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How Sarah Became a Nudist

Page 10

by NTS

  It wasn't until they were walking through the building's lobby that Lisa really spoke again. "I... I wanted to thank you for saving my marriage."

  Sarah was deeply confused. "... how?"

  The two naked women exited out onto the street. Sarah immediately felt her usual self consciousness that asserted itself whenever she was naked outdoors, but she did her best to bury it. Instead she tried to focus on the pleasant sensation of warm sunlight striking her bare breasts, and the benefit of being nude in this scorching 95 degree early July weather. Still, two naked women garnered four times the attention Sarah was used to, and she remained keenly aware of it as they began walking down the busy street.

  "Not all of us are so lucky to realize that we're nudists early in life, Sarah," Lisa began as they waited at a stoplight, and were openly being ogled by a sitting motorist. "I only just registered four months ago."

  Less recently than me, Sarah thought, but kept it to herself. They crossed the street and continued to walk down the next block, passing by a group of teenagers who took their photos with camera phones. Sarah hoped no one noticed how hard she blushed as they took pictures. Lisa, by contrast, just smiled at them, offering a quick pose as they walked by.

  Lisa continued her narrative: "In the ten years since we'd been married, Tom was the only person in the world who saw me naked. That changed one day at the gym."

  "After working out, I'd always spend some time in the sauna - I only ever wore a towel, and for the two years I'd been going it hadn't been any sort of problem. Then one day last February, I was the victim of a teenager prank - he grabbed my towel and ran with it. And without thinking I chased after him. I ran naked right through the pool area and into the middle of the gym, where I finally stopped and realized what I was doing. But by then there were dozens of eyes on me. I felt mortified."

  Lisa paused. They crossed another street and entered a park; the busy street gave way to trees, benches, and an open field of grass where some teenagers were playing frisbee. Sarah was amazed at Lisa's apparent confidence as they walked along naked. The subtle body language of the two naked women couldn't have been more different. Sarah felt assaulted by the countless eyeballs that leered at her naked body as she went by, and did her best to minimize attention and shrink from the public view. Lisa, on the other hand, openly flaunted herself as she walked - treating onlookers to better views of her breasts, ass, legs, and whatever else happened to catch their attention. Observing Lisa brought a familiar tingle to the spot between Sarah's legs, and Sarah caught herself wishing she could be a bit more like that... but she quickly suppressed that urge. She didn't want any sort of a repeat performance of the club from a few weeks ago.

  "Here, let's sit. Tom isn't expecting us for a few more minutes, anyway," Lisa offered, parking herself on a bench. Sarah watched with amazement - and maybe still a twinge of jealousy - at how Lisa acted. Lisa sat down with her legs wide open, offer the world a clear view of her perfectly smooth and bare pussy. She leaned back and spread her arms on either side of the bench - giving a clear view of her whole body to every person in the park who happened to look their way. Lisa clearly felt no shame whatsoever about being naked in public.

  By contrast, Sarah sat down and immediately crossed her legs, and then twisted to face Sarah, using one arm to block people's view of her breasts as best she could without being obvious about it. She was still perpetually embarrassed by her nudity.

  Lisa continued her story. "Anyway, the funny thing was... over the next couple of days, the memory got less embarrassing and more... well, being naked like that hadn't been so bad, and it had ignited a curiosity in me. At first I thought I was nuts. But I started experimenting by walking around naked more - in the house, at least, and by myself. And it was just intoxicating. I can't really put it into words, but you know what I'm talking about, right?"

  "Of course," Sarah lied.

  "Well, it was around that time that the S-Mart case was in its earliest stages. Tom was talking about it with me one night and it just hit me: I was a nudist. I'd never realized it before then, but there was just no doubt in my mind. I knew that's how I should be - naked, unashamed, and proud of my body. There was no reason I should keep it hidden from the world."

  Lisa sighed, as if reliving a fond memory. Sarah felt a little awkward, unable to relate to Lisa's impulses. Prior to registering as a nudist, Sarah had never felt a desire to be naked for anything other than taking a shower.

  "But I still had to be sure. So I went back to the gym the following week. I was a nervous wreck," Lisa laughed "But I convinced myself to lose the towel on my own this time. I walked from the sauna, through the gym, and into the locker room with nothing but a smile. People looked shocked, they stared, they couldn't believe it... but it was just amazing! I stopped and registered as a nudist on my way home. I haven't worn clothes since."

  "But you said I saved your marriage?"

  "Yes well... the thing was... I did all this without telling Tom really... and he was pretty surprised to come home and find that I was naked and had gotten rid of all my clothes. I tried to explain it to him... but let's just say it wasn't pretty. I guess it's one thing to represent and work with naked people as a lawyer, but there's a double standard when it comes to your wife. He just didn't understand why I'd want the world to see me naked, except if I was some sort of slut. He walked out on me that night."

  "I'm sorry," Sarah said, unsure what else to say.

