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Fault Lines

Page 14

by K. C. Stewart

  Through the boxes that had blocked the door and her only escape, a wolf barreled through the air and landed on one of the men. His teeth sunk into his flesh and tore until a pool of blood had gathered and the man didn’t move anymore. Mira stared open mouthed at the attack. It was the most violent thing she had seen outside of the movie theater. Something soft brushed the back of her legs and she jumped. Another wolf had snuck in behind her and was sniffing the boy.

  “Don’t you dare,” she said in warning. Mira was half tempted to point the gun at the wolf but something told her that the man beside her was more of a danger. The wolf gave her a look of approval and then brush passed them to chase after the quiet man who had ran out the door.

  Mira held firm onto the goon she had at gun point. He hadn’t tried to get away in the frenzy, which she thought was weird until she saw the wolf that had killed the first man standing ten feet from them baring his teeth in a snarl.

  “Three dead, two alive and one on the run. Not too bad. How you doing over there Mira?”

  She tore her eyes from the wolf and saw Tyson binding a man he had disarmed. When the hell had he gotten here?

  She let out a shaky, relieved sigh. “O-ok. I’m ok.”

  “I’m going to come take that sorry excuse of a man from you. Mind pointing that gun elsewhere for a moment?” Tyson came over and waited for her to drop her gun. She did. This time her hand did shake. In fact, her whole body seemed to shake. Relief maybe? Probably more shock but some of it had to be relief. Tyson bound the man’s hands with the same pack of wire ties that had been used on her. He gave her a quick kiss on the head and took the gun from her hand.

  “I’ll be right back. Can you keep it together for another minute?”

  She nodded. She could do that. A minute, no longer though.

  When he walked away she caught the wolf staring at her. There was blood all over his silver muzzle and paws. His tail was sticking straight out behind him, not moving. She had never seen a wolf so close before. At the zoo they always kept their distance but this close she could see how large it was. It was taller than she had anticipated, skinnier too. Not that it was small; it was narrower than the one who had come sniffing around the kid. Aerodynamic was the word that came to mind. This wolf was built for speed. He was completely silver except for the black around his almond eyes. They drew her in. Such familiarity in its gaze. She knew in her heart that she had met those eyes before but she had never seen this wolf before, never met any wolf before.

  She swallowed. He tilted his head.

  Jesus, she was going to be eaten by a wolf after surviving all that.

  The minute was up. She couldn’t hold herself together any longer. Between the fatigue in her muscles and the wolf making eyes at her, she was done. Mira’s knees weakened and she fell to the ground. She caught herself with her hands but the impact still stung. She closed her eyes and took a breath. When she opened them the wolf that had been a good distance away, had moved and now stood a foot from her.

  Her heart ceased beating.

  Two steps and he was face to face with her. On her hands and knees they were the same height. The shaking was now from fear. Mira had just seen this animal tear a man to pieces. And now it was her turn. Where the hell was Tyson and why was he not keeping his wolves under control.

  That didn’t even make sense.

  Tyson had pet attack wolves?

  God, her head hurt.

  The wetness that touched her cheek was a nose, not his vicious mouth of fangs. His tongue licked the sweat from her temple, and her cheek, and her chin, and her ear. She calmed a little and even let out a half assed laugh when he put his tongue in her ear.

  “Eww,” she protested.

  “Fuck,” Tyson cursed. The wolf stopped his tending and turned to growl at Tyson. “Mira, you have nothing to fear from these dogs.”

  “Dogs?” she asked unbelieving. She was out of it, but not that out of it. “Tyson, these are wolves.”

  “No they are not.”

  The wolf in front of her began to sniff her. Mira’s knees really hurt from the fall so she leaned on her hip to take the weight off of them. In her new position, the wolf continued his ministrations but more vehemently. He would stop at a bruise or a cut and nudge it with his nose. If she protested from pain, he’d lick it and move on. If she didn’t do anything he would look at her and do it again until she did protest in pain.

