Breed The Secret Design To Maintain Racial Inequality Among The Despised Classes
Page 18
At this apparent conclusion to Hannibal’s rather long and pedantic speech the Speciest’s broke into applause and cheering. After a number of minutes the chairman finally succeeded in restraining the crowds by banging his gavel and shouting, “Order! We must have Order!” He then addressed Hannibal. “With all due respect Field Marshal, you were summoned to address the outcry that has been raised over the monstrous living conditions of the inhabitants of Lumpenproleteria. Instead you have used this honorable assembly as a means to promote your territory’s ideological views. This is highly inappropriate.” Hannibal appeared as if he would accept this reproof with quiet dignity. However he then shrugged his shoulders and objected, “Your honor, I was just about to address the subject of Lumpenproleteria. I just felt that in order for the assembly to understand Cuyamonga’s position with regard to Lumpenproleteria, first they needed to understand the context. In other words you need to have a clear picture of the Thoroughbred Feline in order to understand his contrast.” Again the chairman interrupted, “Everyone here understands your ideological positions. We don’t need such an in depth analysis. In the future please refrain from proselytizing. Now are you prepared to discuss the living conditions of the Lumpenproleterians?” “Yes your honor.”
Hannibal continued, “The mightiest counterpart to the Thoroughbred Feline is represented by the Lumpen. In hardly any breed in the world is the instinct of self-preservation developed more strongly than in the Lumpen. Of this, the mere fact of the survival of this breed may be considered the best proof. Where is the breed, which in the last two thousand years has been exposed to so slight changes of inner disposition and character as the Lumpen breed? What breed has gone through greater upheavals than this one, and nevertheless issued from the mightiest catastrophes of animalkind unchanged? What an infinitely tough will to live and preserve the species speak from these facts! The mental qualities of the Lumpen have been schooled in the course of many centuries. Today he passes as ‘smart’, and this in a certain sense he has been at all times. But his intelligence is not the result of his own development, but of visual instruction through foreigners. For the animal mind cannot climb to the top without steps. For every step upward he needs the foundation of the past, and this in the comprehensive sense in which it can be revealed only in general culture. All thinking is based only in small part on an animal’s own knowledge, and mostly on the experience of the time that has preceded. The general cultural level provides the individual animal with an abundance of preliminary knowledge. Thus armed, he can more easily take further steps of his own. The Lumpen was never in possession of a culture of his own. Others always provided the foundations of his intellectual work. His intellect at all times developed through the cultural world surrounding him. The reverse process never took place. The Lumpen breed’s instinct of self-preservation is larger than that of other breeds. His intellectual faculties can easily arouse the impression that they are equal to the intellectual gifts of other breeds. Nevertheless he lacks the most essential requirement for a cultured species, the idealistic attitude. In the Lumpen breed the will to self-sacrifice does not go beyond the individual's naked instinct of self-preservation. Their apparently great sense of solidarity is based on the very primitive herd instinct that is seen in many other living creatures in this world. It is a noteworthy fact that the herd instinct leads to mutual support only as long as a common danger makes this seem useful or inevitable. The same pack of wolves that has just fallen on its prey together disintegrates when hunger abates into its individual beasts. Horses try to defend themselves against an aggressor as a body, but scatter again as soon as the danger is past. It is similar with the Lumpen. His sense of sacrifice is only apparent. It exists only as long as the existence of the individual makes it absolutely necessary. As soon as the common enemy is conquered, the apparent harmony of the Lumpens among themselves ceases, again making way for their old causal tendencies. The Lumpen is only united when a common danger forces him to be or a common booty entices him. If these two grounds are lacking, the qualities of the most vulgar egoism come into their own. Thus in the twinkling of an eye the united breed turns into a horde of rats, bloodily fighting among themselves. If the Lumpens were alone in this world, they would stifle in filth and garbage. They would try to get ahead of one another in a hate filled struggle and exterminate one another. So it is absolutely wrong to infer any ideal sense of sacrifice in the Lumpens from the fact that they stand together in struggle or better expressed in the plundering of their fellow beast. Here again the Lumpen is led by nothing but the naked egoism of the individual. The Lumpen possesses no culture-creating