Book Read Free

Time Catcher

Page 24

by Cheree Peters

  I’ve been trying to piece together what Corbin was talking about. I thought he was crazy before stealing Jay’s Ability, but with all the scratching and muttering, it seems his mind has actually snapped. I assume the virus Corbin was talking about is the Variant ‘virus’, which is how Duncan has always referred to Variants’ Abilities. Corbin’s ravings about controlling the virus don’t make sense to me. Hopefully when Jay wakes up he will be able to explain. Not that Jay ever explains much.

  I look down at my wrist, blank and unblemished by any mark. My wrist hasn’t tingled in over a day but I suppose that’s a good sign, seeing that Corbin so badly wants to know what my Ability is. I wonder what my Token will be. It seems that Tokens represent a Variant’s Ability, but I don’t see how Jay’s tree represents his Ability of Air Warping. Eli’s is more understandable. It’s almost like a black hole, representing his Ability to transport through space. And the circular, swirling symbol within the triangle on Corbin’s wrist – my father’s Token – may represent twisting through space. After a few hours, I conclude that the prongs of Corbin’s own Token represent his Ability to split someone else’s Ability from them. Perhaps the branches of Jay’s Token represent a shield? Maybe they signify a force-field coming from the trunk? I shake my head. That doesn’t sound right to me. It’s just another thing I’ll have to ask Jay when he eventually wakes up.

  As I scratch at my burns for the millionth time, Jay stirs. I rush over to him, taking his hand and receiving a light squeeze. All of a sudden he sits bolt upright and I flinch away.

  ‘Jay, how are you?’

  Breathing heavily, his eyes dart around the Chamber.


  He snaps his head in my direction, looking at me with confused eyes.

  ‘Jay, it’s okay. You’re all right. We’re in the Chamber, remember?’

  He scans the glass room, clutching his sore ribs. ‘What happened?’

  It’s ironic that he is now the one with memory problems. ‘Your father, I mean Corbin, he took . . . he stole your Ability.’

  Jay sits completely still, but his breathing becomes more rapid. He brings his arm up and looks at his wrist.

  ‘Where is he?’ He jumps up and walks to the glass wall facing the stairwell and desk. Dr Kelvin looks up and then picks up a transceiver, talking quietly into it.

  ‘He’s not here. Listen Jay, I know you’ve been through a lot, but we need to talk.’

  Jay whirls around and rushes to me. ‘What did he do? Did he hurt you?’

  ‘No, I’m fine. But Corbin isn’t.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  I tell Jay about Corbin’s odd behaviour and his mutterings about the virus.

  ‘When he says “virus”, does he mean the Variants’ Abilities?’

  Jay paces, uncomfortably reminding me of his father. ‘People suspect that our Abilities are just a virus created by the toxins that were released after the war three hundred years ago. They theorise that the virus is held in our Tokens, that the Tokens cause our Abilities.’

  ‘Take our Tokens away and we’re “normal”,’ I say slowly. ‘That’s what he meant! He’s taking Abilities from Variants, absorbing them into himself.’

  ‘Two so far. But he can’t handle them all.’

  ‘Yes! He said he can control them, but from how he was behaving . . .’ I move closer to Jay and say quietly, looking over at the desk, ‘Dr Kelvin had to sedate him.’

  Jay stops pacing, looking over at Dr Kelvin, monitoring her screen and typing on her keyboard, completely unconcerned by us. ‘He now has three Abilities, Thea. His body can’t contain so many for long.’ He recommences his pacing.

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘There’s a reason you don’t inherit both parents’ Abilities if they’re both Variants. Because we aren’t designed to hold more than one, our bodies can’t cope with the strain. Don’t you think after all these centuries if Variants were able to contain more than one Ability we would?’

  His explanation makes sense. From watching Eli, and even myself, the verve required to fuel an Ability depletes quite quickly. With two or more Abilities, there’s not enough verve to supply them all.

  ‘What will happen to him?’

  He stops again. ‘His mind is slowly losing control. He won’t die.’ I hear disappointment in his voice. ‘But as long as he holds the three Abilities, he won’t have complete control of himself.’

  ‘Why didn’t you tell me Corbin took my father’s Ability?’

