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First Witch (Awakening Series Book 2)

Page 5

by Jane Hinchey

  She let go of the headboard, her upper body collapsing against the mattress while her ass remained in the air, holding him inside her. Although his legs felt as if they were made of rubber, he held his position, not wanting to withdraw, even though his erection was fading. He'd stay like this forever if it meant he could enjoy the view of her submissive pose. Having her submit to him was the biggest turn-on, and what do you know—he was starting to get hard again. She must have felt him twitch because her walls clenched around him, caressing. He got harder. Now that he'd got that first time out of the way, the urgency to reclaim her had lessened. They could go slow, enjoy it more—if that were remotely possible. It didn't matter how he took her, soft and gentle, hard and fast, he loved every second of it.

  He traced patterns across her back with his fingertips as he gently rocked into her, keeping the movements shallow.

  "Harder," she commanded, her voice muffled by the pillows she had her face buried in.

  "Not yet." He was enjoying this too much. He looked down, watching as her wetness glistened on his cock before pushing back into her. Out. In.

  "Son of a bitch." She cursed, suddenly using that strength and suppleness that had him awed to lift herself upright, knees between his, now her back pressed flush against his chest, her head resting just below his shoulder. It was harder for him to thrust this way, which was why he suspected she'd moved. She wanted control. She reached up and pulled his head down, her mouth meeting his in a hot, drugging kiss.

  Disengaging from him, she quickly swiveled around until she was facing him, legs wrapped around his waist.

  "You are fucking amazing." He groaned as she moved up and down while he simply held her. She laughed, then pushed them backward. Now he was flat on his back and she was riding him, her knees either side of his hips, her face flushed, hair wild around her. Her hips rocked, then swiveled, then she'd let her legs do the work, lifting her straight up, then back down. She reached behind her and massaged his balls.

  "I'm. Going. To. Come," he bit out.

  "Come for me," she breathed

  "Not without you baby." He was holding on out of sheer will, his body begging for release.

  She picked up her pace, riding him hard, his hands gripped her hips, as he pumped into her.

  "Now!" She cried out, her head thrown back, that glorious mane of hair trailing down her back and tickling his thighs. Her climax pulsed through her and she grabbed his balls, squeezing. He exploded, grunting as he buried himself in her. Holy fucking shit.


  "Skye! Come check this out." Georgia was at the breakfast bar, grimoire open in front of her as she sipped her breakfast from a coffee mug.

  Skye shuffled over to the fridge, grabbing her own blood bag. "What you got?" she muttered, heating her mug in the microwave.

  "It's a daylight protection spell."

  "A what now?" Skye slipped onto the stool next to her sister and glanced at the grimoire.

  "A spell that allows vampires to walk in the sun. I think."

  "Oh wow! Are you going to try it?"

  "Of course. I need some stuff for it first though. And I should talk to Melissa. She'd warned me not to go willy-nilly with the spells in the book."

  "How does it work?"

  "Well, I have to get some lapis lazuli, leave it outside in the sun for an hour to harness the sun’s energy, then I need to bathe the stone in my blood and say the spell."

  "And lapis lazuli is?"

  "A gemstone. You've probably seen them around before; they're blue."

  "How will you get it outside in the sun? You'll burn."

  "Well, Zak is a day walker. He could do it. Or Melissa."

  "Would it just protect you? Or all of us?"

  "I think it's whoever's blood you use. So I could do the spell for you if I use your blood. But I want to check with Melissa first. Wouldn't want to mess this one up and accidentally fry you!"

  "Who's frying who?" Zak appeared in the doorway, crossing to drop a quick kiss on Georgia's mouth, glancing at the grimoire in front of her.

  "Hopefully no one, but I found this wicked daylight protection spell. Wouldn't it be wonderful if it works? We could go out in the sun again! I could work in my workshop during the day, and we might even be able to open the shop again." Excitedly she turned and clasped Skye's arm.

  "Aren't you selling that?" Zak cut in.

