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Wild Bastard: A Dark Sparrow Novel

Page 9

by Kells, India

  “And Mercury?”

  This time, she looked away. “Mercury wasn’t my first choice. I can’t remember what it was, but I remember it sounded weird.” Isabel scrunched her nose, hesitating. “Maybe we should skip that question.”

  Curiosity made him take his first step in her direction. “Tell me. If we are to talk, it’s better to lay everything out in the open.”

  “I chose Mercury because of you.”

  Kai couldn’t help but laugh. “Me? How come?”

  “Your eyes… The silver through the light brown made me think of mercury, thus the name.”

  The information stunned him. “And your hair? If I remember correctly, Mercury Heat had long purple hair.”

  “Another idea from my mother. She wanted to make sure I had a life outside of the sex industry, thus the color and the hair extensions.”

  “Damn.” Kai raked his hair, trying to come to grasp with everything she had told him. “Damn.”

  “So you know now why I wanted you to never know? I survived better when I believed you hated me for leaving because I was a selfish bitch.”

  Astonished, Kai took another step. “I never hated you, Izzy. I was hurt and I searched everywhere for you, wondering where you were. The only thing I had was your note, and nothing else. You could have told me. I could have done something.”

  The smile she offered him was bittersweet. “You were as penniless as I was, working odd jobs until you went into the Army. What could you have done to help? Be honest, Kai, I wasn’t going to work at a farm, or shop. You want the stark reality? I was going to fuck for a living. Suck dick, lick pussy, get it in my ass and all over me with each video I made. I may have dyed my hair, tried to hide my face with lots of makeup, but Mercury Heat was a façade for Isabel Osborne. What I did saved my mother and I would do it again in a heartbeat. As with anything I’ve ever done in my life, I did it the best I could and was successful, but that doesn’t mean that everyone would understand. Prejudice is so easy.”

  “And you think that I am?”

  “Admit it, Kai. Before you knew the truth, you probably had an idealized vision of me. And now you don’t. Instead, you are probably remembering videos of that purple haired babe all of a sudden, trying to remember what she was doing and with how many people. If I’d had any say in this, you would never have known. I’d prefer to be an angel in your mind than a slut that disgusts you.”

  Kai took the last two steps to reach her and took a handful of her hair to crush his mouth with hers. Everything she had said was true. But competing against the images of her being taken and abused was another force that filled him with admiration, and the love for her that never really died. It was still struggling over the line, but steadily gaining ground.

  The more he was with her, the more of his old self resurfaced. It made him long for laughter again, and her light.

  Kai could feel Isabel was hesitant to return her kiss, but her mouth was the pure amazing heaven he remembered. His sudden action surprised himself until an unforeseen flash of her, in her porn role, sucking a man’s cock, popped into his mind.

  Ready to pull away, Kai stopped himself when he felt her hand coming to rest against his heart, a gesture she’d done the very first time they had kissed.

  It felt like a reset, reminding him of the reasons why he’d craved to kiss her all those years ago. All their layers, accumulated through experience and life, slowly started to fall away. What remained was why he gentled his hands and circled her hips to bring her closer. Only then did she open her mouth and melt against him.

  His brain fried and no thoughts came through; he could only feel her. Her heat, the scent of her skin and the taste of her mouth were all there was. Once more, Isabel insinuated herself inside him, into every crack of his battle-worn soul.

  When the kiss ended, both of them breathless but unable to let go of each other quite yet, Kai closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against hers. “I don’t know what to do with everything you said, Izzy. But there’s one thing I know. Not everything I’ve done as a man was perfect. Some things I still have nightmares about, night after night. You have to know that. The end game is that I want you close. If that’s what you want too.”

  Gently, she cupped his cheek. “No promises. Just one step at the time.”

  Something lightened in him. “That’s a plan. Now, go to bed and rest. I still have work to do for tomorrow.”

