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How Sarah Became a Nudist

Page 7

by NTS

  Yukiko shrugged it off. "Hah! Don't worry, I don't want to talk about it. It was just boring. Anyway, I vote for a girls' night in, what do you say?"

  "Sounds good," Sarah smiled.

  Yukiko left Sarah to her own thoughts, disappearing into the bathroom. It was weird, but Yukiko was the only person in the world Sarah felt totally okay being naked with. Around Yukiko, she didn't feel naked - she just felt herself, and had a sense of comfort that had been sorely lacking these last few weeks. It was probably because Yukiko was the only one so far who really didn't made any kind of deal out of it - she was a gentleman in the a world full of gawking pervs. Which made being around her feel good.

  Sarah sighed, letting her thoughts return to work. She'd have to work double time tomorrow morning to make up for her lack of productivity this afternoon. At least she'd have a legitimate excuse not to go out if Kierra tried to drag her to lunch again - not that she'd ever repeat that in any case. She hoped that Kierra had gotten her fill of teasing her, but she doubted it. Sarah was trapped though - she had to act like a nudist on the outside, regardless of how humiliated it made her feel on the inside. If she let Kierra get to her, revealing that she wasn't really a nudist - that'd be even worse.

  She thought about calling her mom back while waiting for the pizza, but the events of the other day still stung. She'd rather relax tonight than invite more emotional trauma, so instead she just stretched out on the couch and tried not to think about anything at all.

  The buzzer rang. "Pizza" came the crackly voice over the intercom.

  Had 20 minutes really gone by so fast? Yukiko was still in the shower, she could hear the water running. So she buzzed the delivery boy in, and got some money from her purse. She greeted the shocked delivery boy at the door a minute later. "Wow," was the first word out of his mouth when she opened the door.

  Sarah didn't know what overcame her, and certainly couldn't explain what she did next.

  She smiled. He was actually pretty cute, even in the lame green shirt uniform that they had him in. He was skinny, perhaps 17 or 18, with sandy blond hair and blue eyes that opened wide on seeing her.

  "Never seen a naked girl before?" Sarah asked, twisting her body side to side slightly, waving her breasts. What's come over you Sarah?

  "Well, I've seen nudists... but never any that look like you," he said. "And this is my first day on the job!"

  Sarah blushed. This was embarrassing. But it was something else too, something she was suddenly intent on exploring. "Well I'm a nudist... take a good look," she invited, even as she screamed at herself internally. I've lost my mind, she told herself. Completely.

  After giving him a moment to look, she took the pizza box from him. "Hold on a second, I'll get your money," she said, turning around to bring the box to the kitchen, lightly slapping her own bare ass she walked away, and making sure to wiggle it as she moved.

  A moment later she returned to the stunned pizza boy, whose eyes continually ran up and down her unclad body. "That'll - that'll be twelve dollars," he said.

  Sarah stood especially close to him as she counted out the change. She found one five and ten singles, handing it to him. "Keep the change," she winked, giving her breasts another little jiggle as she did. He gave an impossibly large smile. "Thanks!"

  Sarah shut the door, and let out a breath she didn't even realize she'd been holding. That was... that was...


  Sarah didn't understand it. She didn't want to be true. But she really couldn't deny it anymore. Being naked, showing off, having people look at her bare body - it was an indescribable turn on. But it was also just one more complication to her life that she didn't need, which made her sigh.

  Nevertheless, she was horny now. She briefly considered going to her bedroom to get herself off, but those plans were quickly scrapped by Yukiko emerging from the bathroom, a pink towel wrapped around her. "Is that pizza I smell?" she asked. "I'm sorry about that, I'll pay you back."

  "Don't worry about it," Sarah answered. "My treat."

  She smiled, still feeling the tingle between her legs. My treat.

  Yukiko surprised Sarah when she didn't head to her room, but instead made a beeline to the pizza box, wrapped in just her towel. "It smells so good!" she said. "I've heard such good things about this place. Gonna be hell on my diet, but it's worth it."

  Sarah suppressed the feeling between her legs, and instead focused on attending to the one in her stomach. She got some paper plates from the cabinet and fished some diet soda from the fridge, setting both on the kitchen table. "Don't you want to go get changed first?" she asked Yukiko, who was busy slicing the pizza still wearing nothing but her towel.

  "Actually..." she began. "Would you mind if I just dropped the towel?"

  Sarah was confused by the request, but quickly acceded. "No, why would I?"

  Yukiko smiled. "Just wasn't sure if it'd offend a real nudist."

  "Well I think it'd be hypocritical if it did."

  "You're awesome Sarah," Yukiko said. Moments later, Yukiko let the towel fall off her and then tossed it on the back of a chair. "Now let's dig in."

