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Romance of the Three Kingdoms

Page 78

by Guanzhong Luo

  “My lord, I pray you to consider this thoroughly.”

  The letter was shown to Chang Chao who said,“My idea is identical with his. Liu Pei began life in a humble position and for years has been a wanderer. He has never tasted the delights of wealth. Give him the means of luxury, a beautiful dwelling, fair women, gold and silken attire, and as he enjoys them the thoughts of K’ungming and his brothers will fade away and they, on their side, will be filled with rancour. Thus can we lay our plans for recovering Chingchou. I recommend action as Chou Yu says and quickly.”

  Sun Ch’uan then set about re-decorating the eastern Palace and laying out the grounds. He filled the rooms with beautiful furniture for his sister and her husband. He also sent fair damsels and musicians by the score, and many and beautiful vessels in gold and silver, and silken stuffs. And his mother was delighted at his kindness to her son-in-law.

  Indeed Liu Pei was soon so immersed in sensuous pleasure that he gave no thought to return. Chao Yun and the company under him led an idle life in the front portion of the eastern Palace, save that at times they went outside the city for archery and horse-racing. And thus passed the year.

  Suddenly Chao Yun remembered the orders he had received and the three bags with the plans in them. It was time to open the second one for the end of the year was nigh. His orders were only to open the third when danger was very near and there appeared no way out.

  As already remarked, the year was drawing to a close and Chao Yun saw his lord daily becoming more and more the slave of pleasure. Liu Pei never appeared among his guards now. So the bag was opened and in pursuance of the wonderful scheme thereby discovered, Chao Yun went to the hall of the Palace and asked to see his master. The maid in attendance went within and said,“Chao Yun has some important matter on which to see the master.”

  Yuan-te called him in and asked what the business was. Chao Yun assumed an attitude of great concern and said,“My lord, you are living happily secluded in these beautiful apartments; do you never think of Chingchou?”

  “But what is the matter that you seem so disturbed?” asked Liu.

  “Today early K’ungming sent a messenger to say that Ts’ao Ts’ao was trying to avenge his last defeat and was leading fifty legions to attack Chingchou, which was in great danger. And he wished you to return.”

  “I must speak to my wife,” said Yuan-te.

  “If you consult her she will be unwilling for you to return. It would be better to say nothing but to start this evening. Delay may do great damage.”

  “Retire for a time; I must act discreetly,” said Liu Pei.

  Chao Yun urged the need to return several times more, but finally went away.

  Yuan-te went into his wife’s rooms and began to weep silently. Seeing his tears the Lady Sun said,“Why are you so sad, my husband?”

  Yuan-te replied,“I have been driven hither and thither all my life. I was never able to do my duty to my parents nor have I been able to sacrifice to my ancestors. I have been very unfilial. The new year is at hand and its approach disquiets me greatly.”

  “Do not try to deceive me,” said the Lady Sun.“I heard and I know all. Just now Chao Yun came to tell you Chingchou was threatened and you wish to return home. That is why you put forward this excuse.”

  Then Yuan-te fell on his knees and said,“Why should I dissemble, O wife, since you know? I do not wish to go, but if Chingchou be lost I shall be an object of ridicule to every one. I do desire to go, but I cannot leave you. Now you know why I am grieved.”

  She replied,“I am your handmaid and whithersoever you go it is my duty to follow.”

  “Yes; your heart is right, but the difficulty is your mother and the Marquis; they will be unwilling. If you would have pity on me and let me go for a time—.”

  And again the tears gushed forth.

  “Do not be so sad, my husband,” said the Lady Sun.“I will implore my mother to let us go and she will surely allow it.”

  “Even supposing the Dowager permits I am sure the Marquis will hinder.”

  The Lady Sun said nothing for a long time while she weighed the matter thoroughly. Presently she spoke,“On New Year’s Day you and I will go to court and present our congratulations. Then we will give the excuse of a sacrifice on the river bank and go away without formal leave. Will that suit you?”

  Yuan-te knelt at her feet and expressed his gratitude.“I should be never so grateful,” said he.“Dead or alive I would remember your love. But this must be a perfect secret.”

