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Sex Piston (Biker Bitches)

Page 5

by Begley, Jamie

  “We want our women.”

  “What women?” Cash asked, blocking Stud from coming any further into the clubhouse.

  “Sex Piston, Crazy Bitch and T.A., you can keep Killyama,” Stud said, looking up the steps. Catching sight of the women at the top of the steps with Rider and Train half naked sparked a fury within him that Sex Piston knew was a result of finding them in another motorcycle club.

  “What in the hell are you doing here, Stud?” Sex Piston yelled, leaning over the railing. Her hair messed up and her top torn, she looked down at the President of the Blue Horseman.

  “Which one touched you?” Stud yelled back.

  “What?” Sex Piston asked in confusion.

  “Which motherfucking asshole touched you? Because they’re going to regret touching something that’s mine.”

  “I’m not yours!” she yelled, putting her hands on her hips and glaring back.

  “You damn sure are. Get your ass down here now!”

  “We’re not going anywhere; we’re staying for a beer.” Smugly, Sex Piston continued to ignore his order.



  Stud signaled his men at her response. Knox didn’t waste time, he moved Diamond back as Stud charged up the stairway after Sex Piston at the same time that the Blue Horsemen came through the doorway in a mass.

  Sex Piston tried to take off running down the hallway, but ran into Viper who had come back down the hallway when he heard the new commotion.

  “Just a minute,” Viper said, preventing Sex Piston from getting away.

  As Stud reached the top of the stairs, seeing Viper holding Sex Piston seemed to piss the biker off even more.

  “Let her go, Viper.”

  “My pleasure.” Viper let Sex Piston’s arm go, and before Sex Piston could move, Stud had her.

  “Let me go,” she said, trying to twist free.

  “Pike.” Stud turned as another Blue Horseman came up the steps. “Take her to the truck.” Sex Piston tried to struggle away, but found herself tossed over the big man’s shoulder.

  Stud turned back to the rest of Sex Piston’s crew. She heard his smartass remark as she was carried out the door. “Now, you can go with her or be carried away, which is it going to be?”

  Chapter Seven

  “You son of a bitch let me go!” Sex Piston pounded on the truck window. Pike ignored her as he leaned on the door from the outside, preventing her from getting out. Bear leaned against the other door. Sex Piston knew it would be even more useless to try with that giant leaning against it.

  “Fuck!” Sex Piston kicked the dashboard with the heel of her boot.

  The truck door opened then and Stud slid into the seat. Putting the key in the ignition, he turned the truck on.

  “Let me out!” Sex Piston screamed at him.

  “No.” Stud remained calm in the face of her fury, which pissed her off even more.

  “How did you even know where we were?”

  “Fat Louise.”

  Sex Piston should have known better than to trust her. She would cave the first time anyone questioned her about where they were.

  “We were only helping Diamond out with Knox,” Sex Piston explained, trying to calm herself down.

  “I don’t give a fuck why you were there. You’ve belonged to the Destructors long enough to know that you don’t go into another MC.”

  “To party. We went to help my sister. There is a difference. She’s in love with the asshole,” Sex Piston argued.

  “What Diamond does is her own business. She doesn’t belong to me, you do.” His clenched jaw showed the fury he was trying to keep in check.

  Sex Piston’s mouth dropped open. “I don’t belong to you. I’m not one of your bitches.”

  “Do you belong to the Destructors?” Stud questioned her loyalty.

  Sex Piston snapped her mouth closed. The Destructors Club wasn’t the same as when Skulls ran it, but she wasn’t ready to walk away from it or her lifelong friends.

  “Yes,” Sex Piston admitted.

  “Then you belong to me. Let’s get something straight right now, Sex Piston. I’ve allowed you and your crew leeway because of your dad, but you keep getting in my face, disrespecting me in front of my brothers, I will cut you loose, regardless of my friendship with him. He wouldn’t expect me to put up with the bullshit you have been throwing my way since I’ve taken over.