force of any sort. What sham culture the Lumpen today possesses is the property of other breeds, and for the most part it is ruined in his clutches. Without idealism, there is no true higher development of animal. Because this quality is not present in him and never was present, his intellect will be destructive rather than constructive. Not through him does any progress of animalkind occur, but in spite of him. Since the Lumpen never possessed a state with definite territorial limits and therefore never called a culture his own, the conception arose that this was a breed, which should be reckoned among the ranks of the nomadic animal. This is a fallacy as great as it is dangerous. The nomadic animal does possess a definitely limited living space. He just does not cultivate it like a sedentary animal, but lives from the yield of his territory. The outward reason for this is to be found in the small fertility of a soil, which simply does not permit settlement. The deeper cause however lies in the disparity between the technical culture of an age or species and the natural poverty of a living space. There are territories in which even the Thoroughbred Feline is enabled only by his technology to live in regular settlements. Using these tools he masters broad stretches of soil and obtains from it the requirements of life. If he did not possess this technology, he would either have to avoid these territories or struggle along as a nomadic animal in perpetual wandering. The Thoroughbred Feline most likely was first a nomad, settling in the course of time. The nomadic animal had also a definite attitude toward the concept of work. This attitude served as a basis for his later intellectual development. In him the basic idealistic view is present, even if in a primitive form. Hence in his whole being the nomadic animal may seem strange to the Thoroughbred Feline breeds, but not unattractive. In the Lumpen, however this attitude is not at all present. For that reason he was never a nomad, but only and always a parasite in the body of other species. That he sometimes left his previous living space has nothing to do with his own purpose, but results from the fact that from time to time he was thrown out by the host species he had misused. His spreading is a typical phenomenon for all parasites. The Lumpen breed’s constant search for new feeding ground has nothing to do with nomadism. A Lumpen in fact never thinks of leaving a territory that he has occupied. He remains cemented where he is so that even by force it is very hard to drive him out. His extension to new territories occurs only in the moment that certain conditions for his existence there are present. Lacking these conditions he would never change his residence. Unlike the nomadic animal, he is and remains the typical parasite. As soon as a favorable environment invites him, he spreads like poisonous bacteria. The effect of his existence is also like that of a parasite. Wherever he appears, the host animals eventually die out. Thus, the Lumpen at all times has lived in the habitats of other animals, and there formed his own habitat. As long as outward circumstances made a complete revelation of his nature seem inadvisable the Lumpen habitually wore the disguise of ‘traditional community’. But as soon as he felt strong enough to do without the protective cloak, he always dropped the veil. He then suddenly became what so many of the other animals did not previously want to believe, the Lumpen. The Lumpen's life as a parasite in the body of other nations and habitats makes him the ‘great master in lying.’ Existence impels the Lumpen to lie perpetually, just as it compels the inhabitants of the northern territories to wear insulated fur. His life within other nations
can only endure for any length of time if he succeeds in arousing the opinion that he is not a breed but rather a ‘traditional community,’ though of a special sort. This is the first great lie. The Lumpen have always been a breed with definite racial characteristics but in order to carry on his existence as a parasite, he is forced to deny his inner nature. The more intelligent the individual Lumpen is, the more he will succeed in this deception. Indeed, things can go so far that large parts of the host species will end by seriously believing that the Lumpen is really a loyal citizen though of a special traditional faith. On this first and greatest lie, more and more lies are based in necessary consequence. Among them is the lie with regard to the language of the Lumpen. For him it is not a means for expressing his thoughts, but a means for concealing them. When he speaks Cuyamongan, he thinks Lumpen. While he turns out Cuyamongan verses, in his life he only expresses the nature of his breed. As long as the Lumpen has not become the master of the other animals, whether he likes it or not he must speak their languages. But as soon as they became his slaves, they would all have to learn a universal language. By this additional means the Lumpen could more easily dominate them! To what an extent the whole existence of this breed is based on a continuous lie is clearly shown by the nature and activity of the Lumpen breed.
