Disorder (The Stellar Series Book 2)

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Disorder (The Stellar Series Book 2) Page 12

by Rebecca Clark

  "Alexa, let's go!" Michael calls from the craft. I ball my hands up into fists and bury my fingernails into my palm. The flash of pain soothes my worry and it gives me something else to think about, but mainly it stops me from crying. It makes me more furious. I run towards the craft and board without another look at the castle.

  I glance at Ry and I can sense his rage. I'm comforted to know I'm not the only one that's ready for a battle. The thoughts of the beings in Aurora killed because of my mother or, even worse, because of me makes me physically ill. She wanted to hurt me and she has. Not only has she taken Miri but she's hurt innocent beings. Only a monster would do that.

  "Ry, what're we going to do?" I steady myself with my hand against the wall. Peering out of the window I see Mapu's colors swirl below me. We are moving much more quickly than we were before.

  "My dear, why don't you take a seat and rest," Ayu offers. But I can't sit, not now. A mixture of emotions battling within me are making me jumpy. My fingers itch and I struggle to keep them from lighting up. I'm somewhat nervous to give into the emotions, as I don't have the best control of my abilities.

  Ry takes a minute to clear his throat and gain his composure before he speaks. "I say this as a being who has lost everyone and everything that has ever mattered. I say this as someone who has been waiting for a moment like this for many, many years. We are going to stop her. We are going to strip her of her tyrannical title and end her life."

  "Good, I want the same things, Ry." My verbal admission to wanting my mother dead leaves a stale taste in my mouth. Such a large part of me wants to hurt her for what she has done, not only to me but also to everyone. I wrestle with the idea of killing my own mother. I need to talk to Kalus. The mere thought of his name sends shivers down my spine. I don't even know if he's okay. Jax didn't mention him at all.

  I grab hold of the wall and lower myself onto a chair. Tightly I close my eyes and call on Jax. I wait a few minutes, nothing. I mentally start screaming his name, over and over again, nothing. I imagine our field. I conjure a memory. But nothing, he's not reachable—what does this even mean?

  Even though my eyes are closed I can feel the tears escaping my clenched lids. I try to soothe the pain by remembering all the good that has happened since my arrival to this galaxy. My mind jumps from happy memories to fearful thoughts of what Aurora will look like when we land. Is everyone that I care about okay? I want to be there already.

  "We will be there shortly, Alexa, I promise." I watch as Ry rubs the back of his neck. His mind, without a doubt, is spinning out of control. "I'm sorry we came here. It's my fault. I truly thought we could've caught her off guard and used that to our advantage. Instead we played right into her trap."

  "Don't you dare blame this ordeal on yourself." I sigh loudly. "The only one at fault is her."

  "Wait, Ry, who suggested you go to the island to retrieve Miri?" Michael asks.

  "Kalus suggested catching her off guard. He said something about the element of surprise being the game changer."

  My mouth dropped open in shock. Is he saying that this was Kalus's fault? "If you're suggesting he knew this was going to happen, you're wrong." There's no way he would be okay with an unprepared attack on Aurora. "What about you, Michael? Why were you there?"

  "No, no I agree with that," Michael assures us. "I'm not saying he's responsible. Maybe someone suggested it to him? I find it too odd that we leave for Mapu and Aurora is attacked. Something does not add up…and I told you why I was there. I went to help."

  I give Michael my best-exaggerated eye roll. I know he's not responsible but I just don't trust him.

  Ry opens his mouth then quickly shuts it. I want to ask him what he was going to say but I don't. Instead I play out the events that led up to me meeting up with Ry and fleeing to Mapu. The only notable event was when I fell off the rocks into the water and was rescued by Sheri. When I came to, she was gone but Kalus was there. It was then he insisted we go.

  Something does seem off, I agree with Michael, but what could it be? Kalus wouldn't set me up. He may not be father of the year but he does love me, that much I know. Almost immediately my mind flashes to Sheri, could she be somehow involved?

