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GENT_An Enemies to Lovers Romance

Page 21

by Harloe Rae

  “You are so damn random when you’re drinking. I can’t keep up with you.”

  “Because you’re old.”

  He punches my arm. “I don’t speak idiot.”

  I almost tip off the stool, but catch myself at the last second. “Why am I such an asshole? I've done so much stupid shit, Jack. How the hell do I fix that?”

  “Runs in the family,” he says. “I’ve already told you about my fuck ups. Your dad wasn’t innocent either. His surly attitude got him into all sorts of trouble with your mom.”

  The buzzing in my mind screeches to a halt when he mentions my father. “Really? I don’t remember him that way.”

  Jack scrubs a hand over his jaw. “Yeah, she whipped him into shape. I fucking idolized my older brother. He was a hellion, a lot like you. Didn’t give a crap about nothing but fast cars and partying hard. Your mom loved him, though. Saw past his foul language and nasty behavior, but he didn’t make it easy on her. Sound familiar?”

  “Sure does. Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” There’s a marching band playing a crescendo in my head as I wait for him to respond.

  He shrugs and takes a sip of water. “We don’t talk much about this sort of thing, remember? Would you have been open to any of this if the liquor wasn’t flowing?”

  “Nah, probably not. Glad we are, though.”

  “Me too, kid. Didn’t bring it up to cause pain. Only wanna make a point,” he reiterates. “Your woman wants to know she matters. That she comes first. You don’t gotta plan something outrageous. You already told me Raven wants your heart, so give it to her. Don’t push her away.”

  I lean against the bar. “That isn’t easy for me.”

  He slaps my back. “You’re already taking the right steps, so don’t freak out. You’re not beyond repair. Think of this like the beginning of an engine overhaul.”

  I groan. “That’s so much work.”

  “It doesn’t have to be. One step at a time, kid. Don’t get ahead of yourself. We’ll talk more tomorrow when you’re in better shape. Who knows if you’ll even remember this in the morning,” Jack jokes.

  “I’m wasted, not blacked out. I’ll recall all this just fine, fuck you very much. Gimme my phone back,” I say and hold out my palm.

  Jack raises a dark brow. “Why?”

  I roll my eyes. “None of your business.”

  He grunts. “Never seen you this way, Trey. This girl is your real deal. I’m damn happy you found her.”

  “She found me,” I correct. “And all I’ve done is treat her like a convenient hookup. Fuck,” I curse and grip my hair. “Raven deserves to be worshipped. I never should have assumed otherwise.”

  Jack crosses his arms. “You’ll make all that nonsense up to her and correct the mistakes, but now isn’t the time. Try again when you wake up, after sleeping this shit off.”

  “All right,” I grumble. Maybe he’s got a point. I can almost hear my bed calling. All the drinks and fried food are catching up to me. “Can I get a lift home?”

  “Your chariot awaits outside,” he hoots.

  I cover my ear. “Why are you so excited?”

  “Because my babysitting shift is almost over. I can meet up with my honey after this,” he says with a wag of his brows.

  “You’re such a dick.” I hiccup, feeling bile swirl in my gut.

  Jack snorts. “Jealous?”

  “Obviously!” I shout and a pang echoes in my ears. “I want to be with Raven. Why is she acting like I don’t exist?”

  He pulls me off the seat and guides me to the door like a toddler. “Quit bitching. I’m sick of it. You’ll be good as gold tomorrow.”

  I stumble over the floor mat but Jack catches me. Black dots speckle my vision as I say, “I’m not so sure about that.”



  THE RINGING DOESN’T stop, in my head or on the nightstand. Blindly I reach out, swatting at my phone, trying to silence the torture. To my relief, the room remains quiet. My lids slide shut as I try letting sleep take hold of me again.

  No such luck.

  My cell calls out from the floor, insistent and blaring like a foghorn. I almost fall off the mattress while grabbing for it.

  “What?” I bark, my voice gruff.

  “You’re still sleeping? It’s four o’clock in the afternoon,” Addy scolds from the other end.

  I rub my throbbing temples. “Who the hell cares?”

  “Me. And you should too.”

  “Do you need something?” I bark.

