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Romance of the Three Kingdoms

Page 74

by Guanzhong Luo

  “Which of the four districts should be first taken?” asked Liu Pei.

  “The nearest, Linling, which lies in the west of Hsiang (Hunan). The next is Wuling and after these the other two.”

  Ma Liang was given an appointment as secretary, with I Chi as his second. Then Yuan-te consulted K’ungming about sending Liu Ch’i to Hsiangyang, so that Yun-ch’ang could be free to return. Next they made preparations to attack Linling, and Chang Fei was to lead the van. Chao Yun was to guard the rear while Yuan-te and K’ungming were to command the main body. A legion and a half were left to hold Chingchou. Mi Chu and Liu Feng were left to guard Chiangling.

  The Prefect of Linling was Liu Tu. When danger thus threatened he called in his son Liu Hsien and they discussed the case. The son was very self-confident and said to his father,“Have no anxiety. They may have the known and famous warriors, Chang Fei and Chao Yun, but we have our leader, Hsing Tao-yung, who is match for any number of men. He can withstand them.”

  So Liu Hsien, with the famous leader, was entrusted with the defence. At the head of a full legion they made a camp about thirty li from the city, with the shelter of hills and a river. Their scouts brought news that K’ungming was close at hand with one army. Hsing Tao-jung decided to check his advance and went forth to oppose him. When both sides were arrayed, Hsing rode to the front. In his hand he held a battleaxe called Cleaver of Mountains. In a mighty voice he cried,“Rebels, how comes it that you have dared to enter our territory?”

  From the centre of the opposing army, where appeared a cluster of yellow flags, there came out a small four-wheeled carriage in which sat, very erect, a certain man dressed in white, with a turban on his head. In one hand he held a feather fan, with which he signed to the warrior to approach. At the same time he said,“I am Chuko K’ungming, of Nanyang, whose plans broke up the countless legions of Ts’ao Ts’ao so that nothing of them returned whence they started, How then can you hope to oppose me? I now offer you peace and it will be well for you to surrender.”

  Hsing laughed derisively.“Their defeat was owing to the plan of Chou Yu; you had nothing to do with it. How dare you try to deceive me?”

  So saying he swung up his battleaxe and came running toward K’ungming. But he turned his carriage and retired within the lines which closed up behind him. Hsing still came rushing on. As he reached the array the men fell away on both sides and let him enter. Well within he looked round for his chief opponent. Seeing a yellow flag moving along quietly he concluded that K’ungming was with it and so followed it. When the flag had gone over the shoulder of a hill it stopped. Then suddenly as if the earth had opened and swallowed it up, the four-wheeled carriage disappeared, while in its place came a ferocious warrior, with a long spear in his hand and mounted on a curvetting steed. It was Chang Fei, who dashed at Hsing with a tremendous roar.

  Nothing daunted Hsing Tao-jung whirled up his battleaxe and went to meet Chang Fei. After four or five bouts he saw that there was no chance of victory for him, so he turned his horse and ran. Chang Fei pursued, the air shaking with the thunder of his voice.

  Then the ambushed men appeared. Tao-jung, nothing daunted, rushed into their midst. But in front appeared another warrior barring the way, who called out,“Do you know me? I am Chao Tzu-lung of Ch’angshan.”

  Hsing Tao-jung knew that all was over; he could neither fight nor fly. So he dismounted and gave in. He was fettered and taken to camp, where were Yuan-te and K’ungming. The former ordered him out to execution, but K’ungming hastily checked him.

  “We will accept your submission if you capture Liu Hsien for us,” said he.

  The captive accepted the offer without the least hesitation, and when K’ungming asked how he intended to do it, he replied,“If you will set me free, I shall be cunning of speech. If you raid the camp this evening you will find me your helper on the inside. I will make Liu Hsien a prisoner and will hand him over to you. He being captured, his father will surrender at once.”

  Yuan-te doubted the good faith of the man, but K’ungming said he knew he could answer for him. Wherefore he was set free and went back to camp, where he related all that had occurred.