  When she opened her mouth, Kai shook his head. He knew the woman, and the kindness of her heart well enough to know she was about to offer him her bed. Everything was far from solved or perfect between them, and he wasn’t ready to risk succumbing to his baser instincts again. He didn’t want another quick fuck like the one they’d had and he now regretted. She deserved better, and so did he.

  “Good night, Izzy.”

  “Good night, Kai.”

  With one last look, Isabel closed her bedroom door.

  It took Kai at least five minutes to come back to himself before finally collapsing on the sofa. Looking at the ceiling, Kai wondered how life had pulled the rug from under his feet, destroying what he thought had been the truth.

  Then his military training kicked in, especially the words from his last instructor who’d recommended him to Delta Force. When he doubted his capacity to jump into the special forces, the instructor told him that the only strength he had, the only control he had in life was over his thoughts. Now was the time to take care of them so he could face the more critical phase of their mission together.

  Chapter Fourteen

  For the first time since she had left the industry, Isabel needed to compartmentalize her thoughts in order to function. First, what was between Kai and her, whatever it was at this stage. Second, the work she had promised Gabrielle and the brothers she’d accomplish with Finch.

  The first one messed with her heart, the second with her fears when she needed a clear head to play the part.

  Dressed in a soft gray pantsuit and a white flowy shirt so as not to put pressure on her bruises, she walked down the stairs of her apartment, following Kai. When she’d seen him that morning, she’d barely believed her eyes. He was definitely ready for business. Gone was the blinding Hawaiian shirt. Tailored black suit, white shirt and black tie, his dark brown hair slicked back into a small ponytail. If not for the wicked smile he offered her, the one she knew so well, she would have been scared of the man.

  Isabel had a reality check. Kai was no longer the easygoing boy of before. He had enrolled in the Army and became a Delta Force operative. She knew little about that, but the way he transformed into a bodyguard before her eyes, especially his energy, convinced her of his abilities. Another drastic change was his irises. Contact lenses turned his silvery eyes into dark pools of onyx, adding another layer of danger, as if he needed it.

  When she had called Finch the night before to tell him that she was going back to work, the man had been ecstatic and told her that he would send a car for her. His enthusiasm dipped a little when Isabel informed him that she had hired a bodyguard. Obviously, he would have preferred one of his men with her, but quickly decided to let the matter go.

  Right on cue, a black town car parked at the curb, and Kai opened the door for her before sitting with the driver in the front.

  Traffic mostly flowed and they arrived quickly at Finch’s headquarters. This time, when she and Kai rode the elevator, the doors opened to the floor containing his offices.

  A preppy assistant almost skipped in their direction. Blond hair competed with ample bosom and an annoying chirpy voice. “Ms. Osborne, such an honor to welcome you. Mr. Finch is in a meeting, but he told me to escort you to your office and take care of everything.”

  Isabel smiled and took the offered hand. “Thank you. Sorry, I didn’t get your name.”

  “Oopsie. So sorry about that. I’m Shelby Avery, Shelby like the sports car. I’ll be your assistant, unless you brought your own assistant?”

  The young woman tentatively
smiled at Kai who had remained stoic, one step back.

  “This is Mr. Keaton, my bodyguard.”

  Immediately, Shelby’s enthusiasm returned in force. “Oh, goodie! Okay, no problem. Please follow me.”

  Isabel followed her, observing the office. The staff was mostly female from what she could see, not surprising considering Finch’s view of the female gender. He liked having them at his beck and call.

  Shelby turned to open the door to a corner office. “My desk is just outside, and you have a button on your phone to reach me directly.”

  Isabel stepped inside and recognized Jamieson Finch’s tacky touch in the over-the-top decor, not that she really cared as there was no way she intended to stay for long.

  “I’ve taken the liberty of stocking your desk with everything you might need. IT has provided you with a laptop computer and cell phone.”

