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Thug Passion 2

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by Mz. Lady P

  Chapter 15- Malik

  Love Don't Change

  Things had been going so good between Barbie and I. The shit that just transpired was about to have me in the doghouse. Since Barbie caught my ass with that stripper, I had been faithful. I'm glad I cut Keisha ass off months ago. She never could keep her mouth closed and was always going around the city telling everybody we a couple. I'm surprised that shit never got back to Barbie before now.

  Regardless to the bitch running off at the mouth, Barbie had no business fighting while she was pregnant. I felt sorry for Keisha and Sabrina because Barbie and Tahari fucked them girls up in that bathroom. Ever since we made it in the crib, Barbie had been giving me the cold shoulder. At first, I wanted to just let her be mad and get over it. On the other hand, I knew that I owed her some type of explanation. I wish I could wrap my hands around Keisha's damn neck myself. I tell you about thirsty bitches.

  I walked through the house and found Barbie in the kitchen eating. I pulled out a chair and sat at the table across from Barbie.

  "I don't even want to hear shit you have to say, Malik. You can keep them lies and stick it up your ass."

  "I wasn't about to lie about shit. I have every intention on sitting here and keeping shit all the way one hundred with you."

  "Nigga, you don't have a truthful bone in your body. As much street status as you have I can believe you're out her fucking these ratchet ass bitches. Let me ask you a question, do I fulfill your needs in the bedroom?" I couldn't believe Barbie was asking me a damn question like that. I stood up from the side of the table I was on and sat beside her.

  "Of course you satisfy me." I grabbed her hands and kissed the back of them.

  "If that's true, Malik, why do you always cheat on me?"

  "The shit is complicated. I don't think you would understand if I told you. Plus, I'm not ready to talk about that."

  "We're about to get married, Malik. If you can't have a serious conversation with me in regards to why you cheat; then there is no reason for us to keep going through these motions. I want us to raise our baby together, but I can't be with you if I'm not enough for you." I had to think long and hard about what Barbie had just said. Lord knows I never wanted to lose her behind my indiscretions.

  "If there's any consolation, I haven't cheated on you since the stripper incident."

  "No that is not any consolation especially when I can't even go to the bathroom without a bitch describing how good your dick is." Barbie got up from the table and walked away from me. I fired up a blunt and smoked the whole thing to the face. I couldn't be sober when I told her about what happened to me as a child. I never talked about that shit.

  The older I have gotten the more I pushed it further from my mind. Some days it was as if the shit never happened. At other times, I woke up in cold sweats due to nightmares of me being raped and sodomized. It felt good to have Barbie lying next to me; she held me until I was able to fall back to sleep. I trusted her with my life and my heart.

  I'd just never had the courage to tell her what happened to me. My biggest fear was that she would look at me differently, however; she deserved to know the method to my madness. She deserved that much. She had been my ride or die chick from the jump and she needed to know each and everything about me no matter how uncomfortable I was about the subject. I walked into our bedroom and Barbie was lying on her side with her back facing me.

  "Are you woke, Bae? I need to talk to you about something."

  "Yeah, I'm just laying here thinking about us."

  "What I'm about to tell you is one of the hardest things I ever had to do in my life. I just hope you don't look at me differently after I tell you." I couldn't look her in her face, so our backs were facing each other.

  "I know you have heard us talk about Snake before. Well as I kid, he used to touch me inappropriately. Basically, he used to rape Ta’Jay and me. He would rape me every chance he got. Bae, he did things to me that I am so ashamed of. In some strange way, I feel like that's why I was cheating with multiple women. Growing up, I was afraid that the things he did to me or made me do to him had made me gay. Every time I fucked any bitch it was purely off the fact of proving a point to myself in regards to my sexuality. I know for a fact I'm not gay. It's just that I needed reassurance." Barbie wrapped her arms around me and held me around my neck so tight.