  "But then he met you, Sarah!" Lisa exclaimed. "I think in getting to know you, you changed his opinion of nudists. Last week, he started talking about what an amazing girl you were - and how completely carefree you were with your body in such an innocent sort of way - and how he finally understood that it's nothing that nudists are doing that's wrong... it's the people looking who see what they want to see. And I think, finally, he saw me in a new way too, for who I am. And I have you to thank."

  They sat for a moment, while Sarah absorbed the story. She was dumbfounded and a little flattered. She'd had no idea she was impacting Tom like that. All this time, she'd thought he was just like most every other guy, ogling her just because she was a naked woman. Sarah looked down at herself - bare skin that she hadn't been able to keep private in nearly two months now. Other people looked at that, and saw her as a lifestyle nudist. She'd spent so much effort trying to project exactly that image, but still felt a little surprised at being perceived that way.

  Lisa spent a silent minute soaking the sun’s rays, oblivious or simply uncaring of who might be watching. Spread out and exposed, she breathed deep and ran her hands over her body, massaging the sunlight into her breasts, and concluding by pinching a nipple. Sarah almost felt ashamed to watch herself - she just couldn't fathom how Lisa could do that without feeling humiliated to put on such a display.

  Against her will, memories of what Sarah had felt like at the club a few weeks ago came flooding back. She actually felt a new twinge of jealousy towards Lisa. Tom might have looked to Sarah as the model, but Lisa was clearly the better nudist. She much more confident with her nudity than Sarah could ever hope to be, and clearly lacked any reservations about public displays - she was exactly as immodest and carefree that nudists were supposed to be.

  Finally Lisa said "Ah well, shall we get lunch? Tom's probably waiting."

  The restaurant turned out to be a sidewalk cafe on the other side of the park, and Tom was indeed already waiting for them there.

  "Hello, lovely ladies!" Tom greeted them, pulling out a chair each for his wife and Sarah.

  Sarah wasn't exactly thrilled to be eating outdoors, where she'd surely be gawked at by hundreds of passersby, but she felt a sudden obligation to continue being a model nudist for Tom and Lisa's sake. The three of them made some small talk as they looked over the menu, and Sarah tried to put the nearby pedestrians and traffic out of her mind. She was nevertheless glad to have a pair of sunglasses to hide behind, even though that was all she had to hide behind. A waiter took their order a
few minutes later and stared at Lisa the whole time. Sarah couldn't decide if she was relieved or annoyed - as much as she hated excess attention on her naked body, it was a little disconcerting when she didn't get it.

  The lunch actually turned into a pleasant outing for Sarah. They talked about work, but they also asked about school, Sarah's future plans, and lots of other subjects. She realized this was the first time she'd seen Tom outside of the office - he seemed more relaxed here, and even friendlier than normal. Having Lisa around may have helped to shape Sarah's impression though... he spent more time looking at his wife's breasts than Sarah's. Lisa didn't seem to take any offense whenever he looked at either of them, but Sarah found herself feeling yet another twinge of jealousy over the attention Lisa got.

  Not that there wasn't plenty of attention to go around. Every pedestrian that walked by gave a long look at the two naked women. A few openly stopped and stared before finally moving on. Lisa paid them little heed, but Sarah felt a familiar stirring below as she ate her salad. Inspired a bit by Lisa, she lifted her breasts up a little and subtly positioned her chair to show off her legs a bit more to people on the street - just in time to have a picture taken, which made her blush. In between the conversation and food, she kept glancing out to see how many people were looking, feeling that mix of embarrassment and excitement that drove her wild.

  Amazingly though, Sarah's exhibitionism was outmatched. Lisa sat with her breasts thrusted out and legs spread apart the whole meal. Between a beauty that even Sarah couldn't compete with and her body language, Lisa got the lion's share of attention from pedestrians. At the end of the meal, Sarah watched in stunned amazement as Lisa's left hand slid between her legs and began to finger herself as she spoke. She was actually masturbating. In public. And acting like it was the most normal thing in the world. A small crowd gathered on the sidewalk to watch Lisa as she performed, while Sarah tried to answer a question about the courses she was taking next semester, not quite able to believe what was happening. A few minutes later, Lisa's eyes glossed over as a shiver ran through her body. She'd obviously had a small orgasm.

  Sarah blushed hard just watching, but at the same time found her own urge had grown too strong to ignore. She politely excused herself from the table, but not before Lisa noticed the glistening moisture that had developed between Sarah's legs. The two women winked at each other before Sarah headed for the bathroom.

  Safely locked in the privacy of a lady's room stall, Sarah closed her eyes and imagined she was still outside at the table, masturbating just as Lisa had, without any shame or modesty at all. The mental picture was enough to turn her crimson red with embarrassment... but it just made the resulting orgasm that much stronger.

  Chapter 15

  Sarah wandered the halls of her dormitory, feeling a little overwhelmed as she tried to find her way back to the lobby. Her parents had dropped her off hours ago, and she was feeling that combined sense of liberation, excitement, and fear at living independently for the first time in her life. It was the first day, and it felt a little weird being on her own, naked, over a hundred miles from home.


  For a brief moment that seemed weird. But Sarah examined herself and reconfirmed, she was naked. Why wouldn't she be?