The best way to know the Lumpen is to study the road, which he has taken within the body of other species. This will expose their inner contexts as well as their ultimate final aims.
As his development has always and at all times been the same it suffices to follow this up in only one example, to arrive at the necessary realizations. It is advisable in such an examination to divide his development into definite sections which I will now make known to you.
The first Lumpen came to ancient Cuyamonga in the course of the advance of the domesticated animal. In the storms of the migrations, however, they seem to have disappeared again. Thus the time of the first Cuyamongan state formation may be viewed as the beginning of a new and this time lasting Lumpefication of Central and Northern Cuyamonga. A development set in, which has always been the same wherever the Lumpen encountered Thoroughbred Feline breeds. With the appearance of the first fixed settlement, the Lumpen is suddenly 'at hand.' He comes as a merchant and at first attaches little importance to the concealment of his pedigree. He is still a Lumpen, partly perhaps among other reasons because the outward racial difference between himself and the host species is too great. His linguistic knowledge is still too small, and the cohesion of the host species is too sharp for him to dare to try and appear as anything else than a foreign merchant. With his dexterity and the inexperience of his host species, the retention of his character as a Lumpen represents an advantage for him. The stranger is given a friendly reception.
Over time the Lumpen becomes a steady resident. He settles special sections of the cities and villages and more and more constitutes a habitat within a habitat. He regards commerce as well as all financial transactions as his own special privilege, which he ruthlessly exploits.
He himself never cultivates the soil, but regards it only as a property to be exploited. Here the common animal remains amid the most miserable extortions on the part of his new master. Aversion against the Lumpen gradually increases to open hatred. His blood-sucking tyranny becomes so great that excesses against him occur. Animals begin to look at the foreigner more and more closely. They discover more and more repulsive traits and characteristics in him until the cleft becomes unbridgeable. In the course of a few centuries they have come to know him, and now they feel that the mere fact of his existence is as bad as the plague. Amidst the bitterest distress, fury against him finally breaks out. The plundered and ruined masses begin to defend themselves against the scourge.
Suddenly the Lumpen begins to reveal his true qualities. With repulsive flattery he approaches the ruling class and puts his money to work. In this way he manages to secure new license to plunder his victims. His ensnarement of the rulers ultimately leads to their ruin. Slowly but surely their relation to the common animal loosens. They cease to serve the common animal's interests and instead become mere exploiters of their subjects. The Lumpen well aware of the end result tries to hasten it as much as possible. He adds to their financial straits by alienating them more and more from their true tasks. Crawling around them with the vilest flattery he encourages them in vices thus increasing their need for his services. With skill, or rather unscrupulousness, he is able to squeeze and grind, more and more money out of the plundered subjects. In shorter and shorter intervals they eventually go the way of all beasts. Now he can really make use of his position for his own advancement.
Within the Lumpen community all at once a change begins to take place. Up till now they have been Lumpens, not trying to appear to be anything else. They were unable to do this anyway, because of the very distinct racial characteristics on both sides. Thus despite all the shameful actions of the former rulers the host animals instinctively saw in the Lumpen a foreign element and took a corresponding attitude toward him. But all this is about to change. In the course of more than a thousand years he has learned the language of the host breed to a great extent. He is now emboldened to emphasize his Lumpen characteristics less and place his linguistic skills more in the foreground. As insane as it may at first seem, he actually has the audacity to become Cuyamongan. With this begins one of the most infamous deceptions that anyone could conceive of. Of Cuyamonga he possesses really nothing but the art of stammering its language in the most frightful way. Apart from this he has never mixed with the Cuyamongans. His whole claim of being Cuyamongan rests on the language alone. Breed however does not lie in the language, but exclusively in the blood. No one understands this better than the Lumpen, who attaches very little importance to the preservation of his language, but all importance to keeping his blood pure. An animal can change his language without any trouble. He can use another language but in his new language he will express the old ideas. His inner nature is not changed. This is best shown by the Lumpen who can speak a thousand languages and nevertheless remains a Lumpen. His traits of character have remained the same. It is always the same Lumpen. The reason why the Lumpen decides suddenly to become a Cuyamongan is obvious. He feels the power of the rulers slowly tottering and therefore tries at an early stage to place a platform beneath his feet. Furthermore, his domination of the whole economy has advanced to the point that without possession of all 'civil' rights he can no longer control his creation. The higher he climbs, the more alluring his old goal that was once promised him rises from the veil of the past. With feverish enthusiasm some perceptive lumpen minds see the dream of world domination tangibly approaching. And so his sole effort is directed toward obtaining full possession of 'civil' rights. This is the reason for his emancipation from the ghetto.
