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Voyages of the Solar Wind 1: A Fire in Heaven

Page 6

by Michael Erickston

  "Hi, Harrana!" Rilar grinned at our friend, who raised her mug to us.

  "Dex, if you hurt her.." She started.

  "You'll rip my head off and shit down my neck." I finished for her, grinning. She laughed.

  "Good man, Dex! Glad you stopped being so fucking dense!" Harrana chided.

  "Ok, did EVERYONE here besides me know that Rilar was in love with me already?" I asked, exasperated.

  There were nods all around, even from some people seated at the nearby bar, so I planted my forehead on the table top with an audible thump.

  I felt Rilar tap me on the neck and looked up. Oh shit. I would recognize Humanity Prime assholes anywhere. Harrana was glaring at them, as were Jeka and Ri. Rick was studiously ignoring the specist shitheads. They were wearing white and red robes with masks on, and were looking around the pub. All five of them were armed with Pulsar Nano Charged Heat pistols, so this could get ugly fast. Ri had already popped the widow strap on her holster, and was getting ready for a fast draw if needed. I did the same on mine, and got ready to skin it.

  Harrana knew we would kill or die to protect our friends, and that was one reason she declared the Solar Wind off limits to her pirate brothers and sisters. She looked at the rifle I'd placed by the chair, and nodded towards it. I nodded back, and she said "Thanks" as she pulled it over to her chair.

  They noticed us finally and started over to our table. The leader, who was wearing the most decoration on his robe, spoke first.

  "Brothers! Why waste time with these animals when there are real women to be had?" He asked in a smarmy, yet threatening tone. I smiled.

  "First of all, I'm not your fuckin' brother. Second of all, because these three women each have more love and honor in their hearts than Captain Jendrene Cardwell." I said with a grin. I tightened my grip and prepared to draw my pistol.

  Before I could, Rick stood up and snapped the nearest one's neck as the offending dickhead tried to draw his pistol, and it was on. Harrana blazed one before he could draw with her borrowed rifle, Ri and I blasted holes through two more, and Jeka gave in to her bloodlust and ripped the leader's throat out. She spat his windpipe onto the floor.

  The whole thing was over, from Rick standing up to Jeka spitting the throat out, in just over two seconds.

  "Good kills." Harrana nodded. There are some evils in the galaxy that made even bloodthirsty pirates look noble of spirit. Humanity Prime is one of them.

  Cheers broke out among the patrons, and when station security came in, nobody saw nothin'. They hauled the bodies out and tried to get statements. All of us were seated again, weapons holstered, and Jeka had wiped her mouth of blood already. They asked me and Rick specifically, and we denied any knowledge. As far as we were concerned, they'd turned on each other in a fit of insanity.

  I almost felt sorry for the cops. Almost. Port Royal station security are some of the most under-appreciated men and women in the entire universe. They're underpaid and undermanned. They also have a really bad 'cases open to solved' ratio. That's not all their fault. They have crappy facilities, outdated weapons, and nobody ever sees nothin'. Still, they did their jobs as best they could, and at least half the force was on the take. Oh well. They left us alone and finished hauling the bodies out. The bartender, a Shivos, sent over another round for us, and said our tabs were comped for a week. We raised our bottles and glasses to him and nodded our thanks.

  Harrana returned my rifle and nodded with a smile. "Thanks, Dex."

  "Keep it, Harrana. I was going to turn it in as evidence against Jen if needed, but the footage spoke for itself. It's yours. But uhh, I hear that Humanity Prime has some nice rich coffers ready for plunder." I would unleash hell upon them in the form of Harrana Bloodskull.

  Jeka stood and brought Rick to his feet with her. "As an official law enforcement officer of the Free Trade Alliance Authority, we cannot be present for this conversation. Unofficially, however, give them hell, Harrana! Dex. Ri. Come by my office in the morning and we'll contact Confed Fleet Command together." She then turned to Rick. "Come on, baby. Momma needs some." He grinned in reply, and she dragged him out of the bar.

  Once they were gone, Harrana, having no filter from thoughts to mouth, said: "I hope he doesn't let her give him blowjobs."

  Ri squeezed my hand at that. When I turned to look, she grinned and licked her lips. I grinned back and whispered to her. "I would love a blowjob from you, kitten."

  She purred and jumped from her chair into my lap. "Then I'll give you one when we get back to the ship, baby." She whispered back.

