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How Sarah Became a Nudist

Page 3

by NTS

  "Hey Sarah," Yukiko said, just returning to her room from class. "You look smoking!"

  Sarah blushed, her confidence gone as quickly as she'd summoned it. "Thanks," was all she could say as Yukiko looked her over.

  "Going to your interview?" Yukiko asked.

  "Yeah," Sarah replied, burning with embarrassment.

  "Good luck... I'm sure you'll knock em dead, looking like that," Yukiko said, smiling.

  Sarah blushed. "Thanks... well I gotta get going."

  Sarah darted for the stairwell, anxious to get away from her gaze. She knew she couldn't appear embarrassed like this for the interview, but she couldn't seem to control it. To make matters worse, the heels were making her unfettered breasts bounce and jiggle as she walked, constantly reminding her of her nude state and no doubt drawing even more attention to them, if that was possible. She had no idea how she was going to get through this this.

  There were only a few people in the lounge now. But just as before, she immediately drew everyone's attention.

  Breathe Sarah, she told herself. You have to learn to act like this is totally normal.

  She put on a fake smile as she walked through the lounge, trying not to meet the eye of any of her classmates. She crossed the room without incident, but paused when she got to the big double doors at the front entrance. She suddenly realized she had to go outside, stark naked. She stood frozen before the immense psychological barrier before her. She'd never been fully naked outdoors before, and she just couldn't believe she was about to do it.

  Holding her breath and summoning all her determination, Sarah pushed through the big door and stepped out onto the front landing of her building. It was a beautiful early May day - the sun shone warmly as its rays covered her bare skin. It was an incredible sensation, one which temporarily made Sarah forget what she was doing as she simply stood and took it in. She let herself breathe again.

  The positive feeling didn't last for long though as she scanned her surroundings and realized there were a lot more people out here, and she was already attracting a lot of stares. The warm weather must have motivated a lot of students to study out on the green rather than inside. And even among the many bikini-clad sunbathers, a fully nude co-ed stood out.

  A small group of frat brothers near the dorm entrance took immediate notice and lost no time in introducing themselves. "Hey, what's your name?" A tall blond one shouted, directed at her.

  "Er, Sarah," she replied, trying to stay cool despite being ogled by the boys.

  Evidently that was enough of an invitation for him to walk over, because that's the next thing he did. "Hi, I'm Jerome, with the Delts," he said. "Amazingly I don't think I've seen you around campus before Sarah."

  Sarah groaned internally. The Delts had a reputation for being a party frat, trying to emulate their namesake from the movie Animal House. "Well I'm normally not naked around campus..." she replied. God, were his eyes ever going to come off her boobs? She wanted to cover them so badly...

  "Well I'm glad you decided to today!" he replied, smiling. "You should hang with us, we were about to start a game of Frisbee. You can be on my team."

  "Sorry, but I have to be somewhere," Sarah said. "Maybe another time"

  She walked off quickly, before he could say anything else. Normally, frat boys wouldn't bother her - heck, she liked the attention even. But being nude made her feel vulnerable in a way she'd never experienced before. She could swear she felt their eyes on her ass as she walked down the footpath. She knew the heels weren't helping, forcing her hips to rotate with every step.

  She headed for the city subway connection on the far side of campus, every step taking her further from the relative sanctuary of her dorm and further into the world of public nudity. What she had done was really starting to sink in - everyone on campus was going to see her naked, eventually, and most of them would by the end of the day. Not to mention the thousands of people in the city, everyone at the law firm she was about to interview with... and who knows how many other thousands of people while she was a nudist. Unregistering so soon after registering was difficult and required going through layers of bureaucracy... even if she changed her mind right that instant, she'd still have to be naked for months - and everyone who she met in that time frame would see her naked.

  Sarah tried to push the thoughts from her head. You're a nudist Sarah. Stay focused. It didn't help much.

  Sarah crossed the small parking lot outside the subway station and descended the stairs just as the subway train was opening its doors to accept passengers. Sarah swiped her card at the turnstile and boarded, thankful for at least that little bit of luck.

  The car was initially empty; the campus was at the end of the subway line and so didn't get many passengers here beyond the students. The downside though was that it would be a forty five minute ride until she reached her stop downtown. Sarah took a moment to breathe and compose herself, glad that for the moment there was no one around to see her. It only lasted a minute though... two more students boarded before the train as it sat waiting to leave the station.

  The first was an blond girl that paid her no attention, she simply took a seat and pulled out a book, hardly noticing the naked girl sharing the car with her. The second was an Indian girl, who was much more interested in Sarah upon seeing her.

  "Hi," the girl said, taking a seat near Sarah's. "I don't think we've met before. I'm Reena."

  The contrast between the two girls couldn't have been greater. Sarah was sitting nervously, naked except for her shoes and handbag which she held in her lap. Reena however seemed totally confident, dressed in casual jeans, boots, and a stylish dark red shirt, accentuating her brown skin.

  "Sarah," she said her name politely.

  "I run the campus society for lifestylists," Reena told her. "I haven't seen you there, have you ever thought about joining? We don't have many nudists but there's a lot of great people in other lifestyles."