  "Malik you don't need to have sex with multiple females to prove that you're not gay. Each and every day that you wake up next to me is all the validation you need. This baby is all the validation you need. Please know that what that sick motherfucker did to you was not your fault. I'm here for the long haul; you never have to worry about me looking at you differently because of this. If there's any consolation for you, I believe that you haven't cheated on me recently. I see your growth and how you're trying to change. I love you for that, Malik. All I ask is that whenever you’re questioning yourself please come and talk to me first. When in doubt, think of me and our love will never change."

  "Thanks for understanding, Bae." I kissed her on the lips and we embraced one another. I just wanted to lie next to her and hold her forever. A big relief had been lifted off of my shoulders after talking with Barbie. I'm glad we made the decision to make it official. She was all the validation I need.

  Chapter 16-Thug

  Regrets of a Thug (Part 1)

  The moment I pulled away from the curb and left Tahari there I regretted it. I had the driver go back around to get her, but she had already gotten into the cab. Once I made it home, I fired up a Kush blunt and sat on the couch waiting for her to arrive home. I was pissed at Tahari. She had to understand that thirsty bitches came with the territory. We have had this conversation several times. Each time she told me she wouldn't let silly bitches get to her, but she did just that tonight.

  I went all out to make her birthday special and she ruined it by fighting in the bathroom. My wife was rocking a four thousand dollar dress. There was no way she was supposed to be fighting with a bitch rocking a dress that looked like it came from Rainbow. Tahari was a Queen and Queens never got off of their Throne to address peasants. Real Talk. I never even gave her the birthday gift I got for her.

  I got her a new 2014 Audi and a custom made Rolex to match mine. I hated to do her like that, but she had to know that she couldn't be acting like that in public. All the liquor I had consumed started to take over I ended up dozing off on the couch. When I woke up, it was six in the morning and Tahari was not there. I started calling her phone, but it was going straight to voicemail.

  I hoped that she was just mad and went over to Barbie or Ta'Jay’s house. Once I called them, I knew I had fucked up. Tahari had nowhere else to go and I knew she wasn't that mad at me that she would leave without clothing or money. I immediately jumped on the expressway to head to Malik's house.

  As I drove, I noticed a cab taped off with yellow tape and traffic was at a halt. I stopped my car and ran full speed ahead. I knew it was the cab she was in as soon as I got close enough to see it. I remembered the operator telling me the number of the cab before it arrived.

  "Sir stop! You cannot go beyond this point!

  "You need to get the fuck out of my way. My wife was in that cab!" I broke away from the police officer. I looked inside and a sheet was over the body in the front driver's seat. In the backseat, was Tahari’s purse and one of her shoes. The world stopped for a minute. I died at that very moment. I had to really be out of it because I never felt a female grab onto my arm.

  "Sir, are you okay?"

  "Do you know if they found the woman that was in the cab?" I asked her, but in my heart I knew different.

  "No. I saw the whole thing unfold right before my eyes." I instantly grabbed the woman and walked her back to my car. "I'm not going to hurt you, but that woman was my wife. Please tell me what you saw from the beginning.”

  "Well it happened so fast. Eight gunmen made the cabbie pull over, they got out and one of them shot the cab driver, the next thing I k
now they pulled the girl from the back. She was putting up a good fight, but it wasn't enough for the big burly man that carried her to the Lincoln Town car and threw her inside."

  I was in shock and it was then I felt the tears falling.

  "I'm so sorry young man." The woman rubbed my shoulder and I reached in my pocket and handed her a couple of hundred dollar bills. "No. You might need that to help get your wife back.” The woman exited the car and I drove away.

  I had failed my baby. I knew shit was hectic out here in these streets, but I was just so caught up in the moment. I practically handed my baby over to the wolves. I called Malik and Sarge and informed them of the situation. My nigga Dro had just touched down and was ready to put in work, so I called him, as well. I needed all hands on deck. I sat on the couch and I noticed a paper in between the pillows. I grabbed it out and it was a fucking letter from this bitch Khia.

