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How Sarah Became a Nudist

Page 5

by NTS

  "I wanted to tell you guys..." Sarah began, her self consciousness asserting itself fiercely. She covered her breasts and pussy with her hands, and couldn't take her eyes off the floor in front of her feet.

  "Our daughter decided to be a freak!"

  "Mrs. Mariano!" Yukiko exclaimed, jumping in to defend her friend. "Sarah's -"

  "Shut up," Jillian shouted at Yukiko, now visibly angry. "You did this, didn't you? You perverted our Sarah!"

  "Mom!" Sarah yelled.

  "Jillian!" David said. He was clearly uncomfortable with all this.

  "I didn't raise my daughter to be so immodest," Jillian continued. "I didn't raise her to be some kind of a naked pervert."

  Sarah tried to say something in response, but found it couldn't get through the tears now flowing freely down her cheeks. Yukiko took Sarah's hand, squeezing it.

  Jillian looked at her daughter with steely eyes. "We'll have no part in this. We're leaving," she said, before turning away and walking out the door. David seemed torn as to what to do, but after a moment's indecision followed his wife. Dave Jr. took one last ogling glance at his naked older sister, and then followed.

  Sarah just stood for a moment, unable to control herself. Yukiko said something but she didn't hear what it was. A few seconds went by, and then Sarah bolted for the door, running out into the hallway. "Mom! Dad! Please!" she shouted through her tears to her parents who were just getting on the elevator. Her dad shot her one last painful look, but then went onto the elevator and the door closed behind them.

  That was it. Sarah collapsed on the floor of the hallway, exhausted, crying, naked. Yukiko came out quickly and simply wrapped her arms around her friend, holding her. Sarah responded by burying her head deep in Yukiko's bosom, grateful for the small comfort human contact provided.

  Some time later, the tears abated and Yukiko was able to coax Sarah back inside the apartment. Meanwhile, thoughts went through Sarah's mind faster than she could process them. It wasn't worth it. She'd been so willing to do anything for this internship, it was stupid. She sacrificed too much, and now she couldn't ever go back. She WAS a freak, just like her mom said. Someone who gave up her modesty and privacy, for what? To be stared at, embarrassed, humiliated? To alienate her family?

  But Sarah didn't voice any of this. She sat on the couch silently for a few hours leaning against Yukiko, who offered what comfort she could in the form of hugs and tissues. Eventually, after the sun had gone down and it was dark in the apartment, Sarah regained control of herself. Here emotions drained, she was able to look rationally at the situation... she knew deep down, however she felt right now, and whatever mistakes she'd made... she was stuck being a nudist for quite a while at least. She had to learn to live with the consequences.

  "Thank you," she said to Yukiko with what was left of her voice.

  "Of course sweety," she replied. "I told you I'd be here for you. I'm just so sorry..."

  They sat for a while longer. Sarah didn't exactly feel better, but she was too drained to feel bad anymore. "Why don't you go get some rest?" Yukiko offered.

  Sarah sat up, sniffling. "Yeah," she agreed. "I think I will."

  She stood up shakily, just in time for the phone to ring. Yukiko answered it. "Hello?" Then, a moment later: "It's your dad."

  Yukiko reluctantly handed the phone to Sarah, not wishing her see her friend become upset again. Sarah accepted it and put it to her ear. "Hello?" she said, her voice still raspy from crying.

  "Sarah, I'm sorry about what happened," her father spoke.


  "It was - "

  "Daddy I'm sorry please I'm so sorry," Sarah cried. "I didn't mean to - I would have asked - I wish I could take it back."

  "Sarah, it's okay. It was just a shock, we weren't expecting to see you like that. I'm sorry I didn't behave better, I was wrong. I love you, you're my daughter and I'll ALWAYS love you. And I'll support whatever life you choose, Sarah. I hope you can forgive me," he said.

  Sarah still cried. But the tears were different after hearing that; there were some happy ones mixed in. "I love you too," she said so quietly she was unsure he heard.

  "And I'm sure you're mother feels the same way." He paused. "I'd just give her a few days to process this."

  "Okay," Sarah said, the flow of tears finally stopping.

  "Is there anything I can do for you now?" he asked.

  "No," she said.

  "You get some rest cupcake," he said. "You're still my little girl and you have a big day tomorrow."

  Sarah, despite herself, smiled. "I will," she answered.

  "Good luck tomorrow Sarah. I mean that."

  "Thank you," she said.

  There was no doubt she'd need it.

  Chapter 7

  Sarah still felt emotionally shaken when she woke up the next morning, but a solid, dreamless night's sleep helped her to feel a good enough to function. The whole ordeal with her parents felt like it had been some kind of a bad dream, which was fine enough for Sarah.

  Her morning routine passed quickly and absentmindedly. She took a shower, had a bowl of cereal and brewed a pot of coffee for herself and Yukiko when she got up a little bit later. She left home around eight - the office was only a few minutes away from her apartment, but she wanted to give herself a chance to adjust to commuting in the nude, which she imagined would be fraught with all sorts of embarrassment. She'd barely been here a day and hadn't really been out in the city much, and just couldn't be sure what to expect given her nudity.