  Addison huffs, her annoyance clear. “Maybe I shouldn’t be helping you after all.”

  I groan, the pounding in my skull almost unbearable. “Tell me what you want so I can go back to bed.”

  “And wallow in your stupidity some more?”

  Flashes from last night flicker through my foggy brain. Addy was at the bar, serving me several drinks. Far too many based on the ceiling spinning above me. This is just great. My mouth tastes like mothballs, and I’m nauseous as fuck.

  “How ‘bout you spit it out?” I demand.

  Addy laughs. “Aww, you have a hangover? I’m not surprised considering you practically drank a keg of beer. I stopped counting your shots. You’re kind of a moron, Trey.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know.” I snort, immediately regretting it as blinding pain jabs into me.

  “Yeah? All right. Raven is at Dagos,” she says calmly.

  That wakes me up real quick. “What?”

  “You heard me.”

  “When the hell did she get there?”

  “About thirty minutes ago.”

  I growl, “And you’re just calling me now?”

  “I’ve been blowing up your cell since she walked in the joint. Not my fault that you don’t answer.”

  I check my notifications. Dammit, she’s right. I toss the blankets off and sit up. “I’ll be there in ten.”

  “Better hurry. Who knows how long she’s gonna wait,” Addy says.

  “Keep her busy,” I snap and hang up.

  I rub my dry eyes and stand too fast, almost tipping over from the momentum. I stumble into the shower and wash yesterday’s regrets off my skin. My limbs are sluggish. For a moment, I lean against the cool tile for support. I’m cursing Jack and his genius plan of male bonding. The jackass stopped drinking before dinner but kept rooting me on. I’m paying for dumping all that poison in my veins.

  I hang my head as the water rains down, pouring life back into me. Thinking about Raven speeds up the recovery and a semblance of normal returns. I shut off the stream and grab a towel, ready to face my future.

  I peer at my foggy reflection and wince. My eyes are bloodshot and weary. The scruff on my jaw is bordering beard territory. My complexion is pale, showing evidence of the weakness still brewing inside. This is who’ll be greeting Raven—lucky lady she is.

  It doesn’t take much after that because I’m edgy and eager as hell. Delaying this further isn’t possible. After tossing on jeans and a shirt, I rush out the door.

  With newfound purpose and a clear mind, the drive flies quickly. I park my truck in front of Dagos like usual, but everything else is different. Today, I stare at the windows littered with neon signs and picture the girl waiting inside. The weight of these coming moments is a hefty stack pressing on my chest. My pulse roars while I consider the possible outcomes. Raven is a game changer, and I’m prepared to do whatever it takes.

  Suddenly, her significance blazes through me. It’s an inner strength I wouldn’t possess on my own. I don’t deserve forgiveness, but that doesn’t stop me from wanting it. I step out onto the curb, take a fortifying breath, and prepare to face her verdict.

  I glance down at my empty hands. Dammit, I should have picked up flowers or something. Too late now. Fuzzy memories from last night are trying to break through the haze but don’t crack the surface. Am I forgetting something? I scratch my scalp and stop overthinking. If Raven wants more with me, and I really fucking hope she does, my
words will do the trick for the time being. I’ll shower her with gifts later.

  My hand rests on the wood door and I bow my head. Here goes all I have.

  She’s all I see while walking into the dim bar. Raven is sitting alone, but not for long—or ever again—if I get my way. She doesn’t see me so I take a few minutes to appreciate her stunning beauty. Loose curls cascade down her back, like a golden beacon reeling me in. Raven’s slim shoulders are perfectly straight while she studies a menu. But it’s what she’s hiding from view that I’m most interested in. Hopefully I’ll speak to her heart tonight.

  I stride forward quietly, noticing the empty stool next to her. I smirk at the sight, recognizing the irony. The roles are reversed. I guess we’ve come full circle, and this all makes perfect sense.

  My fingers itch to touch her. I still resist. After clearing my throat, I ask softly, “Is this seat taken?”

  She looks over her shoulder, sapphire eyes wide and searching. Raven doesn’t answer at first, just keeps watching me. Several tense beats later, she bites her lip and says, “Don’t even bother.”