  “Tyson, why is this wolf prodding me?” She was too tired to be scared anymore.

  A burst of energy flowed around her. She wavered from where she sat. It was like thunder booming overhead and the chill it sends down your spin. Her body shivered in response.

  The change in the wolf was so fast that Mira hadn’t followed it. Paws became hands, fur smoothed out into skin, the tail disappeared altogether. It was Owen, not wolf, that now crotched in front of her. He took a few heavy breaths and then raised his head.

  “Uhhh…” she said in replace of words.

  Tyson cursed loudly behind Owen and ran his hands through his hair. “Why even bother with a plan if you aren’t going to follow it?”

  Owen pulled her into his arms and held her tight enough that she couldn’t blow away. Mira didn’t even fight it. For all she knew, she was hallucinating from exhaustion. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and for the first time in hours, she felt safe. Owen had come for her. Owen and Tyson had come. Her chest heaved in air as she continued to tell herself that she was safe.


  That wasn’t her voice.

  It was deeper and rougher.

  “You’re safe Rabbit. Just let go for a little while. I’ve got you.”

  “Safe,” she agreed.


  He held her for a while. She had blocked out the world around her and just let someone else deal with the cleanup. His arms were so warm and solid around her that she was considering keeping him as a blanket for the rest of time. Then she realized what she was thinking and made herself come out of the haze. When she opened her eyes again, Tyson was checking the boy over for injuries.

  “What are we supposed to tell Sadie now, huh? Jesus, what were you thinking?”

  Owen’s chest rumbled as he responded. “I wasn’t. I just needed to make sure she was ok.”

  “And waiting till we got back wasn’t soon enough?” Tyson didn’t sound angry exactly, more just tired and frustrated.

  “Don’t give me that. I don’t have to explain shit to you. I’m alpha of this pack and it was my decision. So back the fuck off, Tyson.”

  Mira watched as the other wolf came over to the boy and nudged his arm.

  “He’s out cold,” Tyson told the wolf. “We need to get him to Lee.”

  She understood enough mythology to figure out what they were. She imagined it was the distress of everything else that was dampening the shock of seeing Owen change from a wolf to human in front of her. In fact, she thought all of this was pretty freakin’ fascinating and found herself excited to pick their brains later.

  “This explains so much,” she said in a whisper more to herself than anyone else but Tyson looked up at her anyway and sighed.

  Owen rubbed a hand down her bare shoulders. He kissed the top of her head as he held her. It was then that Mira realized that she was topless and he was completely naked. Her eyes went wide. As nicely as she could, she pushed him away and scrambled to her feet while covering herself with her hands.

  “Um…” she said trying to avoid looking at him. Apparently, modesty was not an issue for the man.

  Owen chuckled. “Tyson, want to go get the truck? I’ve got a change of clothes in there but I’m sure Rabbit would like it if you donated your shirt for the time being.”

  Tyson’s balled up t-shit came into view of the cement she had been staring at. Mira turned her back to everyone and slipped the soft material over her bruised skin. Her sore muscles protested but complied anyway. She felt better being covered but she still couldn’t look at Owen. So
she didn’t. Mira knelt by the boy and watch him while Tyson got the truck. Owen had wandered off to check on the men who hadn’t died or run away in the skirmish. The other wolf came to stand beside her. She looked at him this time with different eyes. There was no way to tell who it was and if she knew him.

  “Are you,” she searched for the right words, “like Owen?”

  The wolf nodded.

  Mira swallowed.

  The world just got a whole lot bigger.


  Owen stretched the shirt over his head and readjusted the phone pinned between his ear and shoulder. The line rang twice more before Lee picked up.

  “What is going on?” she asked immediately.

  “Long story. I need you at the house. I have two,” a flare of jealously came from his wolf, “eh, make that one patient for you.” He’d check Mira out himself.

  “How bad?” she asked, the doctor in her assessing the damage.

  “Possible concussion. Cobie just woke up a few moments ago and we just got everyone loaded into the truck so you will find out soon enough.”

