not acceptable,”

  Ashton inclined his head in agreement. “There’s more, sir.”

  Talmadge walked over and sat down in the plush leather recliner next to Ashton. “I’m listening.”

  “She went for a run with the boy,” Ashton said, “and I could feel the power emancipating from her as she ran.”

  “So,” Talmadge said as he closed his eyes for a brief moment, “that explains the surge of power I felt during my slumber.”

  “Not only is she emitting power surges,” Ashton continued, “but the Daroch have her under their protection.”

  That tidbit of information got Talmadge’s attention. “Who told you she was under the protection of the Daroch?”

  “Malachi mentioned it when we ran into each other as I was watching over her,” Ashton said.

  Talmadge sighed. “It’s important that we keep a close eye on her, Ashton. I’m not sure why the Daroch have her under their protection, but they’re not the ones we need to be concerned with.”

  Ashton nodded in agreement. “If you felt her power surge, then some of the Haemon vampires probably felt the surge too.”

  “I need you to go to her school and befriend her. Use all of your charm and help her forget about the human boy,” Talmadge said as he rubbed his forehead.

  Ashton looked at the older vampire and thought about the solution he had proposed. It could work. He was a Halfling and had the ability to be out during the day while the rest of his people were in a deep slumber. “Consider it done.”

  Chapter 4

  In Tuscon, Arizona there was an unusual chill to the night that made Theresa shiver as she left the still thriving party. She brought her arm up and looked at the silver watch on her wrist. Twelve-forty six glared up at her, mocking her.

  Theresa hesitated at the alley and scanned the area. A single small light hung on one of the brick buildings. A frustrated sigh escaped her lips as she glanced back down at her watch and she propelled herself into the dimly lit alley. Her black high heels clicked across the pavement, echoing in the eerily quiet night and her curly red hair pounded on her back like a drum as she sped up.

  She chewed on her bottom lip as she glanced over her shoulder. The light on the building flickered. “Please stay on,” she whispered as she looked in front of her. She still had several hundred feet to go before she reached the other end. A scared gasp left her lips as the light flickered out and the black blanket of the night washed over her. Theresa bolted forward. Her heels clicked against the pavement like a typist on a keyboard. She glanced over her shoulder. The night’s ink filled fingers painted everything behind her. She couldn’t see. Something was telling her that something was watching her….something was after her. Her foot hit a hard object and she stumbled and fell to the pavement, scraping her knee. Blood oozed from the fresh wound.

  A loud clanging sound echoed in the darkness. Theresa froze. Her heart beat like a loud drum and cold chills ran down her spine. She licked her parched lips as her gaze travelled around the dark alley.

  A shrill scream left her lips as something touched her leg. A black cat scurried by her a moment later. “Stupid stray,” Theresa muttered to herself as relief poured through her. Her legs shook as she slowly got up from the ground. She wiped at the dirt stain now marring her red dress with her hand.

  A soft breeze brushed across her neck. Theresa glanced up from her dress to find a man dressed in black standing in front of her. His eyes were darker than the blackness surrounding her and his white face glowed in the night. Blue-green veins pulsated from his face and his brown hair was scattered in patches on top of his head. Her eyes widened and she took a step back. “W-who are y-you?”

  He flashed a small grin, his fangs barely showing. “I’m Karver,” he said. “Your dinner date, baby.”

  Theresa’s eyebrows turned downward and her forehead scrunched up as she looked at him. “Karver?” she asked as she shook her head in denial. “I didn’t know I…”

  Karver grabbed the redhead and pulled her to his chest. He held her mouth closed with his hand. “I’m going to suck the very life from your beautiful body and there’s nothing you can do about it,” he whispered in her ear.

  Karver’s fangs elongated and he delved into the thick blue vein on the woman’s porcelain white neck. He enjoyed feeling her squirm as she tried to fight. Her warm, thick blood slid down his throat and his parched body soaked up every drop. Her silent screams echoed in his mind as his sharp teeth ripped at her soft flesh. Her body convulsed slightly in his arms as he drank the last sip from her once vibrant body.

  Karver dropped the redhead in the alley and as he licked the last drop of blood from his lips, a surge of power almost knocked him off his feet. What the hell was that? He sent a message telepathically to the trusted vampires of his clan to meet him in his throne room.

  Jaymes flew up onto a nearby roof and glanced down at the throng of below. He shuttered as a high pitched laughter rung in his ears. He squeezed his black eyes closed as he ran a pale hand through his blonde hair. His eyes flew open and he shuddered as laughter screeched through the air once more. What was making that noise?