  My stomach drops, not expecting any resistance from her. “What? Can I sit down for a minute? Real quick?”

  Raven shakes her head. “You’re wasting time hitting on me.”

  I stare at her, the dots not connecting in my brain. “I’m not—"

  “Listen, babe.” She raises a sassy brow. “I know why you’re over here. I’m not interested, okay?” She crosses her arms and I finally understand what’s going on.

  “Hmm, reenacting our first chat? Turnabout is fair play.”

  She shrugs. “Call ‘em like I see ‘em.”

  “Well, this is the only open spot in the place. I’d love the chance to know you better.”

  Raven makes a show of glancing around the empty room. “Oh, really?”

  I take a chance and stroke down her arm, getting a thrill from her slight shiver. “You’re here.” The surprise in my voice is blatant, but I’m done holding back.

  “Where else would I be?” she mumbles.

  “You were gone. Just, up and left.”

  Raven squints at me. “It wasn’t even two days.”

  “Felt a lot longer than that,” I mumble.

  “What’s that?”

  “Where did you go?” I pull out the available stool and sit down. She doesn’t protest.

  “Sandbar Shore,” she replies, offering a weak grin.

  “Where the hell . . . ?” I pause, rubbing over my mouth. “I mean, why didn’t you answer my texts? I even left a few voicemails.”

  She props an elbow on the ledge, resting her cheek on a fist. “I’m really mad at you, Trey. Just needed to be alone yesterday to work through that. I planned to respond today but didn’t hear from you again. Figured we’d talk . . . whenever.”

  I scratch the base of my neck. “I was sleeping off a hangover.”

  “Drinking to forget?” She purses her lips.

  I grunt and roll my eyes. “Never wanna do that when it involves you. I just needed to do . . . something while waiting to hear from you. Damn, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I blame Jack, mostly. It was his genius idea, rooting me on to keep chugging while he was sipping water. Shit got pretty blurry by midnight.”

  Raven nods. “I heard.”

  I groan loudly. “Let me guess. Marlene beat me here?”

  She smiles, a little brighter this time. “Nope. Addy filled me in on all the drunken details.”

  “Fuck, I don’t wanna know. Can’t be too bad if you’re still sitting with me.”

  Her hand seesaws. “The jury is deliberating.”

  “Let me take you on a date. A real, official one.”

  “When?” Her tone is skeptical.

  I look around, checking out my options. “How about now?”

  “Uh, I dunno. I’m pretty busy.”

  “Come on,” I urge. “We can sit in that booth over there. Plop a candle in the middle, spruce up the table and add some ambiance.”

  Raven wrinkles her nose. “Is this where we cue the cheesy music?”

  “Sure, why not.”

  “I might need more time. You really hurt me,” she says.

  Raven’s words gut me and the soul-deep need to soothe her pain takes over. “Let me make this right. Please?” I’m not above begging at this point.

  She blinks at me, not saying anything else.

  The distance between us, both physical and emotional, is making my skin crawl. I tug on her belt loop, shifting her toward me. I lean closer and whisper, “I miss you, Princess.”

  She scoffs. “You miss having sex with me.”

  “Nah, it’s far more than that.”

  “Post-coital chat buddy?”

  “Wrong again.”

  “What then?”

  I rest my forehead against hers, rolling back and forth. “I said a lot of really stupid shit, Raven. I need to apologize. Will you hear me out?”

  Raven’s minty exhale breezes along my skin, making me desperate to inhale her. “I suppose,” she mumbles.

  “I was aware that lines were blurring, but chose to ignore them. I’m a coward, okay? I didn’t want to face my feelings. The bullshit excuses I make don’t matter. All that does is letting you know how damn sorry I am,” I murmur across her lips. “You’re not a convenient fuck or easy lay or temporary fling or casual screw. Princess, you’re so much more to me.”

  “Where is all this coming from? On Saturday you were singing a very different tune.”

  “In the heat of the moment, I was too damn proud to admit my feelings. That isn’t the case anymore. I’ve had the sense knocked into me. I don’t wanna lose you, Raven.”

  “Oh, wow. I wasn’t expecting this,” she says softly.

