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Masque: A Hellfire Club Erotique

Page 10

by Reed, Kristabel

  For the last several miles, Sebastian had insisted the address they’d been given for London’s Hellfire Club wasn’t far. By now Olivia hoped the dwelling lay close; she was near to complete exhaustion. Olivia held onto Julien’s arm as they crossed a street teeming with foot and carriage traffic, and it was then that the difference between Paris and London dawned on her.

  It was the lack of fear on the streets. People here simply went about their business as if nothing else mattered and all was normal with their world. The vendors hawked their wares with rhyming songs, the coachmen assisted the well-to-do in and out of fancy carriages, and the city paced along with the same untainted hum Paris once possessed.

  A smile crossed Olivia’s face at that thought. Yes, yes she could very easily accustom herself to this vibrant city. Despite the winter wind blowing hard through the streets and the threat of rain, Olivia didn’t care. Her new life awaited her in London. With a new bounce to her step, she looked up at Julien and gave a short laugh.

  He looked down at her with a wickedly arousing smile. Her blood heated and Olivia forgot the week onboard the cramped ship and the rough seas. The cold wind meant nothing to her when Julien’s hand cupped her cheek, fingers a gentle caress on her neck and over the low-cut bodice of her gown.

  Olivia looked to where Sebastian walked, several paces ahead of them. He claimed it was for the best, starting their new life the moment they set foot on English soil; the happily married couple and Julien’s bachelor uncle.

  “Here we are,” Sebastian announced.

  The Western Exchange loomed before them, crowded with the well-to-do as they shopped and merchants as they displayed their wares. Urchins raced around them, each trying to steal something from the ever vigilant shopkeepers. Even the urchins paid them no mind; no doubt they had already dismissed them as not worth targeting.

  Sebastian turned to her and took her hand. Even with the mass of shoppers, he brought her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it. Then he turned it over and kissed the inside of her wrist, blue eyes sparking with lust.

  Her breath caught, but then he released her and turned away. Sebastian led them confidently through the crowd, past linen drapers, stalls filled with books, and others overflowing with various curiosities. He and Julien moved slowly down the aisles, and Olivia realized they looked for a specific person.

  They stopped before a shoemaker’s storefront, where a couple exiting eyed them up and down with slight distaste. Turning to them, Sebastian gave them a nod, and they waited while he strode into the storefront. Several women stood inside, their shrill voices echoing to where she and Julien waited.

  The women argued over the color of the shoes not matching their dresses, but Olivia barely paid them any mind. Julien inched her closer, his hand firm on her back.

  Inside the shop, Sebastian haughtily bypassed the arguing women. He looked as if he didn’t wear filthy clothes, but finely embroidered velvets and wool. Confidence in every bone of his body, he ignored the still-arguing women as he handed the shoemaker his letter of introduction. The other man glanced at it, nodded to an apprentice, and without a word to the women still demanding he re-dye their slippers, moved around the counter. He looked out at them, face impassive as he surveyed her and Julien.

  To Sebastian the shoemaker nodded and spoke, but she couldn’t hear what he said. Sebastian jerked his head and Julien urged her forward. They followed the shoemaker outside his store and to a door set to one side. The women didn’t pay them any mind; they continued to argue with the apprentice, who apparently thought it wiser to simply give them what they wanted.

  “Pardon my rough language, sir,” the shoemaker began with a slight bow once they were behind the firmly closed door. “But it’s always best to keep up appearances.”

  “Understandable.” Sebastian nodded.

  “In the future,” the shoemaker said, his glance encompassing the three of them now. “You may slip into this doorway yourselves. Any who may see you will assume you’ve come to select materials.”

  He opened another door and led them through a well-lighted storage area to where an open shelf read brocade uppers.

  Julien guided her around bolts of fabric and down a tight corridor. The candlelight didn’t reach here, but it was a short walk. At yet another door, the shoemaker nodded and left them. Sebastian opened the door and took her arm, Julien on her other side. Despite the shadows keeping most of the hallway in darkness, Olivia’s blood heated and her heart raced.

