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Dangerous Desire

Page 8

by Sebastian Ex

  However, I need to divest her of the sleep shorts she’s wearing. I stop my mouth from ravaging her any further. I need to get Petal naked. Standing, I wait until her eyes flicker open. When she sees me standing tall before her, I feel my mouth draw up in a smile as I see the disappointment so clearly painted on her face.

  I hold my hand out to her and she places her small, warm palm in mine. With my other hand, I round her waist and steady her as I let go and run my hands down her body until I get to the drawstring of her shorts.

  “Stay still,” I command as I place a small kiss on her lips. Petal’s eyes immediately lower. “Put your hands on my shoulders to steady yourself while I remove these cute little shorts.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” she moans.

  Gently, I tug at the drawstring, then hooking my thumbs into the sides of her shorts, I slowly run them down over her legs.

  I kneel to take them off her, kissing her bare and incredibly tasty pussy.

  “Oh,” she sighs as her fingers dig deep into my shoulders.

  I lift her legs, one at a time and take the shorts off, leaving her lower half completely ready for me to do as I wish. However, she’s still overcoming her injuries, and for me to put her in any position for sex, would be painful for her. And not the pain she’s so desperate for.

  But pleasure is something I want to give my Petal.

  As I stand, I dart my tongue out and lick her pussy. The exquisite, hungry sound that leaves her goes straight to my cock.

  “Put your left hand on my bicep.” Petal does so and I take her right arm out of the long sleeved t-shirt she’s wearing. “Put your right hand on my bicep.” And I slide her left arm out. “Steady yourself.” I wait until she stops wobbling to grab the edge of the t-shirt and pull it over her head.

  She stands before me, completely exposed. Her body is covered with yellowing bruises, the last from the accident.

  “Who do you belong to, Petal?”

  “You, Sir,” is her instant response.

  “Who does this beautiful cunt belong to?” I slide my hand between her legs and gently slip a finger inside her wet, ravenous hole. These questions bear repeating because she needs to understand she’s mine, and no one else’s. She’ll always be mine to care for and look after. She’s under my protection.

  “Oh God! You, Sir.” Her eyes close and her hands tighten around my arms.

  “What can I do to you?” She needs to know I’m her owner, the man she’ll always come to for any need she has. I’m her life, as she is mine.

  “Anything Sir wishes.”

  I lean in and lick the shell of her ear. My warm breath touching her, promising her, fucking owning her.

  “Exactly, Petal. Anything I want.” I sweep her hair over her shoulder and kiss her neck. My palm goes to her breast. She presses herself against my hand, greedily demanding my attention. Her nipples are beautifully elongated, so perfectly mine. I pull on her nipple and squeeze it. The pressure I’m applying to her nipple will cause her pain, erotic pain that will soon bloom into pleasure. Petal’s pussy possessively grips the two fingers I now have inside her. Her arousal is hot on my hand, her body obviously hungry to latch onto anything I give her.

  My fingers crush her nipple harder.

  “Please…please,” she begs.

  But I won’t give her the release she’s craving. Because I am her Dominant. I control her pleasure. I tell her what she wants, what she needs, what her desires are. She must follow my lead, and she must allow me to guide her.

  Pulling my fingers out of her cunt and letting go of her nipple, I bite on her neck then lick my tongue slowly over the sensitive area. Her body lurches forward with a little mewl of pain, wanting more of the treatment I’m giving her.

  I kiss her mouth, my lips meeting hers. Petal willingly gives herself to me. “Please, Sir,” she begs as I continue to kiss her.

  “You can beg all you want, but you’ll get only what I want to give you, Petal.” I pull back from her. With one arm I support her waist, and my other hand snakes in the base of her hair line. I tug her head to the side, being mindful I don’t cause her unnecessary pain. “Whose are you?”

  “Sir,” she moans, closing her eyes, allowing her body to feel.

  I tighten my grip, reminding her who she belongs to. Her body trembles, her entire skin covered in a sprinkling of goosebumps, burning with need. “I asked you a question.” I tug her head further to the side, convincing her she’s mine.