  I turned back to our buddy the pirate. "Their main HQ is on Mars, Harrana."

  She nodded. "Anything I should know?"

  I'd been to Humanity Prime's HQ a few times for delivery jobs. I didn't like them, but they paid. I refused weapons jobs, but medicine was ok. I only shipped weapons for friends or one hundred percent legit dealers and manufacturers.

  "It's heavily guarded, but only outside. Once you breach, the security room is right inside the front entrance. You take that, and it's done." I replied as my sex kitten partner and lovemate sucked on my neck and nipped me with her fangs. I was getting harder than ferrocrete fast.

  "Thanks, Dex! What would you recommend?" She asked.

  I was having a little trouble concentrating, but managed eventually. "Covert entry. Have you and the bulk of your force in a supply truck, then once you're through the sally port, the security control room is to your right. You'll be below most of the turrets' tracking by then, and you won't have to worry about their outside defenses." I paused as she nodded her understanding. "Oh, and Harrana?" I grinned.

  "Yes, Dexypoo?" She grinned back. It was an old joke from back when she said she had the hots for me.

  "Take no prisoners, sweetycakes." I winked and she chuckled at that. I was probably the only man in the galaxy who could get away with calling Harrana Bloodskull 'sweetycakes'.

  Rilar finally took a break from sucking my neck to laugh. I looked at her and kissed her passionately. "Kitten, since we're grounded for now, wanna go back to the ship and have a little fun?"

  "I never thought you'd ask, sek'natha!" She replied and kissed me again, purring loudly.

  We said our goodbyes to Harrana and headed back to the hangar bay. As we walked hand in hand, She whispered "piggyback ride?" to me hopefully.

  I grinned at her and she jumped on my back. I hooked my arms beneath her legs and jogged back to the bay with her bouncing behind me. She was laughing like she used to when we'd do this in flight training and when we'd visit her family on Gurhin.

  We got to the bay and I set her down. She jumped into my arms and wrapped her legs around me as she kissed me lovingly. I returned her sweet kiss, stroking her cheek as I turned to carry her up the boarding ramp.

  "Don't move." I stopped, and Rilar froze in my arms.

  "Very good. Set her down and turn around slowly. You're a wanted man, Dex Relway." The Bounty Hunter said. His cold voice spoke of years of experience. I set Ri down and she winked at me. I smiled as I turned around slowly with my hands raised.

  His helmet told me who he was. I'd met him before. "Sup, Bili?" I asked conversationally.

  Bili the Bullet was one of the few people left in the galaxy that still used projectile percussion firearms and ammo. We'd had a long conversation about the benefits of Rails vs. Percussion. He was a good guy, but sometimes took the bounties without double checking.

  "Not much, Dex. Jen sent me, in case you were wondering." He shrugged and answered.

  "Man, she sent YOU after me? She must really want me dead." I brought my hand to my forehead. "At least let Rilar go? She has nothing to do with this, except she got shot when Jen boarded me illegally."

  Bili's helmet cocked to the side. "Rilar's clear, Dex. The bounty's just for you alive. Did you and Ri finally...?"

  "Oh, Lord! YOU figured it out before I did?" I started laughing, as did Rilar and Bili. He holstered his pistol.

  "Dex, how dense can yo
u be? Ri's been in love with you for as long as I've known you!" Bili was having way too much fun.

  "Bili, man. Can you walk away, just this once? Jen is going to answer for what she did to us yesterday. You don't want to get caught up in that when the Confederacy brings the hammer down on her." I wouldn't call Bili a friend, but he's a decent guy.

  "Dex, I'll give you a week to get it all straightened out. If she's still operating and the bounty is still open then, I'm coming for you." Bili nodded.

  "Bili, you're cool. I don't care what Humanity Prime says about you!" I nodded to him. Bili's wife is a Chali Blade, which got her ostracized from her society, and got him a death warrant in Chal itself. He hates Humanity Prime as much as I do.

  "You should hear the stuff they say about you and Rick with Rilar and Jeka!" Bili shrugged. "I hear Harrana's already left dock to go after something Humanity Prime related."

  "Bili, you're a good guy. Thanks for the week's grace period." I thanked him. He always completes a job. That's his rep. Unlike other Bounty Hunters, however, he doesn't kill his quarry if the bounty expires before he can deliver. He lets them go in a civilized area.