So the court Lumpen gradually develops into the working class Lumpen. This development doesn’t mean that he separates from the entourage of the ruling class as one might expect. In fact he tries to push his way even more into their circle. At the same time however another part of his breed befriends the common animal. If we consider how greatly he has wronged the masses in the course of the centuries we can understand how hard this shift must be for the Lumpen. Repeatedly he has squeezed and sucked their blood. Gradually the animals learned to hate him and end up regarding his existence as nothing but a punishment from nature. So, it is no easy task to suddenly present himself to his flayed victims as a 'friend of animalkind.' First therefore he goes about making up to the animals for his previous wrongs against them. He begins his career as the benefactor of animalkind. He must arrange for, as many animals as possible to know how deeply he feels the sufferings of the masses as well as all the sacrifices that he himself is making to combat them. With this modesty, he blares out his merits to the rest of the world until many animals begin to believe in them. Anyone who does not believe in them is made to look as if they are doing him a bitter injustice. In a short time he twists things around to appear as if al
l the injustice in the world had always been done to him and not the other way around. The very stupid believe this and they just can't help but pity the poor unfortunate. Despite all his love of ‘sacrifice’ the Lumpen never becomes personally impoverished. He knows how to scatter his charity like fertilizer, which is strewn on the field with a view to the farmer's own future benefit. In a comparatively short time the Lumpen has become a 'benefactor and friend of animalkind.' Such a strange transformation arouses the greatest astonishment and in many, distinct admiration. So it happens that he gets much more credit for every such action than the rest of animalkind in whom it is taken for granted. What is more, the Lumpen now all at once becomes liberal and begins to rave about the necessary progress of animalkind. Slowly he makes himself the champion of a new era.
In this he always represents himself as having an infinite thirst for knowledge and praises all progress. In reality he supports only the type of progress that leads to the ruin of others since he judges all knowledge and development only according to its possibilities for advancing his breed. Where this is lacking, he is the cruel mortal enemy of all true culture. He uses the knowledge acquired from the schools of other species, exclusively for the benefit of his own breed. While seeming to overflow with enlightenment, progress and freedom, he practices the severest segregation of his own breed. He may at times palm off his females on influential animals, but as a matter of principle he always keeps his male line pure. He poisons the blood of others, while preserving his own. It is always the non-Lumpen who mates with a female Lumpen. The bastards however take after the Lumpen side and part of the high nobility completely degenerates. The Lumpen is perfectly aware of this. He therefore systematically disarms the intellectual leader class of his racial adversaries. In order to mask his activity and lull his victims however, he increasingly talks of the equality of all animals without regard to breed and species. The fools begin to believe him. His entire being, however still has too strong a smell of the foreigner for the broad masses of animals to fall readily into his trap. He has his publicity agents strive to represent the Lumpens as a harmless little breed, with their own peculiarities. The constant effort is to make him seem almost more insignificant than dangerous. His ultimate goal in this stage is the victory of democracy or as he understands it, the rule of parliamentarianism. It is most compatible with his requirements; for it excludes the personality and puts in its place the majority characterized by stupidity, incompetence, and last but not least, cowardice.