  No way was she using that cell phone apart from official business. Kai had warned her again and again about bugs the moment they had stepped out of her apartment. Ears and eyes, as he called them. Her apartment and phone were safe, but she had to be careful and not give anything away or acknowledge she knew Kai other than a simple, hired bodyguard.

  Kai stood like an immovable statue by the door, expressionless and cold while Shelby was chatting away, explaining the technical aspects and the general way the office functioned. Mostly, she would only work with Shelby, but other departments were at her disposal if she needed specialized help. All she had to do was ask her assistant.

  As Annie was going through her cell number and passwords to access the system, someone knocked on the door. Kai calmly answered, opening the door to an older woman carrying a huge flower arrangement. Shelby squeaked in delight as the woman put it on a side table, saying that it came from Mr. Finch.

  Isabel was tempted to roll her eyes but instead, went with the plan and took the small card written in Jamieson Finch’s flowing script that wished her a warm welcome and smiled. “What a gallant gesture.”

  “Isn’t it? Mr. Finch is so charming and kind.”

  Isabel appeared to beam and wondered how good an actor he was that he could come across as charming and kind when in reality he was cruel and deadly.

  Isabel touched the soft petals and smelled one of the beautiful red roses. The arrangement was expensive and made a statement she didn’t particularly like. At that moment, it was difficult not to search for Kai’s eyes for some sort of confirmation.

  “Beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman. You are making those roses jealous, Isabel.”

  The deep voice wasn’t a surprise and she offered him her most charming smile. “Jamieson. That wasn’t necessary.”

  He was dressed in a navy-blue vest and pants and a pale gray shirt and walked toward her with his hands in his pockets. His collar was undone and sleeves rolled up in what she recognized as his ‘debonair charmer’ look. He knew he looked good and it was just another weapon in his arsenal.

  “It was a real pleasure to do so, just to see that smile on your face.” He took her hand and kissed it before leaning and kissing her cheek. “How are you feeling?”

  “Much better. Thank you.”

  He nodded and ignored Shelby who was fawning over him like a teenage girl in heat. Instead he turned to Kai for the first test they would face. “I see you have hired an imposing bodyguard. Hope he has the skills to protect you.”

  In the most surreal face off, Finch unknowingly observed his son.

  “Mr. Keaton is a referral with military and close protection expertise. He’d better be good for the price I’m paying him. More precisely, the price you will pay.” Isabel tried to make light of it, but it was like waiting for an explosion, as Finch took a closer look.

  “Good.” When Finch finally turned to her, dismissing Kai, Isabel wanted to collapse on her chair and order a shot or two of bourbon. “Now, let’s get to work.” He went to the small meeting area by the window. “Go fetch us coffee.”

  Without a word, Shelby disappeared and Kai silently left the room, closing the door, leaving them alone. Isabel took a notepad and pen and went to sit. As she crossed her legs, Finch’s gaze immediately went down.

  “You shouldn’t have come back to work so soon, you should have rested, Isabel.”

  “I will rest when you are the mayor and send me off on an all-inclusive vacation on a beach in Tahiti.”

  “Should I prepare a single ticket? Or two?”

  “Is that a not so subtle way of asking me if I’ve ended things with the man in my life?” But before he could answer, she shook her head. “I know good advice when I hear it and I’m not afraid to apply it. Hasn’t been easy, but I know it will be worth it. Now, let’s discuss more important topics. Did you have a chance to look at my suggestions for announcing the launch of your campaign?”

  Finch relaxed in his chair and Isabel knew he was pleased with her answer. “I think doing it in a grand manner is the way to go. I don’t really understand why we have to wait two weeks before organizing it, though.”

  “Well, apart from renting one of the potential locations and the logistics of it, we have to ensure the presence of your supporters and journalists that support you and those that are undecided. If you get them in the same place for the same event, it will stamp them as yours and that may give you more sway and influence.”

  Finch smiled and gestured for her to continue.