  “I’m giving you warning. I’ve had enough and I’m not going to put up with it anymore.” He had never used that tone of voice on her before. It was cold and harsh, leaving no doubt that he would follow through with his warning.

  Sex Piston started to snap back at him, but she had to admit he had a point. She had challenged his authority since he had taken over and he couldn’t lead the Destructors if he allowed himself to be constantly humiliated by the women. He had actually given them more of a chance than anyone else would have in the same situation.

  “I’ll cool it with the attitude at the club.” Sex Piston turned away, looking out the window.

  “That would be a help,” Stud said, trying to keep the amusement out of his voice.

  Sex Piston cast him a sharp glance before looking away again as he no longer tried to hide his attraction to her. He was letting her know that he intended to have her when his gaze lowered to her top that had been ripped in her fight with Evie before catching her eyes with his. Sex Piston saw the steely determination that replaced the amusement on his face.

  Wanting to tell him to go fuck himself, Sex Piston bit back the words as she tried to remain calm and get herself under control. Her temper had never been her strongest trait.

  “I wanted to thank you for helping out with my kids.” He changed the subject, loosening the sexual tension in the cab of the truck.

  “I haven’t done shit.”

  Stud cast her a curious look when she denied her involvement with his kids.

  “It shouldn’t be for much longer. As soon as the Destructors settle down, I’ll leave Bear in charge then head back home.”

  Sex Piston felt a twist in her gut at his words. She wasn’t about to admit she would miss his hellions.

  “They have gotten attached to you,” Stud probed.

  Sex Piston remained quiet, not about to go there.

  When he received no encouragement, Stud quit talking for the remainder of the ride.

  Pulling up in front of her house, Sex Piston grabbed the handle of the truck door about to jump out of the truck.

  “Sex Piston.” She paused, looking back at him when she heard the serious tone in his voice. “Don’t go near The Last Riders again.”

  She climbed out of the truck, slamming the truck door on his demand. She had no intention of going near The Last Riders again. She understood the warning in his voice that he was done giving her any more leeway. Trouble was going to lead to a confrontation she didn’t want. She just had to make it until he returned home then her life would return to normal. Again, she ignored the gut twisting that thought brought forward.

  She was becoming a sappy mess. Her bitches would make fun of her if they knew the thought of Stud and his kids leaving bothered her. Still, when she let herself into her parents’ home and shut the door behind her, she couldn’t resist looking out the side window, watching his truck pull out of the driveway and drive away.

  * * *

  “Watch that motherfucker ride.” Killyama’s voice could be heard over the roar of the crowd as they watched the motorcycles race over the indoor track.

  Sex Piston knew which rider she was complimenting. He was a newcomer none of them had seen before at the races. His lean body controlled the bike at a speed that had put him in the lead from the beginning. None of the other riders could keep up with the skill he was showing, cutting through the bikers as they traveled the course.

  A biker hit the wall of the course, wrecking his bike with a flare of sparks. The biker they were admiring dodged both the biker and his machine in a maneuve
r that should have had him joining the fallen biker on the pavement, but he held his machine steady in a show of skill that Sex Piston hadn’t ever seen in all the times she had been going to the motorcycle races.

  “I want me some of that,” Crazy Bitch cooed.

  “Me, too,” Killyama said excitedly.

  T.A. and Fat Louise were also hanging over the rails in the nosebleed section of the huge coliseum.

  “Who is he? I haven’t seen him at any of the races before.” Sex Piston made no attempt to keep the admiration out of her voice.

  “I don’t know, but I plan to find out,” Crazy Bitch yelled as the biker gained even more speed as two bikers tried to cut him off to slow him down. Making a move, he slid between the two bikers with barely room to spare.

  “Damnnn,” Sex Piston said, grabbing Crazy Bitch by the arm. All five women yelled when he won the race easily. None of them cared their favorites had lost.

  “He kicked some ass with that race,” Killyama said. “Why haven’t we seen him race before? Think he’s new?”