  Sarah turned heads when she walked into the lobby. She posed, briefly, giving everyone a chance to see. It felt good to show her body like that. There were already dozens of people in the lobby, and the RA's had begun organizing activities designed to help people meet each other and make friends. Sarah looked forward to joining in - she'd been so popular last year in high school, and she assumed that that popularity would continue in college life. It was easy to see already that being a nudist would help with that; all the boys took an immediate interest.

  She walked to the table and wrote "Sarah" on a "HELLO! MY NAME IS ____" nametag, and stuck it to her bare breast. She began walking around and introducing herself. A lot of people stared, but she didn't care. She wasn't ashamed of her body and took pride in the fact that people liked to look at it. She enjoyed the fact that so many could see her naked. She showed off confidently, giving her dormmates a good view of her body as she walked around introducing herself.

  After one of the mini-games, Sarah was greeted by an Asian girl who introduced herself as Yukiko. Sarah in turn greeted her warmly.

  "You have gorgeous breasts," Yukiko told her.

  "Thank you," Sarah said, thrusting them out just a tiny bit more, to make it easier for Yukiko to keep appreciating them.

  "May I touch them?" Yukiko asked.

  "Of course," Sarah answered. She'd been secretly hoping Yukiko would ask that - sure, the Asian girl wasn't naked, but she was clearly very sexy.

  Yukiko reached out and began to fondle Sarah's breasts. Her touch was electric, making Sarah gasp as Yukiko expertly fondled them and feelings of pleasure shot through her naked body. Sarah's pussy was already wet from exhibiting herself all day, but she felt positively orgasmic as Yukiko's fingers caressed her nipples.

  They were in Sarah's room. She wasn't sure how they got there. It didn't matter. Her lust for this sexy Asian girl grew maddeningly. She started kissing Yukiko, which was returned in kind. Together, they guided themselves down onto the sheetless bed....

  A ray of sunlight caught Sarah's eye. She blinked at it, but it didn't go away. So she turned, and with a startle she realized Yukiko wasn't there. It was just a dream. Of course, it was a dream.

  It had more or less been how the first day had gone, at least as far as the meet and greet in the lobby. But she hadn't been naked on her first day of school last year, her mind just inserted that part. Also she'd barely spoken to Yukiko that first day - it wasn't until later that semester that they became friends, and they hadn't been particularly close until the end of the year Sarah became a nudist and they'd moved into each other. And that stuff she'd be doing right before she woke up... well, Sarah had certainly never, ever felt any attraction to Yukiko. She was straight, for pete's sake.

  She looked at the alarm clock next to her bed. It was about 9 am. It was Monday, the Fourth of July, and the only day off she'd have all summer. She lounged in bed for a few more minutes before lazily getting up and washing the last vestiges of sleep away in the shower, the strange dream already fading from memory.

  Sarah poured herself some cereal for breakfast and then muddled around the apartment for a bit, but already the boredom was setting in. Yukiko had gone home to see her own parents for the weekend, leaving Sarah with the apartment to herself for the long weekend. She'd spent the last two days here alone, mostly watching movies on TV and reading, thinking about everything and nothing in particular. She'd originally been grateful for the solitude, but by this morning she was feeling a little stir crazy. Naked or not, she was normally a very social girl and going this long shut in her apartment without human contact was getting to her.

  Sarah looked out the window. It was a bright, sunny, hot summer's day. "You may as well go out, Sarah," she told herself. "It's not like you're not naked in public all the time anyway - avoiding it at this point is just dumb. And look, you're talking to yourself."

  Of course, saying it was one thing, but public nudity still made her anxious, and the embarrassment could be overwhelming... to say nothing of the other ways it made her feel. She thought again about Lisa, and how that nudist had behaved the other day - totally open, totally confident. Sarah spent a lot of time this past weekend wishing she could be like that, naked without a care for the way other people looked at her. Mostly because it would make her life now so much easier, but also because there was an increasingly big part of her that found it exciting. Her fantasies lately had been taken over by images of very public sexual performances. But it just wasn't her, and she knew it. "You're not a nudist, Sarah," she said, talking to herself again. "Even if you do dress like one."

  She mulled around for another hour, mostly lounging on the couch and staring at the ceiling, trying to suppress her boredom. Her th
oughts again returned to going out, but then considered the other problem with the idea - she couldn't think of anywhere to go. Unfortunately, the only real friend she had in this city was Yukiko. Beyond that, her social life was kind of nonexistent - being naked and embarrassed all the time hadn't been conducive towards making new friends. And even with Yukiko, she'd rarely gone out, again owing mostly to Sarah's shyness about being naked.

  Finally, Sarah decided she just had to get out, even if she was naked. Or maybe because she was naked. To motivate herself, she tried to focus on the part of her that got off on the idea, rather than the part of her that was embarrassed by it. She definitely didn't want to take it too far - but if she could go, walk around for a bit, and maybe get a little pleasure from it, that wouldn't be so bad.

  She grabbed her purse, making sure her keys and phone were in it, and then headed out, without really knowing where she was going.


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