  Jaymes scanned the people flowing in and out of the nearby restaurants and clubs. He jerked his head to the left as the hideous laughter rung through the night. His eyes narrowed on a bald man sitting at a metal table outside of the cafe. The man’s mouth flew open and his head tilted back as laughter screeched from him. Jaymes cringed and plugged his ears with his hands as he stared at the fat rolls hanging from the man’s neck. Each roll jiggled and shook as the man laughed. Jaymes shook his head as the man took a chunk out of a white roll. The butter was smeared across his face.

  Jaymes glided to the ground below and ambled over to the jolly man’s table. His feet sledged across the pavement. Jaymes stumbled and he bumped into the fat man.

  The man’s brown eyes widened in annoyance as he looked over at Jaymes. “What the hell’s your problem man?”

  Jaymes stared deep into the man’s eyes. Jaymes stumbled slightly, brushing against the man once more. “S-so s-shorry,” Jaymes slurred.

  “Let me help you get a cab,” the man said as he grabbed Jaymes by the arm.

  “You’re too kind,” Jaymes said as he stared into the fat man’s hazel eyes. “But my friend’s picking me up right around the corner near that alley,” he said as he pointed across the street. “I just need an itsy bitsy amount of help getting over there.”

  “Sure,” the man said as he wiped his hands and mouth on his napkin and stood up.

  Jaymes smiled as the fat man put his chubby arms around Jaymes’s waist. Jaymes tripped and stumbled as he made his way towards the alley.

  The man grunted as Jaymes tripped. “You had more than a few drinks there buddy,” the man said as he held onto Jaymes.

  “Just one. Or two,” Jaymes slurred as he stared ov
er at the man.

  The fat man’s fat forehead rolled as his eyebrow shot up. “Just one or two, huh?”

  Jaymes stumbled and the man’s grip tightened around his waist. “You got me, brother. I had ten shots of Tequila.” Jaymes slurred in an off-key voice as he sung. “You and tequila make me crazy…”

  The fat man smiled. “I don’t think Kenny Chesney would enjoy your rendition of his song.”

  Jaymes touched his heart and his eyes widened. “That hurt.”

  “Better to hear the truth now than when you’re standing in front of Simon Cowell, my friend,” the man said.

  Jaymes slowly smiled as they entered into the alley. The darkness washed over them as Jaymes turned and pulled the man towards him. “You’ll not say a word and you’ll not scream,” he said as he compelled the man. “But please feel free to fight back.”

  Jaymes laughed as the man swung at him. The man’s arms flapped from the force and his hazel eyes darted back and forth as he dodged to the right and tried to pass by Jaymes.

  Jaymes pounced onto the plump man’s back and jerked his bald head, exposing his neck. Fat rolled down the man’s neck in large waves. “Delicious,” Jaymes purred as he sunk his fangs into the thick folds. The man kicked and fought until his legs gave out from under him. The man fell to the pavement on his knees. Jaymes clung to the man’s back and continued to suck the life out of the fat cow. The man’s body twitched and jerked as Jaymes sucked out the last drop. Jaymes released his hold and the lifeless shell of the man fell to the ground.

  Jaymes grinned as he used one of his elongated fingernails and sliced open the man’s neck. Not a drop of blood squirted out as Jaymes sawed through the limp skin. A loud pop echoed in the alley as the head rolled off. Jaymes looked down in disdain as it hit his new pair of Gucci shoes. He kicked it away, before bending down over the body. Jaymes grabbed the brown leather wallet hanging out of the man’s back pocket and pulled the golden wedding ring from the man’s fat finger.

  Jaymes stared at his artwork, satisfied with how it turned out when something suddenly knocked him to the ground. Jaymes got up, a little disoriented, and looked around. What was that?

  “Meet me in my throne room,” Karver’s voice whispered in Jaymes’s head.

  Jaymes glanced around the dark alley once more before dissipating.

  Jaymes took a quick glimpse around the room as he solidified back at the caves. He noticed that the whole gang was in Karver’s room. Caleb was leaning against the wall with a pissed off look on his face. Caleb wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, but he was a useful little tool sometimes.

  Irritation flooded through Jaymes as Ophelia sauntered over. Her curly brown her danced as she walked towards him. She smiled up at him, her fangs barely showing, as Jaymes attempted to ignore her. He wasn’t interested in being anyone’s stepping stone and Ophelia only cared about one thing: power.

  “Hey sexy,” Ophelia purred as she grabbed Jaymes’s shirt and planted a kiss on his mouth.

  Jaymes shoved her away. “That’s enough, ‘phelia. I’m not in the mood for your games right now.”

  “You can play hard to get all you want, baby,” Ophelia whispered into Jaymes ear. “Just remember, I always get what I want.”

  Jaymes shouldn’t have found what she said appealing, but he did. He ignored her and everything else around him as Karver started to speak.