  "Which are you?" Sarah asked. Reena looked normal, so Sarah was surprised to hear that.

  "Polyandry," Reena answered. "I have two husbands."

  "Oh," Sarah said. Wanting to be polite, she added "Well, I'll think about joining."

  Reena smiled. "Well I hope you do," she said. "It was nice meeting you."

  Sarah smiled back, though inwardly she cringed. You're a freak now, Sarah, She told yourself. There's a reason lifestyles get special protection, because they're not normal. They even have their own clubs. For someone who'd so recently prided herself on being the popular girl, that was a depressing thought, and one that stayed with her as Reena left to greet someone else who'd boarded.

  The train lurched and started moving a minute later, taking Sarah to her interview. She suddenly realized that if she didn't get this job she'd still have to be a nudist. In a few hours, she'd either have the position or not - but either way, she'd be a freak for years to come.

  Chapter 4

  Sarah sat uncomfortably wedged between a fat man and a senior citizen with a cane, the train having got quite crowded long before it reached her stop. She was still the only naked person in the crowd though, which for some reason clustered around where she was sitting. The senior citizen on her left wasn't so bad; he seemed almost as embarrassed as she was. But the fat man could barely hide his stares and kept making lame attempts to hit on her. Sarah tried to deal with it in stride, but nevertheless breathed a sigh of relief when the train finally stopped.

  The subway station was unbelievably crowded, and Sarah felt intensely uneasy walking naked through the sea of people. Even with hundreds of other people around her, she stood out from the crowd being the only one without any clothes. Another wave of anxiety washed over her. Come on Sarah, she chided herself. You can't feel like this if you're going to convince the interviewer you're a bona fide nudist. Summoning all her courage, she tried to show more confidence in her steps, walking tall and thrusting her bare breasts outwards. On display.

  The city street wasn't much different;
it was bright and sunny, but crowded with an uncountable number of people. Sarah was the only naked one. She did her best to maintain her composure as she crossed the street, as if walking naked through the middle of a city was the most natural and normal thing in the world to her. She wasn't sure how well she pulled that off. Thankfully the building was only a block away from the subway stop, and the lobby was empty save for the man at the security desk. Sarah breathed a little easier upon entering.

  "Can I help you miss?" he said, looking Sarah's naked form over.

  "Yes, I'm here for an interview," Sarah said.


  "Sarah Mariano," she answered.

  The air conditioning kicked on, blowing cool air across the lobby and making her skin crawl - which didn't go unnoticed by the guard. He smiled before reaching under the desk and pulling out a visitor pass.

  "Here you go," he said. "Take the elevator to the fourth floor."

  Sarah took the laminated badge and looked it over. It just said "Guest" with a bar code, but that wasn't the issue - it was the metal alligator clip glued to the back of it.

  When Sarah didn't move after several seconds, the guard asked "Is something the matter?"

  "Um," Sarah stammered, unsure what to say. "Yes. I'm naked..."

  "I noticed," he said.

  Sarah burned with embarrassment as she clarified. "I've nowhere to clip it," she explained.

  The guard smiled. "Oh, yes, I suppose that would be a problem for you," he said. He looked back under his desk and found another one, this one with a long chain. Handing it to Sarah he said "Take this one instead."

  "Thank you," Sarah said meekly, accepting it and putting it around her neck and leaving quickly, heading for the elevators off to the side of the lobby. She was pleased when the doors immediately opened after pressing the call button, and she stepped inside an empty elevator.

  Sarah did her best to calm her growing nerves as the elevator began a surprisingly slow ascent to the fourth floor. This interview would have been stressful enough under normal circumstances given how much was riding on it; she couldn't believe she now had to do it naked, and what's more, that she'd chosen this. She felt so exposed and vulnerable in this state; not the cool, confident woman she needed to be to get this job. The walls of the elevator were covered in big mirrors, giving Sarah another chance to look at herself. The cool air of the building had given her goosebumps and her nipples were standing out. Her hair was a little more frazzled than she'd like it to be - the heat and humidity of the day had already done its work on it. She also noticed, between her legs, a slight glint of moisture... she told herself it was sweat, but she knew it wasn't. The tingling there was hard to ignore.

  The door opened and Sarah stepped out into what appeared to be another lobby; there was a couch and several chairs. Big street facing windows covered the left side of the room, and a reception desk was located opposite the elevator. There were a few other people in the lobby who immediately took notice of Sarah, but she did everything she could to shut them out of her mind. She didn't want anything to distract her from rocking this interview. Of course, being naked isn't helping matters...

  She crossed the lobby to approach the receptionist desk. A pretty blond girl dressed in a professional suit sat behind it. The nameplate read "Fleur DeCannes" and Sarah guessed she wasn't much older than she was. Fleur looked up from her computer screen and her eyes widened when she saw the naked Sarah standing in front of her.

  "Oh... can I help you?"

  "I'm here for an interview," Sarah said, trying to ignore the uncomfortable feeling of Fleur's eyes scanning her body. "Sarah Mariano"

  Fleur called up a calendar on her computer screen and scanned it. After a moment she marked something, and then handed a Sarah a clipboard. "Fill this out. Tom Matthews will be interviewing you in about twenty minutes," Fleur told her.