  This trip back, without a doubt, is the most painful trek I've ever endured. I close my eyes and try to get back to Jax.


  How could this have happened? I stand on top of a tree stump, one freshly severed from the battle. The smell of scorched bark and greenery burn my nose. I quickly take inventory of the area where we descended into Aurora. Clearly the area was too small for the enemy's attack so they blew a hole in the ground.

  Before descending into what is left of Aurora I peer over my shoulder and catch a glimpse of the horizon. The three orange moons have darkened revealing a menacing red hue, which is a stark contrast against the violet skyline. My gut clenches as I immerse myself into this ominous setting.

  Michael pulls at my arm. "We're not ready for this, Alexa. We can't go down there like this." Michael's face reveals fear, something I never thought he would willingly show.

  "I don't have a choice, Michael. You, however, are not required to go down there. Do what you must." I frown, wondering how we would be able to defeat whatever's down there. I glance at Ry and only see determination. That gives me the strength to keep moving, one foot in front of the other. I enter the stairway and start to descend into Aurora, a once well-hidden place of refuge.

  I glance back at Michael as he wraps his arms around Jonah. I guess that's his decision he's staying behind. Part of me envies that he has his sibling with him and he doesn't have to go search for his loved ones.

  I shake my head and focus.

  Ayu flanks my side and whispers, "They are most likely using someone's powers. Princess, there's no other way they would have been able to do all of this."

  "Ayu, Alexa, get behind me," Ry commands. We quickly abide his direction and follow suit. "Alexa, invisible cloak please."

  I picture us hidden and feel the subtle weight of the cloak. "We're good."

  "Listen to me as we enter Aurora, Alexa, open your mind. That's how we'll communicate, Ayu too." I willingly drop the wall I've constructed in my head keeping out unwanted listeners.

  "Can you hear me?" I ask the others.

  They both nod in unison. My heart plummets as we near the bottom of the stairway. A dark cloud of smoke travels over us. The thickness of the smoke irritates my throat even though the cloak protects us from the bulk of it.

  I take my last step and exit the doorway next to Ry. He's frozen. We are both shocked and unable to move. Instead of emerging into a green field with a paved walkway towards Aurora's center, fire, burnt greenery, and destruction meet us. Nothing is left standing. We can see directly to the center and all the buildings either engulfed in flames or burnt, with ashes resembling what was once there.

  My heart hurts, literally. I clutch my chest in a desperate attempt to breathe but I can't. Ry senses my panic and turns toward me. I watch as his dark eyes soften at the sight of me.

  "Breathe, Alexa, you need to breathe."

  I shake my head in an effort to say that I can't.

  "Yes, you can. I need you to focus." Ry points in the direction of the destruction. "They need you to concentrate. I can't do this alone."

  Tears sting my eyes while I bend over and try to gain some sort of control. I inhale deeply and let it out slowly. I do this a few times and immediately begin to feel better.

  "Ready?" Ry asks.

  I nod, indicating that I'm ready to survey the damage.

  We continue forward, slowly, looking from side to side. No movement. Nothing. I almost wish there was something going down so we could help.

  "Where is everybody?" I ask.

  "Not sure, Alexa, this is strange," Ry replies.

  "Master Ry, I'm going to fly into the woods and look for my beings. I'll report back in a bit. Be safe, Princess." Without another word Ayu was gone. I haven't even thought about his
beings, I hope they are okay.

  Ry and I are almost to the center of Aurora and there are no bodies and no beings. Part of me is relieved that there are no bodies but where is everyone? Ry looks over at me with a blank expression. I shrug, unsure of what else to do.

  Before I can say anything, an intense humming begins to take over my auditory senses. I grip my head in an effort to stabilize myself. The humming grows louder and louder until I can't take it anymore. I blink a few times in an effort to clear my cloudy vision.

  I look up and notice a green cloud take formation above me. Ayu's back with his Plitans. Relief floods me and a pang of jealousy. I, too, wish my friends and family were here safe.