  “What can we do?” asked Liu Hsien.

  “We can meet trick with trick. Put soldiers in ambush tonight outside our camp while within everything will appear as usual. When K’ungming comes we shall capture him.”

  The ambush was prepared. At the second watch a troop came out of the darkness and appeared in the gate. Each man carried a torch and they began to set fire to all about them. Out dashed Liu Hsien and Hsing Tao-jung and the incendiaries forthwith fled. The two warriors pursued them, but the fugitives ran and then suddenly disappeared at about ten li from the camp. Much surprised the two turned to wend their way back to their own camp.

  It was still burning for no one had extinguished the flames. Soon from behind them came out Chang Fei. Liu Hsien called out to his companion not to enter the burning camp, but to go with him to attack K’ungming’s stockade.

  Thereupon they turned again, but at a distance of ten li Chao Yun and a troop suddenly debouched upon their road. Chao Yun attacked and Hsing Tao-jung fell. Liu Hsien turned to flee, but Chang Fei was close upon him and made him prisoner. He was thrown across a horse, bound and taken to camp. When he saw K’ungming he laid blame on his fallen comrade saying he had listened to his evil counsel and this deed was not his own wish. K’ungming ordered them to loose his bonds, had him properly dressed and gave him wine to cheer him and help him forget his troubles. When he was recovered he was told to go to his father and persuade him to yield.

  “And if he does not, the city shall be destroyed and every one put to death,” said K’ungming as he left.

  The son returned to the city and told his father these things. Liu Tu at once decided to yield and forthwith hoisted the flag of surrender, opened the gates, and went out taking his seal of office with him. He was re-appointed to his prefectship, but his son was sent to Chingchou for service with the army.

  The people of Linling all rejoiced greatly at the change of rulers. Yuan-te entered the city, calmed and reassured the people and rewarded his army.

  But he at once began to think of the next move and asked for an officer to volunteer to take Kueiyang, Chao Yun offered, but Chang Fei vehemently proposed himself for the command of the expedition. So they wrangled and contended.

  Then said K’ungming,“Undoubtedly Chao Yun was first to volunteer, wherefore he is to go.”

  Still Chang Fei opposed and insisted on going. They were told to decide the dispute by drawing lots and Chao Yun drew the winning lot. Chang Fei was still very angry and grumbled,“I would not have wanted any helpers: just three companies and I would have done it.”

  “I also only want three companies,” said Chao Yun.“And if I fail I am willing to suffer the penalties.”

  K’ungming was pleased that he recognised his responsibility so fully, and with the commission gave him three companies of veterans.

  Though the matter was thus settled Chang Fei was discontented and pressed his claim till Yuan-te bade him desist and retire.

  With his three companies Chao Yun took the road to Kueiyang. The Prefect Chao Fan soon heard of his approach and hastily called his officers to take counsel. Two of them, Ch’en Ying and Pao Lung, offered to meet the invaders and turn them back.

  These two warriors belonged to Kueiyang and had made themselves famous as hunters. Ch’en used a “Flying Fork” and Pao could draw a bow with such force that he had been known to send an arrow through two tigers. So strong were they, as well as bold.

  They stood before Chao Fan and said,“We will lead the way against Liu Pei.”

  The Prefect replied,“I know that Liu Pei is of the Imperial family: K’ungming is exceedingly resourceful: Kuan Yu and Chang Fei are very bold. But the commander of this force is Chao Tzu-lung who, on one occasion, faced a hundred legions and never blenched. Our small force here cannot stand against such people. We shall ha
ve to yield.”

  “Let me go out to fight,” said Ch’en Ying.“If I cannot capture Chao Yun then you can yield.”

  The Prefect could not resist him and gave his consent. Then Ch’en Ying, with three companies, went forth and soon the two armies came within sight of each other. When Ch’en Ying’s army was drawn up he girded on his “Flying Fork” and rode to the front. Chao Yun gripped his spear and rode to meet him. Chao Yun began to rail at Ch’en Ying, saying,“My master is the brother of Liu Piao to whom belonged this land. Now he is supporting his nephew the heir and son of Liu Piao. Having taken Chingchou I am come to soothe and comfort the people here. Why then do you oppose me?”

