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Wild Bastard: A Dark Sparrow Novel

Page 15

by Kells, India

  Claire nodded. “Yes, I agree. She has two studios, one in Los Angeles, one here. Maybe if you’re lucky, you can meet her tonight.”

  Isabel got to her feet. “I knew you would have all the answers as usual, Mom.” After a quick hug, Isabel went to the door. Kai shook Claire’s hand and went to Isabel’s side. Sam took Isabel’s mother’s hand in his and instead of a simple handshake, he brought her hand to his lips in a very old-world gesture. Kai heard Isabel gasp, but didn’t say a thing as the three of them walked to the elevator.

  Kai was about to call Lazarus with an update when Isabel started to speak. “Sam, what’s the deal with my mother?”

  Tempted to scoff at her question, Kai instead looked at Sam who shrugged. “I was only trying to be polite.”

  Isabel didn’t look fooled. “Yeah, right.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  None of the numbers she had for Jenny were working. Isabel wasn’t happy at even having to attempt to talk to the woman. Not only was she a bitch, but she was cunning and didn’t mind stepping on other people’s heads to get what she wanted. It was with some apprehension that she went along with the plan to go to her studio in person, and Isabel was bracing herself for a fight or tricky negotiations. Jenny Lips never gave anything away for free.

  The studio was in a newer part of town than Mercury Productions was, but for Isabel, it was only a façade. Shit could be dipped in gold, but it was still shit.

  “I don’t see a place safe to park and leave the car.” Sam made another pass with the car.

  Kai scanned again the area. “I agree. Sam, stay here and I’ll go with Isabel.”

  Sam wasn’t pleased about that, but leaving the car unattended wasn’t an option and Isabel knew it. “Don’t worry, Sam. Nobody knows that I’m coming here and we will be out before you know it.”

  Kai put his earpiece in. “I’ll leave the communications open between us so you can hear everything my mic catches.”

  Pulling up to the curb, Kai hopped out before helping Isabel out. Straightening her skirt and fluffing her hair, she pushed back her shoulders in a gesture to give her courage. She wasn’t a girl that liked confrontations, and there was clearly one coming. She could feel it in her bones.

  Once inside, they went to the elevator and checked the building’s directory and saw that the production offices were on the third floor.

  “Don’t refer to the mission or anything in front of Jenny. She’s the kind of person that if she senses a weakness, she’ll be out for blood.”

  “You make her sound like a shark.”

  Isabel looked at him as the bell rang announcing their floor. “She is exactly that.”

  As soon as the elevator doors opened, the smell of ripe sex and cheap perfume filled her nose. It was the sort of scent that clung to unwashed sheets and stuck to your skin and hair for so long, it took several showers to get rid of it. It was a characteristic of desperation, one seen in so many girls who thought the porn industry would be a solution to all their problems. That Eden didn’t exist, and there were a very chosen few at the end. Isabel preferred not to think about what she would have done if her plan hadn’t worked and her business wasn’t as successful as it was.

  Passing an empty reception office, Isabel checked around and followed her nose. The more intense the stench, the more probable Jenny was at the end of it.

  From the corner of her eyes, she saw a couple of girls in bathrobes gape as she passed. With her wig and outfit, there wasn’t any doubt who she was. Maybe her notoriety would work in her favor this time.

  When she entered the studio, the first thing she noticed was how filthy it was. The walls should have been white, but were a nondescript pale nuance. However, they were whiter than the sheets where two girls were going at it.

  Kai remained one step behind her, and even if she was grateful for his reassuring presence, it wasn’t something she wanted him to see.

  One quick look was enough for her to see Jenny sitting in a corner, as fake blond as ever, with breasts that defied gravity, more interested in chatting with one of the male performers than checking what was happening on the bed. The crew looked bored to no end. She waited until an assistant finally said cut. Only then did Isabel enter. The sound of her heels echoed through the room and all eyes went to her. She heard gasps but ignored them. All her attention was on Jenny whose expression turned from annoyance to surprise and interest, nothing friendly about it. Kai’s reference to a shark was quite apt in her opinion.