  This having been decided and the arrangements made, Chao Yun received secret orders to lead out his company and be on the road on New Year’s morn. He was told they were going away.

  Sun Ch’uan held a grand court on the New Year’s Day of the fifteenth year of “Established Tranquillity.” Liu Pei and his bride went into the Dowager’s presence and the Lady Sun said,“My husband has been thinking of his ancestors, who lie in Cho, and grieves that he cannot do his duty by them. Today we wish to go to the river side and offer sacrifices towards the North. It is our duty to inform you.”

  “A very filial proceeding,” said the Dowager. I should not think of stopping you. Although you have never known your husband’s parents yet you may go with him to sacrifice as it is proper for a wife to do.”

  Both thanked the Dowager and went out, rejoicing at having so far hoodwinked Sun Ch’uan. The Lady Sun got into her carriage taking only a little clothing with her, while Yuan-te followed with a small escort. They went out of the city and met Chao Yun at the place arranged. Then with a guard in front and rear they left the precincts of the city, travelling as quickly as they could.

  That day, at the new year banquet, Sun Ch’uan drank freely so that he had to be helped to his chamber, and the guests left. Before very long the escape of the fugitives became known, but it was then dark and when they tried to tell Sun Ch’uan they could not rouse him. He slept heavily until the fifth watch.

  The next morning, when Sun Ch’uan heard the story he asked advice of his counsellors. Chang Shao said,“They have got away today but trouble will surely come of it; therefore pursue after them without loss of time.”

  So Ch’en Wu and Pan Chang, with a half-company of veterans, were sent out with orders to use all speed both by day and by night and bring back the fugitives.

  They left. Sun Ch’uan’s anger burned hot against Yuan-te. In his wrath he seized his jade inkstone and dashed it to the ground where it shivered to pieces.

  Said Cheng P’u,“My lord, your wrath is in vain, for I do not think your men will catch the runaways.”

  “Will they dare to disobey my order?” said Sun Ch’uan.

  “Our young lady had always delighted to look upon war and is very fierce and determined. All the officers fear her. Now she has gone with her husband of her own free will and those sent in pursuit, if once they look upon her countenance, will not dare to ¡ay hands on her.”

  Sun Ch’uan’s wrath burned the more fiercely at these words. He drew the sword girded at his side and called up Chiang Ch’in and Chou T’ai saying,“You two take this sword and bring back the heads of my sister and Liu Pei. And if you do not I will put you to death.”

  With this order they set out in pursuit, leading a whole company. Meanwhile Yuan-te and his wife were pressing forward with all speed. When night fell they rested for a time by the roadside, but not for long. Just as they reached the confines of Ch’aisang they turned and saw a great cloud of dust and the soldiers said that a force was coming in pursuit.

  “What shall we do if they come up with us?” said Yuan-te excitedly to Chao Yun.

  “My lord, you go on in front and I will prevent pursuit.”

  As they turned the foot of a hill they saw a troop of soldiers blocking their road in front. Two captains were there and they bellowed,“Liu Pei, dismount and yield yourself captive. We are here by order of General Chou and you have kept us waiting long.”

  Now the thought had come to Chou Yu that Yuan-te would try
to flee, and so he had sent Hsu Sheng and Ting Feng, with three companies, to intercept him at this critical spot. They had made a camp there and kept a lookout from the hill-tops, for Chou had calculated that he would certainly pass that way. So when Liu Pei and his cavalcade appeared they all buckled on their arms and barred the way.

  Greatly fearing, Yuan-te rode back to consult Chao Yun, to whom he said,“In front a force barring the road; in rear pursuers. There is no escape. What can we do?”

  “Do not be alarmed, my lord. The great strategist gave me three plans enclosed in three silken bags. Two have been used and have answered admirably. There is yet the third and my orders were to open the bag in such a strait as this. This is a day of great danger such as calls me to open the bag.”

  Thereupon he opened the bag and handed it to Yuan-te. As soon as Yuan-te had seen the contents he hastened to the Lady Sun’s carriage and began to weep, saying,“I have something private to say, and I must tell you.”