  "No problem, Dex. You're a good man, and if she hadn't offered so much for you, I wouldn't have taken the job." Bili turned to go.

  "Wait! How much did she offer?" I asked. I had the stirrings of an idea.

  "Seventy-five K," he answered. Rilar and I looked at each other. That was a fuckin' FORTUNE!

  "Wait. She can blow seventy-five THOUSAND credits on ME? How the fuck, man? Shit, my ship only cost seventeen K when ALL my modding was done!" I'd saved a ton of credits by doing the installs myself with Rilar helping.

  Bili shrugged. "I don't know. I don't get paid to ask questions. I'd always had you as pretty much off limits unless it's enough to retire on."

  "Bili, my man. I have an idea. Would you be willing to split it with us?" I grinned.

  "I like you, Dex. But I don't like you that much." He chuckled.

  "Hear me out. You call up Jen and tell her you took a shot, but Rilar rescued me. It's plausible, since Ri here is the best damn shot in the galaxy, and Jen knows it. Anyhow, ask her to up the ante for Ri too, and see what she says. If not, then no harm, no foul. If she says yes, we get Ri's bounty after you collect on us. We escape, and everybody wins, except for the Wicked Witch of WesternStar." I finally took a deep breath.

  Bili thought for a minute. "Give me a sec." He tapped on the comlink on the side of his helmet and talked quietly for a moment. He listened, then nodded once and tapped off.

  "She's offering twenty five K for Rilar now. Do you two have holdouts?" He asked, meaning our holdout Rails onboard.

  "Yeah. Bili, can you give us about an hour? Jeka has us grounded, so we're not going anywhere. But we need to... you know. In private for a bit." I grinned, and he got my meaning.

  "Sure, guys. No problem. I'll go have a few at the Roger and be back in an hour or so." He nodded and turned to go.

  Ri and I sprinted up the ramp and into our quarters. We stripped naked so fast, we were on par to break the land speed record.

  She dropped to her knees in front of me and grabbed my hardening cock. She looked up at me as her pupils dilated and she opened her mouth and licked the underside. I moaned at the feel of her tongue. "Lord, that feels good kitten!"

  She slowly took me in her mouth, her tongue playing along the underside of my shaft as she took me in inch by inch. Her eyes went even wider in lust as she got half of me in her mouth. I was moaning "Oooohhhhhhh bbbaaaabyyy!" with my head thrown back and my eyes closed. I put my hands on her shaved head and pushed gently on the back as I thrust forward.

  "Mmmppphhh," she gulped around me and I could feel the back of her throat. She started bobbing her head back and forth while stroking me. As much stuff is on the meganet these days, it's no wonder she knows how to please a man.

  I felt it building in a hurry, and knew I wouldn't be able to hold out much longer.

  "Ri, kitten, I'm about to come!" I said. She took me out for a moment.

  "Do it, baby! Give me your cum. Let me taste you!" She inhaled me down to the root then, and that put me over the top.

  "FUUUUUCCCCCKKKK!!!" I shouted as I erupted, filling her mouth and throat with hot molten cum.

  She swallowed shot after shot as I looked down. She was playing with her pussy, and I could smell the cherries of her arousal. She was purring around me as I came, looking up at me with such love in her eyes. She milked the last drop, then stood up and swallowed. She grinned, and I realized I hadn't even felt her fangs once.

  I was weak in the knees, though and collapsed onto our bunk.

  "Oh Lord, sweetheart!" I was shaking slightly from coming that hard. I'd never come that hard from a blowjob before!

  Ri crawled up next to me and snuggled up. "I take it you liked that, sek'natha?" She grinned.

  "Liked it? Honey, you have a knack for understatement! But now it's time for me to eat." I grinned as she giggled and I pushed her onto her back.

  I kissed her passionately, reaching up and rubbing her breasts as I kissed her neck and ears slowly. She began moaning and mewing as I licked her sensitive ears and down her neck. Her nipples were hard as bullets by the time I licked around her dark purple areolas. I took her right nipple between my lips, and felt her fingers in my hair.

  "Oooooooohhhhhhhh Deeexxxxx!" She moaned as I sucked her sweet nips. I could smell her arousal and it spurred me downward. She was purring now as I licked down her flat toned belly, and her hands in my hair urged me lower still. I kissed my way down over her hairless pubic mound and could taste her wetness when she spread her thighs wide.