  The blond bombshell she remembered from her early days had aged, but not in a good way. Her multiple plastic surgeries showed, making her look more like a caricature of their trade than anything else.

  “Well, well, if it isn’t the infamous Mercury Heat honoring my studio with her presence.”

  Slimmer and shorter than her, Jenny was wearing a little dress that looked like lingerie. How she kept all the goods under wrap in that ensemble was a mystery.

  Jenny didn’t offer her hand, and Isabel didn’t either. “I didn’t know if you’d be in here or LA. I guess I’m lucky to find you here.”

  “I like Chicago, it feels more like an independent-style film scene, not like LA where it’s all glitz and glamor. But I’m not telling you anything new.”

  One look around made Isabel wonder what Jenny found cutting-edge about the setting. But, she wasn’t here to judge. “Do you have time to chat?”

  Not the word she would have used for what she had in mind, but it seemed to intrigue Jenny enough to consider it. The woman drifted toward Kai who was standing a foot back, all dark and menacing in his bodyguard role. “Would that chat involve having a taste of that piece of male you brought with you? One of your protégés?”

  It was tempting to roll her eyes at her, but Isabel refrained. “No tasting. Don’t mind him.”

  She should have known that Jenny would try to make a move on him.

  Sidestepping Isabel, Jenny turned carnal as she got her hands on Kai. “But I do mind him. Girl, this is some fine piece of man.”

  Kai didn’t show anything on his handsome face, but Isabel sensed a shift in his energy, one of clear discomfort. As he pushed her away, her hand cupped his crotch and she laughed. “Oh my! If you’ve not signed him up yet, I certainly will. I think we could make a legend out of him.”

  “Jenny! Focus, please!”

  The blond bombshell licked her lips, releasing him. “What? Don’t tell me you haven’t tapped him yet! Don’t act so Mother Superior with me, I know what a dirty porn star you have been.”

  The team around them was growing restless and Isabel wasn’t about to have the discussion she intended with so many ears around. “Is there anywhere I can have a sensible word with you? It won’t take long.”

  Clearly exasperated, Jenny barked orders to her crew before storming out. Isabel took a calming breath before locking eyes with Kai. This wasn’t going to be easy.

  They followed her to another room, one that was a bit cleaner. Another setting for another scene, although Isabel didn’t see much difference apart from the number of stains.

  Jenny went to a small desk and took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. After drawing deep, she let out the smoke with evident satisfaction. It was a short respite.

  “What the fuck do you want, Merc. I don’t recall us being friends.”

  “I agree, we are not friends. But I have a good reason for coming to see you.”

  “I thought that cold-blooded witch Claire did all your dirty work for you. Isn’t she in charge of running your business while you roast your ass in the sun?”

  “Jenny, I’m being serious here.”

  “And I’m losing time, so say whatever you have to say and get the fuck out.”

  “Are you still in contact with The Gallery?”

  Jenny coughed in surprise, not expecting that particular question. However, she quickly took hold of herself and drew another puff of smoke. “Whoa, I never thought your mighty production company was considering ex
panding its offering. You’re into little children now, Merc? Wet your panties at images of little boys?”

  Kai shuffled behind her, but Isabel didn’t want to lose her focus even though Jenny’s allegation made her stomach queasy with disgust and horror. “I won’t even answer that. I need the information to find someone.” As she didn’t know how deep Jenny’s ties were with the organization, if she had any, it was better not to reveal the real reason behind her request.

  “Find someone. Is that it?”

  Isabel nodded. “It’s important. You know very well I wouldn’t have come here if it wasn’t.”

  Jenny seemed to ponder her question as she continued smoking her cigarette. Isabel may have counted on the goodness of her heart, but that would have been too much of a stretch. As she expected, Isabel saw the wheels turning in Jenny’s head. She was a queen manipulator and wouldn’t do anything without obtaining a reward at the end.