  “What have you to tell me, my husband? Tell me the whole truth,” replied she.

  “Your brother and Chou Yu formerly made a plot for you to marry me, not for your sake, but to get me into their power and hold me so that they might recover Chingchou. They were set on my murder, and you were the bait with which to hook me. Careless of consequences I came, for I knew that the spirit of a man dwelt in your bosom and you would pity me. Lately I heard that harm was intended me and so I made danger to Chingchou the excuse to escape. Happily for me you have remained true and come with me. But now the Marquis is pursuing us and Chou Yu’s men are in front. Only you, my wife, can extricate us from this danger and if you refuse, then slay me where I stand that I may thus show my gratitude for your kindness.”

  The Lady Sung grew angry and said,“Then does my brother forget that I am his sister? How will he ever look me in the face? I can extricate us from this danger.”

  Thereupon she bade her people push the carriage to the front. She rolled up the blind and herself called out,“Hsu Sheng, Ting Feng, are you turned traitors then?”

  The two captains slid out of their saddles, dropped their arms and stood meekly in front of the carriage.

  “We are no traitors,” said they.“We have the General’s orders to camp here and await Liu Pei.”

  “Chou Yu is an interfering scoundrel,” cried she.“We of the land of Wu have never harmed you, and Yuan-te, the Uncle of the Great Family, is my husband. I have already told my mother and my brother of our journey and now I find you with an army at the foot of these hills preventing our passage. Is it that you would plunder us of our valuables?”

  The two captains mumbled dissent; they would not dare such a thing.“We pray you, O Lady, to stay your anger. This is no plan of ours; we do but obey our General’s orders.”

  “So you fear Chou Yu and not me!” cried she scornfully.“Think you that if he slay you I will not slay him?”

  She broke into a torrent of abuse of Chou Yu. Then she bade them push her carriage forward.

  The two leaders thought within themselves,“We are but men of lowly rank, we dare not dispute with the Lady Sun.” Beside they saw Chao Yun was bursting with wrath. So they ordered their men to stand aside and leave the road clear.

  The cavalcade had only gone a little distance when up came the pursuers. The two captains told the newcomers what had happened.“You were wrong to let them pass,” said Ch’en and Pan.“We have orders from the Marquis himself to arrest them.”

  Thereupon all four went in pursuit. When the noise of the approaching force reached the ears of Yuan-te he said to his wife, ‘They are again pursuing us; what now?”

  “Husband, go on in front. I and Chao Yun will keep them off.”

  So Yuan-te and a small company went on toward the river bank, while Chao Yun reined up beside the lady’s carriage and set out his men ready for battle. And when the four men came up they dismounted and stood with folded arms.

  “What are you doing here, Captains?” asked the Lady Sun.

  “We have orders from our lord to request you and Yuan-te to return.”

  Calmly but bitterly she said,“So this is the sort of fools you are! You would make dissension between brother and sister. But I am a wife on my way to my husband’s home. Nor am I leaving clandestinely, for I had my mother’s gracious permission. Now we, husband and wife, are going to Chingchou and if even my brother were here himself he would let us pass in all politeness. But you, because you have weapons in your hands, would slay us!”

  She abused the four men to their faces so that they looked from one to another in shame. And each in his heart thought,“Say what one will, after all they two are brother and sister and the Dowager is the controlling power. Sun Ch’uan is most obedient and would never dare oppose his mother’s decision. When the reaction comes, then indeed we shall certainly be found in the wrong. We had better be kind.” Another thing was that one of the two they sought, Yuan-te, was not there and Chao Yun looked angry and dangerous. Finally, mutteringto themselves, they gave way and with one accord retired and left the road open. The Lady Sun passed through.

  “We four will go to see the General and report,” said Hsu Sheng.

  But that did not please them all and they stood irresolute. Presently they saw a column of men sweeping down on them like a hurricane. These were Chiang and Chou with their company.

  “Have you fellows seen Liu Pei?” they cried as they rushed up.

  “He has just passed along.”