  This was the first time Sarah had really gotten a good look at Yukiko's naked body - up until now she'd only seen brief glimpses of it. Yukiko was a small girl with typical Asian features. She had short hair and small b-cup breasts capped by tiny dark nipples, and pubic hair that was shaved into a tiny heart, which Sarah actually thought was cute when she first noticed it. Yukiko had a bit of a runner's body, not surprising given the girl's daily jogs. Sarah tried not to stare too much as the two girls ate their pizza, conscious of how it made herself feel when people did it to her. But after a few minutes she didn't even have to resist, the lack of clothes just seemed normal. It wasn't that Sarah wasn't aware of their nudity, but rather there was just little to be made of it between the two friends.

  "So I guess your job isn't going so well?" Sarah asked as she finished the first slice.

  "It's fine, just dull," Yukiko answered. "I think I'm going to switch my major next semester to something more interesting."

  "Any idea what?"

  "Dunno yet. English, maybe, and become a writer," Yukiko answered. "But I guess I have the summer to think about it, so I'm not too worried. How are you liking yours?"

  Humiliating. "It's alright. Can't say I'm doing anything important really, but I'm getting a lot out of just being there, networking and stuff. I think of one of the lawyers, Tom, really likes me, so hopefully he'll be a good contact down the road."

  The two girls continued to chit chat through dinner and into the night, talking about life, family, past relationships. Sarah was surprised to learn how late Yukiko had come out as a lesbian; she'd been openly gay the entire time she'd known her, but it had only happened in her last year of high school. Sarah, in turn, related her high school experiences with boys - which all sounded terribly shallow now. Both girls had dated some in the past year, but neither had found a significant other since coming to college.

  If someone had told her a few weeks ago that the most normal feeling thing about her life would be hanging out naked with a lesbian, Sarah would have thought that person was nuts. But as the evening progressed, she felt a warm sisterly affection for her roommate. Their mutual nudity served to reinforce a spiritual openness between them, exposed souls as well as exposed skin. Although Sarah didn't confess her deepest secrets, about why she was a nudist and how it made her feel, but she did share pretty much everything else, much more than she ever had with Yukiko before. And Yukiko shared a lot in turn, Sarah learned a lot she hadn't known before.

  In spite of all that had happened, Sarah went to sleep that night with a smile and a mind at peace, and grateful for having such a great friend.

  Chapter 10

  Fridays, Sarah had learned, were basically the same everywhere. No matter how busy an office normally was, what went on there, or how many people were normally workaholics, pretty much everyone found an excuse to be gone by 4:30.
So it was that Sarah found herself doing the last of her work in a half empty office.

  Which she was actually happy about. Sure, she'd have liked to have taken off early too... but in a way it felt good to be able to work without feeling like the entire office was looking over her shoulder. Not that her shoulders were what attracted the most attention. This was her third week on the job, and already she'd grown to appreciate this hour or so of relative peace every week.

  Tom came into the office with a huff, walking quickly to his office. Sarah knew he'd been at the courthouse today, and it looked like it didn't go too well. Sarah considered just letting him walk by, but she was too curious about what happened.

  "Hey Tom," she called out as he passed by.

  "Oh, hey Sarah," he said, as if he hadn't even noticed her.

  "Something wrong?"

  Tom sighed. "The defense attorney fed the Judge some procedural BS... long story short, she won't accept the depositions in their current format, we have to redo them."

  Sarah was shocked. She'd helped with these all last week. "All 500 of them?"

  Tom looked at her and nodded. "Sarah - I know it's a lot to ask, but would you mind staying late? I'm going to burn the midnight oil on this one, and I could use the hand... and the company. I'd make sure you got overtime for it. And if we get it all done tonight, I won't have to come in tomorrow... so I'll seriously owe you."

  Sarah looked at the clock. 4:45. She cringed a little, but agreed.

  Tom smiled. "Thanks."

  The two of them began the laborious task of reformatting the forms. It turned out to be really stupid - the Judge's complaint was that the date, signature, and ID weren't all on the same page of the documents. Tom quickly created a new template on the computer that conformed to the Judge's specification, but it still required to go through the computer files to copy and paste each statement into the new template, as well as properly fill out all the fields, print, and put each one in a mailer to be re-signed. It was mindless, repetitive work, and there was an awful lot of it.

  The office was practically empty by the time they really got started; Tom hadn't asked anyone else to stay and help. This added to the enigma of Tom Matthews, at least from Sarah's perspective - she was sure she was being singled out because he wanted to spend the time with her specifically. In some respects, he was totally professional, and seemed to respect Sarah mostly for her mind and her work ethic. On the other hand, he was consistently one of the worst "lookers" in the entire place, often inviting Sarah into his office seemingly with little purpose other than to look her over. Although when he looked at her, it was different somehow - not that it made Sarah any less self conscious. She had a tough time putting her finger on it, but she sensed he was doing more than just ogling her, like he was also deep in thought whenever he checked out her body. She'd had learned through office gossip he was married but separated - he didn't wear a ring, and he didn't talk about it. Sarah mostly liked him - he was friendly, kind, and never acted like he was better than anyone else. This was a perfect example, actually - some of the other lawyers would have stuck the interns with this task and gone home, but that wasn't in Tom. It's just that he was... well, a guy. And guys liked naked women, she guessed.

