Disorder (The Stellar Series Book 2)

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Disorder (The Stellar Series Book 2) Page 11

by Rebecca Clark

  Even though he can't see us, I hold my breath. The guard passes by without pausing. He really didn't see us. The cloak works. I'm not sure what I would have done otherwise.

  I spring up off the ground and motion Ayu to follow me. The familiarity of my surroundings comfort me as I remember Miri running and dancing throughout the hallway. As we approach her doorway another invisible wall is in place. Could this mean she's behind the door? Could she be here? Excitement and adrenaline take over.

  My hands, flush with the invisible, magical wall, plead for a way in. A hole appears and I work at opening it wider so I can wedge myself between the invisible wall and the door to her room. I work quickly, eager to get in and rescue her. I flash Ayu a concerned look and push the door open.

  Anger is quick to replace the excitement that I had only seconds ago. "Michael, what are you doing here?"

  "I swear, Alexa, it's not what it looks like." Michael paces back in forth in front of me. "I left Aurora a few days ago and came straight here. I was trying to play the Queen against herself. I was going to offer her information about you and your whereabouts, all fake of course." Michael let out an exaggerated breath. "But Makin knew I was lying. He immediately knew and refused me when I asked to see the Queen."

  "Did you see Miri?"

  "No, I believe she's with the other prisoners in the cells on the other side of the island. I didn't go straight there because I thought maybe she would believe me and we would have some sort of an edge." Michael's face is filled with an even mix of disappointment and desperation.

  "Okay, well the castle here seems pretty empty. Where's the Queen?" I'm not sure if I'm buying Michael's story but for now I'll play along and keep an eye on him. How did I not notice him leave Aurora? How did he slip by Jax? Something isn't adding up.

  "I don't know. Makin put me in here and said that he should have taken care of me a long time ago. He's never trusted me, apparently."

  "You didn't see my mother?"

  "No, when I arrived it was only a few guards and Makin. Something is definitely off here." Michael confirmed my gut feeling. Something big is happening and I can't put my finger on it.

  "Who cast the spell to lock you in here?" I ask.

  "I don't know. All I saw was Makin and two other guards I'd never seen before."

  "Something is not right."

  "I agree, can we get out of here now?" Michael balls his fists up and bites back his anger with a clenched jaw.

  "Yes." I spin around and motion Ayu to the door. "I want to make sure we're on the same page here, stick close by. I'm going to use an invisibility cloak to get us out of here."

  Michael nods his head. I can tell he heard me but his mind is elsewhere. I assume he's thinking about his father and little brother. I imagine the cloak and once I feel the weight of it, something I'm sure only I can feel, I lead the way out of Miri's bedroom.

  Time to find Ry and come up with another plan. Approaching the stairs, I can hear the sound of heavy footsteps in combination with a muffled growl below me. I extend my neck so I can peer around the corner of the wall and down the stairs. Even in the stark darkness I can see Ry at the mercy of a guard. He's chained and being dragged towards the front door.

  My breath hitches in my throat and panic starts to consume me. A shaking starts in my hands and travels to my body leaving a wake of numbness.

  I fight with myself before I make a move. I need to do something before I lose the opportunity. I drop the cloak and use all of my energy to free Ry. I watch Ayu buzz down the stairs headed straight for the guard's head. The guard drops the chain he's dragging Ry with. I use the moment of surprise Ayu gave me to pick the guard up by his feet and swing him around in the air.

  Michael swiftly moves down the stairs and helps free Ry from the chains. Before I can think twice the guard is no longer hanging in the air. Ry uses his ability to bring him back down to the cement floor and chain him up. Ry catches my eye and nods. Was that his way of thanking me? I doubt it.

  Running down the stairs two at a time I trip and go flying. I extend my arms to brace myself for my epic fall. Clenching my eyes closed I don't fight the inevitable. I wait a few minutes but nothing. One eye at a time I peer out to see what's happened. I see Michael's white-toothed grin and realize that he's caught me.

  "Are you okay?" Michael asks.

  "Umm, yeah, I'm fine. Thanks." I smile and add, "Even as an alien I'm still a klutz."