  Plus, she figured it couldn't hurt to show up early on the first day.

  She didn't see anyone else as she took the elevator down to the street level, so her first encounter with other people that morning was when she exited the front door and walked out onto the busy street wearing nothing but open toed shoes and carrying a leather briefcase. If there's one universal truth about this world, it's that a naked girl attracts attention, as the stares Sarah immediately received was a testament to. What little comfort she had acquired with being a nudist had literally vanished overnight - she felt every piercing stare of the passing pedestrians and motorists as she walked the two blocks to the nearest subway station.

  Sarah double checked to make sure she was on the right side of the platform and then stood to wait for the next train, feeling self conscious. She had to fight to keep her hands at her sides, rather than use them to cover herself. And no matter what she did, her posture felt unnatural, like it wasn't modest enough.

  The train pulled up to the platform after about a minute and Sarah got on. Although the train was packed with morning commuters, it seemed to be a little more crowded than necessary around where she stood. She was very uncomfortable with the way people bumped and rubbed against her exposed skin, though she couldn't fairly say if any of it was intentional or not. She just knew that every time her nipples brushed someone's shirt or jacket, she was reminded of how naked she was and they weren't. Thankfully, the Matthews and Grant office was only one stop away and she was able to get off after only a few minutes. Sarah was glad for the short commutes - it meant less time naked on the train and among the crowds of the city. The office seemed small and easy to deal with by comparison.

  Sarah went through the turnstiles and headed for the stairs to take her back to the street level, but paused when she caught a glimpse of her reflection in a glass display case as she exited the station, noticing the summer tan she'd already developed. Normally, this kind of tan was something she had to work at, and still didn't get it until June. But here she was, Sarah the nudist, spending so much time outside in public naked that she had it already in May. There weren't any visible tan lines.

  The sunlight beat down on her breasts as she exited to street level and waited at the crosswalk. She did her best to bury the feelings of embarrassment and shame, but couldn't help feeling them every time someone looked at her - especially since those people were mostly wearing modest business attire.

  Sarah was grateful to f
inally enter the lobby of the office building, where there were only three people standing around rather than the hundreds out on the street. Sarah did her best not to look at them as she approached the security desk, manned by the same guard she met last week.

  "Um," Sarah gulped, clearing her throat. "I'm Sarah Mariano... I start work here today."

  He looked up, somehow having not noticed her. Once he did though, a smile came over his face. His sitting position put her breasts right at eye level, and there his eyes stayed. Sarah needed to keep her newfound embarrassment in a bottle, but his leering gaze wasn't helping.

  "Ah! I remember you! No alligator clip right? Though I guess you could always put it on one of them perky nipples..." he said, laughing at his own not terribly funny joke.

  "Yeah. No clip please," she replied. She glanced down at her breasts, noticing how hard her nipples had instantly become in the building's air conditioning. The thought of clipping anything to them just sounded painful, and she had to resist the urge to rub them as she imagined it.

  He fished around under the desk and pulled out a temporary ID badge attached to a metal chain, not unlike the one Sarah had worn last time she was here. "You'll have to get a real ID made before long," he said as he gave it to her.

  Sarah nodded and headed for the elevators. As she waited there she noticed the security camera, and realized that the guard could see her on the monitors in pretty much any public area of the building. She hated the thought of giving him such a "show", but at the same time she became aware of the hint of moisture that had returned between her legs. She wanted to scream in frustration.

  A few minutes later she was back in the Matthews and Grant lobby, only this time as an employee rather than an interviewee. It felt like a pyrrhic victory though, given that she was naked amongst more than a few thousand dollar business suits.

  Sarah approached the receptionist desk, still manned by Fleur. "Hi. I start today; do you know where they want me?" she asked.

  Fleur didn't seem to have much time for her, barely even looking up. "Tom's not here yet, wait out here for him" she said curtly.

  Sarah nodded and left Fleur to her tasks. She surveyed the room; there were about ten people in three small groups spread around the lobby, and everyone was sitting except for three people standing near the window. She had no idea if they were lawyers, clients, or other. Feeling nervous, Sarah took the seat furthest from the big street facing window. She was careful to cross her legs and keep her briefcase on her lap, sneakily covering her breasts. She eavesdropped on the group of people nearest to her, who either didn't notice or didn't care about the nudist nearby.

  She reasoned that at least one of them must be a lawyer; the conversation seemed to revolve around a court case to be argued later in the day and the personality quirks of the Judge who'd be presiding over it. She tried to get a sense for what the case was about exactly, but she didn't have a chance before Tom strolled in.

  Sarah barely had a chance to look up before he noticed her. "Oh Sarah, great, glad you're here," he said.