  When my tongue touched her sweet wetness, her flavor exploded in my mouth. Hers is the sweetest pussy I have ever eaten. Her scent acted as an aphrodisiac on me even more as I licked her and sucked her little nub. She was squirming as I slipped my tongue inside her pussy, swirling and twisting it inside her. Her hands tightened in my hair, and she bucked her hips up as she came.

  "GGGGGGOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDSSSSSSSSSSS YESSSSSS!!! She screamed like the wildcat she is as her sweet cum filled my mouth. I swallowed over and over as she gushed. She was in nirvana as she came down, and so was I.

  Her body shuddered with aftershocks as she mewed and purred her contentment. I moved up and held her, and she kissed me ravenously, licking my face clean of her juices. Her breathing was ragged, and all she could do was purr loudly for a bit before finally regaining her ability to speak.

  "D..De...Dex. Oh Gods of Gurshinka!" She exclaimed as she laughed out her adrenaline and the endorphins kicked in.

  "I take it you liked that, sweetheart?" I asked with a grin.

  She answered with a kiss that made my toes curl halfway back to my heels. Dear LORD, she can kiss!

  I was hard again and her hand found that out. Her eyes were still dilated with Heat, and she mounted me in a flash. She sank down on me, impaling herself on my hard throbber. She leaned down and kissed me passionately as she moved back and forth on me. She was grinding her pussy into my pelvis, and squeezing me inside her. My arms went around her back to hold her to me as we moved together. I started moving with her, and our breathing quickly became heavier. She broke the kiss and just looked into my eyes with hers as we made love with her on top. We didn't blink for minutes at a time. I felt her sweet hot breath on my face as she felt mine on hers. She started to quiver and I felt her pussy muscles massaging me inside her. Her mouth dropped open and her eyebrows rose in the middle above her nose as her eyes pleaded with me.

  "Come with me, love. Come with me!" She whispered to me. She was on the brink, and so was I. She felt me swelling inside her, filling her completely, and she moaned and ground out on me, shuddering her orgasm. I shouted as I exploded. My cum shot into her like a missile salvo. Having just been blown to perfection, I didn't think I had much left, but I was wrong. She screamed as her climax increased with the feel of my cum blasting into her. Her head went back and her eyes slammed shut
as she screamed in feral passion. As she screamed, she slammed her mouth down on my upper left chest, sinking her fangs in.

  Strangely, it didn't hurt like I thought it would. It only intensified our climaxes. We stayed like that as we came down, and she was whimpering softly as she removed her teeth from my chest. Her eyes got wide as her pupils started to contract. She reached over to the dresser and grabbed the first aid kit. She pulled a regen bandage out and slapped it in place. She then jumped off and turned on the water in the sink to wash my blood out of her mouth. She was silent during this, in shock at what she'd done.

  "Sweetheart, it's ok. Really." I said, still shaking and not trusting my legs to hold me as I sat up on the bed to watch her.

  "Dex, baby! Please don't look at me!" She was cringing from me like I was about to strike her.

  "Rilar," I said softly. "Sweetheart, come here. I'm not angry." I smiled, and the fear in her eyes turned to relief. She threw herself into my arms, crying.

  "I'm sorry, Dex. I'm so so sorry. Oh Gods I'm sorry, baby!" She sobbed into my right shoulder as she straddled my legs.

  I stroked her back as I held her. "Ri, honey. It's ok. I love you."

  "I love you too, Dex." She finally stopped crying and moved back to look at me. Her pupils were slitted now.

  "Kitten, what's wrong?" I asked. She had reacted badly to what had happened.

  "I have become a shor'vennak, Dex." The look on her face was one of horror.

  "Baby, what does that mean?" I really needed to learn her native language.

  "What I did to you hasn't been done in a thousand generations, Dex. If you never want to see me again, or throw me out the airlock, I'll be more than happy to do that." She was scaring me now.

  "Ri, calm down. This is me, here. What did you do besides give me a love nip?" I smiled.

  "I have claimed you as my own." She said it with a disgusted look on her face.

  "And that's a bad thing.... how?" I still didn't get it.

  "Physically marking a mate was outlawed thousands of years ago, Dex. What I did is anathema to my people now!" She had real fear in her eyes.


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