  Michaels's strong, hulking arms gently place me on the ground. My body becomes rigid with disappointment. For a moment I was comforted, but why? He has been nothing but trouble for me. I'm not sure I can even trust what he says.

  "Anytime, Alexa." His glance lingers a tad bit too long and I can tell something is going on in that head of his.

  I approach Ry to see if he's found out anything.

  "Great trip there, Princess." Ry's eyes open wide with concern. "Are you okay?"

  "Yeah, I'm fine. Did you find out anything? I mean before you were captured?" I couldn't help but add the snide remark; it's only fair, as he would do the same to me.

  "I tried to listen into the conversation between the guards but I couldn't get close enough without being seen. It seems there was no invisibility cloak."

  "I-I didn't mean to. I thought you knew I would need all of my power." I stutter while I chastise myself for not warning him before we departed.

  Ry lets out a stifled laugh, "Got ya!"

  "Not funny."

  "For some reason, I can't draw all of my power in here. I could on the beach though. Do you feel as if your powers are the same as before?" Ry's dark eyes glisten in the little light emitting from the door leading to the beach. The sun is rising.

  "I can't tell a difference but I am new to all of this," I answer.

  Ry looks directly into my eyes with all teasing aside he calmly asks, "Can you trust Michael?"

  I look over to Michael and Ayu as they discuss strategy. "I'm not too sure," I honestly reply.

  "Okay, that's all I need to know. Next we need to figure out why my powers are suspended while yours are working." I nod in agreement. "There must be a spell over this castle, let's head out and over toward the other end of the island. If there are cells there perhaps Miri will be there too."

  "Okay, let's go." I motion my hands toward Michael and Ayu and point them to the door.

  We're headed to the other end of the island, I relay to Ayu.

  Do you think Miri is there? Ayu responds.

  I'm not sure.

  Slowly, I place my hand on the doorknob and turn it to the right. The door creaks open exposing the island. I take one giant leap out of the castle into daybreak. Immediately I feel the heat on my skin. My eyes pop open with amusement as I watch Ry try to intimidate Michael by standing too close and staring down at him. However, Michael is no pushover. He takes a step toward Ry.

  "Okay boys, stop your arguing." I raise my eyebrows and flash an irritated smirk. "Which way are we going?"

  Glaring at Ry, Michael extends his arm and points straight ahead. "That way, Alexa. That's where Miri and my family are being kept. I'm sure of it."

  "Does anyone else feel like this may be a trap?" Ayu nervously buzzes between the three of us.

  I wish there was something I could say to calm him but I don't dare lie to him. "Yes, Ayu, this most certainly does feel like a trap. It's way too easy to get in here. And where is everyone?"

  Without hesitation, I walk straight ahead. I sure hope my abilities are strong enough. I push the unsettled feeling brewing in my stomach away and internally chastise myself. There is no time for second guesses or plan b's. We are here and we must look for Miri.

  If Jax and I really do have a special connection then he will hear me. I send my version of an SOS and hope he receives it in time to help us if we need it.

  Jax, can you hear me? We may be in some sort of danger. I believe we're headed right into a trap and there's no going back. It's too quiet here. Michael is here too. My gut is te
lling me that something is radically wrong.

  I'm sorry.

  Chapter Fourteen

  I stare at the mound of dirt located on the slope side of the hill. We approach with caution, as this is the infamous holding center for anyone who acts against the Queen. I was expecting a large jail cell. Something tall with barbed wire surrounding it. Michael assures me it is a large holding area but since it is buried beneath us it's hard to tell.

  Ry and Michael split up and move around the hidden cells looking for guards. Michael was adamant that there'd be guards. They must be hiding.

  "Use your magic to feel for others that may be present in the cells," Ayu suggests.

  I close my eyes and push my senses outward. Entering the hidden barracks I immediately notice the absence of magic. No invisible wall, no humming, I move myself through the dark and sandy walkways. As I approach the far side of the structure I hear steady footsteps echoing beneath me.

  "Alexa, Alexa, come back." Michael gently tugs at my arm, which snaps my senses back to my physical body. He flashes me a look of concern and my heart sinks.

  "What, what's happened?" I ask breathlessly like I've been running for hours.