  “We are supporters of the Minister Ts’ao and are no followers of your master,” was the reply.

  Chao Yun, waxing angry, firmly grasped his spear and rode forward. His opponent twirled “Flying Fork” and advanced. The horses met, but after four or five encounters Chen Ying, realising that there was no hope of victory, turned and fled. Chao Yun followed. Suddenly turning, Chen Ying got close to Chao Yun and flung the fork. Chao Yun deftly caught it and threw it back. Chen Ying dodged away, but Chao Yun soon caught him up, seized Ch’en Ying, dragged him out of the saddle and threw him to the ground. Then he called up his soldiers and they bound the prisoner. He was taken to the camp, while his men scattered and fled.

  “I thought you would not dare a combat with me,” said Chao Yun to the prisoner when they had returned to camp.“However, I am not going to put you to death. You are free. But persuade your master to yield.”

  Ch’en Ying asked pardon, put his hands over his head and fled like a frightened rat. When he reached his city he told the Prefect all these things.

  “My original desire was to yield, but you insisted on fighting and this is what it has brought you to.”

  So spoke the Prefect. He bade Ch’en begone and then prepared his letter of submission and put up his seal. With a small party he went out of the city and wended his way to Chao Yun’s camp. Chao received him graciously, offered him wine and then accepted the seal of office. After the wine had gone round several times Chao Fan became talkative, General, your surname is the same as mine, and five centuries ago we were one family. You are from Chenting and so am I. Moreover we are from the same village. If you do not mind we might swear brotherhood. I should be very happy.”

  Chao Yun was pleased and they compared ages. They were of the same year. However, Chao Yun was the elder by four months and so Chao Fan made his bow as younger brother. The two men, having so many things in common, were very pleased with each other and seemed fitted to be close friends.

  At eventide the feast broke up and the late Prefect returned to his dwelling. Next day he requested Chao Yun to enter the city, where, after he had assured the people of their safety, Chao Yun went to a banquet at the ya-men. When they had become mellow with wine the Prefect invited Chao Yun into the inner quarters, where wine was again served. When Chao Yun was a little intoxicated, his host bade a woman come forth and offer a cup of wine to the guest.

  The woman was dressed entirely in white silk and her beauty was such as to overthrow cities and ruin states.

  “Who is she?” asked Chao Yun.

  “My sister-in-law; her maiden name was Fan.”

  Chao Yun at once changed his look and treated her with deference. When she had offered the cup the host told her to be seated and join the party but Chao Yun declined this addition to the evening and the lady withdrew.

  “Why did you trouble your sister-in-law to present wine to me, brother?” asked Chao Yun.

  “There is a reason,” said the host smiling.“I pray you let me tell you. My brother died three years ago and left her a widow. But this cannot he regarded as the end of the story. I have often advised her to marry again, but she said she would only do so if three conditions were satisfied in one man’s person. The suitor must he famous for literary grace and warlike exploits, secondly, handsome and highly esteemed and, thirdly, of the same name as our own. Now where in all the world was such a combination likely to be found? Yet here are you, brother, dignified, handsome and prepossessing, a man whose name is known all over the wide world and of the desired name. You exactly fulfil my sister’s ambitions. If you do not find her too ugly, I should like her to marry you and I will provide a dowry. What think you of such an alliance, such a bond of relationship?”

  But Chao Yun rose in anger, shouting,“As I have just sworn brotherhood with you, is not your sister-in-law my sister-in-law? How could you think of bringing such confusion into the relationship.”

  Shame suffused Chao Fan’s face and he said,“I only thought of being kind to you; why are you so very rude to me?”

  He looked right and left to his attendants with murder in his eye. Chao Yun raised his fist and knocked him down. Then he strode out of the place, mounted and rode out of the city.

  Chao Fan at once called in his two fighting men. Ch’en Ying said,“He has gone away in a rage, which means that we shall have to fight him.”