  “Why did you not arrest him?”

  “Because of what the Lady Sun said.”

  “That is just as the Marquis feared and so he gave us this sword and told us first to slay his sister and then Liu Pei. And if we disobey he will put us to death.”

  “What can be done? They are far away by now.”

  Chiang Ch’in said,“After all they are but a few and on foot; they cannot travel very fast. Let Hsu and Ting go to Chou Yu to tell him, and he can send fast boats to pursue them on the river while we follow up on the bank. We must get them either on water or land and we must not listen to what they say.”

  Whereupon two went back to report and two to the river bank. Meanwhile Liu Pei had got a long way from Ch’aisang and reached Liulangpu. He now felt calmer. He went along the bank of the river seeking a boat, but there was no craft on the broad bosom of the stream. He bowed his head in deep sorrow. Chao Yun bade him be of good courage seeing that he had just escaped from the tiger’s jaws and had not far to go.

  “I suspect K’ungming has something prepared for us,” said he.

  But his master was despondent. His thoughts were back to the pleasures he had enjoyed but a few hours since in the house of his wife, and the tears rolled down his cheeks. A poem has been written on this episode.

  By the bank of the deep flowing Yangtse

  Once was a wedding,

  And the ruling houses of two states yet to be

  Were allied by marriage.

  See the beautiful maiden stepping slowly

  To the golden bridal chamber!

  Yet was the marriage but a ruse.

  Its author vainly imagined that a hero,

  Sinking in amorous toils,

  Would forget his high intent and great resolve.

  Yuan-te bade the captain of his guard go along the bank to seek some boats. Then the soldiers told him there was a huge cloud of dust on the road. Ascending one of the hills he looked back whence they had come and saw the whole earth as it were covered with an advancing host. He sighed and said,“We have fled before them now for days, worn out our men and jaded our horses, and all to die in a strange place.”

  He watched them coming nearer and nearer. Then as things began to look most desperate he saw a line of some twenty boats all in the act of setting their sails.

  “By good luck here are some ships,” said Chao Yun.“Let us get on board, row to the further bank and see what can be done.”

  Yuan-te and his bride hastened down the bank and went into a ship. Th
e soldiers were embarked. Then they saw in the hold of the ship some one in Taoist dress, who came up with a smile, saying,“My lord, again you see Chuko Liang. He has waited a long time.”

  “All the men on board were from Chingchou, and Yuan-te rejoiced at the sudden happy turn of affairs.

  Before long the pursuers reached the bank. K’ungming pointed to them and laughed, saying,“I foresaw this a long time ago. You may return and tell your General not to use the fair damsel trick again.”

  Those on the bank sent a flight of arrows at the ships but they were already too far away. The four officers on the bank looked very foolish.

  As the boats were sailing along a great noise was heard on the river behind them and there appeared a huge fleet of war ships, sailing under the flag of Chou Yu. He also was there in command of the fleet and he was supported by Huang Kai and Han Tang. They seemed like a drove of horses and came along swift as a falling star. They gained on the fugitives rapidly.

  K’ungming ordered the boats to row over to the north bank, and the party landed. They had started off away from the shore before Chou Yu could land. Chou Yu’s men, naturally, were all afoot but they kept up the pursuit, following as quickly as they could. When they reached the borders of Huangchou, Liu Pei and his party were not far away, and so they pressed the pursuit. But there were only horses for a few in front and suddenly the rolling of drums struck Chou Yu’s ears and from out a gully dashed a troop of swordsmen led by Kuan Yu. Chou Yu was too surprised and unprepared to do anything but flee.

  Cbou Yu fled for his life and Kuan Yu pursued. At different points other captains came out and attacked, so that the men of Wu suffered a great defeat and Chou Yu barely escaped. As he came to the river and was going down into his ship the soldiers on the bank jeered at him on account of the miscarriage of his scheme for the restoration of tranquillity. All he had done was to give his enemy a wife and lose his soldiers. He was so annoyed that he would have gone up the bank to fight again, but his captains restrained him. He was very despondent and felt ashamed to face his master and confess utter defeat and failure.


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