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The Tiger and Her Wolves [Tigers of Twisted, Texas 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 6

by Jane Jamison

  “So you think they have another woman on the side? One with a baby?”

  Jarrod ducked back, pushing his brother back along with him. Had Miss Clara seen them? Hanging out in Forever wasn’t a great idea, even on the best of days, but hanging out while spying on a couple of Forever’s pack members was just asking for trouble. If they got caught, the werewolves would be after their asses like dogs after a couple of juicy steaks.

  “I don’t know. Why would they be with one woman and with our sister at the same time? Is the other woman their mate?” Richman shook his head. “I can’t believe any of this. Besides, you know Rachel. She wouldn’t get with anyone unless she felt the connection with them. And she sure as hell wouldn’t fool around with men who are already mated. Especially not werewolves. This just doesn’t make any sense.”

  It didn’t make sense, which made Jarrod even more suspicious. “We’re going to get to the bottom of this shit. Rachel told Mom she was staying with a friend, but I think she’s lying.”

  “Rachel wouldn’t lie to Mom.”

  “She is now.” He peeked around the corner again and found Miss Clara loading a shopping cart with everything from diapers to formula. “We’re going to find out what the hell’s going on.”


  “By following those two.” He grabbed his brother by the shirt and tugged him along with him. “Let’s get back to the truck and wait for them to leave town.”

  * * * *

  Rachel could almost cry. Was there anything sexier than a man holding a baby in his arms? And here she had two men each with a small infant nestled against them. She’d been touched and overjoyed when the men had come back with lots of diapers and other items for the children, but when they’d scooped up the crying infants and cradled them, cooing at the babies to settle down, she’d been hit with an overwhelming sense of joy. She’d just finished feeding first one then the other and changing their diapers before putting them into clean clothes. Before she’d had a chance to burp them, the men had swept into the room and told her to take a much-needed break.

  She noted how gentle they were, how responsive they were to each child’s every move and mewl. If there was anything better to watch in this world, she didn’t know what it was.

  She wasn’t sure why it had happened or even how, but it was real. The connection she felt for the Rothman cousins had grown even stronger with the arrival of the babies. Even more miraculous, the bond she’d instantly felt with the babies had intensified.

  They’re what I’ve been waiting for.

  But how could that be? How could another woman’s children bond to her? Was it because their mother had abandoned them? Yet, she had the strange idea that she’d been waiting for them long before they’d been born.

  Now she knew. She hadn’t been waiting for a third man to accept as her mate. She’d been waiting for the children who would fill the missing piece of her heart’s puzzle.

  The men had been great, proving to her that they would be amazing fathers. That they were already amazing fathers to two abandoned infants. Not for the first time, she wondered how any woman in her right mind could run off and leave her children behind. Or had the mother met with an awful fate? She hated to think so, but it made the idea of the babies being left in the barn a little easier to understand.

  What if they hadn’t found them? Would William have found them? And if he had, what would a vampire do with a weretiger and werewolf baby? She couldn’t imagine the outcome would’ve been good.

  If anything ever happened to them…

  She shook her head, ridding it of the awful thoughts threatening to take hold.

  “Rachel, are you all right? Why are you crying?” Although Chance sat in one of the old stationary chairs, he rocked back and forth, comforting a fussy Brooklyn.

  “I’m not.” She wiped her eyes before the first tear could fall. “It’s just that you two are so wonderful.”

  “We are?” Dylan smiled then made a funny face at Holter. “If you think so, I’m sure as hell not going to argue.”

  “Ditto here,” added Chance. He glanced down at Brooklyn. “I think she’s finally asleep.”

  “Then put her in the bassinet.” She refused to call the drawer anything else. One day she’d get the babies two real cribs with playful mobiles hanging above them.

  Unless the mother comes back to claim them.

  A lump formed in her throat. What would she do if the mother did come back, demanding the return of her children? Could she give them up? Even if she could find the strength to do so, would she be able to trust the woman to take care of them? To not abandon them a second time?