  As I read the letter, the wheels in my head started to turn when I got to the part about her knowing Venom's whereabouts. It had to be him who took her mainly because if had it been any other nigga they would have killed her, too. Lord knows I have laid a lot of niggas down in my time, so if it were retaliation that was the route they would have taken.

  I knew for a fact he had her. I just didn't understand his reasoning for kidnapping his own daughter. The shit was crazy and made no sense. I needed to head over to the County Jail. I hoped and prayed Khia hadn't killed herself just yet. I needed some info from this suicidal bitch. Before I left to see Khia, I waited until everyone showed up. I had to get their input on me making the decision that I was about to make.

  "This shit is getting out of hand, Big Bro!" Malik said, sounding pissed.

  "How could you make her catch a cab, Ka'Jaire? What are we going to do if they kill her?" Ta'Jay was crying and so was Barbie.

  "I was mad. I fucked up, Ta’Jay." I put my head in my hand because tears where threatening to fall. I had never cried this much in my life. “Venom and Cassie have Tahari. The only person that can help me get her back is Khia.”

  "Oh, hell no! Are you crazy? That psychotic ass bitch tried to kill her. Now she trying to help save her?" Barbie was standing up over me hollering at me. I looked over at Malik to get control of her ass. I was in no mood to be explaining shit to Barbie.

  "She doesn't know that she is about help. Here read this." I handed them the letter I found and I sat back and waited for each of them to finish reading.

  "She really isn't saying anything that looks like it could get Lil Sis out that jam," Sarge spoke up.

  "I guarantee you that bitch knows more. Nico was the type of nigga that pillow talked about street shit with his bitch. Remember he brought Khia to a drug deal and she was pregnant as hell?"

  "Oh, hell yeah. I remember that shit," Malik said as he took a blunt from behind his ear.

  "Malik, you better not fire that shit up by me. I told you it makes me nauseous!" I just shook my head; no matter what was going on they would argue about something.

  "Barbie and Ta'Jay, I need y’all to go and bond Khia out of jail. Don't say shit just go do it. Grab one million out of the family business account. It's better if we take it out of that account instead of our personal ones. The Feds won't be sniffing up our asses because that money is legit and we pay taxes on that shit. Take that bitch out to the hideaway house. Give us a call as soon as you have that bitch in your possession. Don't fuck this up. I mean that shit. I need y’all to put your game faces on and your animosity to the side." They left and headed over the jail to get Khia. I hoped and prayed that they didn't fuck this up. I laid my head back on the couch and closed my eyes.

  "Don't worry Big Bro we're going to get Tahari back," Malik said with more confidence than I had at that moment.

  Chapter 17- Khia

  Second Chances

  Lying here on this dirty ass cot I couldn't help but to think about my son. How could I let jealousy and hatred get in the way of me being a mother? Prior to all the bullshit, I was a good mother. I just was weak over a man. I should have known Nico would get his damn self killed fucking with Thug. Nico wanted to be Thug so bad.

  I lost all respect for him as I watched him try to replicate another man. He hated the fact that Tahari was with Thug and that made him even crazier. He wanted her back and didn't want my son or me anymore. My baby was the splitting image of him. Looking at him was like looking in the mirror. The shit was spooky. I was glad my mother was able to get custody of my son. Now I could breathe a little easier because I knew he was in good hands.

  I have really been contemplating suicide. Every time I wrapped the sheet around my neck Lil Nico popped into my mind. I was too scared to face my fate, so I wanted to take the coward’s way out and just end it all. The sound of my cell opening caused me to jump.

  "Gather up your belongings your bond has been posted." For a minute I went deaf. Who in the hell is bonding me out? I was anxious to see who it was. A part of me prayed that it was Nico, but that was wishful thinking. He was never coming back from that shit Tahari and Thug did to him.

  It took about five hours to be processed completely out. I still had to go back to court for my case. I was just able to be out and about freely while I awaited trial. The correctional officer escorted me out and I walked out of the jail. I turned right back around to go back inside the jail when I saw Barbie and Ta'Jay crazy. The last time I saw them they were beating the fuck out of me. I had two fractured ribs and a fucking concussion. They ran up towards me and yanked my ass and put me in the backseat of the car.