  "Well, it seems the logical thing to do since we can't operate it ourselves. But with the daylight protection spell, that changes everything."

  "We'll have to make a decision soon," Skye said. "The repairs are just about finished."

  "What do you want to do with it?" Zak asked.

  Skye shrugged. "I'm not really sure. We've been away from it for so long I've kinda lost touch with the feelings it used to evoke. I used to love opening up every day, buying new stuff for Georgia to weave her magic on. I miss it, but at the same time, I don't."

  "I agree," Georgia admitted. "I know I miss working on furniture. But the store? I don't know."

  They all heard it at the same time. A car pulling up out front. Georgia recognized the rumble of Aunt Melissa's vehicle and rushed to the front door, standing in the doorway watching as her aunt removed the keys from the ignition and slid out of the driver's seat.

  "You look like hell." Georgia looked her aunt up and down, taking in the dark shadows beneath Melissa's eyes, her tousled hair, rumpled clothes.

  "You say the nicest things." Melissa grinned, shrugging a shoulder.

  "No, really. Are you okay? You look beat." Georgia came down the stairs and took her aunt’s bag from her. It weighed a ton.

  "I am. I've been sourcing supplies and dropping some concealment spells around to throw the hunter off track if he shows up in the area."

  "You think he'll find us here?"

  "Eventually. I'm buying us some time so we can get you up to speed so you can protect yourself. And Skye."

  "And these extra concealment spells will throw him off track?"

  "Hopefully." Melissa followed Georgia inside, sliding onto a stool at the breakfast bar, glancing at the grimoire Georgia had been poring over minutes before. "The farmhouse is protected, but considering it’s somewhat rural location it'd be relatively easy to find. He'd just scan the area and that place would show up as a void, so naturally, he'd go investigate, and boom, you're busted. I've scattered a few random concealments on other buildings in and around town, as well as rural places."

  "Smart," Zak said, leaning against the sink watching the women.

  "It'll only work for so long. But it'll make a good early warning system too. I'll know if he starts poking around. But for now"—she rummaged in the bag Georgia had placed on the counter—"I've got some herbs, gemstones, powders. Enough to keep us going for a while."

  "Do you have lapis lazuli?"

  Melissa smiled. "I wondered how long it would take before you found that spell. Yes, I have lapis lazuli, enough for everyone."

  "So I was right: it is a daylight protection spell for vampires?"


  "So the witches have been working with vampires for a long time? This looks old." She indicated the page in the grimoire with its splotched ink.

  "When it's beneficial. You'll find that witches, while we like to keep to ourselves, also know when it's wise to align ourselves with other paranormals." Melissa smothered a yawn, apologizing to the group. "Sorry guys. I'm beat. I've been up for the last twenty hours. I need to grab some shut-eye. Georgia, we'll do your daylight protection spells tomorrow. I'll make sure to set the stones outside tonight so they'll catch the morning sun. In the meantime, I want you to find, read, memorize the healing spell, protection spell, and the concealment spell."

  "Ready?" Melissa asked the following evening as they stood in the circle in Georgia's workshop.

  "Yes." Georgia's voice wobbled a little. She hadn't realized how nerve-wracking casting her first spell would be. It had seemed simple enough. Melissa had soaked the gemston
es in the sun's rays, then stored them in a small black bag with symbols printed on each side and a drawstring tie. Apparently, it held the sun’s powers within the stones for a few days. Georgia now had one stone in the palm of her hand, and her dagger in the other. It only seemed fitting that her ceremonial knife is the blade she'd found in her workshop months ago, the same one that had brought Zak to her.

  "Cut your hand. Drip the blood over the stone," Melissa commanded. Georgia obeyed, sliding the blade across her inner wrist, then holding the wound over the stone nestled in her other palm.

  "Say the incantation."

  Georgia muttered the words softly, self-conscious. They were hard to pronounce, written in an ancient language she had no knowledge of.

  "Sole slunce tomto kameni, quare me non nechte, quare za denniho ambulabit in lucem."

