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Voyages of the Solar Wind 1: A Fire in Heaven

Page 9

by Michael Erickston

  I reached up and grabbed her ponytail and pulled her head back. She gasped and moaned as we contined our frenzied fuck. "You like it when I treat you like a slut, baby? You fucking like that? Well, I'll treat you like a filthy fuckslut whenever you want!" I yelled, and she started thrashing back against me as I continued to pound her hot pussy.

  "Fuck yes, you fucking bastard! Fuck me! Fuck me HARD!" She screamed as she came again. I felt my balls clench and exploded with her.

  "Holy Lords!" I shouted as I kept pumping my cock and cum into her harder and harder. Rilar screamed as she came yet again, and I was finally feeling the effects.

  "Yes, baby! Yes, you fucking asshole bastard! Fuck your sex kitten! Fuck your sex kitten and come in her! Make me fucking COME!" She moaned and screamed as her climax rolled into another and another and another.

  When I came for the last time, she milked me for every drop as I collapsed onto her back. She fell forward, and we both finally came down.

  "Oh Lords yes, baby..." I moaned as I felt the adrenaline finally ebbing.

  "meeewwwwwww" She squeaked. Her breathing was ragged, and I rolled off of her. She slowly climbed on top of me, molding herself to my body as she collapsed on my chest. I circled my arms around her as she purred and mewed.

  "Oh Lords, Ri. I love you." I managed as I felt myself crashing.

  "I love you too, Dex." She said with a satisfied purr. I think we passed out at the exact same time.


  We woke up as soon as we heard the five minute warning before exiting the slipstream. I groaned.

  "Rise and shine, sexy." Rilar purred as she stretched. I love watching her stretch in the morning.

  "Ok, beautiful." I mumbled as I slowly sat up. I was wiped still, but functional.

  "Dex, we've never fucked that hard before! I'm fucking sore!" She complained as she purred into my mouth with a sensuous kiss.

  "So am I, sweetheart!" I replied. It was true. I've never come that many times in a row with no break. My balls felt like empty balloons.

  We got up and dressed slowly as we were both feeling the aftereffects. We barely made it to the cockpit as we exited the slipstream.

  "Solar Wind to Rigel seven Control, requesting permission to land." I said over the com. I was still a bit groggy. I looked at Ri. "Honey, can you get me a cup of pure caffeine?" I asked with a smile.

  "Sure, baby. I'll be right back." She kissed me and went to fix a cup of Instapack Coffee.

  "Rigel Seven control to Solar Wind. What is the nature of your stay?" The reply came back.

  "Business, Rigel. I have a cargo crate full of artifacts for a Mr. Jayms Davys." I informed him.

  "Good copy, Solar Wind. You've been assigned Landing Bay 12. Welcome to Rigel Seven." Very helpful guy.

  "Good copy, Rigel. Solar Wind, out." I cut the com and followed the flight path he sent me.

  Ri came back in with a steaming hot mug of coffee. "For my tired out loverboy." She winked as she handed it to me.

  "Mmmmm, thanks darlin'!" I gave her a kiss then glugged a good third of the mug down. It was hot, but not scalding. It tasted like old cardboard, but hit the spot. There is NO WAY to make Instapack Coffee taste good, but it will wake you up in a hurry!

  As I set the autopilot for the course provided, I thought about the Roshol spores. They were indigenous to Gurhin, where Rilar's from, and used to make Rush. Rush is a very dangerous hallucinogenic drug used for recreational purposes throughout the galaxy. It's supposed to calm you down and give you 'good waking dreams'. It's not addictive, but it does have serious side effects. The worst of which is that it will stop your heart by slowing it down way too much. In their raw form, Roshol spores are as illegal as the drug itself, and ten times as deadly. The effects start off with nightmares and end in death. The ONLY two antidotes are chlorophyll tablets and atropine. The atropine is only a temporary solution until you can pop a chlortab.

  As we touched down in landing bay 12, I grabbed the com number for Jayms Davys and called him.

  "Hello, this is Jayms Davys. How can I help you?" He asked.

  "It's what I can do for you, Mr. Davys. I have your shipment of artifacts here at landing bay 12." I replied. "Race Nieman mentioned that you would be providing my payment of ten thousand credits."