  Petal’s breath darts erratically, she’s teetering on the edge, ready to fall. “Yours, Mas…Sir,” she quickly corrects.

  But Master is what she wants to call me, and I’ve made a promise to myself to learn to be the best Master I can be for her. “I’ll be here to catch you if you fall. I’ll be here to hold your hand. I’ll be here to be your Master.”

  Petal expels a breath through her nose, her eyes closed tightly as tears fall from them. She opens her eyes and looks up at me from beneath her dark lashes. The hazel of her irises are now clouded with saltwater that mutes the stunning color.

  “You’d do that, for me?” she asks.

  I let go of her hair and crush her to my body. “I’d do anything for you,” I whisper against her forehead as I lay a kiss on it.

  “Thank you, Brandon.”

  “Infraction one.” I lace my hand through her hair and pull it hard. “I’m your Master, not your partner.”

  The sides of her lips curl up. “I’m sorry, Master.”

  Letting go of her hair, I scoop her up in my arms, being careful of her injuries, and I lower her into the bath. “Are you going?” Petal asks when I stand and take a step back.

  “Never.” I unbutton my shirt and drop it to the ground, then take my jeans off. Petal’s eyes never leave my body. She’s watching me, taking in every part of me. I can see her obvious need for me. “Move forward,” I say, and help her.

  She moves forward, and I get in the bath behind her. She sits between my legs and leans back on my chest. I put my hand up to stop her before she can nestle into me.

  “Master,” she says in a small, broken voice.

  “Shhh, Petal. No need for words.” I begin to cup water and pour it on her long blonde hair. “Put your head back and close your eyes. Let me care for you.”

  A soft, purr-like noise escapes from her mouth as I continue to pour water on her hair, drenching it as carefully as I can. Once her hair is completely saturated, I take the shampoo and squirt some on my hand. With gentle fingers, I work it into her hair. Reaching down to her scalp, I smoothly massage it.

  “That feels so nice,” she says softly.

  I lean forward and kiss her cheek. I go back to worshipping my Petal, caressing her tenderly and showing her how much I love her.

  Once the shampoo is rinsed out of her hair, I put her conditioner in. She silently takes the gift I give her; the only sound is the sloshing of the water. The bathroom is dark, illuminated by two vanilla candles. The smell is so sweet, you could believe you were walking into a pastry store in a small alley in Paris.

  My fingers sensually comb through Petal’s long mane. A feral moan bursts from her. “Master,” she says as I continue to adore and care for her.

  “Yes,” I answer, leaning in to kiss her shoulder.

  “There’s no doubt in my mind your protectiveness, your chivalry, and your strength, will make you a phenomenal Master….,” she pauses. “My Master,” she adds.

  And I intend on being the absolute air she breathes.


  “We need to talk about work,” Penny says as she waits for me to bring her dinner over to her.

  “Mine or yours?” I ask, as I sit on the small table a foot away from the sofa. Penny reaches out to take the bowl from me, but I shake my head and lower my eyebrows to scowl at her. “I’ll feed you.”

  “I can do it,” she protests.

  “You won’t make a very good slave if you insist on fighting your Master. Once you’ve healed more, we’ll revisit
the terms of our contract.”

  “We’ve never had a contract before. Except our verbal one.”

  “Exactly. And now that you’ve come back to me, I don’t want to lose you again. We need a completely transparent agreement between us, not to keep you from leaving me, but so I can learn exactly how far you’re willing to go.”

  Penny furrows her eyebrows together and purses her lips into a thin line. I wind some of the noodles around a fork and bring it to her mouth. She opens and accepts my offering. Her pretty, pink tongue darts out and licks a drop of sauce caught on her bottom lip, making me hold back the raw, crazed need I have to grab her and fuck her senseless.

  “That’s a reasonable request. But I also want to start getting some work sent to me.”

  “No,” I say, blatantly refusing her wish.