  "Princess Alexa, Master Ry, follow us." Ayu requests our attention from above. Ry and I both give each other an amused look. The loud buzzing lessens as they fly straight up. The massive green cloud forms into a large V reminding me of the flocks of Canadian Geese that would always fly overhead in the late fall and early spring back on Earth.

  Ry and I do our best to keep up with the swarm. We are headed right towards the waterfall where I found refuge most days after a lengthy lesson on my powers. I can hear the chattering of voices as we approach. Momentarily I stall, prepping myself for an impending battle. Ry notices my awareness.

  "Ayu, is it safe?" I send Ayu a quick thought and wait.

  "Of course. I would never bring you to a place that wasn't safe."

  I meet Ry's glare and give him my usual look of apprehension. I drop the cloak and we are now visible to all. We both hurry along to the voices. My heart races with every step I take toward Aurora.

  "Alexa!" Tam's voice pierces my shell of strength. "Over here, Alexa!" I look towards the tree line where the rocks are. Her purple eyes are a soft, sad hue, not the usual sharp intimidating color. She starts toward me with her arms open. Before I know what's happening she pulls me in for a hug.

  Shock paralyzes me. Tam is happy, better yet relieved, to see me. I pull away and peer into her eyes. "What happened, Tam? Where's Jax, Kasper, and Kalus? Did you see Miri, is she okay?"

  "I'm sorry Alexa, there was nothing we could do. It happened so fast." The tears stream from her eyes. "We weren't ready."

  "What does that mean?" I look around meeting each gaze of the beings by the water. None of whom look familiar. I gently shake Tam, "What are you talking about? Where are they?"

  "Gone. They're all gone." Tam folds up and falls to my feet.

  I freeze, unable to comfort her. A silent scream from within me tears through my insides. I have failed them all.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Ayu is able to calm Tam down enough to get a series of events. Ayu runs through what she described so we can all listen and ask questions. Tam is not in a place to repeat back the story. She's in shock and is having difficulties. I sit there listening as he repeats back the story while she confirms with a sporadic head nod or hand gesture. This whole situation is so surreal. I may have lost what few beings I truly hold dear in my life to my mother, a monster. How's this even possible?

  My stomach flips as I recall Jax's pain and disappointment in himself. I need him to be okay. I need to tell him this isn't his fault. I should have never left. If anyone is to blame it's me.

  "Tam, when the Queen entered with her guards they attacked with guns and explosives?"

  Tam ever so lightly nods in agreement.

  "They went to each structure in Aurora and set it on fire?"

  "Yes," her voice squeaks.

  "Kasper, Jax, and Kalus fought with the guards, but their efforts were thwarted due to the magic in play, correct?"

  A single tear falls as she nods.

  "Miri was with the Queen and Makin. Is it safe to assume they're using her power?"


  "Jax was hit and Kalus went to aid him. Only to be hit as well, is this correct?"

  "Yes," she whispers while squeezing her hands together.

  "Kasper then made attempted to help but through his best effort he was injured?"

  Tam began to shake and the tears fell more steadily. She moves her head up and down indicating this is how it went down. "I was fighting and trying to help the beings into the forest. I witnessed three of the strongest beings fall before me and I froze."

  I can't take it anymore. "Where are they, Tam. If they were hit and dead or dying why aren't they here?" I didn't mean to sound so demanding but this is painful. I need to know where my family is, where Jax is. I need to fix this, now.

  "She took them. When everything was destroyed, she called back the guards and headed back the way they came. I don't think they could have gotten far as there were a lot of injured beings."

  That's it. I think I know where they are. "She's going to take over Pumalia. This was her plan all along. Mapu is no longer a feasible place to reside." I know she's crazy but this is too much.

  "Alexa let's think about this before we do anything crazy," Ry offers as he too looks deep in thought. "If they are using Miri's powers then this will be a tad bit more challenging, not to mention they took your friends so you would come. She's playing us. We must play the game better."

  "I still have what she wants. Let's broker a deal." I quickly spew out my only ace in the hole. She wants me and I'll gladly give myself to her as long as she complies with my demands.