  "This place is deserted. Not one guard. Did you sense anything in the cells?" Hope flashes across his face but only for a fleeting moment.

  "Yes, I did sense someone but the being wasn't on the first level. I didn't get a glimpse or a read on who it might be. Something is definitely wrong though, the place is empty."

  "Princess, it seems as if this has all been a trap, or worse a diversion," Ry interrupts as he emerges from the woods. "No one is here. The question is, where are they?"

  Bile begins to rise in the back of my throat. What have we done? What's happening? "I'm going to see who the being is in the cells and then we will leave." Before anyone can argue with me I'm off toward the cells. I'm hopeful it's Miri but my heart already knows it's not her.

  As soon as I enter the building I take the metal stairs located to the right of the door. I follow the spiral staircase as it descends into the underground cell. Once I step off the final step I firmly plant my feet on the dirt beneath me and quickly amend to my surroundings.

  I push my senses out. Immediately I pick up on a being towards the back of the structure. I steady myself and move toward the vision my senses revealed. My feet don't fail me as they take me directly to the location. I hesitate on the last few steps knowing around the corner I will be faced with a being that most likely isn't Miri.

  "Michael?" The boy's little voice is full of terror.

  I speed up and turn the corner. There he sits. A smaller version of Michael balled up in the corner of the cell. He buries his head into his arms, afraid to see who was here.

  "Jonah, is that you?" I try to put on a brave face but the tears steadily fall from my eyes. It's unsettling seeing a little boy locked up in a dungeon all by himself.

  The little boy lifts his head to meet my gaze. "You're the princess, aren't you? She told me you'd come for me." Jonah runs towards the bars to meet me.

  "Who told you?"

  "My best friend, Miri." He sighs, "She told me not to be afraid and that the most beautiful princess would come and save me."

  A smile blossoms across my face. Miri always knows how to comfort those around her. It's her gift. "Do you know where they took Miri?"

  "No, I'm sorry, princess. The guards came in here and took her and my father." A strip of white skin reveals itself under Jonah's eye as a tear falls from his face.

  "That's okay, Jonah, we will find them both," I say. "Michael is here, too."

  "He is?" A wide grin shows his white teeth, a stark contrast to his dirt-covered face.

  "Jonah, can you back away from the bars? I'm going to open them and I don't want to hurt you."

  With a quick nod Jonah moves back toward the corner of his cell. Closing my eyes, I use all my strength to open the cell. The bars clank together but nothing happens. Falling to my knees I place my hands on the bars and will them to open. The metal beneath my fingers starts to warm, within minutes the warmth is scalding hot but for some reason the now-red bars don't hurt me. Instead I pull the bars apart the best I can. I'm able to make a hole large enough for Jonah to squeeze out of. Satisfied, I let go.

  "Are you okay?" Jonah's little voice now feels so far away.

  "I will be okay, I need to rest a moment." I realize I'm only whispering, as I don't have the energy to speak. Throbbing pain begins behind my eyes and radiates down my neck. I close my eyes and lie down next to the cell. I hear faint footsteps approach from behind me.

  "Alexa!" Ry's voice is the last thing I hear before darkness engulfs me.

  I flutter my eyes to see that I'm surrounded by inviting purple-stemmed green flowers swaying in the breeze. Sitting up, I immediately see Jax walking towards me. He's here in our field. Somehow this place maintains a whole new level of magic and intrigue. I jump up to my feet anxious to greet him.

  My entire body tingles when he reaches for me. His warmth steadies me as my knees simultaneously weaken. Something's not right. Before I can ask, his lips firmly press against mine. I welcome the surprise and meet his force. Immediately I feel our connection. That spark I felt when we first touched in the field is still present. I wonder what it means.

  Pulling away, I watch as a single tear falls from his gorgeous, once tranquil eye. Creases of worry plague his usual stoic face. "What's wrong, Jax, you're scaring me!"

  "It was a set-up, Alexa. They've attacked Aurora and we weren't ready." Jax's voice drops off at the end and I now watch as he clutches his right side.

  "What happened? Are you okay? Where's Kalus?" I can't help but fire off the questions as they come to mind. My whole being is numb as I collapse onto my knees alongside Jax.