  “I do nothing else. If I could get some work, it would give me something to do, and I could just lay on the sofa and edit.” Penny works as an editor at one of the smaller publishing companies. Before her accident, she’d be the first at her desk in the morning, and always the last to leave at night. “Please, don’t ask me to give it up.”

  “I’m not asking you to give up your work, I know how important it is to you. What I’m saying is that you can’t work from home until you can go a day without tiring as easily as you do.”

  “I get tired because I’m bored.”

  “You get tired because your physiotherapy is intense. And you need this time to rest and allow your body to heal.”

  “My body will heal more quickly if you let me do some work.”

  “Your body is not your body. It’s mine. And until I know you can handle some work without exhausting yourself, the answer is no.” I wind more food around the fork and bring it to her lips.

  She smiles at me, then parts her lips to have another bite of food. “I like you like this,” she says, once she’s chewed the food.

  “Expect more of it,” I warn her.

  If a Master is her desire, a Master will be my gift to her.

  I get my watch and my phone from the bedside table and go downstairs to find Penny. “I shouldn’t be too long, maybe two or three hours. Ella’s on her way, so when she’s here I’ll leave.”

  “You don’t need to get me a baby sitter,” Penny protests.

  “You do know I’m going to do what’s best for you.” She nods her head and smiles. “You’ve got water; do you want anything to eat before I leave?”

  “We just had dinner. I’m not hungry.” Penny watches me as I put my watch on. Her eyes go to the silver on my wrist and her supple lips part, as her pink tongue comes out to sweep her upper lip.

  “See something you like?” I tease.

  “There’s something about that watch. It’s going to sound crazy, but it makes me hot.”

  A fucking watch makes her hot?

  “How so?” I move to sit on the sofa beside her, purposely delaying rolling down my shirt sleeve so she can fixate on my watch.

  “It’s sexy.”

  “My watch is sexy?”

  “It looks sexy on your arm. The veins slightly protruding from your hand, your thick, long fingers and the watch all just make me…horny.”

  “Good to know,” I say, as I push my hand into the back of her head and bring her face close to me so I can kiss her lips. “Perhaps I’ll fuck you with just my watch on.”

  A low hum emanates from her throat, and I know my statement has made her wet.

  We’re interrupted by the front door bell.

  I stand from the sofa, and Penny whimpers as I leave to open the door. “Hello, Ella,” I say as Ella walks in, and kisses me on the cheek.

  “Hi, Brandon. How’s the patient today?” she asks.


  Ella looks at me with big eyes and tilts her head to the side. “I can’t really help her with that one,” she adds.

  “I don’t expect you to.” Unless Matthew and I decide we want our girls to play. But I know Matthew is protective of Ella, and the possibility of the girls playing is unlikely.

  Ella smiles and walks into the family room to find Penny sitting up and flicking through the channels on TV. “Hey, want a drink?” Penny asks and flicks her head toward the kitchen.

  “I won’t be long, I’m going to look at the apartment building and talk with the owners. Three hours maximum,” I tell them.

  “Matt dropped me off. He said he couldn’t stay because he had something to do. But he should be here when you get back,” Ella calls from the kitchen.

  “Be good, and remember to take your pain medication.” I lean down and give Penny a kiss.

  “Yes, Sir,” she says as she returns my kiss.

  “If you need anything, call me or Matthew.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Penny adds again.

  “I won’t be long, Ella.”


  The meeting with the current owners went much quicker than I expected it to. The apartment building is exactly what I’m looking for. The apartment on the ground floor is in need of some cosmetic work, however it’s nothing a week of labor won’t cover.

  With their real estate agent there, and Michael, we were able to negotiate the price on the spot. The apartment building should be settled up and ready for my contractors to go in and fix the apartment to get it ready for Jackson and Daisy to move into within two months.

  Daisy’s unaware of what I’m doing, and seeing as I have some time on my hands, I intend to swing by her house to let her know.

  But first, a pit stop.

  “Brandon, is everything okay?” Daisy asks as she answers the door.