  “There’s a surge of power that almost knocked me to my feet just a few minutes ago,” Karver said as he looked at everyone in the room. “Did anyone else feel it?”

  “I think we all did,” Jaymes said.

  “Good. I believe it’s coming from somewhere in the East,” Karver informed them as he sat down in the large black chair. “We need to know who or what’s emitting that kind of power.”

  “So… supper was interrupted because of the little power surge we felt?” Caleb asked like a snotty little teenager who had to come in before curfew. He shook his head, but his spiked black hair didn’t move an inch as he stared over at Karver.

  Karver crossed the room and threw Caleb up against the cavern wall by his throat. “Do you have a problem with that?” Karver hissed, “Because if you do, I’m sure I can fix it.”

  “N-n-no. I’m happy to come whenever you call master,” Caleb stuttered as his blue eyes looked down at the dark cavern’s floor.

  Karver set him down. “Lucky for you, I’ve already fed and I’m in quite a good humor,” he told Caleb right before he glared at everyone else in the room, daring them to say a word. “We’re going to find where it’s coming from.”

  Karver paced back and forth before turning to Jaymes. “I want you and Ophelia to track it and report back to me before taking any action.” Karver glanced over at Ophelia and then back to Jaymes. “Tread lightly.”

  “It’ll be done as you wish then,” Jaymes murmured as he bowed.

  Ophelia slowly smiled and bowed to Karver. She loved the thrill of the hunt and her body was already thrumming with the anticipation. She looked into Jaymes’ black eyes and nodded that she was ready. They closed their eyes and dissipated.

  Ophelia and Jaymes reappeared in the woods outside of the caverns. The full moon shone down like a beacon in the dark night. Their already pale skin seemed to glow even brighter as they stood in the moonlight. Somewhere, far off in the distance, an owl hooted, but nothing else dared to stir.

  “So, what’s the plan?” Ophelia asked as she ran her finger down Jayme’s chest.

  Jaymes moved away from her. “We know we need to move towards the East, but until we feel the surge of power again we won’t be able to pinpoint it.”

  “I always did love the thrill of the unknown,” she said as she moved closer to him.

  Jaymes pulled her towards him and grabbed hold of her curly brown hair as he tilted her face up towards his. “Listen closely, Ophelia,” he hissed. “We’ve business to take care of together and that’s it.”

  “Why deny that we can help each other?” she asked as she stared into his black eyes. “You’re the strongest male in the clan besides our leader and I’m the strongest female. It’s in fates design that we be together.”

  “I could easily rip your heart from your chest while you sleep,” he whispered in her ear. “Doesn’t that bother you?”

  Ophelia shook her head as she bared her fangs. “I don’t want a rafa as my male, Jaymes. The thought of being overpowered thrills me. I can’t be with someone weaker than I. You and I make perfect sense.”

  He gave up trying to argue with her. “We’ll head to Oklahoma and find a place to rest. The closer we get, the stronger the waves of power should be and the easier it’ll be to track.”

  Ophelia nodded her acquiescence. “Let the hunt begin.”

  Chapter 5

  Lucy drove to school the next morning with a million thoughts running through her head. The ride home in Michael’s truck last night was fairly quiet and she wasn’t sure what to say. It just didn’t make any sense to her. He was model material and she’d been off every male’s radar her entire life.

  “Oh, great. Just wonderful,” she mumbled as she slowed Betty the Beetle down to almost a complete stop. There was nothing better than getting stuck behind a tractor on a one lane road. The old man driving it looked like he could kick the bucket at any time. Lucy sighed, trying to release her pent up frustration. The weather matched her mood perfectly. The ominous grey clouds covered up the sun like child’s blanket, causing the sky to be overcast. It looked like it was going to come a flood at any moment. It was one of those days that she should have stayed in bed.

  A half hour later, she pulled into the school parking lot. She grabbed her books and hurried towards the school. It would be a miracle if she wasn’t late to her first class.

  Ashton watched from a distance as Lucy made her way to the front door of the school. It looked like she was deep in thought about something. Her golden eyebrows were pinched together in concentration creating creases on her forehead. She sud
denly tripped over her shoelaces and her books went flying in every direction as she pitched forward, falling towards the concrete walkway. Ashton was a blur of movement as he ran towards her. His arms wrapped around her tiny waist, catching her before she fell flat on her face. His nostrils tingled as her enticing scent graced his nose. Lilac. She smelled like fresh lilac.

  Lucy felt a jolt of current run through her as hands wrapped around her saving her face from the cold concrete. She looked up expecting to see Michael holding her. A gasp escaped her lips as she looked into the honey gold eyes of her savior. It was definitely not Michael.

  “Ummmm, thanks for catching me,” Lucy said as he put her down. “I’m not usually so clumsy.”


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