  “Not riding the way he just did.” Sex Piston raised on her tiptoes, trying to get a better view of the biker.

  An older man sitting next to them butted into their conversation. “That’s Wyatt Riggs. He quit racing about nine years ago. When I saw his name on the list of riders I couldn’t believe it. He won the championship cup two years in a row. No one could touch him. He even competed in other countries and won.”

  “Why did he quit if he was such hot shit?” Killyama asked.

  “No one knows. He just quit competing.” The man shrugged.

  A voice came over the loud speakers as the winners were announced.

  “Let’s go lower. I want to see what this dude looks like,” Crazy Bitch said.

  The women turned, heading down the steps and the exit from their area. It took them several minutes to get down to the lower floor where the guard blocked the entrance, but T.A. grabbed his attention while the others slid by him. They were still at the back of the crowd, but at least now the women had a view of what was going on; the huge monitors more easily seen, not the blur they were before.

  “Next time we’re getting better seats,” Sex Piston muttered, frustrated they couldn’t get any closer.

  The riders were called to collect their trophies. The women ignored their previous favorites, waiting anxiously for Riggs’s name to be called. Finally, his name was announced and the crowd went crazy.

  Sex Piston’s breath caught in her throat and she was sure her eyes were deceiving her at the man who walked forward to claim his trophy. A woman wearing red booty shorts and a Harley t-shirt handed him his trophy then kissed him full on the mouth, treating the huge crowd to the voracious kiss.

  “Is that who I think it is…?” Crazy Bitch asked.

  “It can’t be that fucking asshole. No way,” Killyama said.

  “It’s Stud!” Fat Louise exclaimed.

  Chapter Eight

  Sex Piston couldn’t believe that Stud was the man on the stage, who her and her crew had been cheering on minutes before.

  “Why didn’t he tell everyone he was a racer or that he was riding this weekend?” Fat Louise asked.

  Watching the everlasting kiss on stage, Sex Piston started getting pissed, and she didn’t know why.

  “Probably afraid he would lose and didn’t want to be embarrassed,” Crazy Bitch said snidely.

  “Don’t think he was too worried about losing the way he can ride. I can’t stand the fucker, but he can ride a bike,” Killyama said with reluctant admiration in her voice.

  “Let’s go; I want to beat this crowd out of here.” Sex Piston turned on her heel, intending to leave when she ran into a hard chest that was blocking her path.

  “Enjoy the show?” Pike asked.

  “I was,” Sex Piston said, trying to go around the biker.

  “Why don’t you guys come with me and we can go congratulate Stud on his win?” Pike looked over Sex Piston’s shoulder. She turned to see that Stud was trying to leave the stage, but several fans had stopped his progress.

  “I think he’s getting enough praise without us.” Sex Piston jerked her head to the women and men trying to get closer.

  “We can go backstage. I have a pass.” Without waiting for her answer, he took her arm and led her through the crowd.

  Sex Piston tried to jerk away, not wanting to see Stud. “Wait…”

  Pike ignored her, propelling her through the crowd with a strength she couldn’t get away from as much as she tried. Her crew followed, wide-eyed, trying to keep up with them despite the heavy crowd. Pike wound his way through the crowd before coming to a barrier where he flashed a pass and the guard stepped away, allowing them entrance.

  He stopped the rest of her crew before they could pass. “Wait, he’s not letting the others pass through.”

  Sex Piston tried harder to get away, but Pike kept her moving forward.

  “I’ll go back for them in a minute,” he promised.

  A corridor led to a room where several of the bikers were standing around talking to each other. Pike stopped when Stud saw them. Sex Piston watched Stud leave the biker he was chatting with, coming immediately toward her. She stopped struggling against Pike’s hold, not wanting to embarrass herself in front of him.

  “Enjoy the race, Sex Piston?” She felt his eyes slide over her body.