  Crushing her unfinished cigarette on the desk, she got to her feet and crossed her arms over her ample assets. “You don’t understand what you are asking. I’m putting my name, my life, on the line. Those people are not playing and if you want my advice, you should leave them alone, turn around and go on your merry way.”

  Isabel took a step in turn, she had to make her point. “Don’t tell me you agree with them abusing young children?”

  “I’m with the ‘live and let live’ crowd. And I don’t have the freedom or money to go on a crusade.”

  “How much?” Because it all reverted to that, Isabel dared to make the call. “How much would it take to make that crusade worthwhile for you?”

  As soon as she made the offer, Jenny’s face lit up. “Never thought I’d see the day where you would be willing to give your fortune away. Unfortunately, that won’t be enough.”

  Isabel tensed at her words, preparing for the worst from the woman.

  “What I want is your ass, darling.”

  Isabel frowned, not certain what she meant. At her expression, Jenny boomed in laughter. “You should see your face! Don’t worry, I don’t personally want it. I only did lesbian scenes out of necessity, not enjoyment. No, what I want is a video of you.”

  Still unsure of her request, Isabel tried to stay vague. “Which one?”

  And again, the woman shook her head. “Oh, no. I won’t accept scraps from you. What I want is something fresh.”

  Then it dawned on Isabel. “You want me to make a video for you? For God’s sake, Jenny, I’m retired now. You can’t be serious.”

  Jenny started walking around her, eyeing her up and down. “I’m deadly serious. I want the entire rights of the video to be to my name. The return of Mercury Heat, for one night only. And to prove I’m not a total bitch, I’ll leave the crew, the actors and the place entirely up to you. I only have one requirement. Do you remember what you said to me once? That there are two types of scenes you would never do? Apart from the illegal stuff, of course. Well, I want you in one of those.”

  Isabel’s mind was sluggish, trying to find a way out. “How can I even be sure you have the information I need?”

  Jenny angled her head. “I think that for both our protection, we draw up a contract. Once we both sign it, I give you my information, and if it works to give you access, I get the video. If it doesn’t, you don’t do it.”

  “And if I don’t do the video?”

  “I want fifty percent of Mercury Productions.”

  Her requirement robbed Isabel of breath. She heard Kai shift behind her, but blocked him from her mind. There was so much at stake. If she could get her hands on that contact or any piece of info, there was a chance that the team could bring Finch and the ring down at the same time. That would also mean the end of anything between her and Kai. If she said yes, he would never forgive her for returning to porn, especially with what Jenny wanted her to do.

  Isabel closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them again, she knew what to do. “We have an agreement. Have your lawyer draw up the contract. And be fast about it. If I don’t get it in the next twelve hours, the deal is off.”

  Without a backward glance and with the heaviest of hearts, Isabel turned and left.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Kai didn’t know how he made his way back to Archer’s place. It was like his entire body had turned into an emotionless robot. Isabel’s words and how she had agreed to the deal with that evil woman churned in his head and it felt like a betrayal, even if his brain tried to provide logic and reason. He’d thought they had something going on, that even with small steps they were building something together.

  On the other hand, it had been her work for part of her life, and he had come to terms with that. Could he do it again? Could he watch her having sex with someone else and have sufficient detachment to not feel threatened or jealous? Kai had always thought himself to be a pretty easygoing and very open-minded guy, but what he was confronted with was on a completely different level.

  Aleksei had told them to avoid Isabel’s apartment. Since they had gone there that afternoon, someone had been watching it and the team was on it. Archer’s luxury bunker was once more the safest place.

  Zoe had welcomed them with the same generosity and warmth as before, even if this time, the entire team invaded her home. Spread across the kitchen and living room, they all avoided any sort of conversation as they prepared coffee and a snack for everyone.