  As soon as the words had left her mouth the blood covering the stone began to sizzle. Her palm burned, but she closed her fingers around the stone and bubbling blood, holding on as instructed. It was working. Well, something was working, whether she could walk in the sun again she would have to wait until dawn to find out.

  Skye shuffled nervously from foot to foot. Anxiety poured off her in waves. She wiped her palms on the legs of her jeans, watching as Georgia opened her palm to reveal the lapis lazuli stone in her palm, clean and sparkling, no sign of blood.

  "Excellent. Well done." Melissa beamed. "Now keep your stone in a safe place. It should only be used by you. It's matched to your blood so you can use it in other spells later on if you need to."

  "How long will the sunlight protection spell last? Will I need to keep topping it up?"

  "It lasts forever. Or until you cast a spell to cancel it. Just don't use your stone to cast the spell for someone else. It'll taint the blood in the stone and weaken your own protection."

  "Gotcha." Georgia tucked the small stone into her front pocket, planning on having it set in a pendant or something so she could keep it near.

  "Skye. Your turn."

  Skye stepped into the circle and repeated the same steps that Georgia had, only when her blood dripped onto the gemstone in her palm, there was no sizzling, no reaction. Nothing.

  "You're still blocking." Melissa sighed. Skye's face fell. They'd hoped she'd manage to beat her subconscious with the importance—and benefits—of the daylight protection spell, but apparently not.

  "Come on. I'll do it." Georgia stepped into the circle and they repeated the process. Georgia didn't touch Skye, just held her hand above Skye's and muttered the incantation. Sure enough, the blood bubbled and sizzled. Skye closed her fingers over the burning stone, wincing, but the pain passed in a second. She opened her fingers again to find the blood gone, her stone shining bright and blue. She smiled weakly at Georgia, her eyes over bright.

  "It's okay. You'll get this." Georgia wrapped her in a tight hug, feeling for her sister who looked so forlorn at not being able to do magic.

  They stayed at the farm until dawn. As the sun's rays peeked over the horizon Georgia tentatively took a step outside. If this didn't work she and Skye would be spending the day in the workshop with the shutters down. God, she hoped this worked. Zak had texted her several times asking when she was coming home. She'd promised him soon. He'd threatened to come and drag her home himself, but she promised him she'd be back with a wonderful surprise. He wasn't happy she wasn't under his roof at sunrise but gave her the space she asked.

  The sun crested, and a band of light moved surprisingly fast across the ground to where she stood in the pre-dawn light. It hit her toes, then her legs. Nothing. No burning. No smoke. The light traveled up her body until she stood fully bathed in the sun’s morning light. She tipped her face up, the warmth on her skin amazing. She'd missed it, hadn't realized just how much until this moment.

  "It worked! Come on out," she called over her shoulder to Skye, who remained in the workshop, waiting. Georgia looked back over her shoulder, smiling as Skye and Melissa stepped out, hand in hand. Skye was still nervous, the fear in her eyes fading when she felt the warmth from the sun on her skin. And didn't fry.

  "Oh." She gasped, hand going to her throat. Overcome with excitement the two sisters squealed and danced, hugging each other tightly.

  Melissa smiled at them. "What do you want to do now you are day walkers again?"

  "Go into town! Visit the shop. Feel like normal human beings again." Georgia didn't notice the way Skye stiffened at her words.

  "Let's go." They piled into Georgia's Ford truck and sped into town. Skye called Zak on the way, giving him the news. He promised to join them in town to help celebrate.

  Outside the shop, the girls stood and looked in wonder. It was finished. The doors were locked but through the big windows, they could see the floor, walls, and ceiling had been repaired. Everything was freshly painted in white. It was a blank canvas ready for them to fill it again. Georgia unlocked the front door and they stepped inside. The place reeked of paint fumes, so they propped open the front doors for ventilation.

  "It's good to be back," Georgia admitted, her voice echoing.

  "It is. I wasn't sure I wanted this, but now I'm here? Oh, I can't wait! I can go to auctions again. Get stocked up." Skye’s voice rose in excitement and her eyes sparkled. Georgia hugged her sister. Things were getting back to normal. Well, as normal as they could hope for, being vampires.