  It had been far too long since she felt Julien and Sebastian, kissed them, touched them. They hadn’t the opportunity on the ship, and the rough seas had her queasy more often than not. Now that their goal lay in sight, her thoughts turned to all she wanted to do with her lovers. She shuddered and swallowed the moan just thinking of the three of them together caused.

  At the end of the hallway another door loomed, illuminated by several sconces. A tall, muscled man stood there, arms folded over a massive chest. At least three inches taller than either Julien or Sebastian, he glared down at them.

  “You shouldn’ be ‘ere.” His broken English boomed along the hall. “This passage ‘s for ‘arriage workers only.”

  Sebastian met his glare and said in perfect English, “We were looking for the Fires of Hell.”

  The other man cleared his throat and nodded, stepping to the side. “Forgive me, sirs, madam,” he said in clear English and tugged his forelock at Olivia “But we can never be too careful.” He opened the door and led them inside. “Mistress Henrietta is waiting for you.”

  And just like the catacombs in Paris, when Julien ushered her through the final door, which seemed to open on its own, a different world lay before her.

  So intent on the view below her, of couples dancing and laughter floating in the air, Olivia didn’t notice the attendant appear beside them. He looked at them then consulted a sheaf of papers.

  “Comte de Courville, Mr. Laurent, and Comtesse Reynard?” he asked, though Olivia knew he had already assessed their identities. She very much doubted he’d make a mistake with something like this. “Mistress Henrietta is this way.”

  They walked down winding corridors, with rooms off to the sides. Olivia envisioned a myriad of sexual exploits going on behind those doors. Given what she knew of the Hellfire Club, and given what she’d experienced these last weeks, the thought now aroused her, rather than shocked her.

  The attendant opened the door, bowed to the woman inside, and gestured for them to enter.

  “My dear Olivia,” Mistress Henrietta said as she crossed the room. The other woman, shorter than Olivia and in her late forties, took Olivia’s hands in her small warm ones. “I’m so terribly sorry about your aunt. Louise was a dear friend and her loss is…” Henrietta shook her head, clearly unable to finish. Tears shone in the woman’s green eyes, and Olivia knew them to be real.

  “Thank you,” she managed.

  A lump of emotion closed her throat and she swallowed against it, blinking back tears at the reminder of her aunt’s death and this woman’s obvious grief over it. Still, she did wonder how Mistress Henrietta knew of Louise. They’d only just arrived and couldn’t be more than a day or two behind the other Club members. Had Bernard told this woman?

  “However,” Henrietta said briskly. “Her instructions arrived in time and we’re prepared to make contact with the Earl of Aycliff. He’s prepared,” she continued, stepping back to look at the three of them, “to meet you.”

  Aycliff? Olivia drew in a sharp breath and stumbled back into Julien’s chest. His arms came around her and he murmured into her ear that they’d take care of it.

  Henrietta looked her up and down as if assessing her for this earl. Sebastian moved forward, effectively blocking her from Henrietta’s view.

  “You won’t need to inform the earl of her arrival,” Sebastian said sharply and evenly. “Circumstances have changed.”

  An eyebrow raised over her sharp green eyes. “I see,” she said in a voice
that clearly said she did. With a tilt of her head, she studied Olivia again.

  Tossing her head, Olivia moved from Julien’s arms and held her ground. The look Henrietta gave her held more speculation than not, and whatever she, Sebastian, and Julien were to discuss, Olivia refused to be left out of it.

  “That was a temporary circumstance, comte,” Henrietta said. “I’m afraid I must protest. Louise’s instructions were eminently clear.”

  “Comtesse Olivia,” Julien said, his tone brooking no argument, “has already accepted my marriage proposal.”

  Olivia looked up at him and saw the slight smile as his gaze met hers. He winked and she felt the sudden band tightening her chest eased.

  “I see.” Henrietta nodded, voice heavy with understanding. “So this is not a temporary situation, but a permanent arrangement between…” she trailed off and looked from Sebastian to Julien then to her. Her eyes softened as they settled on her and she nodded in understanding. “Between the three of you?”

  Sebastian stepped closer to them and nodded. “Most definitely permanent.”

  “Well then,” Henrietta said with a smile. “My congratulations. I’ll inform the earl of the change.” She turned sharply on her heel but not before Olivia heard her mutter, “Pity. Aycliff would have been happy with such a lovely young thing.”