  She opened her mouth to reply, but then noticed the completely naked woman standing next to him. She just stared for a moment, stunned. "Hi," she finally said in return, unable to mask the surprise in her voice

  Tim didn't seem to take note of the pause, or Sarah's surprise. "Sarah, this is Mayflower," he said, gesturing towards the naked person standing beside him. "She's one of the plaintiffs in the class action suit against S-Mart"

  Sarah stood up, conscious of how it totally exposed herself to Tom and Mayflower, but trying to fake confidence in spite of it. "How do you do?" She asked politely, extending her hand to the other naked woman.

  Mayflower was an older woman; Sarah guessed about 40. She was a bigger woman, with wide hips and breasts that were at least a D cup, each capped off by big brown nipples. Stretch marks were visible on her stomach and thighs, and her curly, short, jet black hair didn't match her graying pubes.

  "Very well," Mayflower replied, shaking Sarah's hand.

  "Sarah is one of our new summer interns," Tom explained. "We're fortunate to have her - she's one of the youngest interns we've ever hired, but also one of the brightest, and easily the most talented law student I've ever met."

  Sarah blushed, but for the first time in days not because she was naked.

  "Sarah, why don't you follow us to my office, I can actually use you right away," Tom said, leading the way through the lobby and back to the main offices.

  Sarah couldn't help but notice that all eyes followed the two naked women as they left the room. Tom led them through the hallway and passed the conference room where she'd done her interview. They walked passed a cubicle farm, busy with the sounds of ringing phones and typing on keyboards, until they reached Tom's office against a back wall.

  The office was nice, if a little small. The back wall was almost entirely covered by a bookshelf. A desk with a computer on it was oriented so that the front faced the door. There were also two chairs, and a loveseat sofa against the left wall.

  "Have a seat ladies," Tom offered as he shut the door.

  Sarah and Mayflower took a seat in each of the chairs. Sarah consciously crossed her legs, images of herself flashing her pussy to Tom during the interview running through her mind. Tom was the very model of professionalism today though, he seemed to take no notice of the fact that he was in a room with two naked women. Instead, he walked behind the desk and started tapping on the computer's keyboard.

  "Testing... testing... " Tom said into a microphone. "Good. Sarah, I'd appreciate if you'd take notes on the meeting. The computer will transcribe the conversation word for word, but I find it helpful to have an outline of the essential points - the kind of thing the computer isn't very good at. And I know I'm not being very politically correct, but it'll also helpful to have the perspective of a nudist with a lawyerly mind. Mayflower, you don't object to that, do you?"

  "No, not at all," Mayflower replied. "I'm glad to know a nudist will be assisting in the case, actually."

  Sarah nodded with just a twinge of guilt; it seemed her decision to become a nudist had played a role in getting her hired. Still, she felt a little pride that Tom thought so highly of her, and especially the "lawyerly mind" comment. Tom handed her a laptop out of his briefcase. "It'll be easier if you type it," he said.

  "Sure," she said, then kicked herself internally for how unprofessional she sounded.

  She rested the laptop on her bare thighs as it booted, feeling its heat soak into her skin. When it was done, she brought up MS Word.

  "Alright Mayflower," Tom began. "One of the things S-Mart is going to do in this case is challenge your lifestyle bona fides. They'll argue you're a nudist only to take advantage of the legal benefits, rather than a genuine desire to practice the lifestyle, and therefore there's no reason to treat you as a member of a protected class. It's a dirty tactic, but it's one that was successfully used in The Tailor Company v. North Carolina, the closest precedent to this case. So it's one you'll have to be prepared for when it's time for you to take the stand."

  Sarah felt the blood rush from her cheeks. She looked down at the laptop, letting her hair obscure her face as she typed away at the keyboard. For the first time, it dawned on her that she was sitting in a room with a genuine nudist, and she was just a fake - guilty of exactly what Tom had just described. She felt an entirely new kind of ashamed.

  "I'm the real deal," Mayflower replied. Sarah felt like she was being mocked, but there was no way Mayflower could know she was fake, could she?

  "I gave up clothes when I was 19 and haven't worn so much as a stitch since," she continued. "My son is 14 and hasn't worn anything his whole life, cept for diapers as a baby. I wouldn't trade this lifestyle for anything - it's the way I want to be, and it infuriates me that there are people who can't deal with that. Sarah here knows what I'm talking about."

  "Of course," Sarah said in a meek voice.

  "We understand, of course," Toms said. "Can
you elaborate on what motivated you at the time to register?"

  She paused, obviously putting some real thought into her answer. "I've always had the nude bug, really. Wasn't really ever into fashion, didn't see the point. I used to stand in the shower, feel the hot water travel down my skin, and think about how right it felt. I always slept naked, always, since I was a little girl - mom couldn't get me to wear PJ's, rest her soul. Being naked just felt natural. Right. And I was that way a lot after I left the house. I hadn't really given much thought to registration though - it wasn't something I knew much about, and I was worried bout what people might think if I was a nudist. But then one day I met this boy that was a nudist... put the idea in my head. I registered when I was still dating him. He left after getting me pregnant though, the bastard"


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