  "That's absurd. I will not allow you to give yourself to her. She will use you to do bad things. That's not you," Ry barks while placing both hands on his waist. "We haven't come this far to throw in the towel." It almost sounds as if Ry is concerned about my wellbeing. Could his tough exterior be cracking? Before I can analyze his behavior, I sense movement and my eyes dart to the forest.

  A being with silver hair and remarkable green eyes emerges from the tree line. Her eyes light up when she sees me. "You must be Alexa, the princess. I'm a friend of Sheri's. She has a message for you."

  I raise my brow and nod for her to go on. "She wants me to tell you that you have quite the following. In Pumalia you have a lot of supporters at hidden locations. They're ready for you to lead an attack. They want to end the queen's reign as much as you do."

  "How does she know the queen is in Pumalia?"

  "Have you not seen the planet? It's swarming with her guards and they've already taken over the compound." Her green eyes sharpen on my face.

  "No, we came straight here. Thank you for your message. Are you able to relay a message back to Sheri?" I impatiently tap my foot on the stone in front of me.

  "Yes, I am."

  "Tell her to stand by. There will be an attack but first we must concoct a plan that will once and for all stop the queen. If at all possible, can you check back with me early tomorrow? I'd like to take care of the beings here that need help. We'll be ready for the attack tomorrow."

  "Yes. I'll be back first thing tomorrow. Remember we stand with you, for you, Princess. Stay safe." She flees as quickly as she arrived. Leaving me hopeful yet realistic.

  Nothing about this this situation sits well with me. It's hard to focus on the big picture when the people I care about are hurt or even worse. At least I know Miri is alive. They wouldn't dare hurt her when they are using her for her powers.

  Ry sneers. Knowing his personality as someone who can't help but say what they feel, I'm not surprised by his outburst, "How can we trust this messenger? As much as I want to believe that there are beings ready to fight, Alexa, fear has suppressed these beings from implementing an attack. We need to rely on what or who we can see. If more show up then great, but I wouldn't count on it."

  "Then that's what we'll do. Hope for the best but expect the worst." I sigh and kick the dirt beneath my foot. "Let's start to concoct a plan worthy of destroying her empire," I add.

  Ry smirks, "I like this side of the princess, eager and cynical."

  I scoff, "You must be rubbing off on me."

  "I doubt it, you've always had the ability to fight for what's right. I think you may be learning to unleash your wrath." Ry laughs
at his comment, clearly satisfied with his insight.

  "Maybe you're right," I add before Ry leaves me to obsess about my mother. I clear my mind the best I can and take a seat on the outskirts of the commotion.

  The edge of the forest where all the beings have congregated is situated on the bank of the river. At least if we're attacked we have a natural barrier to perhaps provide us with a bit of a shield. I try not to think of that as we stop by and speak with each being. I can see myself building relationships with these beings, they are really not much different than myself.

  Ayu looks concerned. "How are you holding up?"

  I can only imagine what sort of look I have on my face. "I'm fine, Ayu, thanks for asking. I feel so bad that this has happened. These beings are good and they only want to live their lives. Why is my mother such a monster?" I sigh loudly not really wanting to hear an answer.

  It's not the first time I've thought way too much about what kind of being my mother is. I have to believe that she wasn't always like this. How would my father have fallen in love with her? Ayu tries to cheer me up with a heartfelt smile. I return the sentiment with a deep sigh and nod, "We'll get through this, won't we?"

  "We certainly will." Ayu is being called to a small group I hadn't yet made it to. He briefly meets my gaze before parting ways, "I'll be right back."

  "No need to rush. I need some time to think." I let out a low groan in response to my own comment. Thinking hurts lately, the more I do the more confused I become.

  I walk over to the edge of the river and sit. The muffled noises behind me comfort me. I don't want to be alone but at the same time I don't want to talk to anyone. I'm not sure how long I sit there but when I come out of my trance the light is already dimming.

  "You miss Jax, don't you?" Ry's voice startles me causing me to jump.


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