  She was wearing a tight, black, leather jumpsuit with a silver zipper up the front which she had left unzipped to show the cleavage between her breasts, and black boots that came to her thighs. Her hair was fluffed out and curled. She had felt a lot of male eyes on her during the night, but none of them had aroused her to the extent that Stud’s quick glance had evoked within her body.

  “I’ve seen better,” she lied.

  She saw the happiness in his eyes. It was such a stark contrast to the usual bored expression they held. Sex Piston didn’t think there wasn’t much in life that Stud hadn’t experienced. The race must have given him the adrenaline rush that was missing from his life.

  Sex Piston felt Pike move at her back.

  “Tell her crew Sex Piston is riding home with me,” Stud told Pike.

  She turned to stop him, but he had disappeared in the milling crowd before she could.

  “I didn’t say that I would ride home with you,” she tried to argue with Stud.

  “I didn’t ask.” Taking her by the arm, he led her down the corridors until he came to a double door watched by a guard.

  “Great race, Wyatt.”


  Going through the metal doors, Sex Piston saw the crowd waiting. Women rushed forward, trying to get his autograph, and two security guards had to help them maneuver through the large crowd. Stud got on his bike, waiting for Sex Piston to get on. Reluctantly, with the crowd watching, she climbed on behind him before taking the helmet he held out for her. Stud then started the motor and pulled out slowly until he came to the road, merging into the busy Louisville traffic.

  It was dark outside and the lights made the city beautiful. The bike took a turn and soon they were gaining speed on the interstate heading home. She was thankful the leather outfit she wore kept her warm; it was a three-hour drive home. When they stopped for gas, Stud had pulled out a leather jacket from his saddlebag for her to put on.

  Sex Piston enjoyed the ride, confident in his abilities even before she had seen him race tonight.

  They drove through a quiet Jamestown. Sex Piston’s arms around his waist stiffened when he passed the turn off to her street. Stud kept driving, going down another street a couple miles away before turning into a driveway of an older home.

  Cutting the motor, he got off the bike and then waited for her.

  Sex Piston slowly got off the bike, calling herself every kind of an idiot as she followed him inside the darkened house.

  “Where are your kids?”

  “My aunt has them this weekend,” Stud answered.

  Sex Piston look
ed around the sparsely furnished home. It had a couch that looked new with a dining room table that also seemed as if it had just been purchased. Actually, staring around the small room, everything seemed as if it was brand new. The home was small, but was clean and organized.

  Stud went into the other room as Sex Piston followed slowly behind him. He turned the light on in the kitchen and then moved toward the refrigerator.


  “Yeah,” she answered.

  He pulled out a pack of hamburger meat before going to the cabinet and retrieving a frying pan. Sex Piston watched as he began preparing them a meal. While he fried the burgers, she went to the table and took a seat, enjoying the movements of his muscular body as he moved around the kitchen.

  “How long have you been racing?” Sex Piston asked, no longer able to keep her curiosity at bay.

  “Since I was fourteen. My dad raced bikes.” He shrugged as he flipped the burgers. “I went to all his races. I began racing as soon as I was old enough.”

  “Does your dad still ride?”

  “Not anymore.” Stud handed her a plate with her burger. Going to the refrigerator, he grabbed her a bottle of water and a beer for himself.

  “Why don’t I get a beer?” Sex Piston asked, taking a bite of her burger.

  “Because when I fuck you this time you’re going to be sober,” he said, looking her in the eyes.

  Sex Piston almost choked on her food. Finally managing to swallow the bite of food, she took a drink of water while giving him a glare at the amusement he made no effort to hide.

  “Very funny,” she snapped.

  “I wasn’t joking,” he said before taking another bite of his burger.

  “It’s not going to happen, Stud.”

  “Why not?”

  She opened her mouth to answer him, but he raised his hand before she could say something hateful. “And don’t lie and say you don’t want to because I know you do.”

  “Dude, if your dick was as big as your ego, I’d fuck you. But since it’s not, I think I’ll pass.” Sex Piston smirked at her answer.

  Stud lips twitched. “My dick is big enough to satisfy you.”


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