  No. They’re mine. I have to make sure they stay safe. No matter what. No matter who gets in my way.

  “Are you sure Miss Clara will keep our secret? She won’t tell anyone about the babies, will she?”

  “We can trust her, no doubt about it. I’d stake my life on that woman.” Dylan stood and laid Holter in his makeshift bassinet. “He’s out like a light. I wish I could sleep as soundly.”

  “They know when they’re safe.”

  “Do you feel safe, baby?” Chance took hold of her arms. His knowing gaze dove into hers.

  “When I’m with you two.” She’d never felt as safe as she did whenever she was around them. It was strange to think so, especially when they were hiding their relationship from two towns filled with people who might not accept their love.

  Dylan slid a hand along her back and down to rest at the base of her spine. “You know we’d do anything for you.”

  She couldn’t resist teasing him a little. “Even change a dirty diaper?”

  Both men cringed. “Damn, sugar, don’t put me to the test so fast.” Dylan faked a horror she knew wasn’t genuine. “But yeah. If you weren’t around, and I couldn’t con Chance into doing it, I’d even change a diaper. And then I’d probably hurl my lunch.”

  She leaned into them. From the first moment she’d seen them, she’d known they were her mates, yet she’d held back, resisting giving them all of her. All of her body and all of her heart. But now, everything was different. Everything was right.

  “Baby, we want to make love to you.” Chance took hold of her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze again. “Really make love to you.”

  She’d told them she wasn’t ready until the rest of the world knew about them and accepted them. Now she realized she’d used that only as an excuse, an excuse to wait until the sensation that something else, someone else, was missing stopped eating at her. With the addition of the babies, she no longer felt the need to wait.

  They were her mates, and the babies were hers, too. They’d claimed her heart just like the men had claimed it months earlier.

  “I know you want to wait until we can be out in the open with our friends and family, but we can’t wait any longer to have you.” The ache, the brutal need in Dylan’s voice, was unmistakable.

  “The babies were what I was waiting on.” She wanted to lean against both of them, but she had to see their reactions first. “I thought it was another man, a third mate, but I was wrong. As soon as I saw the babies, I knew they were for me. They’re another woman’s children, but I know it in my gut. Just like I know you’re the men for me.”

  “What if the mother comes back for them?”

  Chance had asked the question she had no real answer for. “I don’t know. But I don’t think I could give them up.” She bit her lower lip. “Is it wrong of me to pray she doesn’t return? They’re her babies, and babies belong with their real mother.”

  “No, it’s not wrong. You’ve been a real mother to them. You are a real mother to them.” Dylan pulled her closer. “I don’t know why she left them. Maybe she didn’t have a choice, but she did have a choice in how she left them. Leaving them alone in a barn where any animal could’ve found them was wrong. Heartless even. I don’t think she cared a damn thing about them.”

  She’d never heard Dylan speak so harshly before. “Thank you fo
r understanding.” She looked to Chance and saw the same hard expression. “Both of you.”

  “Tell us we’re your mates, sugar.”

  “You know you are.” Hadn’t she said so? At that moment, she couldn’t remember. Still, even if she hadn’t said it in so many words, they had to have sensed it.

  “For good. Not just for now, but forever.”

  She touched Chance’s cheek. “I’m yours for as long as you’ll have me.”

  “That’s for a lifetime, baby.”

  She was suddenly afraid to ask. “And the babies? Will you accept them, too? As our children? No matter what anyone else says?”

  To her relief, both men nodded without hesitation.

  “They’re our kids now, too. No matter what, baby.”

  “Dirty diapers or not, I couldn’t turn the little buggers lose now,” quipped Dylan.

  A happiness she’d never felt before filled her, making it seem as though she’d break open with joy. The connection that had brought them together sizzled through her, coursing through her blood then outward into her limbs. She grew wet, her clit already throbbing at the idea of finally having their cocks inside her.