  Together, they knocked out 75 in the first hour. Sarah realized how late that meant she'd be here, and excused herself to make a phone call.

  "Hey Yukiko," Sarah said.

  "Hey sweety," Yukiko replied in a husky voice. "So, what are you wearing?"

  "Listen... Hey!" Sarah said, laughing.

  "Oh, oops, thought this was a phone sex line."

  "Cut it out, I'm on an office line."

  "Yeah yeah... what's up?"

  "I won't be home until late tonight, so don't wait for me on dinner."

  "Office romance?"

  "Only the love of the job..."

  "Hah! Well, suit yourself. Are we still on for tomorrow night with your mom though?"


  "Alright, have fun!"

  Sarah groaned at the mention of her mom. Though they'd mended fences over the last couple of weeks, Sarah knew her mom still wasn't completely okay with the nudist thing. Nevertheless, she'd insisted on coming up to take the girls out for dinner in honor of Sarah and Yukiko's birthday next week (They were born only three days apart). Sarah was happy her mom was trying so hard and respected her for that, but she couldn't help but think about her mom's reaction last time they saw each other and worried it wouldn't go any better.

  But that wasn't until tomorrow. Tonight, she had work to do.

  Sarah noticed the printer tray was getting full, and figured now would be a good time to clear it and sort the ones they'd done so far. She walked over to it and bent over to grab the stacks. It was only after she'd begun that she noticed what she was doing... bending over at the waist, giving a full view of her behind to Tom who was sitting barely ten feet away. She could almost feel his eyes studying her bare, round butt and eying her pussy lips so shyly poking out between her legs. The mental image made her feel a surge of warmth.

  Sarah, this is the office! She scolded herself, as she became flushed with embarrassment at what she'd done.

  But is was just she and Tom... and she knew Tom did like to look...

  She took the stack of papers back over to the desk and stood there sorting them. She stood with her legs just a little further apart than she normally would, the whole time conscious of how her pussy was just about at Tom's eye level. There was a glisten to it... part of her was terrified Tom would notice, part of her hoped he would.

  If he did notice, he didn't say anything... but she did notice his productivity dropped.

  When Sarah was done she took the stack of papers to the filing cabinet where these papers would be kept until Monday, standing on her toes and stretching out her legs in order to see the contents of the top drawer, twisting just a little to show off her bare thighs.

  "Amazing," Sarah heard Tom say quietly, probably without even realizing he'd said it.

  Embarrassed, but feeling a rush of adrenalin, Sarah returned to her seat opposite Tom, jiggling her breasts as she sat down.

  This continued for the next two hours, with Sarah doing all she could to draw Tom's attention to her naked body, alternately feeling ashamed and thrilled when it worked. She knew how to tease; she'd become quite skilled at it in high school, making sure all the boys had a very good idea of exactly what they couldn't see. This was the first time trying those techniques nude though. Without clothes, she wasn't teasing... she was showing off.

  By nine o'clock they were just about two thirds done, and Sarah was so horny she felt like she'd explode at any moment.

  Oh my God I can't believe myself, she thought. This is nuts Sarah, you're going to get fired.

  But the glisten had turned into a trickle traveling down her leg, and she couldn't seem to stop herself. Besides, didn't nudists have the right to do this? No modesty, after all... they could display their body any way they chose, right up to and including masturbating and having sex in public. Not that Sarah would ever do that; the very thought of it was mortifying.

  "Tom, I have to hit the lady's room, I'll be back," she said, and then walked out of the office with a sway in her hip.

  So while Sarah could have masturbated right in front of him if she'd wanted, for now she was content to do it in the relative privacy of a bathroom stall... which she did in rather short order. The hours of teasing had made her hornier than she'd ever been, and she had an amazing orgasm after a few short minutes of rubbing her clit.

  Chapter 11

  Sarah's mom, sporting an elegant summer dress, looked pensive as she sat at the restaurant table. To her right sat Yukiko, wearing pants and a light blouse. Both women were dressed in accordance with the upscale atmosphere of the restaurant they were at. Sarah, sitting to Yukiko's right and directly across from her mom, sat naked - uncomfortably aware of the way her exposed breasts hung just above the height of the table. They'd met at the re
staurant only a few minutes before; this was the first time the mother and daughter had seen each other since that emotional night almost four weeks ago.

  The occasion was Sarah and Yukiko's 19th birthdays, though they didn't officially occur until that coming Monday and Thursday, respectively.

  The three sat in an awkward silence, looking over the menu. None wanted to mention the naked elephant in the room; it seemed better to be silent than to risk emotions flaring.

  Sarah's mom was the first to break the silence - "So, when did you finally get home last night?"

  Sarah blushed, as images of her performance for Tom last night came back to her. "Almost one in the morning," Sarah answered.

  "I hope they paid you. And be careful - it's not safe for a girl like you to be walking around this city so late at night," her mom replied.


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