  “Of course. May I come in?”

  “Sure, please do.” She steps aside and lets me in, as she tightens the light jacket around her torso. “Would you like a coffee or a drink?”


  She leads me down a narrow corridor and into the kitchen, where she has a card table and two folding chairs. The kitchen is bare. There’s an old microwave, and three plates stacked on the rack. I look around, taking in her home.

  It’s disgraceful. Not what Daisy has to work with, but the sub-standard living conditions. I know she’s doing the best she can, but this is appalling and the quicker I can get her and Jackson out of here, the happier I’ll be.

  “Please, sit,” she says offering a folding chair to me.

  “This place is disgusting,” I say as I continue to look around.

  “I know,” she responds in a small voice, as her eyes look to the ground. “I’m sorry,” she whispers.

  “Where’s Jackson?”

  “He’s reading. He should be getting ready for bed, but he always has his nose buried in a book.”

  “Call him.”

  “Hang on,” she says as she stands and walks out of the dimly lit kitchen. I do notice her home is exceptionally clean. There’s not one crumb on the kitchen counter, the floors are spotless of grime, and everything – although there isn’t much – is put into its place. “Do you remember Mr. Edwards?” Daisy asks as she holds Jackson’s hand and brings him into the kitchen.

  He shakes his head and steps behind his mother. His arm is still in a cast, but he looks a lot better than when I saw him at the hospital.

  “Hello, Jackson,” I say as I stand and offer him my hand to shake. I want him to be comfortable around me, to not be intimidated by me. Jackson looks at my hand and looks at his mom. “Not a big talker? That’s okay with me, because I’m not a big listener,” I say as I shrug my shoulders.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see Jackson cracks a smile and takes a hesitant step forward from around his mom. “What’s in the bags?” he asks as he eyes the two large white bags I brought in with me.

  “These? You wouldn’t be interested.”

  “Yeah, I think I would. Maybe if you show me, then we’ll both know.”

  He certainly doesn’t speak like an eight year old.

  “You sure you want to see?”

  “Yes, please Mr. Edwards.” />
  “You can call me Brandon. Come sit over here.” I gesture to the chair Daisy had offered me. Jackson sits on the chair, his legs dangling above the floor. It reminds me just how young he is. “This is for you,” I say, taking out a baseball glove, a ball and a bat. “I know until your arm mends, you can’t play. But I was thinking, when you can, I’ll come around and we can play catch.”

  Jackson takes the baseball glove in his hand, his eyes full of tears as he gently strokes the leather. “This is for me?”

  “It certainly is. And this is for me, but I’m going to keep it here at your place, so I can’t ever forget it.”

  “You’re giving this to me?” He looks up at me, and he’s crying.

  “I am.” I look to Daisy, who’s leaning against the door jamb, her own tears streaking her face.

  Oh, for fuck’s sake! Why the hell are they both crying?

  “Are you sure you can afford it, Brandon?” Jackson asks. What a fucking awesome kid. I don’t know many kids, or any kids actually, but I would assume if you give an eight year old a gift, they’d be too busy thinking about how fantastic the gift is. Instead, Jackson asks me if I can afford it.

  “Yeah, I can afford it.”

  “Thank you so much. Mom says nothing is ever given to us for free, and we have to pay for it. So if you want me to wash your car, then as soon as my cast is off, I’ll wash it for you.”

  “No need. What I’d like though, is if you can take these to your room, and maybe go back to your book. I want to talk to your mom.”

  “Sure thing.” I put everything back in the bags and give them to him to take. “Goodnight, Brandon.”

  “Night, Champ.”

  When Jackson’s gone to his room, I indicate for Daisy to sit. “I’m not sure how I’ll pay you back for those. Maybe you can take five dollars a week out of my pay until it’s paid off?”

  “I didn’t buy them for Jackson to force a payment arrangement from you.”

  “Then why?”

  “I look after my girls. I told you that already. Which brings me to the next reason I’m here.”


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