  “Take me to bed.”

  Chance’s eyebrows jumped skyward. “Are you saying what I hope you’re saying?”

  “If you have to ask, then I’m not saying it right.”

  Dylan let out a yelp. She slapped a hand over his mouth. “Keep quiet. If they wake up, then it’s all over.”

  Her body thrilled at their touches. Although she’d dreamed of their first time going slowly, with them removing her clothes in a way that would have her begging for them to take her, she couldn’t blame them for scrambling to get her undressed.

  Chance took hold of the neck of her sweater and, with an easy tug, tore it down the center. Her body jerked at his strength, but she said nothing. Instead, she worked at his belt buckle and found that she, too, couldn’t have taken it any slower.

  His mouth found the curve of her neck and brought out the moan in her. His hands slipped under the wool material to find the clasp of her bra, and she almost laughed. Why didn’t he just tear it away as he’d done her sweater?

  Dylan dragged his palms down her legs and pulled off her boots. She heard them thump on the floor next to her. He ran his hands back up and started undoing her jeans.

  She was in heaven. So many times she’d played around with them, but she’d never been able to fully let herself enjoy the experience. A part of her had always held back, unable to forget the aching emptiness inside her. But now that the babies were part of her life, the emptiness was gone. She sighed and helped Chance pull off his shirt.

  They were so amazing. Strong, tender men who had pledged to love her until the day they died. She’d trust no one as much as she’d trust them. From that moment forward, they were the ones she’d turn to, the men she’d let protect and cherish her for the rest of her life.

  If the connection hadn’t brought them together, she sensed they still would’ve found their way to each other. How could they not? She was theirs as surely as the moon belonged to the night sky.

  Her clothes fell away from her as her mind shifted away from concrete thoughts. Feelings, sensations, were all that mattered now. Her body needed them as much as her mind did. And now it was her body’s turn to command her.

  “Bed. Now.”

  “Take me.” She’d slept in one of William’s three guest rooms. Knowing the vampire had never spent the night in the beds made it easier to do so. Even if they never stayed another minute in William’s house, she’d always think of it as being her first place with her men.

  Dylan pressed his face between her legs and drew in a long, slow breath. “Damn you smell sweet. I can’t wait to taste you.”

  Her panties were ripped from her. A second later, he slid his tongue along the seam of her pussy folds. She shivered, her knees growing weak. If Chance hadn’t held her up, she would’ve slipped to the floor.

  Dylan’s tongue slicked inside her. The touch was barely enough to be felt, but it rippled into her like the lashing of a whip. Shudders racked her as a quick orgasm took her. The sounds of him feasting on her cream sent the release into a higher, faster spiral.

  Chance cupped her breasts and brought his teeth to torture one nipple while his thumb massaged the other. She leaned backward, trusting him to keep her from falling. His strong arm wrapped around her waist, keeping her with him.

  “Didn’t you say something about a bed?” She was surprised her voice sounded normal as though her body wasn’t going through an avalanche of sensations.

  “I did. Sorry, cuz.”

  Chance lifted her off her feet then spun around and headed toward the hallway with bedrooms on either side of its length. A grumbling Dylan followed along then pushed past them. He grabbed hold of a door and flung it open, slamming it against the wall. She wondered if he’d put a hole in the wall and would have to explain it to William.

  “I wish we were at your place,” she murmured as Chance lowered her to the bed.

  Chance’s amber-dotted gaze slid over her body then came to rest on hers. “We will. We’re not waiting any longer to tell everyone that we’re your mates. Come hell or high water, however they respond, we’ll face it together.”

  “He’s right, sugar. We’ll get through it together. All five of us.”

  They couldn’t have said anything sweeter. If she hadn’t already fallen head over heels in love with them, she would have at that moment.

  They hurried, taking off their shirts and jeans. Dylan almost stumbled, forgetting to shuck off his boots before trying to tear off his jeans. The sight was humorous, but laughing was the last thing on her mind, especially when she saw their long, erect cocks pointing straight at her.