  “Owen, are you ok?” Lee asked with only a slight hysteria. “You were there and then you just weren’t and Chuck won’t tell me anything, like I’m just any one of your wolves. He-”

  “Lee,” he interrupted. There were more important matters to attend to than her insecurities. Besides, she was one of his wolves. He’d tried to make her more but she had choosen her path. “Everything is fine. Just be at the house, ok?”

  Her tone told him she wasn’t exactly happy with how this conversation was going. “Yeah. I’ll be there.”

  “Thank you.” Owen hung up.

  He took a second to let the pack bond open up a sliver. He didn’t want to bombard everyone all at once. He however, felt their pain and worry immediately. Hopefully they would calm some once they felt his presence again.

  “Ready, Bud?” Tyson asked from the driver’s seat of his truck. Owen nodded and jogged over to the other side where he had planned on sliding in next to Mira so he could hold her. He really needed to feel that she was alive right now. And he needed to know that she wasn’t scared of him. The fear she had wafting off of her in that warehouse had almost made him sick. He hated that he was part of the reason for it.

  The truck bed held the two members of Canidae who survived. They were under a tarp, bound and gagged. Tyson was very handy with wire tires and a length of rope. They had to hide them a bit because having two men in such a state would get them pulled over. He may have been alpha but he still had to play by the rules.

  When Owen opened up the back door, he saw Mira with Cobie’s head in her lap. She was smoothing his hair and rubbing his back. She looked up from her ward and gave Owen a tired smile.

  “You doing ok?” he asked softly.

  She nodded and went back to stoking Cobie’s head. The kid, he realized, was awake. Owen asked him the same thing and he nodded sluggishly. Cobie had gone above and beyond today. That would be recognized once he was feeling better. Vince jumped in the truck bed and stuck his head through the window by Sadie’s head. He let out a small yip. Cobie turned his head and smiled when he saw Vince.

  “I’m good,” he said once more.

  Owen climbed inside and Tyson took them home.

  Half way back Mira’s questions began.

  “So you’re werewolves?

  “All of you?”

  “Is Sadie a wolf too?”

  “Can you only change on the full moon? Wait, stupid question since you changed earlier.”

  “Who’s the other wolf?”

  “Were you born as a wolf or man?”

  “The big ugly one in the back bit me, will I become like you?”

  “Does it hurt?”

  No one had the energy to answer her. Owen had turned around in the seat and covered her mouth with his hand. Her green eyes were wide with excitement as questions continued to flow through them. At least it wasn’t fear this time.

  “I will be happy to answer all of your questions Mira, but can we get back first? Cobie needs some medical attention and I think you could use a bandage or two yourself. I know I want a shower. So let’s go back and get cleaned up then I’m all yours.”

  Tyson slid him a knowing look that asked him what he meant by that last part.

  Mira nodded in agreement and Owen slid his hand away. He didn’t turn back around though. He just watched her, let his eyes give him the proof of her survival. He’d much rather have her in his lap so he could feel the solid weight of her. Feel the soft puffs of air as she breathed into his neck. He would, he told himself. Soon enough he’d have that but for now he’d have to just trust his eyes.

  She was looking at him in much the same fashion but there was a glint of awe in them too.

  They pulled onto the road that led to the pack house and he wasn’t the least bit surprised to see a crowd waiting outside. Both Tyson and Mira groaned at the sight. It made Owen chuckle.

  Sadie and Candice pushed through the crowd.



  Owen hopped out of the truck. They looked at him expectantly. “They’re both fine,” he told them as he opened the back door so they could see for themselves. Cobie had sat up and Owen helped him from the truck. His mom wrapped him in a hug and began to pull him inside. Vince was right beside him stabilizing his other side.

  “Listen up!” Owen yelled over the swarm of wolves. “As you can see, I am fine. The bond was cut off for your protection and has already begun to open back up. I appreciate all of your concern but at the moment I need some space to finish up here. How about we schedule a pack meeting tomorrow morning? We’ll have a big breakfast and all that and I can tell you what’s going on.” Murmurings of approval and a few that wanted him to talk now wandered through the crowd but they began to disperse.