  "Ah, yes. Captain Relway. Very well, Captain. I shall be there within the hour." Jayms said in reply.

  "We'll be waiting, Mr. Davys. Relway, out." I clicked off the com.

  "What's our play, love?" Rilar asked.

  "We get paid, then we go to the authorities." I replied. "If Race had been upfront with us, I wouldn't be reporting him. But he put me, and more importantly, YOU in danger. So I'm going to make sure that both Race and Mr. Davys get what's coming to them." I wasn't that pissed about almost dying. But the thought of the same fate happening to Rilar made me angry.

  "Awww, you are so sweet, sek'natha!" She sat on my lap and kissed me lovingly.

  "Mmmmmm so are you, sweetheart." I smiled at her as we broke the kiss, and thought that I could definitely spend the rest of my life with her.

  She glanced out the viewport. "Wow, he's early!" She exclaimed, then moved so I could take a look.

  A very well dressed gentleman was accompanied by two more armed goons like the ones who'd accompanied Race to the drop off on Port Royal. "Get a rifle, baby. This could get ugly." I warned, and Ri reached for our cockpit weapons locker. She grabbed an old PuNCH rifle and checked to make sure it was charged. It would do. With her accuracy and speed, I almost felt sorry for whoever she shot at. Almost, but not quite. I then grabbed my blip recorder and turned it on. It would record for a good hour before the memory was full, and would pick up voices up to ten meters away. It would do the trick.

  We walked to the back cargo bay and unlatched the crate and hovercart. Ri switched it on and we headed towards the boarding ramp.

  I dropped the ramp to find the two goons covering us with their pistols. I was impressed to see that they hadn't scrimped on the quality. They were packing NanoMark 5mm Railpistols. "Whoa, guys. We have the artifacts right here." I smiled at them.

  "Very good, Captain." Mr. Davys said. "Bring them down, please. There's a good lad."

  I vowed then and there to wipe that smug smile off the shithead's face.

  We slowly descended the ramp and set the hovercart down in front of him. Igg and Ook kept us covered the whole time. "What's the deal with the goon squad, Mr. Davys? We have a deal. If you reneg on this, don't expect any more FTA help." I wasn't liking this at all.

  "Oh, just a precaution, Captain Relway. Nothing to worry about." Yeah, I wasn't reassured. Ri was gripping her rifle strap and waiting for my signal. I couldn't even unsnap my widow strap without alerting the twin apes. If they squeezed those triggers, we would die. There is no dodging a rail pellet at this range.

  I glanced at ol' Jayms. He was scanning the outside of the crate.

  He looked at us and narrowed his eyes. "Was this crate tampered with?"

  "Only when Mr. Nieman opened it for my inspection at Port Royal, sir." And I wasn't about to tell him we'd disinfected it, either. He turned and motioned a goon forward.

  "Open this crate. I need to scan the contents." He ordered Igg... or was it Ook? I get them confused.

  "Ok, boss." The goon answered. He pulled a prybar out of his pants (I'm not kidding here) and opened the crate with it.

  Once again, Mr. Davys started his scan, and I had a really bad feeling about this.

  He switched it off and turned to us. "What is the meaning of this?" He nearly shouted.

  "What? The contract was for a twenty kilo crate of artifacts to be delivered to you. It's delivered, so where's our ten K?" I demanded. I'm good at bluffing and throwing the bad guys off guard.

  Mr. Davys blinked. He was thrown off guard. If he said anything about the spores, the little blip recorder in my pocket would record everything for turning over to the authorities later. "Are you certain the only time this crate was opened
was at Port Royal?"

  "Yes, sir. Now, if you don't mind, we have eight hours to get to our next pickup. We need our money." I was showing impatience with his stonewalling.

  He hemmed and hawed for a few more minutes. "Mr. Davys, we will be reporting you to the FTAA. Then we'll see if you want to pay the ten K to us, or the hundred K in fines for stiffing an FTA Freighter Captain." I turned and said "Let's go, Ri. We got us another fuckin' reneg here."

  "Wait! I've got your money." He said. I turned back towards him.

  "You have five seconds." I said flatly.

  He pulled a chit out of his pocket and tossed it to me. I hit the display button and there was five K on it.

  "You're five thousand short, Mr. Davys. Here. We'll just report you and take our cut from the fines." I tossed it back and turned to walk back up the ramp.