  “Oh my,” she whispered. Of course, she’d seen their cocks before, but seeing them now, knowing they’d soon be inside her, made her realize just how well-endowed they were.

  Chance bent over her. “Are you sure, baby?”

  His touch was so tender, so caring. His hunger showed on his face, in his eyes, and in his tense body. She realized how difficult it had been for him to ask. To risk her saying she’d changed her mind. Once again, she struggled to keep the tears at bay. “I’m sure.”

  “Good because I don’t think I could stop at this point,” he added.

  “I know damn well I can’t.” Dylan pushed her legs apart. Like a man hungry for his last meal, he lifted her legs over his shoulders and crushed his face against her pussy. His tongue became an instrument of pleasure as he swept it around her clit then over her aching bud before sliding down to stab inside her pussy.

  She cried out, holding back nothing and hoping she wouldn’t wake the babies. Please, God, don’t let the babies wake up now!

  Chance took her breasts in his hands and brought his face between them. Shoving them together, he rubbed them against his face. A low moan rumbled out of him as his warm breath heated her skin.

  “You taste so sweet, sugar.” Dylan’s words were muffled against her, but she still understood him.

  “I’ll get a taste of you later, baby.” Chance swung his leg over her, straddling her. “Until I can get my cock inside your sweet pussy, I need to feel your mouth around me. Suck on me, Rachel. Show me how much you want me.”

  “How much you want us,” added Dylan, never wanting to be left out.

  She opened wide and took Chance’s hard length inside her mouth. The pre-cum on the end of his shaft was both sweet and tangy. She could taste the extra wildness that came from his being a werewolf. Would a weretiger taste any differently? Not that she’d ever find out. She’d given her heart and her body to the Rothman werewolves.

  Dylan entered two fingers into her cunt and spread her legs wider. He pushed in and out, scissoring his fingers, putting up a wild friction inside her pussy. “Move to the side, cuz. I love watching her suck on your cock.”

  His words turned her on even more. As Chance shifted position,
she did her best not to let her mouth lose its grip on his cock. The muscles working in his abdomen and flinching in his hard chest added to her pleasure.

  Chance tunneled his fingers through her hair. “I can’t believe how beautiful you are.”

  She could listen to his flattery every minute of every day. To thank him, she sucked harder, pulling on his cock until he closed his eyes and moaned with joy.

  Dylan kept stroking her, going fast then slow to tease her. Wetness slid between her legs, and she could imagine how shiny his fingers looked. As though he’d heard her thoughts, he lifted up and held up his fingers.

  Taking it slow and easy, he drew the cream-slickened fingers into his mouth and sucked. “Mmm. I swear you get better tasting every time I eat you. Let’s get the other side of you going before my cousin shoots his wad.”

  Chance rocked back and forth. He was lost in his own world of succulent pleasure. His jaw was slack, his eyes still closed as he fondled her breast and dug his fingers into her hair.

  She gasped as Dylan slid his hand under her ass and found her puckered hole. “You’re tight everywhere, aren’t you, sugar?”

  Bit by bit, he pushed his fingers inside her. Her tight rings protested then gave in as she relaxed. Putting his mouth to her pussy again, he took control of both her holes. She rocked her hips, moving with his strokes just as she moved her head back and forth, savoring Chance’s cock.

  The sounds of their lovemaking filled the room. Need, fresh and new, filled her again. The air thickened with their sex and the connection, binding them together even stronger than before. She cried out as Dylan worked another finger into her ass, preparing her more, and then gripped her clit between his teeth. Her cry flowed around Chance’s cock.

  She was growing wild, passion flaring inside her in a whirl of emotions and sensations. As much as they’d wanted to feel their cocks inside her, suddenly she was sure she wanted them more. “Please fuck me. I need to have your cocks inside me.” The sound of her voice was low and filled with need.


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