  My nose brushes along hers. “Better get used to it. I’ve made some decisions.”

  Raven tenses slightly. “Oh, yeah?”

  “Uh, huh. I want all the fluff and mush. With you, only and always. No one gets this from me except you,” I whisper. “I’ll never share this part of me with another person. Just you, Raven.”

  She sniffs and sucks in her cheek. “You better not be saying this stuff just to get laid.”

  I chuckle into her neck, pressing kisses there. “I don’t need to make up shit for that to happen. But really, you’re different for me. Always have been since the day you moved to Garden Grove. Right away, I was drawn to your golden hair and sapphire eyes. After spending so much time by myself, it was a serious shock to find someone I could tolerate. You’re always questioning and pressing me, pushing limits that never used to bend. I like that about you. By never settling for my shitty non-answers, you’ve helped me realize how trapped I’ve been. I don’t wanna be alone anymore, Princess. I’m hoping you’re still willing—”

  “Yes,” she cuts me off before pressing her mouth to mine. “I want it all.”

  I nibble her lower lip. “No more dodging me, all right? If I screw up, holler at me and I’ll try not to yell back. Be patient with me. I’ve never had a real relationship, but want one with you. I’ll probably blow it and have to buy a shitload of flowers. We’ll do what works for us.”

  Her head shifts against me with a nod. “We’ll make it work. I happen to really like flowers.”

  I breathe her in. “Smell like them too.”

  Raven giggles. “I know how much you like that.”

  “Damn right. So, no more random trips?”

  “I’ll tell you first.”

  I tickle her sides, and she laughs. “Okay, okay. You can come along.”

  “Hmm, I like the sound of that.” I wrap her in a hug, our bodies molding together like a museum masterpiece. Raven nuzzles into my chest, and I hold her tighter, bringing us even closer. “This feels perfect.”

  “I wasn’t sure this would happen for us,” she says with a slight wobble in her voice.

  “Want another secret?” I whisper in her ear. “Pretty sure I love you.”

  She peeks
up at me through wet lashes. “Well, I might love you back a bit.”

  I slide my palm along hers, our fingers intertwining on their own. “Just right,” I say. Raven’s breath hitches, I squeeze her hand.

  “My uncle told me about this.”

  Her face tips up. “What do you mean?”

  My heartbeat goes wild, and I’m positive Raven can feel it. “He said I’d find a girl. The one.”

  “He did?”

  Warmth spreads in my chest. “Turns out he was right,” I say and nip her chin.

  Raven hums. “And what else did Jack say?”

  “Mostly nonsense. He only makes sense a small portion of the time.”

  “Ah, that explains a lot of your behaviors.”

  I pinch her, and she squeaks.

  “Wanna hear a story?” I ask.

  “Of course I do.”

  “There was this guy, super fucking hot, but a total douchebag. You know the type, right?”

  “Oh, totally.”

  “He thought his shit didn’t stink until this girl walks into the bar and wrecks house. Stop me if you’ve heard this one,” I say and Raven smiles against my jaw. She motions for me to keep going, so I do. “Right away, he knew there was something different about her. The jerk fought it, really hard. As if he actually stood a chance.” I snort, and Raven giggles.

  “Maybe he was scared of being weak or appearing vulnerable, but eventually the dude gives in. He couldn’t go on without her, that whole sappy spiel. And I’m damn glad for them. See, this girl, she’s so fucking special, Princess. She managed to turn an asshole into a believer. How ‘bout that, huh?”

  Raven dusts my cheek with soft pecks. I press into her touch, asking for more. Sparks burst along my skin when she peeks her tongue out for a taste. I groan but keep going.

  “I didn’t know what I was missing until you came barreling into town. Not sure I can tell you what that means to me. Maybe I can show you?” I pull away to stare into her brilliant blues.

  Raven bites her lip. “You’re adorable.”

  I slap a palm over my heart. “Don’t steal my man-card. I’ve already given you everything else.”

  Raven grabs my shirt and drags me toward her. Then, she kisses me sweetly. “I could never take that away,” she mumbles into my mouth. “You’re far too vulgar for me to tame completely. Not that I’d ever want to.”


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