  "If y’all bonded me out to kill me, let’s get this shit done and over with." I was scared as hell in the car with Thelma and Louise.

  "Shut the fuck up. You lucky I didn't kill your ass when you stabbed my fucking sister. Sit back there and don't say shit!" Ta'Jay looked like she had death in her eyes as she spoke. What surprised me was that Barbie was quiet the whole ride. She was the real nut out of this duo.

  After a while, we arrived to a secluded area that was surrounded by a lot of trees and shit. I just knew they were about to bury my ass alive. I said a silent prayer as the car stopped in front of a beautiful log cabin. I had never seen anything like it. They pulled me out of the car and escorted me in the house. I could have shitted in the floor when I walked in and Thug, Malik, and Sarge were all seated on the couch with blunts hanging from their mouths. Guns were all over the table. They were cleaning them and loading them.

  "Calm down and have a seat." Thug spoke in a calm tone accompanied with the look of death in his eyes.

  "I know you're wondering why we bonded you out. I'm going to get straight to the point. Tahari has been kidnapped by Venom and Cassie. I found the letter that you sent to her. After reading it, I came to the conclusion that you know more information about them than you divulged to her. You're the key to bringing my baby home. If you help me with finding her, I will help you with beating your case. You can walk away a free woman and raise your son." Thug handed me the blunt and I took a long hard pull from it. I closed my eyes and let the Kush flow through my veins. I exhaled and I had made my decision. I had to do it for Tahari and my son.

  "I'm all in Thug."

  "Now that we have your cooperation, I want to know everything there is to know about them. Please don't be on no slick shit because I won't hesitate to put some hot shit in your dome." He didn't even have to worry about it. I owed Tahari for everything I had ever put her through.

  "One day I was doing a drug run with Nico and he was meeting up with a supplier from Miami who wanted to put his dope on the streets here. The only problem was he couldn't get any of the young niggas to sell his shit because you run these streets and only your shit is floating through the city. When we got to a warehouse it was Venom, Cassie, and Detective Grimes. I had no idea who they were and neither did Nico, but we were familiar with Grimes.

  Him and Nico had teamed up to take you down. I can't think of this bitch's name that was fucking Grimes, but she wanted Tahari out of th
e picture so that she could be with you. Once Venom heard your name, he went crazy talking about y’all ruined his life. He wanted you dead for killing his brother. Him and Grimes is the reason why your mother is in prison. They had no grounds to search her house and the shit they came out with they had officers plant it."

  Thug jumped up and punched a hole in the wall. "Bitch ass niggas! Got my momma doing fucking time for shit. First thing in the morning, we're going to the State Attorney's office. We got to get Peaches up out that jam." He grabbed a fifth of Remy and drunk straight from the bottle. He looked like a madman. I waited for him to calm down and started back telling them what I knew.

  "Venom had no idea that Tahari was your girl until Nico told him. That's when we found out she was their daughter. I was shocked because she told me her parents were dead. Cassie and Venom wanted Tahari back. They didn't want her having anything to do with y’all. They thought Nico could help getting her back by seducing her, but she wasn't going. Plus, he never told that man how he used to beat the shit out of her.

  When he found out y’all was getting married he set a plan in motion to gun y’all down at the wedding. Nico and Grimes were supposed to help them out, but as you know they never made it. I was so mad that Nico was focused on Tahari and not me that I was blinded by rage especially when y’all killed him. So that's why I came to the wedding and did that to her. From the bottom of my heart, I'm sorry. I ruined your wedding day." Before I knew it, I was crying. I hurried up and wiped my tears.

  "It's cool, Khia, stay focused. I need to know where they laying they're head at?"

  "Once I went to they're estate in Bloomington, Illinois with Nico. He made me sit outside in the car because Venom didn't want anyone knowing where he laid his head. I know exactly where it's at. He had tight ass security outside, so if we going in to get her, we better be on point and ready for whatever."


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