  "Captain, wait! It's very important that we negotiate here!" He was looking desperate as I turned back to look at him.

  "Mr. Davys, I do not renegotiate with clients. If they reneg on me, I have a strict policy of reporting offenders. Half the agreed upon fee is still a reneg, so you may consider yourself reported. Not only will you lose the FTA's assistance, but NO independent Freighter Captain will ever haul for you or Mr. Nieman again." I kept my voice even and level. If the threat of getting him blacklisted didn't work, nothing would. That's the threat of drowning.

  I continued. "However, if you tell me the reason why, I might be willing to overlook this." And there's the lifeline. If he didn't grab it, then I was going to get paid from his fines. If he didn't pay, the FTAA would hire a Bounty Hunter to make him pay.

  "This crate was supposed to contain a very valuable material along with the artifacts." He sounded defeated, but still didn't give up the relevant intel.

  "Hey, the deal was the artifacts for the cash. Are all the artifacts there?" I asked in a slightly more conciliatory tone.

  "Y..yes." He stammered.

  "Then what's missing?" I asked in an innocently uninterested tone. I noticed his bodygoons had lowered their weapons and had puzzled looks on their faces. Yeah, gotta love meathead muscle.

  "It was spores." He said.

  "Spores? What are you trying to pull, pal?" It was a calculated bluff.

  "Roshol spores." He admitted finally.

  "Roshol spores. Are you serious?" I laughed. "When I scanned it at Port Royal, there weren't any Roshol spores in it. Just the artifacts."

  "I believe you, Captain. Very well, I'll pay your fee." He pulled a different credit chit out and tossed it to me. Ten K. Good deal.

  "Good doing business with you, Mr. Davys. I'll recommend you to other FTA captains." I two finger saluted him and turned back with Rilar and entered the Solar Wind.

  I raised the boarding ramp and secured the hatch. We made our way up to the cockpit and I pulled the blip out of my pocket. I hit replay and got him admitting everything. Sweet!

  I got on the ship's com. "Solar Wind to any CFC vessel near Rigel VII. Come in, please."

  "Solar Wind, this is the CSS Yamato. Captain Richter here. What seems to be the problem?" Captain Richter asked. I remembered the Yamato is a battlewagon.

  "I can't discuss it on an open channel, Captain. I would prefer a rendezvous if possible." I didn't want to send this intel over unsecured channels.

  "Copy that, Solar Wind. Sending coordinates now for rendezvous." They sent the coordinates.

  "Good copy, Yamato. Coordinates received. Solar Wind, out." I cut the com and plotted a course as I fired up the engines.

  We lifted off and grabbed sky quickly. I made two copies of the data for the FTAA and CFC. I really hate it when people try to take me for a ride.

  It was an hour trip through slipstream to the Yamato's coordinates.

  "We've got them, baby!" Rilar sat on my lap and kissed me lovingly.

  I returned her kiss just as passionately. "Yes we did, sweetheart. We also got paid!" I grinned, and she did too. There is nothing bad about robbing bad guys blind, in case anyone is wondering about honor amongst thieves. I'm not a thief. I confiscate. I commandeer. I even borrow sometimes. I'm not a thief, though.

  I kissed her tenderly, stroking her cheek. She purred into the kiss as she stroked mine in return.

  "I've loved you for so long, Dex. I don't want to lose you so soon after you've found me." She whispered after we broke the kiss.

  "I don't want to lose you either, kitten." I replied, kissing her again lovingly and passionately. She'd changed back into her usual flightsuit, and suddenly her eyes lit up with a naughty twinkle. She could feel my hard on under her shapely butt, and she had an idea.

  She stood up and pulled her zipper down on the front of her suit, exposing her beautiful breasts. I love her B-cups. Then she winked as she extended one claw and spread her legs as she sliced open the crotch of her flightsuit.

  I grinned as I watched. Wow, my kitten can be kinky sometimes!

  She retracted her claw and reached down, unbuttoning my pants. She pulled my hard throbbing cock out and whispered "I need this. I hope you don't mind."

  "Be my guest, sweetheart." I replied as I reached up and squeezed her breasts.