  He looks at me in surprise. ‘I thought you knew. When you remembered who he really was I thought your memory must have returned.’

  ‘Not all of it.’

  ‘I’m sorry. I swear I would have mentioned it if I thought you didn’t know.’

  I look at him for a moment, trying to assess if he’s being genuine. ‘All right.’

  ‘All right, as in “all right, I believe you”?’

  ‘All right, as in all right. After all the lying and omissions, I don’t know what to believe, Jay.’

  He’s hurt. But so am I. I’m still upset by his secretiveness. ‘How are you feeling?’ I ask.

  ‘I’m feeling . . . fine. I feel different, but I don’t know how to explain it.’

  ‘Hopefully you won’t have to get used to feeling different.’ I recall Corbin saying I could save Jay. ‘I think he’ll return your Ability. It’s part of his plan.’

  Jay looks at me curiously. ‘What do you mean, “part of his plan”?’

  ‘He’ll give you your Ability back when I tell him what my Ability is.’

  ‘No, Thea! You can’t. Once he knows he’ll find a way to get it from you!’

  ‘It doesn’t matter if he does,’ I say calmly. ‘He can’t control three Abilities without cracking up, how will he control four Abilities?’

  Jay gently holds my arms. ‘Thea–’

  ‘He will find out eventually.’


  ‘We have to get out of here somehow and I can’t Time Catch Variants. Eli says my Ability may develop and I’ll be able to, but who knows?’ I scrunch my nose at the familiar smoky smell. ‘Oh no,’ I say, looking up.

  Jay follows my gaze. Gas pumps into the Chamber.

  I wake to find the Chamber completely changed. Jay opens his eyes as I sit up.

  A single metal bed with a thin mattress is against the glass wall on the left, and two chairs and a small table, also steel, are on the right-hand side of the room. The set-up is similar to how the Chamber used to be when I was held here years ago.

  Seeing more food laid out on the small table, Jay and I ravenously devour it without a second thought. The cold chicken and green beans have no flavour and I don’t care if they’ve put drugs in the food; I’m so hungry I would eat anything. I recline on an uncomfortable chair, feeling a bit sick from eating so fast, while Jay lies on the bed.

  After another twenty minutes, Jay finally speaks. ‘This is what it was like when they brought you here all those years ago?’

  ‘Pretty much.’

  ‘Except the company is infinitely better this time around.’ For the first time since we’ve been in here, Jay’s smirk is back. I hadn’t realised I missed it.

  ‘The company’s all right, I suppose.’

  He throws the flat pillow at me without much force. I pick it up and launch it back at him. My throw isn’t much better. ‘I hope you don’t think that you’re getting the bed.’

  ‘I don’t know if I’d call it a bed. It’s wickedly uncomfortable.’

  ‘You get used to it.’



  Another voice enters the conversation. ‘It is time to get to work.’ I turn to see Duncan at the glass door.

  Neither of us noticed Duncan and Corbin step out from the stairwell with the ever-present scar-faced sentinel behind them. I gasp when I see Harries standing next to the sentinel. His face is blank.

  Corbin seems under control, not muttering to himself or
fidgeting with his Tokens.

  Jay and I stand as Corbin enters with Scar-face and Dr Kelvin, a large syringe in her hand. It’s dispiriting to realise they have no fear of us. With Corbin having three Abilities and Jay having lost his, of course they believe I will not use mine.

  Jay’s hand slips into mine as they approach.

  ‘Hello, son.’

  Jay doesn’t respond.

  ‘Oh, don’t sulk. If Thea cooperates, you’ll get your Ability back.’

  Duncan watches from outside, cupping his chin in his scarred left hand, Harries behind him.

  ‘Or because you can’t survive with it,’ I say.

  ‘Excuse me?’

  ‘I noticed you raving earlier. Dr Kelvin here had to drug you before you caused more mayhem. You have three Abilities now and your mind and body can’t handle it. You have to give Jay’s Ability back for your sake, not his.’

  Corbin’s mouth tightens and his eyes narrow. ‘You always have to be right, don’t you, Thea Reid?’

  ‘What do you want this time?’

