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Sword of Ice and Other Tales of Valdemar v(-100

Page 22

by Mercedes Lackey

  Directly in front of him, the white horse was grazing contentedly. Even though Treyon thought he hadn't made a sound, the horse raised its head and looked at him. Caught in its gaze as he had been the day before, Treyon felt like the animal was reading his mind. He didn't move a muscle, content to hold its eyes with his own steady stare. He felt proud that he wasn't compelled to look away in fear or submission. It was almost as if the horse were evaluating him, and apparently liking what it saw.

  The horse looked beyond him for a moment, then neighed, wheeled around, and cantered off through the woods again, only this time with no bandits in pursuit.

  A noise behind him made Treyon whirl in a defensive crouch before he could stop himself. The silver-haired man held his hand up in a calm gesture. "Good morning."

  Straightening, Treyon mentally cursed his reflexes. "Hello."

  The man gestured toward the horse's retreating back. "What do you think of her?"

  Treyon turned to look at the horse again. "She's beautiful. Yours?"

  "Not exactly. We're very good friends, though."

  "I'd give anything to ride something like that."

  "Well, I don't know. You'd have to ask her. Her name's Yfandes."

  Treyon looked up at the man who had come up beside him, and was now watching him without a trace of humor on his face, as if talking to horses was something he did every day. Not knowing quite how to respond, Treyon kept silent. There was a not-quite-awkward silence for a few seconds until the man spoke again, "Are you hungry? I'm afraid all I can offer is more of the same as last night, if you don't mind."

  The memory of the savory vegetable stew brought a smile to Treyon's face, "Fine, if you have enough."

  "Always." The man started to go inside, then paused, "I'm sorry. I've fed and sheltered you and I don't even know your name."

  Treyon paused before heading back into the shelter. "It's Treyon."

  The man nodded. "And you can call me Van."

  Treyon's head snapped up. "As in Vanyel Demons-bane?"

  The man smiled as if he heard that question a lot.

  "The name is similar, but the Herald-Mage Vanyel has been dead for over thirty years. He died around here, as a matter of fact."

  "You know of him?"

  Van grinned. "Bits and pieces I've heard here and there. After all, I haven't lived my whole life here. Come inside and I'll tell you more over a hot meal."

  Treyon hurriedly scooted through the break in the trees. Van started to follow, but stopped for a moment as a familiar voice carried clearly in his mind.

  •.Don't embellish too much while telling your "bits and pieces" now.:

  :'Fandes, I'm shocked you would even accuse me doing something like that. If he wanted embellishment, he should talk to Stefen. But I do think he should get his information straight from the "legend's" mouth, don't you?:

  :As long as I get to correct you on parts you may be a bit fuzzy on. Deal?:

  Van smiled. :Deal. Except I wish I had his gift with children. He's much better with them than I am.:

  :Well, dear, if wishes were Companions, then everybody would have one. You'll just have to make do.:

  :Yes, yes, but... I have the feeling that this boy is a harbinger of something evil to come. You sensed him, didn't you?:

  :Of course. Why do you think I went after him?:

  -.All right, all right, Van grinned again, Pardon me for trying to figure out your mind.:

  Van could almost see Yfandes' smile. :Over five decades together and you're still learning, dear. Are you going in? That boy needs to talk:

  •.Right away. Keep watch for anything unusual, particularly from the North. This may take a while.:


  ". . . and that was how Vanyel earned the name "Shadow-Stalker." Van leaned back against the wood of the shelter, watching Treyon finish the last of his meal.

  "Boy, it sure must have been exciting." Treyon said after he had swallowed the last mouthful. "Riding all over Valdemar, protecting those who needed help, battling evil wherever it appeared."

  A wry grin appeared on Van's face. "I don't know. I doubt it was all adventure and romance. I mean, you're from around here, right?" Treyon nodded. "So you know how cold it gets at night, how hard the winters are. I'm sure Vanyel spent many days cold, hungry, and tired while he was protecting those who needed him."