  She rounded her desk and tapped a ledger as if Aycliff’s name appeared there and by tapping it she did something physical to him. She shook her head, a slight frown marring her unlined face, and looked up at them.

  “We’ve secured accommodations for you within the Club,” Henrietta said briskly, her gaze still on Olivia, “and all your accounts have been transferred here. We’ll see to your needs until you settle yourself in and will assist you with securing any necessities you require.”

  “Thank you,” Olivia whispered.

  Julien and Sebastian bowed to Henrietta and the three of them left. At the door the same attendant greeted them and wordlessly showed them to their accommodations. Once there, door firmly closed against intrusions, Sebastian turned to them. He cupped her cheek and kissed her gently.

  “And she will,” he said. Drawing Julien close, he kissed him as well. “She’s a woman of her word and will assist us with any political or business alliances we may need.”

  “Welcome to London.”

  About Kristabel Reed

  Kristabel Reed lives on the East Coast and loves to explore the steamier side of historical romance. “There are so many sexy situations that didn’t just pop up in the 21st century and my goal is to burst the myth of the prim and proper debutante.”

  She loves romances but historical ménages particularly which add an element of danger and discovery not seen in contemporaries. Historically speaking, unusual romantic connections put lives on the line—people were ostracized and some even put to the death.

  In the coming year, Kristabel is going to try her hand at mainstream historicals with an added element of eroticism, which she hopes won’t be too overt.

  She loves reading, watching old movies, and anything Cary Grant. And is always interested in talking about erotic romance, so drop her a line:; or Tweet her @kristabelreed; find her blog:

  Coming Soon from Kristabel Reed

  The Escape: A Hellfire Club Erotique

  Gabrielle Bertrand believed the men she loved had been beheaded during the French Revolution’s Reign of Terror. Now promised in marriage to a general of the revolution, she still fears for her life and has resigned herself to the union.

  And then fate intervenes and she sees Eric LeClaire and André St. Germaine again.

  Eric and André have spent the last two years searching for Gabrielle, terrified she’d been killed during one of the revolution’s roundups. Now that they’ve found her again, neither will let her go.

  But with National Police after them, and years spent apart, will Gabrielle return to her lovers? Or will all three of them face the wrath of Madame Guillotine?

  Also by Kristabel Reed

  A Regency Ménage Tale series

  Risqué: A Regency Ménage Tale by Kristabel Reed

  “Holy smokes, Risqué: A Regency Ménage Tale is an incredible book! Not usually one for historical romance novels, I was immediately transfixed by the characters…Beyond the fact that every one of the sex scenes were incredible, the story line was both unique and sensual, too. Ms. Reed has a real talent for seduction of the senses.”

  ~Gold Star, Just Erotic Romance Reviews

  The young widow Mrs. Alexandria Prescott enjoys her untainted reputation. In private, however, her sexual appetites know no bounds. She finds a fitting partner in the notorious Kane Huntington, but when the jealous young Earl of Rowan discovers their game, will he expose them? Or join them?

  Seduction of a Proper Lady: A Regency Ménage Tale by Kristabel Reed

  “The sexual action throughout the story is hot and spicy…I enjoyed reading about Braedon, Ethan and Laurel in Seduction of a Proper Lady and didn’t want to see the story end.”

  ~4.5 Stars, Just Erotic Romance Reviews

  Lady Laurel Westfield had been brought up to be the most proper of ladies. But when Major Braedon Sinclair sets his sights on the young debutante, propriety is the last thing he wants from her!

  What’s a proper lady to do when she has two gentlemen who want her attentions — at the same time?

  Wickedly Wanton: A Regency Ménage Tale by Kristabel Reed

  “I was rather surprised by the depth of emotion Kristabel Reed conveyed regarding a situation some would find to lack any. Wickedly Wanton is all the more thrilling for the era it is set in.”

  ~5 Cups of Coffee from Coffee Time Romance

  Betrothed to a man older than her father, Sabine hopes to learn the secrets of sexual pleasure before her marriage night — but when Aiden, Lord Severn catches her kissing another girl, she learns more than she could imagine! Aiden is smitten, but how far will he go to have Sabine for his own?




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