  ‘My Ability was never intended to absorb other Variants’ Abilities, Thea. I had to hone my skills and manipulate it. I did it. I created a new Ability,’ he says exultantly.

  ‘Would you like a medal?’

  ‘Enough!’ Duncan yells. ‘Get to the test. I want to know if it will work.’

  ‘Come here, my dear.’ Corbin motions to me with his long fingers. My grip tightens around Jay’s hand. ‘Come here or I will make you come here.’

  I stay where I am. Dr Kelvin raises the needle.

  All of a sudden, Corbin disappears. In the next moment, I hear a whooshing sound, then arms clamp around me and I begin to move. The swirling sensation buffets me for only a second and my feet feel the ground again. I am standing a metre from Dr Kelvin, Corbin pinning my arms to my sides.

  ‘Now, my dear, hold still,’ Corbin whispers in my ear.

  I flash back to when he pulled me off the ground after the explosions five years ago and fight against the urge to use my Ability. Out of the corner of my eye I see Jay surge towards us but Scar-face strides over, stopping his progress.

  Dr Kelvin approaches with the needle. I try to squirm away from it, but Corbin’s rangy arms are surprisingly strong. The tip of the syringe is huge and the liquid inside is an unhealthy reddish-black colour. I’m used to needles, but this is the biggest one I’ve ever seen.

  My neck is stretched as far back as possible. Corbin holds my head still with one hand while keeping the other firmly around my body. I hold in a scream as the tip of the needle punctures my neck and I feel the liquid pour into my vein, heavy and thick.

  I don’t realise Corbin has let me go until I drop to my knees, unsupported. My whole body feels heavy, the viscous fluid infecting me. I feel a headache beginning and my left wrist aches.

  Corbin and Dr Kelvin leave with Scar-face.

  Jay rushes over to me and cradles my head.

  The headache spreads its tendrils through my brain and I can’t form words.

  ‘What did you do to her?’

  I glance up. Dr Kelvin is seated behind her desk and Corbin, Duncan and Harries silently watch me intently from the other side of the glass while Scar-face leers unpleasantly.

  ‘What did you do to her?’ Jay yells, and I bring my heavy hands up to my aching head.

  I hold myself up, breathing heavily. Jay hauls me onto the bed. I close my eyes but my head pounds and my body twitches from whatever Dr Kelvin injected into me.

  I don’t know how much time passes. Perhaps a day, perhaps only a few hours. Jay sits by the bed the entire time. At first he asks me questions, but he soon gives up when I can’t respond.

  Finally, my head is clearing and the ache in my left arm is subsiding.

  I turn my head on the pillow and look out at Duncan, Corbin, Dr Kelvin and Dr Veldt. All this time, they have waited outside the Chamber, speaking and writing notes. They see me only as a subject to study, avoiding my eyes. Only one holds my gaze. I stare at Harries, searching for some emotion in his face.

  I slowly get up, surprising Jay. Dr Veldt notices and alerts the others. They all stop talking and look towards me. Corbin smiles while Duncan watches me closely.

  Alone, Corbin enters the Chamber.

  Jay jumps up from his chair and takes a few steps towards his father. ‘What was in the needle? What did you give her?’

  Corbin gestures and Harries rushes in with Scar-face. They run over to Jay and force him to his knees. Harries holds him while Scar-face grips Jay’s left arm, extending it out towards Corbin.

  I try pushing myself up off the bed, needing a few bounces to muster the momentum. Harries looks at me over Jay’s head.

  Jay tries to wriggle his way out of the hold but he can’t budge it. ‘What are you doing? Let go of me!’

  Corbin glides towards Jay, standing only a metre away from him. He stretches out his left hand towards Jay.

  ‘Don’t touch me!’

  ‘Calm yourself, son, I am not going to hurt you. Not now, anyway.’

  Duncan looks on with fanatical eyes, almost licking his lips in eagerness. I take sluggish steps towards them and open my mouth to speak, but my voice is still lost. A blue light erupts from Corbin’s hand, slowly moving towards Jay’s outstretched hand. The light enters Jay’s hand and I hear his sharp intake of breath. Corbin falls to his knees.