  "Yeah, but he was the most powerful magician of all. He leveled armies, battled hundreds of demons at once, cut through mountains like they were soft butter. He could do anything. Why would he be cold and tired when he didn't have to be?"

  .-Funny, that's what his Companion said more than once.: Yfandes Mindspoke, along with a gentle laugh. Shaking his head at both of them, Van continued.

  "Treyon, it wasn't, and still isn't, that easy. Often times Vanyel was probably battling other mages, with power as strong, or even stronger, than his. Sure, he could have used magic to keep himself warm and fed, but that would have been just like sending a signal to the other mages, telling them where he was, like a torch on a dark night."

  "Oh. You seem to know a lot about magic." The statement was meant as just that, but Van inferred something more behind it, as did Yfandes, who commented, :The boy's quick.:

  "Well, before I settled down here, I picked up some training in it. But times changed, and I ended up here, where I've been ever since."

  "Oh." Treyon stared into the fire for a time, then said quietly, "It's too bad Vanyel isn't still around. But that's just wishful thinking, I guess. I mean, why would a legend concern himself with one person?"

  Since Treyon was still looking at the fire, he didn't notice Van stiffen at his tone, or the pained expression on his face as he replied.

  "Well,. Treyon, I'm sure if Vanyel was still alive, he would still be helping those who needed him."

  At those words Treyon looked at the older man sharply. Seizing the moment, Van continued, "Treyon, why were you in the forest?"

  After a long silence. "I was running away."

  "From whom?"

  "Bandits. I was sold to them a long time ago, I don't even know who my mother and father are." Under Van's level gaze, Treyon felt compelled to tell him as much as he could.

  "So you didn't want to be a bandit?"

  "No, of course not. Running and hiding all the time, never sure where your next meal is coming from, always in fear of your life." Treyon paused as a thought struck him. "Maybe Vanyel and I had more in common than I thought."

  The boy is quick, Van thought as Treyon continued. "But I didn't see any way out of it. I mean, I don't know anything other than banditing. Sure, I could go to a city, but what would I do there but end up stealing to eat again. So I thought banditing was what I was gonna do forever, till Ke'noran came along."


  "Yeah, she's a wicked Woman if'n I ever saw one. Knows lots 'bout magic, too. She took over the group by killing Trold, who'd been the leader. She appeared one night, said she was leading us now, I mean, I was still with them then. Trold got up and started walking toward her, talking 'bout how no woman was taking over his band. She just looked at him, and he started bleedin' everywhere, his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. He ran into the woods, 'n we never saw him again. She's led ever since, and now most of the men actually respect her. Not just because she could kill anyone who opposed her, but she actually made life a bit better for us. We even ate pretty regularly after she took over.

  "Did she make you leave?"

  "Yeah, but she didn't kick me out or nothing. When she first saw me, it was like she was looking into my head. She always gave me the creeps. Well, one night I had a dream, and in it I was tied to this big rock, and

  Ke'noran was standing over me with this sharpened stick with strange marks carved on it. She was leaning over me and saying something, bringing the stick closer to my head, and then I woke up. I don't know how to explain it, but I knew that if I stayed there any longer, what I saw was gonna happen to me. So that night I headed for the
border, hoping to get to a town or city somewhere. Just as I got out of the mountains, they caught up with me. I ran for the woods, and here I am." Treyon said, omitting the part about the trees.

  :Did you catch all that, dear?: Vanyel asked.

  :Yes, Van. Sounds like a textbook blood-magic sacrifice to me, just as Treyon's dream sounds like ForeSight. But what's puzzling is why she would take him so soon. I mean, Treyon has the potential for two, maybe three Gifts, but he hasn't even been trained in them yet. What could she want with this boy, when an ordinary peasant would power the blood-magic just as well?: Yfandes replied.

  :There must be a reason. Perhaps she's found a way to tap into the magical energy of another's mind and use that as her own, as well as the life forces. It would be a powerful augmentation,: Vanyel thought worriedly.