  As soon as they arrived, Isabel had disappeared into the guest apartment to change and hadn’t reappeared yet. Kai was worried, but unable to go to her yet. It was Sasha and Gabrielle who finally went to her with fresh clothes. Sam too was silent. He had heard everything that had been said and it was clear he had relayed everything to the other brothers. No wonder they were giving him a wide berth.

  Kai’s eyes went to the hallway. At this time of night, Lucas was locked in his room, probably bribed by Zoe to stay there for the time being. Baby Julia was probably asleep too. It was only when he was standing in front of her door that he realized that he’d walked all the way there like a zombie.

  The smell of baby powder filled his nose as he pushed open the door and entered. There was a soft nightlight casting a warm pinkish glow all over the room. In her crib, Julia breathed softly, lost in dreamland. Kai was almost tempted to wake her up just so he could take her in his arms.

  “Oh, it’s you.”

  Kai turned to see Lucas come in the room. “I saw the open door and wondered if Zoe or Archer needed help.”

  “No, I just wanted a minute alone with her.”

  Lucas came to lean above the crib with Kai, looking down at the infant. “I do that too. I don’t know why, I’ve never told Zoe about it.”

  Kai nodded but remained silent for a moment. “I think it’s because she’s so at peace. And everything is so simple for her. That disappears fast when we grow up.”

  “You’re so encouraging, dude. I wonder why I don’t jump out the window.”

  Kai grinned and pushed him with his shoulder. “You’ll be fine.”

  “And you?”

  On that, Kai sighed. “I don’t know.”

  “Is it about Isabel and the fact she’s a famous porn star?”

  Kai almost jumped back. “How do you know that?”

  The teenager gave him a broad smile. “I have ears. And even if Zoe and Archer were discreet, I still have a brain. And it wasn’t a big leap to find her videos.”

  Barely remembering not to shout to avoid waking Julia, Kai took two steps back and tried to find his breath again. In his head, images of Lucas in front of his computer came to mind and it freaked him out.

  Lucas stood and crossed his arms, clearly reading his thoughts. “Whoa, man. I didn’t do THAT! Sheesh. I met the woman and ate breakfast with her. I may be overflowing with hormones, but I can still control myself. Is that the reason you look so haunted?”

  Kai put his face in his hands for an instant. He couldn’t discuss Isabel’s former career with him. “It’s complic

  “If it’s that complicated, it means it’s linked with Archer’s father. Well, he’s your father too.”

  “You should consider Intel as your future career, you’d be dangerously good at it. And yes, it has to do with him. Another layer in a very complicated mess.”

  Lucas nodded. “I get it. I don’t know her well, but from what I saw and heard, Isabel is one kick-ass person. I read Mercury Heat’s bio on Wikipedia and you should see all the things she has done, and I’m not talking about her videos. She’s helped many organizations and foundations, fundraised lots of money when she wasn’t giving some of her own. Zoe said that she’s one of the few small businesses in Chicago that offers full health coverage. And she has rallied several others in order to create a co-op to expand it to other workers who would not usually benefit from it. And the way you’re pacing Julia’s room like a caged tiger, you like her a lot.”

  Kai was stunned with everything Lucas revealed about Isabel. Since she’d reappeared in his life, it had been a whirlwind, and since she’d revealed her past occupation, he had stayed far away from a computer. He desperately hung to the Izzy he’d known at the beach and shoved her revelations aside to protect himself. What if she wanted to return to the industry? Would he be able to have a relationship with her knowing what she was doing?

  Lucas chuckled and tapped his hand on Kai’s shoulder. “I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes, dude. You’re in a serious jam. You want my advice?”

  This time, Kai lifted an eyebrow. “How many girls have you been with to offer me advice, Dr. Freud?”

  Undeterred, Lucas continued. “Because Zoe likes you and you are Archer’s annoying brother, I’m gonna give it to you anyway. Just switch situations.”


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