  She purred as she slowly lowered herself onto me. I could smell the cherry scent of her arousal, and could feel the heat of her pussy engulf me an inch at a time. She moaned as she leaned forward. I licked and sucked her left nipple between my lips as she slowly rose and fell on my shaft.

  I groaned in pleasure as she fucked me slowly. She moaned as she took all of me inside her tight hot wet pussy. I began to thrust up to meet her downthrusts. God, she's gorgeous! Her blue cat's eyes were completely dilated in love and lust as we made slow love with her riding me.

  "Lords, kitten, you are so tight, and hot, and wet!" I said with feeling as I started to swell inside her.

  "You're so big in my little pussy, my love!" She said as she tightened even more and got even wetter around me. Her pussy began to spasm, milking me with her tight muscles as I felt my balls tightening.

  "I'm gonna come, kitten!" I exclaimed as I felt my seed rising.

  "Yes, sek'natha! Give me your seed! Give me your cum! Please, MY LOVE!!!" She crashed around me as I exploded. My cum shot into her hot and hard, over and over. We convulsed in pure ecstasy together as she collapsed on my chest, holding each other tight.

  "I love you, kitten." I whispered as our breathing returned to normal.

  "I love you too, Dex." She whispered back lovingly.

  "Sweetheart, I want to learn more about your culture, if that's ok?" I asked with a smile.

  "I would love to teach you, honey." She replied with her radiant smile.

  "First, you're very sexual for never having sex before me. Are all your people like that with their sek'natha?" I was interested. For a monogamous people, she was very adventurous.

  She nodded. "We find our lovemates based on common interests, shared feelings, that sort of thing. When we find someone we feel is compatible on a physical and spiritual level, it awakens our sexual desires."

  "Ok, I can appreciate that. It's better than how we humans do it. Our way is mostly trial and error." I shrugged.

  "Errors like Jen, right?" She smirked.

  "Exactly! And before her, there was Angie, and Sonya, and a few others that I thought were 'the one', you might say. With you, though, I have no doubts. You stuck with me through everything, Rilar." I kissed her sweetly.

  She purred. "There was never any doubt for me, Dex. You've always been the one for me."

  "So you never considered someone from your own species?" I asked.

  "I tried to find someone suitable on Gurhin, but there was nobody there who could fulfill my needs. I knew the first moment we met that you and I would fulfill each other as nobody else could." She poured herself out for me, and I held her close, stroking her cheek.

  "Sweetheart, the last time we saw your parents, we weren't lovers. Will they be... offended that we're together now?" I had to know. I like Keldor and Bidar. They
're good people.

  She thought for a moment. "Father won't, but mother might. She's a bit old fashioned." She shrugged.

  "Well, after this, we'll head to Gurhin to talk with them, if that's ok with you, sweetheart? We could use a vacation." I smiled.

  "Mmmm, that sounds great, honey!" She grinned and kissed me again as she purred. "By the way," she whispered, "I love how your cum feels shooting inside me when we climax together."

  I realized that I was still buried inside her as my cock twitched at her seductive words. "Oh Lords, kitten!" I moaned as she squeezed around me.

  "I need all your seed, my love." She squeezed again, and I was twitching even more as I grew rock hard again.

  "Give it to me, Dex. Please. I need it. I need you. I need you filling me for the rest of our days." She whispered as she stroked my cheek and kissed my lips. My hands moved up and pushed her flightsuit top down her arms, then came back up to stroke her back. I could feel my cum rising again already as she talked low and seductively to me.

  "Yes, baby. I can feel you swelling inside me. Give your kitten her cream, my love." She continued to whisper in my ear, and I gasped and moaned. Her pussy kept squeezing and massaging me inside her. Her breath got faster and faster as we didn't even move. She needed me as much as I needed her, and I was never going to deny her.

  "Lords of Haven, Rilar... I'm gonna come again!" I exclaimed as I spasmed beneath her.

  "That's it, Dex. That's it, baby. Give your kitten what she needs." Her voice was pleading as she clenched around me again and her own climax hit her.

  "Yes, sek'natha!" I whispered back as I came again. She squeezed me as she gasped at the force of my shot. I fired off volley after volley into her, and I was surprised how much I'd come just that day.

  As we came back down again, I asked her about that. "Sweetheart, when I was with other women, or even just masturbating, I NEVER came as much as with you. Is that normal?" I chuckled as I stroked her back.


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