  :Hmm, that's very possible. But what you said about augmentation gives me an idea. What if she's found a way to take untrained Gifts into herself, and use them as if they were her own?:

  :Which could only be accomplished by the sacrifice of the victim, ensuring the magic is released for her to absorb at the moment of death. Yfandes, I think you've got it.: Vanyel was careful to keep his face calm as the conversation continued.

  :Well, I guess we'll know soon enough. We didn't get all of the bandits. One of the group that was chasing me managed to get away, and I'm sure is warning his leader by now.:

  :Why didn't you tell me this before?: Vanyel asked, a hint of anger coloring his thoughts.

  :Vanyel, dear, we've had bandits crawling around the borders of these woods for so long, another group just didn't seem very important However, once this came to light. . .: 'Fandes trailed off.

  :Of course, 'Fandes, I'm sorry. Well, that means she'll probably be on her way here. Good. To be perfectly honest, fighting the same bandits all the time gets rather boring.:

  :It sounds as though you miss the old days.:

  Vanyel thought for a few seconds before answering. : I don't know, sometimes it just doesn't feel like we do enough for Valdemar here. I mean, I don't regret my choice, but after the Battle of the Ice Wall, there hasn't been much of anything from the North, even in the past few years.:

  Yfandes sent an image of herself snorting in amusement. .7 don't think I would try anything, even years after word of what happened got back.:

  :Anyway, if we're right, and this Ke'noran can do what we think, then she's a threat that must be dealt with.:

  :Vanyel, a mage-battle could destroy a large part of the forest. While bandits may be boring, they also don't have the power to level acres of trees. It could get out of hand if you're not careful.:

  :True, very true. Well, we'll just have to contain her as much as possible. Most likely she's more educated about the "legends" of the forest, and will be more loath to come in here.: Vanyel replied.

  :We'll see. You had better warn Treyon about this. He's not going to like it.:

  :No doubt. By the way, beloved, I'm sorry for referring to you as a horse in front of him, but it seems easier than trying to explain what we really are.:

  Yfandes smiled in his head. .-Understood and accepted. He's waiting, I think.:

  The Mindspoken conversation had only taken a few seconds, so Treyon hadn't even guessed at what was going on. Van looked at him again, smiled, then began speaking calmly.

  "Treyon, Ke'noran is going to come after you here. Apparently one of the bandits got away and has most

  likely warned her by now. If she Gates in, she could be on the edge of the forest already—"

  "No, no, she'll kill me! Please, you've got to hide me, help me get away from her!" Treyon was frantic with fear, looking around as if they were already surrounded by her men.

  Realizing he had said too much too fast, Vanyel tried a different approach. "Treyon, I'm going to help you. She's not going to take you back, I promise."

  But now fear had taken hold of Treyon completely, and he stared at Vanyel wildly. "You, you're just one man. She's got a dozen with her. She's skinned them alive for failing her, or burned them to ashes. I've seen it happen. What can one man do against that?"

  "And a horse, don't forget."

  The statement was so ridiculous that it broke through Treyon's fear and made him look at Vanyel as if he wasn't sure which one of them was crazier. Vanyel broke the silence.

  "She won't take you, Treyon, I swear it."

  The words hung in the air, Vanyel's silver eyes meeting Treyon's brown ones, with the promise between them. Finally, he slowly sank to the ground and nodded. "I believe you. I don't even know why, but I do."

  "All right. You should know why she wants you so badly. First, you have potential for Gifts in you—"

  "Me?" Treyon's incredulous snort interrupted Vanyel, who nodded.

  "Everyone has it, buried deep inside their minds, but not everyone has the ability to bring the power to the surface and use it. Your powers, as I said before, lie in the area called Gifts, which are more or less mind-powers, contacting people with your thoughts, bringing objects to you just by thinking about them moving, and so on. Ke'noran wants those untapped abilities, we—I think, to use for herself. And that's why we have to stop her."

  "Because if she does that to me, she could do it to others?"

  :When this is done, this boy's Haven-bound,: Yfandes thought.

  Nodding to both statements, Vanyel said, "Exactly. I think the safest thing to do will be to keep you here while I go find Ke'noran—" He trailed off, seeing Treyon shake his head.