  When the majority had left he turned back to the truck where Mira was still sitting. He held out his hand and reveled in the slight thrill when she took it in hers. He helped his Rabbit down but before he could do anything more, Sadie had her in a hug.

  “Oh god, I was so scared.” She pulled back and ran a quick eye over her. “Are you ok?”

  Mira’s face still held that bit of awe she had earlier.

  “Do you have a tail?” she asked.

  “What?” Sadie casted a glance to Owen and Tyson who could only look guilty and tired.

  Mira wasn’t going to be detained though. “Do you have a tail and furry ears?” When Sadie didn’t answer she added, “It’s a simple question Sadie.”

  Completely dumbfounded, Sadie stumbled, “I…”

  “Have a tail and furry ears,” Mira finished for her. Her grin was explosive. “I knew it! Is that the secret you’ve been keeping? Is that why you’ve been so distant?”

  Sadie looked again to Owen but with an angry fire in her eyes. “Yeah, it is.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Mira did her best to keep her questions to herself until they were alone and one of them found the balls to answer her. Her sister’s secret, admittedly, was a biggie. Mira was enthralled with the whole thing. How did Sadie become like that? When? Her pulling away made perfect sense now. She would have done the same thing in her place.

  They followed Cobie and his mom inside the house to a room that reminded her of the school nurse. Although, her nurse never had a surgical room. Lee was ready for them when they got there. She ushered Cobie to sit down and immediately began taking his vitals. She barely glanced at the ragged looking Mira. Of all the people, why did she have to be the doctor?

  A hand landed on her shoulder and gently pulled her away. Owen steered her over to a small stairwell.

  “We need to go up to the third floor. Can you walk that far?”

  That was a lot of steps.

  That was a lot of floors.

  She caught Lee watching them and miraculously her body didn’t feel broken anymore. Mira straightened her shoulders and nodded with the utmost c
onfidence. Owen looked over to where she had just caught Lee listening in. He gave a sigh that seemed to say, “Women,” like he had no idea how their brains worked. He opened the door and ushered her into the stairwell.

  “Shouldn’t I get looked over by Lee?” Not that she wanted to but Mira wasn’t stupid enough to ignore her physical state.

  He shook his head. “Up,” he pointed. They climbed slowly and after the first dozen steps Mira was heaving. Her muscles were tight and sore. She stopped on the landing, tugging his hand to a stop as well.

  Lee was nowhere around so she felt she could do this without being judged now. She probably shouldn’t have even attempted those steps but with an onlooker such as the ex-girlfriend, she felt the need to show off her strength even if it was bottom of the barrel, discount strength.

  She asked him what she had really wanted to since step one. “Carry me?”

  Owen grinned in a knowing way. He had been waiting for it too. “It would be my pleasure.” He swooped her up, like she was a mere child and took her the rest of the way.

  There was something about the sway of each step, the steady rhythm of his heart and being cradled in strong arms that made her feel completely cherished and protected. Mira’s head lulled to the side and rested on his shoulder. He kissed her head with a smile as a soft sigh left her lips. When they made it to the top, he did a little maneuver to open the door and then they were stepping into his world. She knew this was Owen’s space because it smelled so strongly of him. Every breath she inhaled more and more of him until she thought she was drowning.

  He walked her into his bathroom and put her down on the counter. Her body sagged in relief against the mirror.

  “I should have asked you this before,” Owen said with a worry crease in his forehead. “I can take you back to Lee if you prefer but I wanted to care for you myself. If you are uncomfortable with that…”

  In reply, Mira gripped the hem of Tyson’s borrowed shirt and pulled it over her head with a sharp groan that she couldn’t hold back.

  “That was stupid,” he chided. “I could have cut it off.” But he was already inspecting cuts and bruises on her chest and abdomen.


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