  “And two weeks is already a very short timeframe to secure their presence. I will have to pull a lot of strings. However, nothing is impossible, as I say. You just have to find a way. Also, I’ve taken a look at your revised list of guests, and I have one question. I saw Archer Blackwood’s name. It is known in several circles that his opinion of you is less than kind. I don’t see the value of inviting him.”

  “You have a way with words, Isabel. Archer Blackwood despises me, hates my fucking guts, but I want that invitation sent to him, and I want you to have him there. Use all your strings, as you said, all of your connections. Beg, bribe, I don’t care, but I want to see his face in the room when I make my announcement.”

  Isabel knew she had direct access to the man through his brothers, but she wouldn’t reveal her ace in the hand and sighed deeply. “You’re the boss. And as I said, nothing is impossible.”

  The satisfaction returned on Finch’s face. “And I agree with your suggestion of making this event a fundraiser as well. A way to see who my true supporters are from the get-go. I do disagree with you on one point though. You suggested the MCA Warehouse in West Town for our venue and I don’t think it sends the right image for me, for what I would offer to Chicago.”

  “I think you don’t see the potential of the place. I understand that you want to make a show of money and power, but I think we should play it safe.” Then she started explaining to him her plan to make him appear more like a progressive man, detach his image from all the previous links he had made with Washington or other prominent politicians. He had to appear not a man set in his ways, but attuned to the vibe of this particular city.

  As she continued explaining her plan for him and her motivations, Isabel felt a twang in her heart, as if she was betraying her home by using her knowledge and talents. Deep down she prayed everything would be finished before the launch. Unfortunately, she couldn’t appear to be doing her job half-assed.

  Finch agreed to some of her ideas, others not so much, which didn’t really matter to her. She had to appear competent and compliant at the same time. It meant treading a very thin line in order to gain his trust quickly, and have him lower his guard so he’d give her a much-needed opening.

  When they had completed their meeting, it was way past lunchtime, and her body felt like lead. With pain medications still in her system, and an empty stomach, Isabel stumbled when she got up and Finch was quick to keep her upright.

  “I’m so sorry, I became lightheaded for a moment.”

  Instead of stepping away once she was steady enough, Finch brought her closer. “Are you
sure you are alright?”

  Isabel forced a smile. “Yes, I haven’t eaten a lot this morning. That’s all. I’m going to rectify the situation right now. Don’t worry, I’m not a fragile female. I can do my job, Jamieson.”

  He smiled at her, and if she didn’t know better, concern showed on his face, which turned into a slow simmering fire in his eyes. Those silver eyes so familiar on another man looked at her in a way that made her want to cower.

  Reminding herself to soften her face and not tense, she blanked her mind in a way she had trained herself to do before doing a scene.

  Isabel knew what was going to happen as she felt his hands sliding along her ribcage. She also knew that if the man got what he wanted this soon in the game, she would lose leverage. When she felt the low table against her calf, it gave her an idea.

  Moving as if to kiss him, she kicked the table, sending the tray flying to the floor in a booming noise of broken china and bouncing metal. As she expected, the door flung open to show Kai, who’d reacted to the sound.

  Their current position was unmistakable. However nothing showed on his face. “Is everything alright, Miss? Sir?”

  Finch let go of her and Isabel straightened her jacket. “Yes, Keaton. Everything is fine. It’s my fault, I was clumsy and let the tray fall to the floor.”

  Shelby peeked into the room and when she saw the mess, called someone to clean it up.

  Finch turned to her, a hand on her arm. “Ask your assistant to get you lunch, and from now on, don’t skip any meals. I mean it. And on that note, may I invite you out tonight? A nice restaurant so you can relax and enjoy a nice bottle of wine.”

  “Tempting, but with my pain medication, I will have to pass for the moment. I wouldn’t dare mix that with alcohol, I may start acting in an inappropriate manner.”

  Finch put his hands in his pocket as he reached the door. “I’m counting on that. Oh, and you have one week for the campaign launch. Not a day more. I know you will be able to do miracles for me.”


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