  "I don't want to be left alone if she's anywhere nearby."

  "Treyon, I can protect you much better if you're in the middle of the forest—"

  "What if she does this Gate thing into the forest and grabs me while you're someplace else, huh?"

  Vanyel started to reply, then stopped, aware that he couldn't answer the question in a way that would satisfy the boy. Or himself, now that Treyon had exposed the flaw in his plan. As long as he had Gift potential, she could eventually find him. And a mage would have ways around the forest's defenses.

  :Most probably starting by burning the place to a cinder,: Yfandes Mindsent.

  Sighing in defeat, Vanyel turned his attention back to the conversation. "All right, you're coming with me. But you must do exactly what I say. Yfandes and I should be able to shield you magically, but if she has those brigands or constructs looking for you, it's vital that you stay hidden, exactly where I place you, understand?"

  Treyon thought for a moment, nodded, then asked, "Constructs. What're those?"

  "Cruel mockeries of life, created by magicians and fueled by magic. They can be given limited powers by their creators, but are still dangerous." Vanyel fell silent as he remembered one of the few he had ever seen, the raven-beast that had killed his Aunt Savil decades ago. The form of that particular monster was still clear in his mind, as if he had seen it yesterday. His thoughts were interrupted by Treyon.

  "I ... think Ke'noran has one."

  "Oh? Have you seen it?"

  Treyon shrugged, trying to put what he knew into words. "I'm not sure. Sometimes, when she's talking to the men at night, I catch a glimpse of something behind her, in the shadows. Man-sized or a little shorter. It never comes into the light and she never refers to it, but something's there, all right." A sudden thought occurred to Treyon while they were on the subject. "Van, what if she's got things huntin' in the woods right now?"

  Vanyel shook his head. "Don't worry, there aren't. If there were, they'd have been dealt with long before they got here. My guess is that she wants to be here to recover you personally, since the bandits couldn't finish the job. No doubt she probably also wants to investigate the forest, to see if there is anything here she can use for herself."

  :Man-sized, eh? This one must have a fair amount of power, to keep something that big alive.: Yfandes thought worriedly.

  :Yes, I know.: Vanyel thought back distractedly.

  "But you're going to stop her, right?" Treyon asked, a familiar light in h
is eyes.

  Vanyel smiled. "Yes, I promise."

  The sun was just below midpoint among a scattering of clouds when Vanyel, Yfandes, and Treyon reached the northern edge of the forest. From their vantage point in the treeline, they could see up and down the border of the forest. As expected, there was a contingent of men waiting about a hundred paces away. Most were dressed much like Treyon, in ragged shirts and vests, tattered and patched breeches and wearing shapeless, well-worn boots, rough sandals, or nothing on their feet at all. The force of men was split into two groups, about half a dozen on each side of the central figure, who had to be Ke'noran.

  She stood at least a hand-span over most of her men, more in some cases, less in others. Unlike the bandits, she was dressed well against the cold fall afternoon, in dark gray robes and a dazzling white fur cloak, complete with the claw-studded paws of whatever animal the pelt had come from holding the cloak in place on her shoulders. Her skin matched the tone of the fur, stark white, with red-irised eyes like ruby chips glittering in a snowdrift.

  She was standing near a cairn of stones piled long ago by someone who had buried another while traveling in or out of Valdemar. As he looked at the scene before him, Vanyel hoped he wouldn't have to make another smaller pile before the day was out.

  :A Cheldaran.: he heard Yfandes muse, / didn't think they came down this far.:

  Vanyel squinted, trying to examine her more closely. -.I've never seen anything like that before. What do you know of them?:

  Just that you should be wary, beloved. She may be more formidable than you think.:

  Vanyel focused his Mage-Sight on the tall woman for a minute, than replied, -.Actually, I don't think she's formidable, I know she is. Look for yourself.:

  Yfandes silently stepped up beside him and stared for a second, her blue eyes widening in disbelief. :Does she have what I think she does?:


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