  "Thank you," Sarah said, taking the clipboard and a pen. She scanned the available seating. Two other people were sitting in the lobby and pretty openly staring at her... she opted for the seat furthest from them, even though it was closest to the window. She moved quickly to the seat, wanting to minimize the time she spent in front of the window giving everyone on the street a show.

  The clipboard had a pretty standard application form on it - name, address, that sort of thing. Sarah got busy filling it out; she was almost done in a few minutes when someone else came walking in from the offices in back. "Hey Fleur, we want to know if you feel like going back to Firehouse today for lunch," the girl asked.

  Sarah froze. She recognized the voice immediately and didn't even have to look up to confirm who it was. It was Kierra. Sarah hoped she simply wouldn't be noticed; but that was basically impossible being naked as she was. Kierra spotted her almost immediately. "Oh my God - Nubbly!?" Kierra exclaimed.

  Everything has to look normal, Sarah told herself. Fake it. You can do this. "Hi, Kierra."

  Kierra put her hand over her mouth in an exaggerated attempt to stop from laughing. "I never thought you'd actually have the guts to show up here naked," she said, still suppressing outright laughter.

  "Well, I should. I'm a nudist now." Sarah's cheeks burned. This was a girl who'd tormented Sarah her whole freshman year just because she'd lost her top once. Now here she was totally naked in front of that girl; and at that girl's suggestion no less. Sarah supposed there was an irony in that; but at the moment she was just doing her best not to panic. She realized that Kierra was the one person who knew that her reasons for becoming a nudist were less-than-honest, and that could sink Sarah's chances here if Kierra decided to share that with anyone.

  Fleur took a renewed interest in Sarah at this point. "You two know each other?"

  "Nubbly and I went to high school together. But that was a clothed version of her," Kierra explained. Then, with a smirk, "Although given her fashion sense, this is quite the improvement!"

  Both Kierra and Fleur giggled. "I see... and where's 'Nubbly' come from?"

  "Oh, that's just a friendly nickname we had for her, isn't it Nubbly?"

  Friendly my ass, Sarah thought. "Of course."

  A man stepped out of the office area. "Sarah Mariano?" he asked, looking around.

  Sarah sighed with relief. Anything was better than being in this room now, even being interviewed naked. She got up, giving Kierra a full view of her naked body for the first time, and walked over to the man. "Yes, hello," she said.

  The man stared, apparently losing his bearings at the sight of the beautiful nude woman. "Hi," he said, then paused, then cleared his throat. "Tom Matthews," he said, shaking her hand.

  "A pleasure," Sarah replied, forcing a smile.

  "If you'll follow me, we'll do the interview in the conference room," Tom said.

  "Of course," Sarah replied. He led her through a short hallway and passed a row of cubicles. Though she got some shocked glances from some of the workers, it was still better than spending another moment in the room with Kierra. A moment later Tom opened a door to the conference room, and held it for her as she walked inside. She could feel his eyes on her ass as she stepped through the door. Nudists aren't self conscious, she scolded herself. She made herself smile that much more.

  Tom took a seat on the side of the table and motioned for her to sit next to him. Tom was perhaps in his mid 30's, with short black hair and a clean shave. He had a boyish look which seemed to contrast the expensive suit he wore. He definitely seemed attracted to Sarah, but at the same time seemed mildly uncomfortable with the situation as well.

  "Welcome Sarah, and congratulations on making it this far," Tom said, in an obviously well rehearsed speech. "I'm sure you're aware that you're younger than the interns we usually hire. We have an unusually heavy caseload right now though, and obviously your resume stood out. I must say I'm surprised to see you're a nudist though; but you should rest assured though that Matthew's and Grant is an equal opportunity employer that values diversity and respects all lifestyles."

  "Thank y
ou," she said. That's what I'm counting on...

  "My name is Tom Matthews," he said. "My older brother, Sam Matthews, is one of the founding partners of this firm. If you're hired, you should get to meet him; but you'd be working directly for me on this current case. It's a class action civil rights lawsuit against S-Mart; we're alleging institutional discrimination against registered lifestylists. As you may know, they're one of the top 50 employers in the nation, so nothing about this case is a small matter."

  Sarah nodded. An air conditioner kicked on at just that moment; blowing cold air across her body. She shivered slightly and felt her nipples harden, something with Tom didn't fail to notice, going by his eyes. There was little doubt that Tom, like most men, enjoyed the sight of this naked girl.

  The interview continued like that for a little while. Tom described the details of the case and the kind of things she'd be doing as an intern - mostly dealing with paperwork, unsurprisingly. Sarah for her part did her best to ask smart questions about the case, to show off her knowledge of the relevant laws and procedures. She hoped that any embarrassment she was showing would be chalked up to nervousness about the interview, which she hoped would be acceptable - because in truth, she'd never been more nervous about anything. She tried to get a read from Tom as to how well she was doing, but the only thing she could tell for sure that he liked about her was her boobs.


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