  “I greatly fear you will lose,” said Chao Fan.

  “We will pretend to be deserters,” said Pao Lung,“and so get among his men. When you challenge him we will suddenly catch him.”

  “We shall have to take some others with us,” said Ch’en.

  “Half a company will he ample,” said Pao.

  So in the night the two men and their followers ran over to Chao Yun’s camp to desert.

  Chao Yun understood the trick they would play, but he called them in and they said,“When Chao Fan tempted you with that fair lady he wanted to make you drunk and get you into the private apartments so that he might murder you and send your head to Ts’ao Ts’ao. Yes; he was as wicked as that even. We saw you go away in anger and we thought that would mean grave trouble for us and so we have deserted.”

  Chao Yun listened with simulated joy, and he had wine served to the two men, and pressed them to drink so that they were quite overcome. When this was done he had both bound with cords, called up their followers and asked them whether this was real or pretended desertion and they told him the truth. Then he gave the soldiers wine and said,“Those who wanted to harm me are your leaders and not you. If you do as I tell you shall be well rewarded.”

  The soldiers threw themselves to the ground and promised obedience. Thereupon the two leaders were beheaded. The half company were made to lead the way and act as screen for a whole company of horsemen and the party set out at full speed for Kueiyang. When they got there they summoned the gate and said that they had slain Chao Yun and had got back. And they wished to speak with the Prefect.

  Those on the wall lighted flares and inspected those at the gate. Surely enough they wore the uniforms of their own people and Chao Fan went out to them. He was immediately seized and made prisoner. Then Chao Yun entered the city, restored order and sent off swift messengers to Yuan-te who at once, with his adviser, came to Kueiyang.

  When they had taken their seats the late Prefect was brought in and placed at the foot of the steps. In response to Kung-ming’s questions he related the history of the proposed marriage.

  Said K’ungming to Chao Yun,“But this seems a fine project; why did you receive the proposal so roughly?”

  “Chao Fan and I had just sworn brotherhood and so marriage with his sister-in-law would have called down on my head universal blame. That is one reason. Another is that I should have made his sister fail to keep her dutiful chastity. And thirdly I did not know whether I might trust such a proposal from one who had just yielded to force. My lord, your position as a recent victor was one of danger and could I risk the failure of your plans for the sake of a woman?”

  “But now that the plan has been carried out and we are victors would you care to marry her?”

  “There are plenty of women in the world. All my fear is for my reputation. What is a family to me?”

  “You are indeed right honourable,” said Yuan-te.

  Chao Fan was released and restored
to the prefectorate. Chao Yun was conspicuously rewarded.

  But Chang Fei was angry and disappointed.“So Tzu-lung gets all the praise and I am worth nothing,” cried he.“Just give me three companies and I will take Wuling and bring you the Prefect.”

  This pleased K’ungming, who said,“There is no reason why you should not go, but I will only require one condition of you.”

  Wondrous, the plans of the general, so doth he conquer in battle; Soldiers keenly competing gain renown in the fighting.

  The condition that K’ungming made will appear in the next chapter.



  W hat K’ungming required from Chang Fei was a formal recognition of responsibility for success. Said he,“When Chao Yun went on his expedition he gave written guarantee of being responsible for success and you ought to do the same now that you are starting for Wuling. In that case you may have men and start.”

  So Chang Fei gave the required document and received joyfully the three companies of soldiers he had demanded. He set out at once and travelled without rest till he reached Wuling.

  When the Prefect of Wuling, Chin Hsuan by name, heard that an expedition against him was afoot he mustered his officers and recruited brave soldiers and put his weapons in order ready for the struggle. And his army moved out of the city.

  A certain secretary, Kung Chih, remonstrated with his chief for opposing a scion of the imperial house, saying,“Liu Yuan-te is of the Hans, and recognised as an uncle of the Emperor. All the world knows he is kindly and righteous. Added to that his brother Chang Fei is extraordinarily bold. We cannot face them in battle with hope of success. Our best course is to give in.”


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