  "I've been hit. I'm not sure how bad it is. I'm so sorry I've failed you and all the beings in Aurora that believed in me. Most of them are gone."

  "Don't talk like that! Please, Jax, you will be okay. I'm coming back and I'll make this right." The tears were flowing now and there was no stopping them.

  "Remember, Alexa, you are strong and more than capable of anything you imagine. Promise me something, will you?"

  "Don't talk like that, Jax, please," I cry.

  "Promise me that you will not deem yourself a victim of the past. Live in the present. Be the best being you can and do not hold grudges. You have a lot of beings that care about you." Jax moves his hands through my hair and pulls me towards him in an effort to lessen my sobs. "Everything will be okay, it has to be. You're the one that can make it all better."

  "Jax, I'm coming for you, for all of you. I'll make it better. Please hold on." I gently cradle his face in my hands and place a single kiss on his forehead. Within minutes he's gone. I'm alone in our field.

  It's time for me to wake up and kill the Queen.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I wake up with Ry holding my head up off the ground. "Can you hear me, Alexa?"

  "Yes," I respond sitting up. "We need to go now. They've attacked Aurora. Jax came to me and told me in my unconscious state. He's hurt."

  "What do you mean they've attacked Aurora? That's impossible!" Ry bellows. I pick myself up off the ground and smooth out my hair. I need to remain calm because it's in everyone's best interest. I start down the long hallway towards the stairs.

  "I don't have time to explain it. We must get back to Pumalia now. They need us." I bite my lip in hope of stalling the tears that are ready to fall. Quickly, I pick up my pace in order to get back to the spacecraft. Making my way onto the beach I realize we have not only Michael but Jonah too. How are we going to get them back to the mainland in a timely fashion?

  "Are they hurt? What did Jax say?" Ry asks eagerly as he jogs up beside me.

  "How are we going to get back to the spacecraft?" I ask trying to divert Ry's attention.

  "Stop moving, Alexa. Look at me." He grabs my arm and slows me down. "Please talk to me."

  "I can'
t, they need us." The tears start to pour out of me. I hear Ayu buzz up beside me as well. "This was a trap. We fell right into their trap. How did we not know?"

  Rage engulfs Ry leaving his blank expression marred with fury. "I'll get the spacecraft and bring it here. Wait for me. It will only take me minutes to retrieve it. You broke the magical field by opening the bars for Jonah to climb out. I can now fly the craft here." Before I can reply he's gone, clearly using his abilities to complete the task as timely as possible.

  Looking to my left I see Michael and Jonah huddled together on the dirt floor. Michael gently combs Jonah's hair to the side and wipes his tears. My heart bursts in my chest seeing these two together. The scene momentarily takes my mind off my reality.

  Visions of Aurora and what might have happened during the attack flash through my mind. The look on Jax's face will forever haunt me. His grief, raw pain and regret clouded his usual perfect blue eyes. It's not his fault. I should never have left. How will the beings of Aurora forgive me? How will I forgive myself?

  The rustlings of footsteps coming up behind me momentarily snap me out of my trance. Michael and Jonah. "Alexa, what's happening?"

  "Aurora has been attacked. This is what she wanted all along. She wanted me to come here so she could strike Pumalia. We must get back there as soon as possible before more beings die at her hands." I let out a slow breath. "Jax has been hurt. He may not make it." My eyes begin to fill with tears once more.

  "He will," Michael responds, "he's one of the strongest most determined beings I've ever met." I know Michael means well but the thought of Jax not making it instantly churns my stomach. I swallow back the bile and give him an appreciative glance.

  "Thanks for that. I want to get back there now," I say.

  "Princess, we will get back there as soon as we can. Everything will be fine." Ayu's vacant gaze says otherwise. Even though he means well his words do little to comfort me. All I can picture in my mind is the pain in Jax's eyes.

  Ry is already back with the spacecraft, like Ayu said he would be. Michael and Jonah board the craft first with Ayu following behind. I turn and take one more glimpse of the island and exhale the hate that is coursing through my body. I've never been so ready to use my powers against my mother.


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