  The sentinels let go of Jay and I stagger towards him. I stumble and Harries catches me, holding me upright. We lock eyes momentarily before I push away. Jay is breathing heavily, his right hand splayed on the ground, holding him up. Corbin is in a similar pose, also panting. I reach Jay and he grasps my arm, pulling me down to my knees. He glances at me before pushing his left sleeve back and examining his wrist.

  His Token is as black as ever it was.

  Corbin stays on the ground, trying to get his breath back. Although affected by returning Jay’s Ability, he isn’t comatose, as Jay was. Jay nods at me to tell me he’s all right.

  While Scar-face helps Corbin to his feet, Harries exits the Chamber to stand beside Duncan, who looks on with a smile.

  Once Corbin is on his feet, he pants, ‘Now, my dear, it is time to see if it has worked.’

  ‘If what has worked?’

  ‘The serum I gave you, of course!’

  The glee in his face has returned. Now that he no longer has Jay’s Ability, he seems more focused and jovial. He looks back at Duncan and nods.

  Harries enters the stairwell.

  ‘What does the serum do?’ I ask.

  ‘The serum is a synthetic version of my own Hyper Absorption.’ I look at him with confusion. ‘I have been working on this synthetic Ability for years. Testing and developing it on other Variants within this very Chamber but with little success. But you, you are different. You are a Descendant and it will work.’

  I stand, my strength slowly returning. ‘What will work?’

  ‘With the serum coursing through your veins, you will be able to absorb other Variants’ Abilities.’

  ‘Why would I want to absorb anyone else’s Ability? Unlike you, I’m not crazy. And obviously, I don’t want to go crazy by having more than one Ability!’

  Corbin smiles and I take solace that his smile is nothing like Jay’s smirk. ‘But you have no choice, my dear. You will take my son’s Ability from him.’

  ‘No! No, I will not!’

  ‘I must know if your Descendant blood will allow you to viably hold two Abilities.’

  ‘But you’ve already given me yours!’

  ‘No, my dear, the serum’s effects are only temporary, which is why we need to be quick about this.’

  ‘I won’t do it!’

  Corbin smiles, turning towards the stairwell. I take a step back in shock. I never thought I’d see her again. Walking her towards the Chamber, Harries grips her arm with one hand and with the other points his maserlock at Tahan’s head. He pulls her to a stop just inside the Chamber.

; I don’t know what to do. At this moment, I don’t care that she may have betrayed me. All I see is my best friend in danger because of me.

  Corbin speaks. ‘You will take Jay’s Ability or she will die.’

  Jay quickly stands, whipping around to face me. ‘Thea, you can’t,’ he whispers. ‘What if she’s the traitor? She could be in on this.’

  He’s right. I know he’s right. But that doesn’t stop my heart from telling me I need to save her. ‘They’ll find another way to get me to do it, Jay.’

  ‘Thea, no! I’m not saying this because I don’t want to lose my Ability. I’m saying this because you won’t be able to contain two Abilities. You’re only just learning about your own, what do you think will happen to you if you have two?’

  ‘We’ll find out.’

  He takes both my hands. ‘Thea!’

  I stare at Tahan, trying to gauge her loyalties. She’s trembling and her eyes are full of unshed tears. I see nothing but fear. I look at Duncan and have my answer. Regardless of whether she is the traitor, I am certain that he will kill her if I don’t comply.

  ‘I’ll do it.’

  Corbin’s gleeful smile spreads. ‘Excellent. Now, you must concentrate on my son’s blue light. You must control the Air Warp light. You must make a connection with my son and his Ability.’

  I nod my understanding. I take a step away from Jay and look at him.

  ‘No. I won’t do it.’ Jay backs towards the wall.

  ‘I have orders to kill her, and I will,’ Harries says.

  ‘She’s a traitor. I don’t care.’

  I look at Jay, astounded. How could he say that? He doesn’t even think she is the traitor, he thinks it’s Finn.

  ‘I will count to three.’

  ‘Jay, please!’




  I look from Jay to Tahan and back again. ‘John, please!’


  ‘I’ll do it!’ Jay’s head is low.

  Relief washes over me. But then the anxiety hits. What if I can’t do it?


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