  "Saw you pull up. The shop looks good." A familiar deep voice sounded from the doorway. Georgia turned to see Rhys standing there, looking as handsome as ever in his police uniform.

  "Rhys!" She smiled at him, headed over to give him a hug but halted a couple of feet in front of him, suddenly unsure. She hadn't spoken with him since the night at the pub, when he'd called Zak, telling him she was sick.

  He looked down at her, his eyes unreadable. Slowly he smiled. Stepping forward, he pulled her flush against his chest in a bear hug.

  "I've missed you, troublemaker," he growled softly, releasing her and taking a step back.

  "I've missed you too. I'm sorry. About everything." She shrugged. So much had happened, and she'd been through so much. Without him. For years they'd shared everything. Then she met Zak. Now she was a vampire.

  He lifted a shoulder in a shrug. "Shit happens." He strolled further into the shop, looking around. "So the big question is, are you re-opening or selling? The town is abuzz in anticipation."

  "Re-opening," the girls said in unison, smiling at each other.

  "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, how rude. Rhys, this is our Aunt Melissa. Melissa, this is our good friend Rhys."

  Melissa stepped forward and shook Rhys's hand. He held onto it for a moment, peering into her green eyes, eyes that were identical to her nieces’.

  "You're a wolf," she breathed, assessing him as he was her.

  "You're a witch," he countered. She nodded once. He released her hand. She turned to Georgia and Skye. "He's a good man."

  "We know."

  "Care to tell me how you're able to be out and about during the day?" Rhys was strolling around the empty shop, his back to them. Georgia and Skye looked to their aunt.

  "A bit of witchy magic," Aunt Melissa supplied.

  "Ah." He nodded, moving back to them, looking down at Georgia with a soft grin on his lips.

  "Ladies! The shop’s looking good." Zak sauntered in, taking stock of Rhys, Melissa, Georgia and Skye standing with their arms wrapped around each other. "Congratulations on the daylight protection spell."

  "Isn't it amazing?" Georgia launched herself into his arms and he swung her around, lifting her off her feet. Arms wrapped around his neck, she planted a big, fat, wet kiss on him.

  "Congratulations, little witch." He smiled against her mouth.

  "So you believe I can be a witch and a vampire now? That it's not one or the other?"

  "The proof is before my eyes," he admitted. Across the room, he caught Skye's gaze. She frowned slightly, watching her sister with the handsome angel-vampire hybrid who was her sire. Zak gave h
er a small nod and she relaxed, turning her attention to Rhys and peppering him with questions about what he'd been up to since last she'd seen him.

  "You're re-opening?" Zak spoke softly to the woman in his arms. The woman who turned his life inside out and upside down with so little effort and didn't even know it.

  "Yes. I missed this. I didn't realize how much until we stepped through that door today, but now that Skye and I can withstand the sun, well, that changes everything."

  "Aren't you forgetting something?"


  "A certain witch hunter who's not only after your aunt but you and Skye as well. You can't exactly be sitting ducks in here."

  "Well, naturally we need to sort out that situation." Georgia pushed away, miffed that he was raining on her happiness. Couldn't he let her enjoy this moment? "We also need to restock, the shop needs a new fit-out. That'll take some time."

  "Oh no!" Melissa's hand went to her throat and she paled, dropping to her knees.

  "What's wrong?" Rhys was closest and immediately knelt by her side, his hand on her shoulder. She looked at him with fear in her eyes.

  "One of the concealment spells has been broken. He's here."

  "Who is?"

  "The hunter."

  Georgia, Skye, and Zak all looked at each other with concern, while Rhys frowned in confusion.

  "Who's the hunter?" he asked.

  "A witch hunter, here to take out Melissa, then us. There's no time to explain; we need to get out of here."

  "Take your aunt to my house. Cast the daylight protection spell on my warriors so they can join me. I'll start searching for him now. You three stay at the house."


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